ZetaTalk: Orientation

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The Zetas talk about whether Reincarnation exists; what the Key Characteristics of the two spiritual orientation choices are; what some Distinguishing Characteristics are; By What Names these alien group are known; what Spiritual

Evolution is; whether it is myth or truth that Heaven and Hell awaits our decision on spiritual orientation; whether the choice is irrevocable or Switching Sides occurs and how there can be Merging Later; how there will be an Increasing

Dichotomy and Rampant Violence during this Polarization Period, and how the Littleton Massacre and Amish

Massacre and Virginia Tech Massacre and Nebraska Massacre and Star Wars and Genetic Engineering relates to this; how political leanings such as Conservatives show orientation and why Leveling Wars result; how the orientations differ in their Day to Day and in dealing with the Pole Shift and the Aftertime. The Zetas talk about how the Zetas communicating to us here are the Service to Other Zetas; how spiritual orientation works when one is Without a Body;

what the orientation Lessons of 4th Density coming up next are; the differences in a Love Life between the orientations; whether it is all All Work, No Play with the Service-to-Others or are they a Little Bit Selfish; what the differences in the use of Telepathy are between the orientations, and how this affects Keeping Secrets and Telling the

Truth; and how the orientations differ When Under Attack and in the Hands of Man and will differ during the coming

Pole Shift.

The Zetas talk about how we can attend to our Spiritual Health and how one can best develop Spiritual Awareness;

whether the Self Righteous are right and self-help courses such as EST help; how determining our orientation is the lesson of 3rd Density and what factor Survival of the Fittest or the Tribulations or Life Circumstances we bear have on this; whether one can make a Conscious Choice of orientation and what our Self Doubts indicate; what concern for

Animal Rights indicates; whether Original Sin exists and how our track record re Sin affects our spiritual orientation; how aliens of both orientations influenced the words in The Good Book and the Golden Rule should predominate; why the Fatima Secret is still secret and Pope Ratzinger chosen; why it always seems that humans Attempt to Dominate;

whether Aggression is indicative of orientation; whether it helps to Turn the Other Cheek and what advice they have for the Good Samaritan; how to handle the issue of Trust or Divided Loyalties; and explain why there are no Short


The Zetas talk about whether War and Crime are caused by a Few Bad Apples; who benefited from WW II; why there is Sadism; what Nuclear Tests have to do with orientation; whether there are industrial criminals on a Pollution Power

Trip; who is responsible for Mutilations; why the Melchizedek Cult is is not what Melchizedek intended; whether the

Emissaries of Light are either; whether Stonehenge was built and Dragons were brought to Earth in the past by aliens; and whether Antartica houses aliens in the Service-to-Self.

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ZetaTalk: Reincarnation

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ZetaTalk: Reincarnation

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Regarding reincarnation. It exists. Through the Rule of Forgetfulness you do not remember your past lives during an

incarnation, unless circumstances cause you to remember. Each life, or incarnation, has a focus, a lesson. You may or

may not succeed in learning this lesson, and in this case this lesson will be before you in future lives. Some entities learn faster than others. Some backslide, and need to repeat prior lessons. Progress in the lessons may be made in

either the Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other path. Some lessons are harder to learn in this orientation or that. Entities sometimes find themselves switching orientations during lessons, but this is rare and usually fleeting.

The Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other orientation involves not just the choice of what one's goals are, it involves

how one relates to others while attempting to reach those goals. For instance, the Service-to-Self oriented entity

desires to surround itself with luxury and other entities under its control. When interfacing with others, it concentrates on effecting domination, whether by fear and intimidation or by bribery. The Service-to-Others oriented entity has

different goals, to assist others with their problems and to work jointly toward mutual goals. When interfacing with

others, it moves toward clarifying the goals of the group, and then volunteering a role in reaching those goals.

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ZetaTalk: Key Characteristics

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ZetaTalk: Key Characteristics

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

There is a common misunderstanding, that being that Service-to-Others is all bleeding heart concern and the Service-

to-Self is snarling greed. Nothing could be further from the truth. These animals come in various sizes and shapes.

One must look for the key characteristics, in fact, to even identify them. An example, look to ourselves. We are

Service-to-Others Zetas. Do we not defend ourselves? Do we not have particular goals we press? Do we lie down and

let others walk all over us? Yet we are concerned for the general welfare and work hard to improve this for ourselves

as well as others.

Likewise, the Service-to-Self are often misunderstood. As we have mentioned elsewhere, they can be charming and

diplomatic. The key is the goal, not the goal stated, which may be packaged to appeal to those to be duped, but the

actual goal. A reduction in pollution laws, packaged as enabling employers to stay in business, is in fact a power play by those who resent any restrictions on their power. The unemployment rate has nothing to do with this, but is waved

about as a reason. Wives are familiar with the common husband excuse for late hours and avoidance of home chores.

The job requires this, and the wife should bear in mind who is slaving away to bring home the bacon.

In sum, the Service-to-Others individual may be gruff, distracted, disheveled, and inaccessible. But what are they

working toward? How do they react when a truth test comes, where they must be willing to sacrifice themselves for

others? Do they come through? And the Service-to-Self individual may be suave, seemingly generous, even defending

others. But when their welfare is lined up against another, when they must truly share and words are asked to be

replaced by actions, what then?

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ZetaTalk: Distinguishing Characteristics

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ZetaTalk: Distinguishing Characteristics

Note: written May 15, 1996

A great deal of confusion reigns regarding the spiritual orientations, and how to determine whether someone is leaning

in this direction or that. Key characteristics may come into play when the chips are down, but this is seldom the

situation and most of life allows the true orientation to be masked by personality, subterfuge, or such structured

situations that the orientation of the individual does not have an opportunity to express.

Take the example of an office setting, where assignments are meted out to individuals but team work is stressed. To

the manager, the extroverted young man recently hired may seem to be doing more than his share, at least to hear him

talk, as he has many stories detailing how his expertise or enthusiasm for challenge came to the rescue of the group.

But check with the individual members of the team, and one learns that the reverse is true, as he was the one who required rescuing and feigned ignorance until other members of the long-suffering team did his work for him. When

he gets a raise and a nod, the team is puzzled, as it would not occur to them to report him to the manager for taking more than he is giving. They considered him in need of help, a youth in need of guidance, and took him under their

wings. This type of going behind the back and taking credit is a frequent sign that the individual is operating primarily in the Service-to-Self, or is heading in that direction.

Take an example in the military, where soldiers train and then suddenly find themselves on the front lines in a

conflict. During training exercises, the officers in charge can be lead greatly astray by bravado in safe and

controlled exercises. Those individuals who excelled, exhorted their fellows to greater efforts, and who showed

leadership are assumed to do the same in battle. Yet more often than not, it is the quiet soldier who made no

efforts to take the spotlight who must step into the fray and assume the true leadership position. This de facto

leader may find himself put into danger, deliberately, so the leader with the title can take credit afterwards. Dead

men tell no tales, and the record in combat stands at odds with the awards and promotions, so any rumors are

discounted. Placing someone else in danger to retain a title or position is a strong sign of an individual in the

Service-to-Self, and rarely occurs unless the individual has made their orientation decision.

Take the example of a nurse, required by law and the rules of the hospital where she works to maintain life in

her patients regardless of the level of unremitting pain they are experiencing or the pleas they may be laying

before her. She has at risk her job, her status, her ability to support her family financially, and most certainly her

freedom should she be persecuted under the law, but she determines to listen to those pleas. Certain medications that sustain the living dead, the writhing mass of agony that is in a certain death march, are flushed down the

toilet rather than forced into the arm of the patient. Who is to know? Most certainly the patient, who can barely

speak except to whisper pleas, will not complain. This type of risk taking, when there is utterly no benefit to the

self but rather great risk to the self, is a strong sign of an individual in the Service-to-Other.

Take the example of children in a household where the mother is ill, chronically so, and the children expected to

assume her responsibilities. The father works long and hard, and has no patience with chores undone. Some of

the younger children need help with their chores, especially as they fail to watch the clock and can be caught

rushing to do them when father walks in. The oldest is a girl who herself slips her chores to her younger siblings,

leaving them half done so it is not clear who was inattentive. If this girl is to dry and put away the dishes but

another child is to set the table, she places the dried dishes on the table rather than into the cupboard, confusing

the issue. That her little brother gets whipped for pulling too many dishes out of the cupboard bothers her not.

She thinks of hairstyles and makeup and meeting the right boy at the mall. The chips can fall where they may.

This type of lack of concern for others can be attributed to inattention, but where one has seen a sibling whipped

and can anticipate this in the future, it is not inattention but lack of regard, a sure sign of an individual oriented to themselves, in the Service-to-Self.

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ZetaTalk: Distinguishing Characteristics

In this same example, one of the younger children, a boy, does half the chores for two of his siblings. He works

with them, showing them how to do the chores, and in this way not only makes sure the chores are done but are

done to the exacting father's measure. In this he doesn't take credit for the chores, but praises his siblings. He

also gives up after-school games and parties to ensure that his siblings aren't caught with poorly done chores,

knowing the father is awash in fatigue and worry and can take all this out on the household if given half an

excuse. This boy, still only a child himself, is giving evidence of his strong orientation in the Service-to-Others.

The characteristics are not only that he is helping others, but that he seeks to make them strong and self

sufficient and will sacrifice his own pleasure to ensure that others do not suffer.

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ZetaTalk: By What Names

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ZetaTalk: By What Names

Note: written Aug 15, 1995

Humans have a saying - a Rose by any other name would smell as sweet. The aliens visiting Earth have a fragrance

too, in a manner of speaking, which by any name is just as succinct and identifiable. There are Service-to-Self and

Service-to-Other visitors, and these divisions are distinct. This is a name we are insisting on, as whatever else you call us, the term Service-to-Others must be included. The Service-to- Self groups, as you can imagine, prefer that term be

dropped entirely, as it tends to alert those they are trying to recruit. The Service-to-Others have almost invariably

allowed the humans being contacted to name them. Betty and Barney Hill named us, and the name, having been

publicized, stuck. Zeta is your term for the star system we came from. Likewise the Pleiadeans were named for their

home constellation. They have never minded, and the Nordics, named for their appearance, could care less. A problem

exists where the hundreds of aliens that appear to be gray to humans, because the human eye cannot perceive the color

spectrum, are all simply called grays. No one has bothered to name them, or catalog them, and the task will probably

proceed willy-nilly as contactees come forth with sketches and a catchy name sticks.

Aliens in the Service-to-Self orientation are very particular about their names, as they are pompous and concerned

about impressions. The Omnipotent Krlll, for example. They are prone to announce themselves, and insist on

ceremony. Humans confused over names, what to call this group or that are frequently reacting to frauds put forth by

the establishment, who announce the alien group or spirit, by name. Since the Service-to-Other are not particular, and

are concerned with content, not titles, any alien group announcing itself by name should be suspected as either a

Service-to-Self group or more likely a fraud put forth by humans. Where a Service-to-Others alien group or entity has

assigned a name to itself, this has been in response to humans, who have insisted. What's your name? What do you call

yourself? How shall we refer to you?

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ZetaTalk: Spiritual Evolution

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ZetaTalk: Spiritual Evolution

Note: written Jan 15, 1996

The Service-to-Self orientation is not so much a choice as a failure to progress. Where an entity in the Service-to-

Other orientation is repeatedly choosing to include others as the focus of their concern, the Service-to-Self entity has never left their original focus - the self. Thus, the evolution, during spiritual growth, into two paths is natural, a factor of uneven growth rates, and the resulting separation of the orientations during early densities is simply a practical step taken to facilitate learning. A Service-to-Self entity cannot be forced to develop concern for others, nor can this

concern be worn like a social facade in the densities above 3rd Density, as a fake or a sham. Where entities are given

free will, as all are within God's Universe, such a choice as the Service-to-Self orientation is and will continue to be a reality.

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ZetaTalk: Heaven and Hell

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ZetaTalk: Heaven and Hell

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Heaven and Hell are described in the Bible and the Koran as places commensurate with the rewards deserved by those

who have functioned in the Service-to-Others or Service-to-Self orientation - in the minds of the authors of these

books, who in the main were in the Service-to-Others when they authored the books. For primitive peoples, who relied

upon fire for cooking and warmth, catching on fire was a known dilemma, and the pain from such an accident not

unknown. Thus, as one of the most excruciating pains, and one slow to heal and suffering the injured much pain

during the healing process, eternal fire was the worst of the worst.

Similarly, the higher one went, physically speaking, the better life got. Specifically we are describing living on hill tops versus valleys, and having the higher campground versus one downhill. As the saying goes, shit flows downhill.

Valleys have dampness and humidity, lizards and snakes and insects galore. Hilltops have breezes and vistas. Better

yet is what the birds enjoy, high in the skies. Nothing can touch them, and as good as the hilltops are, the skies must be better! Thus, heaven is viewed as up in the skies, and the higher the better.

In fact, the just deserts of the Service-to-Others and Service-to-Self are not Heaven and Hell, but to live with their

own kind, which is in a manner of speaking, to our way of thinking in any case, a type of Heaven and Hell.

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ZetaTalk: Switching Sides

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ZetaTalk: Switching Sides

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

After the 3rd Density decision as to orientation, there is seldom an occasion where the entity switches to the other side, and then this usually occurs only for a brief time. Under what circumstances would such a switch occur? This almost

invariably occurs during an incarnation, and then under circumstances where the entity is striving toward a certain

goal, which cannot be attained within the confines of the existing orientation. We will give examples.

Say for instance the entity is in the Service-to-Self, and desires to build a place of shelter for himself. He is not

receiving cooperation from the others in the group, as each is operating as much as possible for themselves.

Discouraged, he recalls times past when cooperation on such activities was common, and gives The Call in a strong

enough manner that his guides are called to a conference. The entity is deemed motivated enough to be transferred to a

Service-to-Others group, of a like incarnation, i.e. of a similar physical body type. The entity is introduced in a manner acceptable to the social structure, and satisfies his desire for a shelter. Shortly afterwards, when the critical need is past, he resorts to his old ways and becomes, again, Service-to-Self. At this point another conference is called, and the guides return the entity to his prior situation.

Similarly, a Service-to-Other entity may find himself stressed as a particular physical need is not being met, say, for instance, a sexual need. The entity cannot put this physical need into perspective, and constantly considers doing away with competitors and enslaving the sexual object. Due to the intensity of this desire, and we must mention that the

entity's past must have made them particularly vulnerable for this to be occurring, the entity becomes totally obsessed and falls into the category of Service-to-Self, or 95% devoted to the self. The guides, so called to the situation, place the entity in a Service-to-Self environment where the sexual obsession is not out of place. After satisfying these

desires, the entity finds matters falling into perspective. The guides realize the entity has returned to a Service-to-

Others orientation, the true orientation, and return the entity to the original group.

There are no known instances where entities in 4th Density have switched orientations permanently, but in higher

densities, switching from Service-to-Self to Service-to-Others occurs regularly. However, the temporary movement of

entities between orientations during 4th Density is done to assist the general progress of the entity, and to resolve

questions quickly. In essence, a matter is put to the test, and thus resolved.

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ZetaTalk: Merging Later

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ZetaTalk: Merging Later

Note: written Jan 15, 1996

Entities are separated according to their orientation during 4th and 5th Density, and this separation continues on into the 6th Density also. In fact, they are permanently separated. There is much confusion over statements that have been made regarding Service-to-Self entities joining Service- to-Other entities in order to progress with their lessons after a certain point. The Service-to-Self do not cross over simply because it will benefit them, or because they desire this, or even because they start to prate the right talk and have learned how to behave themselves. They join Service-to-Other

groups because they have at last grown up, spiritually speaking. When they have reached a point where they consider

others at least as often as they consider themselves, they are Service-to-Other.

Some switching back and forth occurs, in any case, between orientations, but for the Service-to-Self they eventually

reach a point where they are forced to consider their ways. They are stalemated, stopped, treading water, and living

with the knowledge that their cribmates have an open field before them. They begin to stew in their own juices, debate

the issues, and most eventually begin to see the light. You have a movie called Groundhog Day which exemplifies this situation, with a human forced to repeat a single day until he learns to truly care for others. He can't escape, even

suicide attempts find him, the next morning, doing it all again. Thus it is, with entities in the Service-to-Self, who must at last, out of boredom or frustration, face what they have long feared - they are not the center of the Universe. Some entities never learn this, and spend eternity among the Service-to-Self, stymied. However, the higher densities find the Service-to-Self entities brooding and serious, introspective and trying new ways on for size. Seasoned Service-toOther entities are usually kind and supportive of the fumbling attempts of newcomers to their group, who are

invariably set back within the densities in order to polish their spiritual skills.

Overall, they lose ground for having veered to the Service-to-Self orientation.

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ZetaTalk: Increasing Dichotomy

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ZetaTalk: Increasing Dichotomy

Note: written Nov 15, 1995

The possibility of having both spiritual orientations, side by side on a 4th Density world, does exist. This situation

occurs when there is a degree of indecision on the part of the incarnated entities, so that temporary switching between the orientations is anticipated. Such a situation may take place on your Earth, where for instance the Continents of Africa and South America, currently targeted by visitors in the Service-to-Self, would be dedicated to serve as a home

for humans who have moved sufficiently toward the Service-to-Self to be considered destined for that orientation

during 4th Density, but the rest of the Earth would migrate toward the Service-to-Other orientation which the majority

of the Earth and her peoples have chosen. This dichotomy also exists where such worlds have matured in their

spiritual orientations to the point where switching is no longer anticipated, but the lessons of the higher densities are continuing and the orientations are sufficiently segregated. No need to make any changes, as all is going well.

This type of dichotomy will, of course, exist on the Earth during the Transformation period, which is now.

Increasingly, the orientations separate of their own accord, as those in the Service-to-Other expel those who are not

truly in the Service-to-Other and those in the Service-to-Self find compliance with the desire for a rigid pecking order only among those also in the Service-to-Self. The migration toward this dichotomy will increase in pace as the

Transformation proceeds. At first there is a virtual homogeneous mix of the orientations, equivalent to the grade school environment where all youngsters are enrolled. Human society assumes all members to be equal, in general granting all members the same rights, and it is only by particular behavior, such as a crime, that this status changes. Criminals are then segregated with each other, but all other humans are fairly homogeneous. Thus, rules protecting the members

from one another are in place, though not necessary among the truly Service-to-Other oriented and usually not

sufficient among the Service-to-Self oriented.

During the Transformation the Service-to-Others find each other and take up abiding with each other, to the exclusion

of abiding with those who are still spiritually undecided. Of course, as these individuals are usually a mainstay for

others, the spiritually undecided clamor for their time and attention, but are increasingly given self help instructions and sent on their way. In fact, the spiritually undecided find the environment provided in a Service-to-Other

community to be a drag, dull. No confrontations, everyone dedicated and preoccupied, just not lively enough. The

Service-to-Self are generally driven from the ranks of both the Service-to-Other and the spiritually undecided as they

are today. At times it takes awhile for them to show their colors, but this is quite inevitable.

Thus, those in the Service-to-Self find themselves banding together by necessity, and establishing the pecking order is the first order of the day. The spiritually undecided, larger in number, protect themselves from these marauding bands

as they do today, by keeping guard and standing firm. In the chaotic world that will exist after the cataclysms these

groups will shoot first and ask questions later, and will be left alone by the Service-to-Self who will pick on each other by preference. Those solidly in the Service-to- Self are often the biggest cowards, just as, when given the opportunity, they can be the biggest bullies - two sides of the same coin. The Service-to-Other groups also defend themselves,

usually by fair warning and disabling and returning to their band the Service-to-Self who has wandered into their

midst. Do they not find themselves perpetually harassed by the Service-to-Self? In fact, as Service-to-Other

communities are highly efficient, the perimeters prove to be impermeable, and thus by reputation they soon find they

have earned their peace.

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ZetaTalk: Rampant Violence

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ZetaTalk: Rampant Violence

written July 2, 2006

I would like the zetas to talk about why so many people seem to be going plum crazy these days such as

killing families and children, the rampant pedophilia, etc.

We have mentioned at the start of ZetaTalk that increasing polarization of the orientations would occur, going into the pole shift and certainly after the shift, due to the Transformation process. Where increased polarization can explain

countries like Sweden that increasingly lean toward caring for their citizens, vs countries like Indonesia that

increasingly become brutal toward their citizens, it does not seem to explain increasing brutality in general. But this is another face of the polarization process. The Service-to-Self sense they are being pushed out, isolated, and react with rage. This is the reaction of a wife-beater, told his wife will be leaving him. Stalking results, mutilation and death, as how dare the victim escape! Look to the turn of events in the US, where the Bush Administration is on the ropes,

expects to lose support in Congress, which is already standing up to their demands, and has recently found the

Supreme Court repudiating their arguments. There are reports of temper tantrums. They arrogantly proceed with their

plans despite the rise of opposition, as though they can prevail over all opposition and not be restrained, ever! The

Service-to-Self operate with each other in this manner, with leveling wars that establish the pecking order, and though this is not always evident when the orientations mingle, it is the mode when the spiritual orientation involved is exclusively Service-to-Self.

During the Transformation the Service-to-Others find each

Service-to-Self groups, when

other and take up abiding with each other, to the exclusion of establishing their pecking

abiding with those who are still spiritually undecided. Of

order, frequently brutalize and

course, as these individuals are usually a mainstay for others, decimate each other, just as

the spiritually undecided clamor for their time and attention,

establishing the pecking order

but are increasingly given self help instructions and sent on

within a Service-to-Self group

their way. In fact, the spiritually undecided find the

results in brutality and

environment provided in a Service-to-Other community to be maiming if not death. The

a drag, dull. No confrontations, everyone dedicated and

pecking order is thus

preoccupied, just not lively enough. The Service-to-Self are

established, and maintained

generally driven from the ranks of both the Service-to-Other

with the same heavy handed

and the spiritually undecided as they are today. At times it

methods so that a visitor to a

takes awhile for them to show their colors, but this is quite

Service-to-Self camp would

inevitable. Thus, those in the Service-to-Self find themselves

think it remarkably peaceful,

banding together by necessity, and establishing the pecking

not seeing what came before.

order is the first order of the day.

ZetaTalk: Leveling Wars,

ZetaTalk: Increasing Dichotomy , written Nov 15, 1995

written May 15, 1996

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ZetaTalk: Polarization Period

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ZetaTalk: Polarization Period

Note: written during the Jul 20, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Polarization is a matter occurring mostly under the surface, to the average new soul on Earth. They see in the news this or that occurring, and have a hard time sorting out just why this is occurring. Those old souls viewing this drama know why, and by who, and react accordingly. Thus, to the new soul on Earth, it is a confusing time, not unlike times past, and they see no polarization occurring. As many movies and books relay, good and evil are not evident on first glance, the evil often being charming and the good often being irritable and overworked. By the end of the story or movie, all

is revealed! But in real life, often this revelation takes more than the lifetime of the viewer. Thus, to discern, is not always an easy guideline, and all we can suggest is to look to the overall or ultimate motive of the movement, or presence, or push.

For instance, if the Bush Administration suggests that polluting by corporate entities is OK, in spite of all the results evident such as Global Warming which is claimed to be the cause of weather irregularities, then one should question.

Why is it OK for corporations to make money, when such suffering occurs? If the Bush Administration suggests that Israel alone should be exempt from racial motives questions, when they abuse the Palestinians, when all the rest of the world is held to question, then why should this be so? One should look to territorial issues, control of regions, and ask why this should be wedded to policy on racial issues, and rights. Thus, the new soul wondering about polarization

issues can look to reasons given, and question motives, as a guide.

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ZetaTalk: Littleton Massacre

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ZetaTalk: Littleton Massacre

Note: written Jun 15, 1999

The Littleton Massacre is of course not unique. There have been several such massacres lately, and there will be

several more, nor will it be limited to schools. Spates of violence or sadism, causing people to scratch their heads and wonder what causing this to occur. An analysis is done. Were the parent's neglectful? Was it rock and roll, the food

they ate, copycat behavior? It's none of that. As hard as it may be for some to believe, there is a polarization whereby certain children are incarnated with spirits that are in their final trial. They are destined to pack off and live off with their own kind, and are on the verge of deciding but still have a lot of indecisiveness as to which way they should go.

Should they be empathic and care for others as much as they care for themselves, or should they be self centered and

just go for what they can get for themselves.

They need that final push. In some cases they chose for the better. They're put in a circumstance and they turn toward

other people and continue on their deliberations and grow on a different path. But in many cases, this is a final

decision. At this point in time, things are moving in two directions. One path is to reincarnate on this earth as a

Service-to-Other oriented individual wherein the individual truly cares as much for others as they do for themselves,

The other path is to leave this earth and go off with others who care for themselves 95% of the time and rarely, if ever, think about others. In between there is the vast majority who will go off to another world, being too young in their

spiritual existence to have made a determination, so they will continue their deliberations on another world.

So what's going on, with some of the very violent young people in the news lately, or with the extreme sadism in

certain pockets of the earth. Although we've seen this in the past, it seems to be more clear cut and definitive. At the same time we have more democracies, more ecological caring for the world, and the crime rates goes down. So these

other extremes are in violent contrast. There are very mature Service-to-Self souls who are often attempting to practice sadism and control of others and harden themselves to creating death and destruction, terrifying and intimidating

others, skills that they will need for their next incarnation. If they make that determination, they are hoping to gain entry into that world as something other than a low level individual, as somebody who can be perhaps viewed as a

lieutenant to a strong arm individual in that new environment. They will try to gain their entry ticket by being violent and sadistic and horrifying in their determination to dominate others, to create a control situation, and to show that

they themselves cannot be intimidated by turning their guns on themselves.

This is present in almost all cases of the extreme and unexplainable violence you see in young people of late. If you

were to go into the homes and watch these children while they were growing up, you'll find that they are not normal

children, though the parents may have been unaware. In external social behavior, they have been immaculately careful

to be in compliance so that they fade into the social veneer, but there is something that others can tell you they sensed was wrong. A vibration, a sense of coldness, a lack of caring, a slowness to respond under certain circumstances where

someone who was in the same setting would have flushed and jerked and rushed to another’s aid. Little signs, that are

generally overlooked, but they were there.

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ZetaTalk: Amish Massacre

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ZetaTalk: Amish Massacre

written Oct 7, 2006 on the live GodlikeProduction live chat.

There have been quite a few school shootings lately. This last one happened to the Amish. I wonder if

Planet X is making people a little more irritable and just plain nutty. Can the Zetas comment on these new


School shootings have sprung into the news in the last few years in the US, as a new occurrence. They are not new, but the level of violence is new, and their occurrence in peaceful suburban schools rather than in inner city schools is a

new trend. In the slums, knife fights are common, and many schools have armed guards at the doors in order to allow

the school to function at all. In these neighborhoods, drive by shootings occur, the innocent taken out as target practice, for sport. This seldom hits the news, as it is considered commonplace, and the media panders to the wealthy or

comfortable and their interests and concerns. At most, such violence in schools in the slums gets mentioned when

statistics on rising violence of the prison population are discussed. So what has caused this behavior to migrate into

comfortable suburban neighborhoods, and into peaceful and relatively crime free rural areas, and with a level of

violence not anticipated by school administrators and not present in the past?

We have mentioned that society should expect increased polarization between those in the Service-to-Other and Service-to-Self as the Transformation proceeds. Those souls that have incarnated repeatedly in the past are aware of

past pole shifts, aware of the die-off that occurs during a pole shift, and aware from discussions with their spirit guides that this incarnation will be their last in a schoolhouse that allows both orientations to mix. Thus, those in the Service-to-Self are often making their mark as they leave, to show their new bosses that they can be trusted to be ruthless,

hoping to vie for the best positions in their new worlds. We mentioned during the Columbine massacre that mankind should expect more of these episodes, as many highly Service-to-Self individuals are deciding to go out with a bang,

in control of their exit, and not wait for the pole shift which would potentially take control from them. Why the

molestation of young girls, as part of the package? Mere murder and terror are not enough, they are raising the bar into

pedophilia, and competing with one another!

Signs of the Times #1645

Another Colorado School Shooting [Sep 28] http://history1900s.about.com/ Less than 40 miles away from Littleton, Colorado where the Columbine school massacre took place in 1999, another high

school shooting occurred on Sep 27, 2006. This time, an older man attacked a class at Platte

Canyon High School in Bailey, Colorado. The man released all the male students and kept the

female students as hostage, then killed one student and himself as SWAT closed in. [and from

another] Principal killed at Wisconsin school; 9th-grader charged [Sep 30] A teenager who pried

open his family's gun cabinet brought two weapons to his rural school Friday and shot the principal

to death after a struggle with adults and other students, authorities said. the teen had complained

about being teased by other students and decided to confront teachers and the principal using a

shotgun and handgun taken from his parents' bedroom. The shooting also came one day after

Weston Schools Principal John Klang gave him a disciplinary warning for having tobacco,

according to a criminal complaint. [and from another] School killer told wife he molested family

members [Oct 3] Pennsylvania schoolhouse killer Charles Carl Roberts IV told his wife he molested

young relatives 20 years ago and was dreaming about molesting children again. Investigators talked

to relatives and analyzed suicide notes as they tried to determine what made Roberts barricade

himself inside the tiny Amish school, tying up girls and shooting them -- five fatally -- before killing

himself Monday. Roberts may have targeted the school for its girl students intended to molest the

children. Roberts brought KY Jelly lubricant to the schoolhouse where the assault occurred.

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ZetaTalk: Virginia Tech Massacre

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ZetaTalk: Virginia Tech Massacre

written Apr 18, 2007

Gunman's Writings Were Disturbing [Apr 17]

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ The gunman in the Virginia

Tech massacre was a sullen loner who alarmed professors

and classmates with his twisted, violence-drenched creative

writing and left a rambling note raging against religion and

rich kids. A chilling picture emerged of Cho Seung-Hui _ a

23-year-old senior majoring in English. He may have been

taking medication for depression and he was becoming

increasingly violent and erratic. Cho's writing was so

disturbing that he had been referred to the university's

counseling service. One was about a fight between a stepson

and his stepfather, and involved throwing of hammers and attacks with a chainsaw. Another was about

students fantasizing about stalking and killing a teacher who sexually molested them. Monday's rampage

consisted of two attacks, more than two hours apart _ first at a dormitory, where two people were killed,

then inside a classroom building, where 31 people, including Cho, died. Cho died with the words "Ismail

Ax" in red ink on one of his arms, but they were not sure what that meant. [and from another] Va. Tech:

Gunman Student From S. Korea [Apr 17] Neighbor Abdul Shash said the gunman spent a lot of his free

time playing basketball, and wouldn't respond if someone greeted him. [and from another] Ismail's Father

Ibrahim destroys the city's idols with an ax. [and from another] ABC News: Killer's Note: 'You Caused Me

to Do This' [Apr 17] Witnesses say he was stone-faced as he opened fire. Law-enforcement sources say

he may have had a romantic interest in a young woman who was found dead after the first shootings. He

wore sunglasses indoors, with a cap pulled low over his eyes. He whispered, took 20 seconds to answer


We were asked to comment after the Columbine massacre, and after the Amish school massacre, and had the same comment both times. There is more to these shooting than meets the eye, but the reason for the cold hearted blood lust

is not some black ops under human control but an audition. The shooter, the perpetrator, is auditioning for a spot in the hierarchy among the Service-to-Self, on the Service-to-Self worlds they will be incarnating into next. The Earth is in a

Transformation, where those in the Service-to-Self are increasingly sorted into circles where they interact with each other, in preparation for their future incarnations on Service-to-Self worlds. Likewise, those in the Service-to-Other

seek each other out and form communities, and all this is in preparation for the forthcoming change on Earth where

only those in the Service-to-Other will be allowed to incarnate on Earth. In this increasingly polarized setting, what happens to the mindset of those in the Service-to-Self, who increasingly are denied access to the patsies and victims

and lackeys they have always found in abundance? There is resistance to bullying, because the Service-to-Other shore

each other up and defend each other. There is lack of access to the weak, whom the Service-to-Self like to bully, as

they are under the protection of strong Service-to-Other groups who set the tone and don't allow bullying. The Service-

to-Self, in short, become enraged.

We have stated that The Call for counseling by Service-to-Self aliens is done by the human being in an almost continuous state of rage. This type of chronic frustration does not happen because of life circumstances, as in this

setting intermittent rage occurs. But the Service-to-Self want life wrapped around them, serving them, no blocks to

their satisfactions or desires, no challenge to their authority or sense of ego. Few humans in life attain such a setting, so those in the Service-to-Self who are not somehow blessed with a life that provides what they demand, a totally self

focused life without frustrations, are enraged, chronically. They fume. They desire revenge over slights. And they find slights occurring daily, among people simply treating them as they do the rest of the populace, during normal

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ZetaTalk: Virginia Tech Massacre

interactions. If they are not waited on promptly, given preferential treatment, given grades at school they do not

deserve, given authority over others when leadership positions are chosen, getting sexual satisfaction from the partners they desire - they assume a slight and are fuming and plotting revenge, if only in their heart.

Cho Seung-Hui fit this profile exactly. He increasingly slid to easier courses, from a business major to an English

major. His choice of an engineering building for the massacre was not by accident, as this is a highly disciplined

major, one with greater status on campus than an English major can gain, one more respected by the girls, and thus

Cho Seung-Hui wanted to somehow best this group if only by having a gun when they did not have. He had poor

interpersonal skills yet was stalking beautiful partners, ultimately trying to intimidate one with a gun and losing his temper when she did not submit. Were he physically stronger he would have become a rapist, such was his mindset.

He enjoyed the concept of brutality, as his writings showed, but like most bullies did not get into situations where the tide might have been turned against him. He avoided physical contact, fearing his slight frame would not prevail. He

was known to wear sunglasses and a low-brim hat, to avoid eye contact, and to refuse to answer when people spoke to

him casually. This again shows someone timid and fearful of losing out during interpersonal contact but with the

immense ambitions all in the Service-to-Self carry for themselves, the basic bully personality.

Was he programmed like a Manchurian Candidate to explode on cue? Such clues as a phrase written on his forearm,

'Ismail Ax', relate to a literary character, the arm of God used in a massacre. Unable to get status and beautiful women in life, he hoped to at least attain this type of stature in death. What of his seeming familiarity with firearms? Given that any evening watching TV would show the expert use of firearms, repeatedly, the ability to use these automatic

weapons effectively should not be a surprise. Who was his teacher? The TV! Cho Seung-Hui is reported to have a

grim determined visage, unemotional, thus the suspicion that he was programmed to carry out his deed. Having been

counseled by aliens in the Service-to-Self to promulgate such a disaster, he was pushed over the edge by having lost

his temper when confronting a would-be lady love, who once again rejected him. At this point he was faced with

prison, as he knew he had not covered his trail, the first shooting being an accidental outcome of an intended

intimidation. Bullies who are slight of build do not fare well in prison, so the idea of going out in a blaze of glory, posturing as an Ismail Ax, and moving on to what he assumed was his next place on another world, was more

appealing. Thus, he was not so much angry during the subsequent shootout as determined to carry out a mission.

Will he get his reward? When giving a Service-to-Self Call, such humans receive counseling from aliens in the Service-to-Self, who are of course looking out for themselves as much as possible also. The advice, thus, is less to the benefit of the human giving The Call than to the aliens answering The Call, but their advice is postured to seem an

advantage to the human. Encouraged to create as much heartache and sense of fear and abandonment possible in

human society, the human giving The Call is told they will have a better place in the society they are destined to

incarnate in. The ticket, of course, is something horrific, the bigger and more horrific, the better. Columbine was

children killing children. The Amish school massacre was sweet Amish girls being raped in the center of their

community. The Virginia Tech massacre had chained doors preventing escape and a certainty that those inside were

not armed to defend themselves so the lone gunman ruled, absolutely, while turning a deaf ear on all pleas. Do these

souls taking this advice actually get a better placement in their future society? They are being counseled by liars, as all in the Service-to-Self freely lie for their advantage, so the promise would of course not be kept. And someone so

easily led about by the nose as to believe such a promise made would be kept would not be considered a leader in any society.

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ZetaTalk: Nebraska Mall

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ZetaTalk: Nebraska Mall

written December 8, 2007

Worst Mass

Slaying In


History Claims


December 5,



The worst mass slaying in Nebraska history claimed the lives of five men and three women, plus the

shooter. The gun used at Westroads Mall was an SKS-style assault rifle with two magazines taped

together. Taping magazines together is a technique that allows the shooter to reload more quickly.

He stole the weapon from his stepfather. The shooting appears to be random and without


Hawkins fit the profile of one highly in the Service-to-Self. Was it depression that caused him to drop out of high

school and fail to perform to the level of expectation at McDonalds? He resented having to do any of it, and refused.

His refusal may only have been expressed as passive resistance, not an explosion of anger, but it was nonetheless an

expression of his expectations. Life was to deliver what he needed, with no effort required on his part. Hawkins was

not mentally retarded, nor neglected as a child. He was given extensive intervention assistance by the state of

Nebraska, which repeatedly intervened during his teen years. He was not without a home, escaping the mild discipline

his family imposed on him by moving in with friends. Nor was he about to be kicked out of this new home, which was

endlessly sympathetic to him, where it was assumed he was dealing with a depression rather than an attitude problem.

Was he depressed? In that depression is rage turned inward, yes, but at no time were his life circumstances such that

he could not turn his life around. He could have obtained a high school degree, and gone forward to a local college or

job training. In all of this he would have been supported. He could have returned to his family, too, by simply

complying with a few ordinary family rules. None of this was the life he desired, as the expectations of a highly Service-to-Self soul is not to do any work but to be allowed to do whatever he pleases, and to receive whatever he

desires, promptly. That this was not forthcoming in his life was the source of his depression.

Such individuals have been around since the beginning of time, on Earth. Their lives are often considered the life of a http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta416.htm[2/5/2012 11:21:51 AM]

ZetaTalk: Nebraska Mall

neer-do-well, a slackard, one who did as little as possible to maintain body and soul together, and always looking for

the easy path and foisting off on others any unpleasant task. Such individuals often become drug addicts or drunkards,

blaming their failures in life on an addiction and begging for handouts. The path assumed by such individuals often is

shaped by the expectations of those of whom they are taking advantage of. If there is any physical attribute they can

use, such as a lack of good looks or intelligence or a lame foot, these attributes are endlessly emphasized as the reason for a lack of ambition in the work and school world. In an affluent setting where treatment options are endless, such an individual might quickly assume the persona of a troubled child or a depressed adult, as a cover, but in an underclass

setting would more likely engage in petty crime to support their lazy lifestyle.

This is not to say that every individual not conforming to society's expectations is a sociopath, or that every addict is a sociopath. Most certainly, depression is a very real affliction affecting humans of good heart as well as those

attempting to hide behind this façade. And there are children raised in good homes and neighborhoods who have very

real reasons to be troubled, perhaps because of hidden abuse or some dynamic not apparent on the surface. Our point is

that those in the Service-to-Self who are trying to manipulate others to serve them will use such avenues to disguise their spiritual orientation when they feel they are trapped and have no other avenue. As we have consistently

mentioned, during the Tranformation period such individuals are being counseled by aliens in the Service-to-Self to

choose yet another route, not previously being advocated. In the past, these individuals could anticipate being incarnated again and again on Earth, until the time arrived for them to be delivered to one of the Service-to-Self

"prison" planets. It is only the full knowledge that this incarnation on Earth will be their last incarnation that such extreme measures as a massacre are being taken.

Will the Westroads Mall massacre in Nebraska be the last? Not hardly! Those in the Service-to-Self who have been

enjoying their current incarnation, who have been on top of their game and able to have their way, have been reluctant

to take drastic steps that would require them to shoot themselves or go to prison. But when the Earth changes are such

that it is obvious that the pole shift is upon the Earth and all will have a struggle in the Aftertime, the options being encouraged by aliens in the Service-to-Self will look increasingly attractive. Thus is it during the last weeks that such massacres might increase in frequency, or in the weeks after the pole shift when the reality of a very different life in the Aftertime cannot be denied.

Shooter Remembered By Friends, Landlord

December 5, 2007


The shooter at Westroads Mall was identified as Robert A.

Hawkins of Bellevue, and a suicide note said he was going

to be famous. Hawkins, 20, had been arrested on a couple

of misdemeanors in November and was due in court this

month. One charge included minor in possession of

alcohol. Hawkins dropped out of high school a few years

ago. He had stopped living at his parents' home after they

set some ground rules that he didn't like. Hawkins had been

on antidepressants. He seemed to be a suicidal kid. During

school, he would talk about killing. Hawkins wasn't so

much angry, but wanted to go out like a star. A staff

member at a group home where Hawkins lived for awhile said Hawkins was a target of teasing, but

a good kid.

Man Opens Fire at Omaha Mall, Killing 8

Dec 5 11:


Hawkins was kicked out by his family about a year ago and moved in with a friend's family in a

house in a middle-class neighborhood. Hawkins was fired from his job at a McDonald's this week

and had recently broken up with a girlfriend.

Mall Shooter Was State Ward For 4 Years

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ZetaTalk: Nebraska Mall

December 6, 2007


Todd Landry, the director of Child and Family Services for the Department of Health and Human

Services, said the state spent $265,000 on services provided to Hawkins over the four years he was a

state ward. Landry said Hawkins was made a state ward with no parental fault, but because he

needed services, which included stays at residential centers and in-patient at a hospital. Landry said

Hawkins stayed at a facility in Missouri called Piney Ridge, plus Omaha's Cooper Village, Lutheran

Family Services and Addiction and Behavioral Health Services Inc. Landry said those homes

provide addiction counseling, mental-health counseling and behavioral counseling, among other

services, but he could not say exactly what Hawkins was treated for under federal and state privacy

laws. Landry did say that one of the treatment periods came after Hawkins threatened to kill his


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ZetaTalk: Star Wars, Today

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ZetaTalk: Star Wars, Today

written May 21, 2005

I could not help but note the remarkable correlation between the development of the Empire in the new

Star Wars III and what is happening in the US re terrorism and the War in Iraq and the Patriot Act. There

is endless discussion about how 911 was anticipated and assisted by a lot more than Bin Ladin, how our

civil liberties are being eroded to support the War on Terrorism, and questions about why our military

needs to be beefed up just to invade oil rich countries. The evil Emperor was both the terrorist and the

President, inciting the very wars he claimed to be fighting. How could this story, written so many decades

ago, be timed so perfectly to emerge at this time!

We have mentioned that an increasing polarization of those aligning themselves spiritually

with caring for others, those in the Service-to-Other, and those aligning themselves with self-

interest, those in the Service-to-Self, would emerge as the pole shift approached. This was

predictable, and has been heavily emphasized in some prophecies such as those in the Bible, as

an indication that the End Times had arrived. Why would this be? In the battle for converts,

those in the Service-to-Self lose out, the vast majority of emerging souls, some 95% on

average, choosing the path of empathy. When a world such as the Earth, that has served as a

schoolhouse for emerging souls, is about to transform into a world for those who have chosen

empathy, a last-ditch effort by those seeking converts for the self-serving occurs. Why hold

back, to posture for future decades, when time is running out. Go for the prize. Turn the screw

of fear and hopelessness. Make the rewards for marauding and lying extreme, the better to encourage converts. Caution

is thrown to the wind, during such times, and the raw hand of greed emerges from the glove of political correctness.

The truth is revealed, and those creating problems behind the scenes in the past exposed for what they are.

This Star Wars episode, the point where democracy crumbles before the supposed necessity of defending against

endless attacks, is the darkest hour, a hero turning to the Dark Side, the hand of evil at the helm of the congress

applauded as more and more military action is announced. Yet this hand of evil is revealed as the very cause of the disturbances, from the start. How similar to the Bush Administration, which is accused of being cognizant of 911

before it occurred, and which has taken full advantage of the powers granted to it to invade oil-producing countries

long in their sights. Do such things happen on other 3rd Density worlds, where the battle between good and evil is the

central issue? Even on worlds where the intelligent life form is a fish, such polarization occurs, as all life forms have alternative actions that can be taken, to help those around them, or to further themselves, solely. On a water world, the issue may be blocking access to lush feeding areas, unless cooperation with such militant blocking action is allowed,

the strong victimizing the weak. Where the Earth has OIL as its predictable energy source, this allowed predictability

in the wars in the Middle East, where vast and readily accessible oil resources reside. Thus, the emphasis in prophecy

that the Middle East would be at the center of End Times wars.

The timing of this release, where the Star Wars trilogies were presented with the middle trilogy

first, then the first trilogy, and finally the last potentially being released, is hardly by accident.

Where the entire Star Wars series was written decades ago, the movie releases were timed by

Lucas, who is not ignorant of the times or their meaning. He chose the sequence and the timing,

and chose well. Consider the masses, quite used to greed and political power mongering, going

into the Transformation period mostly unaware of the significance of the times. American,

holding the strongest military power in the world, is viciously and quite obvious attacked on 911,

with a predictable reaction. The public would presume, at first, a just cause, but given the late

arrival of the End Times maneuvers, may not have time to understand the outcome. Thus, many decades ago, the first

releases on film of the Star Wars trilogies were those where the good guys won, though far outnumbered, requiring http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta221.htm[2/5/2012 11:21:52 AM]

ZetaTalk: Star Wars, Today

only courage and conviction to win. With this settled firmly into the public mind, the first trilogy was then released, showing how democracy crumbled, a point which might have been lost if released decades ago. That these films were

released only recently is not by accident, as they were timed to coincide with preparation for the End Times maneuvers over the oil fields, so much apparent at the moment. Thus the viewer is assured of the ultimate result, the good guys

winning, while dealing, in reality, with those darkest moments on Earth.

As we have mentioned, many authors and producers are aware of the alien presence, the approaching pole shift, and

the expected polarization in spiritual orientations that occurs going into a Transformation. That Lucas should be among them should not be a surprise.

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ZetaTalk: Genetic Engineering

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ZetaTalk: Genetic Engineering

written Oct 15, 2005

My friend in Russia, who is a biologist, made a series of experiments with rats. She gave them genetically

modified food. Next generation of rats had a 65% death rate and others were weak. She knows that the

main manufacturer of genetically modified food is Monsanto, located in Saint Louis. She asked about these

people - are they really human? Because they lead mankind to destruction.

Mankind has arrived only recently to tinkering with genetics -their own, to cure genetic diseases, and in their crops to improve yield. They have only very recently mapped the entire human genome, making this available to scientists. Are

we to presume that they are expert at tinkering, being virtual babes at this endeavor? We have detailed, in prior ZetaTalk, that intelligent species often get into genetic engineering, that we engineered ourselves, that mankind was

engineered in the past from many hominoid sources, and explained in great detail how we go about genetically engineering the new hybrid race that is mankind's next leap forward. Genetic engineering by intelligent species upon themselves, or other, as allowed under the close supervision by the Council of Worlds, is not done by amateurs. By the time they are able to be done in a serious manner, the engineers are almost invariably spiritually advanced and very experienced in engineering in general. They are experienced because they've tinkered, on lesser life forms.

Have we, and other races, made mistakes, during genetic engineering projects? Percentage wise, there is only about

23% that did not have some kind of drawback, or an error that had to be fixed. Some frank horror stories emerge. Why should genetic engineering be any different from the other enterprises undertaken by man, or any intelligent species

setting forth on a new path. Look at the history of man and electricity, the number of electrocutions, explosions, and

false starts. Look at the history of air travel, the crashes, the lost planes, the white knuckles of air travelers as they try to remain calm while chirping stewardesses serve them drinks. These endeavors often have a long learning curve, and

man as a creature of limited intelligence, being only on the first rung of the evolutionary ladder, will not arrive where he wants to be on any of these endeavors, in his current limited stated. This is by design, as given his immature spiritual state, he would wreck havoc by being able to do more than tinker, and hope.

Where is man going awry in his tinkering? First, as a base, man should realize that genetic engineering has already been done, by nature, during evolution. Some of the things man struggles with, some of his diseases, are in fact

protections from other problems, genetically selected to be passed forward only because they were of benefit in prior ages. The ability to pack food around one's middle in the form of fat, a buffer against starvation. This was of course

balanced in the past by times of food shortage, the fat dropped. Man was not intended to be perpetually pudgy. High

cholesterol or high blood pressure is an advantage when one has to fight a tiger or bear with naught but a knife or

stone, or run like hell to escape. This was of course balanced in the past by a period of tranquility, unlike what modern man faces in his daily battles with tension in the work place, the figurative tiger never dispelled. Even diabetes,

developing later in life by the chubby and inactive, has a genetically selected advantage. The ancestors of those who

did not develop diabetes during times of plenty, when early man had naught to do but sit in the berry fields or by streams overflowing with fish, were easy prey for predators, as they gained weight endlessly, huge toads that could not waddle away. Diabetes, type II, resists an intake of sugar by the cells and forces the body to lose weight, at a horrific rate, then lifts when the human is again slim.

Nature has evolved food crops that man fosters to resist insects, and to produce seeds such as grain and tubers such as carrots and potatoes far in excess of what the plant in nature requires to propagate itself. Plants that do so are already engineered, by nature, to be productive or those parts that creatures eat, as unless the plant does so, rodents and bugs will consume them and the plant will not reproduce itself. The natural process that these plants are using should be

enhanced. But something different is afoot, among humankind, who have motives other than increased productivity.

They seek control of the entire food production and distribution process, and by this, control over mankind, who will

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ZetaTalk: Genetic Engineering

thus become slaves, or so they hope. It is certainly no secret that Monsanto, in partnership with the USDA, has created and tried to enforce what is termed the terminator gene, which prevents a hybrid plant from reproducing itself. No need for Monsanto to insist on contracts with farmers that require them to return, year after year, for more seed. The

farmer cannot save seed to avoid this, as the seed would be no good, and not germinate. This plan met with such an uproar that it did not move forward, but has stalled. Nevertheless, the mindset of those doing genetic tinkering with

crops can be seen.

If they do not care about causing mankind, those too poor to buy seed, from starving, how much would they care about

the overall effect of the crops they are producing? If they get a stronger yield, they push their coercive tactics and

contracts, using the stronger yield as an excuse. Of course, any safety measures, any results of such safety checks, are ignored and kept out of the media. This likewise has not passed unnoticed, nor without objection, around the world.

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ZetaTalk: Conservatives

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ZetaTalk: Conservatives

written Apr 29, 2004

How do the Zetas define the relationship between political dichotomy, ie conservative vs

liberal, and the spiritual orientations of STS and STO. What are the likely changes that will

occur in the makeup of the two major political parties in the USA and governments through

the world as the Transformation proceeds.

However the political parties around the world are described, they seem to fall into categories that define the spiritual orientations, Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other.

What are the characteristics of Service-to-Self? They want control over others, a clear pecking order so that

whatever status they have achieved cannot be challenged, and they want this status conserved. Since they aspire to be at the top of the pile, they want this pile conserved, not altered, and protecting the spoils of the rich is thus a precept of their philosophy. What is missing in this equation is the conservation of comfort and security for the

common man, who must be sharply punished if they challenge the status quo and especially if they rebel and are

thus out of control of the conservatives seeking to maintain the status quo. The status quo disempowers the

common man, who is so exhausted from trying to feed and house a family they have scarce energy to protest,

who can be threatened with being thrown out on the street with no recourse if they protest or are reluctant to be

under strict control in all aspects of their lives.

What are the characteristics of the Service-to-Other? They are concerned about the well being of the least

among the populace, welfare and health benefit programs, a fair distribution of the wealth accumulated from the

work the common man is invariably bound to on a daily basis, and open access to facts. They are liberal with the distribution of accumulated wealth, and stand for liberty or freedom of access to information and services. This pits them at odds to their counterparts, who oppose freedom while seeking to establish control over the common

man, and demand accumulation of wealth for the few.

How will the parties align during the coming pole shift precursors, and during the shift and in the Aftertime? Expect

those with wealth to be shrill during devaluation, demanding taxpayer supported protection for their assets to be the

priority over any assistance to the homeless - guard against looting warehouses, back insurance settlements, and ignore the homeless. If unable to secure their assets during the shift, they will be shrill and aggressive in trying to take over any found in a survival community. They will claim superior abilities to lead, the right to replace lost possessions, or any other right they can assert, loudly. Expect those with concern for the common man to be at last in their element,

able to place this priority as the rule, the Golden Rule, in their survival communities and operating with great

consensus in this mode. Those valuing assets of caring over others will be identified quickly and ejected. Thus ejected, they will band together and spend their energies making demands upon each other. Karma, at last.

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ZetaTalk: Leveling Wars

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ZetaTalk: Leveling Wars

written June 27, 2004

So far we have been hearing and reading about disasters hitting, as always happens, poor, defenseless,

innocent people all over the world. Would please the mighty Zetas let us know if there are any chance to

be hearing or reading about some of those who are and have brought us to this infamous and mischievous

point to be hit by some of those disasters?

In human society, it seems to those not ruthlessly clawing their way to the top of the pile that justice seldom occurs, and the mean spirited and self centered win, almost invariably. Or so the man behind the curtain would certainly have

the populace believe. A key element of any intimidation is to maintain this facade, that the hammer is poised, the unblinking eye never sleeps, and any setback to those in control is temporary and any rebellion is about to be

punished, horribly. Another key element in this facade is control of the media, so that any news that counters this facade is suppressed, but rather a falsehood prevails. By all means, keep the populace afraid to hope, trembling, and

deciding to join the ranks of the oppressors if they wish their personal circumstances to change. Given that the

Transformation period, ongoing at the present time and to prevail for at least another 100 years on Earth before it can truly be a Service-to-Other world, is a time of extreme polarization and desperate grasping at power and control by those in the Service-to-Self orientation, is this facade also an extreme falsehood? Indeed.

We have explained that those who have chosen the Service-to-Self orientation, when removed from the schoolhouse

where they were mixed in with a populace mostly leaning toward the Service-to-Other orientation, are in shock when

first encountering what life with other hardened Service-to-Self will be like. A place of horror, where entities are

allowed to hack at each other to establish the pecking order, a process we have termed Leveling Wars. This starts early during a Transformation. Polarization happens increasingly, where those in the Service-to-Other get increasingly serious minded and dedicated and group together in order to accomplish their goals, and those in the Service-to-Self

band together increasingly in order to likewise have an uninterrupted focus on their goals without the distraction of

discussions on whether the common man should be helped, with those undecided left to party and wonder about it all

on the periphery. Thus thrown together, and nervous about losing territory, the Service-to-Self are mean spirited with

each other.

If the War in Iraq has not gone well, the worldwide oil grab that was to be a fate accompli by the pole shift now

a disaster, then who is to blame and take the rage of the world on this failed affair? Why, the Bush

administration, and their cronies in oil interests. Not liking this role, this group of Puppets struggles to establish

a rebellion and the leveling wars, establishing the pecking order, become more vicious. Those delighting in the

Abu Ghraib prison scandal and Fahrenheit 911 premiere should realize that these were assisted by the Puppet

Masters who encouraged 911 and the Iraq invasion in the first place. This is a battle within the house, the

Service-to-Self turning on each other, to establish the pecking order.

If the greed and corruption that drives Wall Street is being exposed because the economic disasters worldwide

are catching up with this House of Cards, then a cascade of scapegoats will be presented to the public to

dissipate their rage. When Martha Steward proves insufficient, higher heads will roll, including SEC corruption

that allowed the markets to be maintained at a false level for years, despite the dictates of the law about free

markets. The Puppet Masters, owning the world via the banking systems and wanting these notes to come due at

some point in the future, will at all costs protect their interests. The markets may crumble, the Puppets hung

high, but the credit and debit system will be maintained on the books for the future.

If the point of the cover-up is to allow the elite to escape to their bunkers without the clutter of a panic stricken

populace in their way, then clearly their safety is a card in their internal battles. Thus, Cheney’s location during

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2001, Mt Raven in Pennsylvania, was recently exposed. There are enclaves throughout the United States that

Homeland Security was to protect by travel restrictions, orders to ‘shelter in place’, that will be allowed to be

invaded by hordes of escapees from collapsing cities for no other reason than to eliminate combatants during the

leveling wars of the Service-to-Self. Plans to poison these cities, to blow up bridges in fake terrorism attacks,

will be exposed during this process as the surest way to prevent the plans from proceeding.

Thus, where the Puppet Masters will not be exposed during these leveling wars, their much hated Puppets will be, and by watching this drama play out the populace can take comfort that there are no oppressors that reign supreme,

untouched, as all in the Service-to-Self orientation find others stronger and more ruthless than they, at some point in time, and suffer a similar fate.

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ZetaTalk: Day to Day

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ZetaTalk: Day to Day

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

What about the day-to-day functions that people now perform? What will the equivalent be in 4th Density? What

would a day in the life of an entity in either the Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other camp be like?

Take a 4th Density entity in a Service-to-Self camp.

If sleep or some equivalent rest period is required for the life form, the entity wakes or arises from the bed that had been assigned. His rest may have been refreshing, but most likely not, as factors like comfort are not considered by

those in charge, and one must make do with what one can rummage up or wrestle away from another. The task at hand

is not subject to confusion or negotiable. If the entity is late to attending to his assigned duties, he is punished. The severity is not determined by the significance of the infraction, but by the mood and propensity of the overseer.

Depending on the punishment the overseer wishes to avoid, from his overseer, the punishment may even be death, if the overseer wishes to be rid of a troublemaker. The overseer may also torture to the point of disability, if the entity being punished is not performing a key task and the overseer enjoys a power trip.

We could continue endlessly, but the reader, we feel sure, gets the drift. This situation is not uncommon in the

societies of mankind, today.

Take a 4th Density entity in a Service-to-Other camp.

The entity awakes or arises from the bed that has been furnished by those members of the group who have chosen this

task. Since the entities providing beds do so with empathy and caring, the beds are as comfortable and the environment

as restful as resources allow. Likewise with meals. The task at hand for the entity is one the entity is looking forward to, as it has been chosen by the entity, who volunteered for the task. It is even possible that the entity has no task at present, having been granted leave for self reflection or exploration, and this leave would in all likelihood have been pressed upon the entity, rather than a request of the entity. If the entity has volunteered for a task, they are responsible for this and the others are expecting the commitment to be met come-what-may. Failure to fulfill the commitment and

the resultant injury or discomfort to the group would lay upon the conscience of the entity, and it is this knowledge

that creates dedication to the task at hand.

We could continue endlessly, but the reader also recognizes this environment, if only from his dreams. It is a goal of

many, which could be fulfilled if only the scoundrels were not always making this lifestyle impossible.

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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

Note: written Apr 15, 2002

A common reaction among humans when first contemplating the pole shift as presented by us, is to think that the better

option is to go out with the tidal waves, go down under quake debris, or be blown against a wall by high winds and

have it all over with quickly. Most survivors of multiple pronged disasters sit stunned until death overtakes them.

Imagine the World Trade Center disaster, without rescue. No food stuffs brought in, no financial rescue, no media attention. This is in essence a depression, where less and less is done, as time passes. Illness sets in, and those stunned and unable to see a way out are at last given their way out, quietly.

We present a scenario of struggle to survive in the first place, with travel and terror and living a dual life of

uncertainty due to the establishment cover-up. Getting past that as a short term problem, the larger problem looms like a dark cloud. Life in the Aftertime is fraught with dying forests, lack of livestock or flocks or wildlife to eat, and

gardens that will not flourish. Add to this the description of a Mad Max world, where a set of laws and a governing

body will be nonexistent or turned toward self-service, marauding gangs and the need to live forever in a low-profile

mode to survive. Then the time frame of a 25 years volcanic gloom, with climate change requiring vegetation to adjust

as well as try to re-grow, and it seems a long way off before one can sit on the porch in the evening, enjoying the evening. Those with children despair that they will be educated, will live to adulthood without health problems

besetting them, rotting teeth, painful disease, only to find they are bearing offspring into a world that is a nightmare.

Those in poor health envision that they will become a burden on others, fear this will occur in slow steps so they will be unaware of it, perhaps senile or comatose due to starvation, and unable to control their life at all.

Thus, there are huge worries to anyone taking the message semi-seriously, and the first though is that this is a nightmare to be avoided. So, given this perspective, what IS there to live for?

Those strongly in the Service-to-Others have no problem with this scenario, as they quickly sort out what life

for others will be, and make their decisions accordingly. This is no different than what they experience during everyday today. They may be told they have cancer, but consider who is dependent upon them and plot their life

accordingly. They may be told someone in the family or a neighbor is going to fall on hard times, and adjust

their own lifestyle downward to take them in and share what they have. They may be told someone nearby has

defaulted on their responsibilities, and step in without hesitation to fill the gap, being a father to fatherless

children or whatever. Thus, those strongly Service-to-Others would not be likely to utter a phrase such as "why

live?" as they know why troubled times in particular require one to be there for others.

Those strongly Service-to-Self sort this out in a similar manner, but in the other direction. As with their

everyday decisions, they look over the situation to see how it might be taken advantage of for their own pleasure

or power position. Since victims can be presented at any time, they assume many victims and looting and

plundering and savaging potential galore in a post pole shift situation. Thus, those highly Service-to-Self will

also not be likely to say "why live?" as they are licking their chops and rubbing their hands together.

The undecided are the ones likely to make the statement, "why live?" as they do not polarize in either direction, but rather think of their own life, and how they interact on a daily basis with other, or what they have come to expect as their daily fare. The focus is the self, but as a child focuses on the self. How will this affect me, what will I do when presented with this or that without the resources I've come to expect will be available to me. The immature spirit pushes the post pole shift scenario out only so far, to the edges of the cocoon they see their life

as, and see this cocoon not there. The job will be gone, friends and family may die or wander off, the store

shelves empty, the government offices simply not staffed, and whom do they go to with their complaints? Thus,

it is the immature, the undecided, who will present leaders in the Aftertime with motivation problems.

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ZetaTalk: Aftertime

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ZetaTalk: Aftertime

Note: written Apr 15, 2002

The undecided have motive in life according to immediate pleasures, in the main. When they see suffering, before them, they feel compassion and may be motivated to give of their own good, or assist, giving of their time, but this

motivation vaporizes as soon as the painful situation is out of sight. They quickly react to a threat of having their

lifestyle diminished, or expectations of them increased such that life becomes more work and less play. Thus, to motivate a spiritually undecided individual is, in the main, to present them with suffering, without a buffer, or to

present them with a better life should they do this or that.

In a survival group, where undecideds are mixed in with strongly Service-to-Others individuals, the undecided

should not be allowed to avoid the sick room or pathetic crying of hungry infants. Force them into this presence, as choices will be made. They will either rise to the occasion and give of their time, being the better for it

overall, or get hostile. If the individual gets hostile, they are making an orientation decision, that their comfort is more important than assisting the suffering of others. In this, the group can decide if they wish to have this

member as a continuing drain, given the obvious orientation and mindset. If they grow toward empthy and

assisting others in pain and need, then they may in fact make a rapid transit to Service-to-Others orientation, a


In focusing on the future, making a clear distinction on how the life of the individual, as well as the group, will be better should this or that task be done, works well with the undecided. This is not unlike a parent motivating

an immature child. They get desert if they do the dishes, get to watch TV if they finish their homework, or get to

go to the park if they clean their room. In the case of a post pole shift survival group, the carrot can be more

variety in the diet, less hunger, warmer or dryer quarters, or a chance to sight see a bit and travel.

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ZetaTalk: Service-to-Other

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ZetaTalk: Service-to- Other

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The life force is the same throughout the Universe. The lessons to be learned during incarnations are similar, during

the various stages. In the stage, or density as some know it, that humans are in, the lessons focus around self. Should one be focused entirely upon self, be in Service-to-Self, or should one be focused upon others as well, be in Service-to-Others. In the stage we, the Zetas are in, we have made that determination.

We are Service-to-Other Zetas. Our ambitions, therefore, relate to how we can be of Service. Our careers are self

chosen, where each chooses that career he feels would best allow him to be of Service. Our society's rules are a whole

other question, which would be extensive to answer. Suffice it to say that our society takes care of the minimal needs

of all Zetas. We are free to concentrate on our chosen Service. Any gaps in the support structure is observed by any

Zetas in the vicinity, who fill in with service as needed. We utterly trust each other. At times this trust proves

misplaced, but this is part of the lessons we are learning during this stage, or density, that we are in.

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ZetaTalk: Without a Body

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ZetaTalk: Without a Body

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

How do the spiritual orientations operate in highly evolved entities who no longer require incarnations, physical

bodies? Quite similar to the way they operate when incarnate. Some threats and punishments or rewards are removed,

of course, as one cannot threaten to torture or maim if there is no body. For those in the Service-to-Others, there

continues to be cooperation and complete communication. For those in the Service-to-Self, it is force of will and

intensity that creates domination. Among the Service-to-Self, there are still the big bosses and the go-fers, even when there are no bodies to bully with.

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ZetaTalk: Lessons of 4th Density

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ZetaTalk: Lessons of 4th Density

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The lessons of 4th Density are more numerous, and bridge to some degree to the goals of 5th Density. In 4th Density

the entity is further fine-tuning its mode of relationship to others. Where in 3rd Density the entity was surrounded by a mix of orientations, in 4th Density the mix is segregated.

The Service-to-Self entity finds others more difficult to dominate and control, as all others are so inclined. The

struggle engrosses them, almost entirely, for some time. Eventually they learn how to proceed with other lessons, while surrounded by others whom they must somehow work with. This solution almost invariably involves a firm pecking

order, and rules, lots of rules.

The Service-to-Other entity finds themselves surrounded by others they can count on, theoretically. Service-to-Others

trust each other utterly, relying on each other to assume the role they volunteered for. Early in 4th Density there is

much breach of trust. Entities coming from 3rd Density are not used to the intense dedication involved. They are used

to being forgiven when things go awry, as most responsibility is shared in 3rd Density, which is seldom foolish

enough to utterly trust that a task will be done without much checking and oversight. The Service-to-Other entity

coming from 3rd Density is used to putting in a shift, documenting the work done or giving a status check, and

knocking off work. Time now for play. In 4th Density play is a group endeavor, when the responsibilities normally

looked after are temporarily transferred to others.

Thus, the reader can see that the orientation lessons of 4th Density are as time consuming as those of 3rd Density.

However, in addition to orientation lessons, the 4th Density entity is greatly increasing their knowledge of how the

Universe works. We have mentioned the IQ jump from 3rd to 4th Density, and that this increase in intelligence cannot

be solely measured by an IQ test. It is a quantum leap. The time spent in 4th Density, studying, is not, therefore, time lost. The entity finds themselves, for the first time, truly able to contemplate the workings of the Universe.

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ZetaTalk: Love Life

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ZetaTalk: Love Life

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Ah love, one of life's greatest joys. All intelligent species throughout the Universe procreate bisexually in some form or another. For some species the urge is mild and the body relatively uninvolved. We are speaking here of species who

lay eggs, for instance. For other species, in particular the hominoids, procreation is intense - the sex drive in proportion to the investment required to carry and deliver live young. For hominoids this involves being pregnant for the greater

part of a year, being massively pregnant during the later months, and caring for utterly helpless and nude young

without a protective pouch. Consider other mammals on Earth. Where they are born in a den, such as the bear, or into

a pouch, such as a Kangaroo, they are utterly helpless and nude. But where they are out in the world, they are born

literally on their feet, and scampering about after their mothers shortly after birth. Humans have the worst of both

worlds, so place a supreme emphasis on the love bond. Competition is intense, and the requirements of the female go

beyond any physical attraction. Will the potential father stay with her, and is he a good provider? If not, she will

ignore her urges and deny him sexual contact.

How does this change in 4th Density? In the Service-to-Self camps sex becomes promiscuous, as the mothers care not

for their young. The young are collected by those assigned this task, and raised essentially in orphanages. In the

Service-to-Others camps, there is much less worry about support for the mother than during 3rd Density. She in fact

receives more support than she could ever use, an abundance. The issues revolve, instead, around the child. Who

would provide the best genes, the most sustaining parental attention, and the most stimulating environment. As for sex, this is freed from the near automatic connection to procreation that occurs in 3rd Density. Contraception is assumed, as is free love. One should not assume this means promiscuity, as there is less of this than in 3rd Density human societies today. Free love in the 4th Density Service-to-Others camps means that sex is used, truly, as an instrument of love.

Ownership and possession are not part of the equation, at least in theory.

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ZetaTalk: All Work, No Play

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ZetaTalk: All Work, No Play

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Is there happiness and joy in the 4th Density Service-to-Others camps, or is it all duty and work with no opportunity to play? In the Service-to-Other camp, being happy in one's work is an automatic outcome, as one chooses one's tasks, and thus this is without resentment. As to joy, there is always joy at doing for others, at feeling important for their welfare, and seeing what comes about because of one's efforts. Service-to-Others is not a grim dedication to tasks,

with no time out for exploration, no music or presentation of arts and theater, no fancy meals, and no luxurious baths.

Every enjoyment you have now would have an equivalent. The only stricture is self imposed, a sense of duty to fulfill

a promise made to the others. For those in the Service-to-Others, self-imposed expectations are not a burden, they are

a source of joy and happiness. We Zetas in the Service-to-Others enjoy ourselves, in all the many ways humans enjoy

themselves. Luxuriant baths, silken textured garments and soft beds, sweet tastes and smells, a sense of rhythm and

desire to dance - we have all of these.

We are portrayed as cold as steel, to a not small degree because the eyes of humans cannot see our color and see us

only as gray, steel gray. We are portrayed as emotionless, as we are disciplined and fail to react when humans attempt

to provoke us, feeling helpless in our grasp and desiring some kind of satisfaction. We are presented as without sex or digestion, and without parental ties, raising our young in tanks rather than in our arms and bellies. In fact we have

sexual urges, although not as strong at present as those humans have, and where we no longer put food in our mouths,

our bodies react to our nutrient baths with the same sense of gratification and relief that humans have when eating

hungry. Our young are raised outside of our bodies because of our large heads, not because of lack of love. We are

assumed to be without a sense of rhythm or a desire to dance, because we have never been seen to party. Humans

should realize that when they meet with us, or are attended by us, that we are at work. Do humans dance when at work?

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ZetaTalk: Little Bit Selfish

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ZetaTalk: Little Bit Selfish

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Of course there is a degree of selfishness in the Service-to-Other. If there were not, chaos would reign. One of the

group, left alone, would fail to remove themselves from danger or take nourishment, thinking only of the others. You

see the point. Service-to-Others is defined as being at least as concerned about others as about the self. An even split.

Of course, there are degrees, where some individuals almost never consider themselves, and others often. And then,

just as with your society, the point where selfishness turns on differs among individuals. One would think nothing of

sharing a garment with another, but insists on maintaining a small horde of food, as this individual experienced

starvation in its past and has yet to recover from the memory. Another gives food away generously, having no fall

back at all though times are lean, but insists that their wardrobe not be shared as they are vain of their appearance and have taken special care to enhance this.

All intelligent species, when in a Service-to-Others group, display a self interest that maintains the individual. Without this self interest, as an integral part of the species, the species would not have survived throughout evolution.

However, when creating an intelligent species for 4th Density Service-to- Others, the genetic engineers look to reduce

any traits that interfere with the lessons of 4th Density. Thus, in creating the hybrids, we increase telepathy in such a manner as to counteract the violent tendencies of man. You may, on occasion, still wish to kill, but you will consider

with great anxiety the feeling of your potential victim. Thus, the crime does not occur.

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ZetaTalk: Telepathy

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ZetaTalk: Telepathy

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Telepathy is a curse for the Service-to-Self, and an advantage to the Service-to-Others. Being only vaguely aware of

telepathic qualities, humans wonder. Those humans with telepathic abilities relay that this is a mixed blessing for

humans. They can become distracted at unwelcome times. They can become aware of the emotional tone of another, as

well as the thoughts, even though this may not be desired. However, for the 4th Density Service-to-Other entity, who

desires to know where the others are, this is not a burden. Annoying emotion, such as rage or loss of control, is not

present. What is present is valid concerns about the needs of the group, and information on joint projects. Think of

team work, in your present human society, where everyone on the team is focused on the goal. Does close mental and

emotional synching not feel good?

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ZetaTalk: Keeping Secrets

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ZetaTalk: Keeping Secrets

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

In 4th Density Service-to-Others there are no secrets. This is primarily because of the spiritual orientation, where there is great concern for others. As this agenda does not need to be hidden, entities are open about their motives.

Secondarily, there are no secrets because telepathic ability is vastly increased. One's thoughts are read by and known to the others as quickly as they are entertained. This makes it easy to be empathetic and caring, as the pain of one

becomes the pain of all. Communication is greatly enhanced by telepathy also. No need for the phone, no need to write

notes, no silent suffering. For some entities newly arrived into 4th Density Service-to-Others this openness is

distressing. They may have been used to being secretly vain, or resentful of others, and covering this with a socially

acceptable facade. They are aghast to find that everyone is peeking at their thoughts. One can always recognize these

new 4th Density recruits, as they are so often embarrassed and trying to explain themselves. Confession and

acceptance of the self is the only solution, and allows one to get on with the lessons of 4th Density.

In the Service-to-Self orientation, matters are entirely different, as this orientation uses telepathy as little as possible and deception as often as possible. As this situation is not unknown to Earthlings, we will not bother to describe it in detail.

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ZetaTalk: Telling the Truth

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ZetaTalk: Telling the Truth

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

This is an issue that is not only inherent in humans society, it is inherent throughout the Universe wherever there is

intelligence with the capacity to deceive and the desire to do so. This issue arises in humans from the very earliest age.

The child with its hand in the cookie jar explains, when caught, just what it was up to. The explanations are anything

but the truth, most often. As adults, humans and we must confess, many aliens, become more sophisticated. Blatant

lies are replaced with subtle changes and omissions, which cleverly twist the meaning from what a plain delivery of

the facts would present. By these means most of human society is presented with what politicians wish the voter to

perceive, corporate managers wish the stockholders to believe, lovers desire their sex partners to understand, and the

tax payers hopes the IRS will buy.

With this in mind, we enter the realm of the alien presence, with the number of players multiplied from humans to all

the alien groups who have an interest. Even those who are in the Service-to-Others orientation, those who are highly

telepathic with each other and therefore virtually unable to lie to each other, find themselves packaging the facts

palatably. Then, of course, there are the professional liars, both human and alien, the Service-to-Self who have no

compunction about leading anyone astray. How can one sort out the truth? We suggest that the same methods used

effectively to disrobe liars and exaggerators in human society be applied to the alien issue. Where one finds a lie or

that the truth has been stretched, point this out with irrefutable facts, if they exist, or solid logic. At the very least, untruthful statements can be challenged with your statements that the facts seem otherwise to you. An unchallenged

statement often goes as truth to the uninformed. Where there is contention, the uninformed tend to weigh the caliber,

both the moral and professional qualification, of the contestants.

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ZetaTalk: When Under Attack

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ZetaTalk: When Under Attack

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Regarding perpetrators, so used to giving it out but not taking it. How do they deal with a different role? How does a

former perpetrator learn how to be a victim? Do they know how to avoid this? Do they understand, having been at the

other end of the stick, what works? They have indeed, and as most human victims are placed in this situation because

they must deal with these Service-to-Self entities, we will undertake a compare and contrast analysis in order to show

the reader how to recognize the Service-to- Self entity, and how to react most effectively to their forays.

The Service-to-Self entity, or one strongly polarized in that direction, first seeks to remove itself from a bad situation.

However, most humans are neither strongly polarized toward Service-to-Self or working firmly and consistently in the

Service-to-Other orientation. In many cases the situation cannot be avoided without causing harm to others, breaking

promises or commitments, even deserting other innocents. In many cases the situation is a physical trap, too. The job

cannot be left as the human will become homeless, for instance, and forced perhaps into a life of crime which for the

victim is not an alternative that is acceptable. Therefore, this option, which the Service-to-Self take without thought of the after affects, is not, in the main an open option. Can the victim not simply stand up to the attacker? Most certainly, and in this discussion we are assuming that this avenue has already been considered. If escape is not possible, then a

straightforward defense is next tried. The victim calls the situation to the attention of the authorities. The situation under discussion here is where these tactics are not possible. The avenue for appeal is not possible, or would in fact

worsen the attack. In human society, the tendency to blame the victim is used frequently, to deal with frustration. One need only to follow closely the trail of the rape victim, from victimization to trial, to see this process in action.

The Service-to-Self entity will next seek to savage the perpetrator, through intimidation or by undercutting their


This is a scene familiar to humans, much played out in the media. Individuals are framed for crimes they did not

commit. There are threats, and blackmail attempts. Certain acts of vandalism are done, with the message that this is

only the start. For those not oriented to Service-to-Self, these acts are unacceptable, and not even considered.

Therefore, this option, which the Service-to-Self take without hesitation, is not an open option at all.

The Service-to-Self entity will then proceed to attempt to disable the attack, by diverting the attack onto another or

some sort of diversionary tactic.

Offering up another victim, the one least likely to have defenses or retaliate against the entity selecting them, is tried first. Should this be a situation where the resulting attacks from the substitute victim are anticipated to be as bad as the original attack, this ploy is abandoned. Distraction is tried. The victim may attempt to start a fire, literally and

figuratively. The child anticipating a deadline at school, for which he is unprepared, may foist a bomb scare on the

school to buy time. The dog ate my homework, an excuse often used by all, is not the route taken by the Service-to-

Self youngster, who would prefer to cause distress and chaos for the power trip this elicits. For those not oriented to Service-to-Self, diversionary tactics, where they exist and are acceptable, will have already been taken. If the victim cannot escape, they may point to the side, hoping to distract the attacker. This seldom works, or when it does, seldom

works for long. The victim, having been chosen because he or she is helpless, is like a mouse in a box.

Is there nothing the victim can do?

The reader may have noted that there has been much discussion about Service-to-Self maneuvers. We have brought

this forth in this discussion for a reason. Service-to-Self entities, seeking to gain converts to their orientation which they deem will be under their domination, use fear and resentment situations to gain converts. In the situations

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ZetaTalk: When Under Attack

described above, the entity not oriented toward Service-to-Self will be torn. Should they take the option used with

success by others? Should they counter intimidate, toss another victim into the mouth of the attacker, or cause a chaotic situation with unpredictable and perhaps regrettable results? They decide not. Some decide to try these tactics, and

draw themselves toward an orientation where victimization and perpetration are the name of the game. The psychology

at play in prisons, or in slum areas where gangs emerge, show what happens to victims who take this route. They are

caught, the way back fraught with greater victimization than the original situation they sought to escape.

What does this leave the entity who does not wish to enter the Service-to-Self game? Where love is the answer, this

has been tried. Where the victim is dealing with a hardened Service-to-Self entity, such tactics only bring forth a

cynical laugh. Escape is not possible. Appeal to authorities non-existent or tried and failed. Diversion tried and failed.

The strength of the victim not enough to counter the threatened attack, whether the attack is physical or psychological.

What does the victim do? In this case they are best counseled to keep their eye on the horizon, the long term, and bear in mind that any situation of victimization must end, if only in death. We are saying, do not give in to the urge to get the upper hand by adopting the tactics of the Service-to-Self crowd. Gain the upper hand by stoicism. This robs the

attacker of his goal, his reward.

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PeopleTalk: In the Hands of Man

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PeopleTalk: In the Hands of Man

mailed Sep 10, 2004 by the author to various media hosts and outlets, among them Rush Limbaugh, George Noory, Art Bell, Matt Drudge, Don

Imus, Joe Lieberman, Bruce DuMont, Larry King, Time Weekly, Wall Street, Examiner Weekly, National Enquirer, Earth and Sky.

Some things are cut in stone and men can do nothing to alter the outcome. Other matters can change day-

to-day depending on individual and group actions. Recently, I have written to each of you about The

Passage of Nibiru, The Pact of Silence and The Really Big Power Grab with the hope that each of you

would act individually to expose the pact, bring forward information concerning the periodic passage of

Planet X and look into the power grab that megalomania has put in motion. As you may have noticed, I

refer those I contact to the reliable information being presented by the Zeta Reticuli Service to Other

people on their web site Zetatalk.

There is an alien presence on Earth. Aliens have been here from the beginning. Some are here to help the

human race and others are here to exploit man and recruit those who are self centered and do not care

about their neighbor. The Zetas are one of about a thousand different Alien peoples on Earth at this time.

The affairs of humans and the guests on Earth are overseen by The Council of Worlds to maintain a

balanced learning atmosphere for emerging souls incarnate on Earth to learn, or help others learn, to love

each other. That is the lesson each human is to learn on Earth in Third Dimension prior to moving on to

the Communal Living lesson of Fourth Dimension.

Believe them or not, I am setting forth the facts. You must validate the truth of these statements for

yourself. That is part of learning. Not seeking fame or fortune or reward of any sort for myself and

realizing a possible risk to my safety for attempting to expose the cover ups, I refer all who would be of

service to others to contact Nancy Leider, the Zeta Emissary on Earth, and read the book, Zetatalk, study

the archives of the Zetatalk web site and read the pages of the indexed information available in the site.

Planet X is coming and that is set in stone. It passes by every 3,657 years on average. Last time it came by

Israel used the chaos to depart captivity in Egypt. PX has come by thousands of times in a history that is

recorded only in geology, legend, myth, folklore, pictographs and such.

How men, especially those who have not yet heard about the coming Pole Shift and Transition from Third

to Fourth Dimension will be caught unaware unless you or others tell them what their leaders, kings,

presidents or such are, and have been for some decades, keeping from them that might now be of

assistance in reparing individually for the future, will react when they learn of the deceit is in the domain

of each individual. The Zetas have spoken to the issue of what could happen when the lie is finally made

apparent by the appearance in the sky of the Red Dragon of legend, the dust and moons of Planet X

swirling and writhing for all to behold; causing discussion of what it might mean for mankind. They have

released two separate articles, " Two Scenarios" and " What They Fear Most," detailing two possible outcomes each depending on when man learns of the deceit and then relating the actions that may be

taken by the common man and the response of the many conspiring governments to prevent loss of position

and power.

Please read those Hot Off The Press articles and decide which two scenerios you would prefer play out.

The one that does in fact become a reality may depend on whether or not you who have the means to

reach millions of people finally determine it is in the interest of all men that the fact be made public, and

not really in your interest to be party to the hush. It is in your hands. You, the media people, need to love

all of your neighbors and do that which is prudential at this moment. Speak THE TRUTH! Do not remain

silent. Only the brain dead need not be concerned about this serious, serious, serious decision. Continue

the cover up or destroy the pact of silence and warn The People. Which will it be? Which scenerio will it

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PeopleTalk: In the Hands of Man

ultimately be? Maybe, just maybe, you can make a difference and the one for the better of two not so good

scenerios will become how mankind reacts and how world leaders responds to retain their power and

position in the hope of, in their minds, being the most powerman human upon the Earth.

It is in the hand of man to make tomorrow what it will be or could be.

by Robert

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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

Note: written during the Jan 25, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

We have mentioned that Service-to-Self aliens do not do density shifting well, and as such are required by their masters to stay in 3rd Density while on Earth, lest they destroy themselves through their bungling. We have also mentioned that they stayed on the Dark Side of the Moon, hidden from human view, between interchanges on Earth.

This all is distressing to these Service-to-Self visitors, as they prefer the relative comfort of 4th Density, so at the first opportunity they leave to where they can reside in 4th Density physical. The Dark Side of the Moon is still used on occasion when heavy visitations are being conducted on Earth, a campaign of some kind such as trying to gain control

of the continent of Africa for the Service-to-Self. But in the main, this is vacant, as the Earth has moved not

unexpectedly into Service-to-Other orientation, the polarization squeezing the Service-to-Self humans into smaller and

smaller camps, so fewer visitations are occurring. The masters, the Service-to-Self aliens at the top of the pile, are

sending their minions elsewhere, where the rewards might be greater. So what will those Service-to-Self aliens

remaining do during the shift? Like the Bush White House crowd, the NASA/CIA crowd, who are hoping to hop to

Mars and avoid the mess, they will leave. The Service-to-Other aliens visiting will do the opposite, and be side by side with their human counterparts, as we have stated within ZetaTalk.

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ZetaTalk: Spiritual Health

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ZetaTalk: Spiritual Health

Note: written Aug 15, 1995

Humans regularly go to the dentist, get their shots, work out at the gym, and take their vitamins. This is all to maintain physical health. Humans also go dancing, take up hobbies, tie one on now and then, surround themselves with music,

and, especially on the West Coast, go for therapy. This is all for mental health. In the spiritual realm there is worship at church, meditation, and ... not much else. The reason for this is that the spiritual side of man doesn't manifest in the same way physical and mental problems do. Does one ever die of a sick spirit? Is one hospitalized because the spirit is sick? There seems to be no repercussions to neglecting the spirit. Those who attend church regularly fare no better

than those who don't, and the benefits of meditation cannot be measured. So, why bother?

Where the spiritual side of man does not demand care and attention, it is the one aspect of a human life that remains after death. What occurs during an incarnation either strengthens or diminishes the spirit, and this sum total forms the basis for the next incarnation. That's why one should bother.

What is spiritual health? As with the human intellect, the spirit grows best when exposed to breadth. Watch the sunset

and contemplate the vastness of the Universe rather then crack another beer and stare at the TV. Look with wonder at

the variety of human forms and personalities rather than close this out as an intrusion on the status quo. Take

responsibility for a small task that improves the life of the least among you, and get hooked on how much better this

makes you feel about yourself than if you had spent that bit of time fussing over yourself.

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ZetaTalk: Spiritual Awareness

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ZetaTalk: Spiritual Awareness

Note: written Jan 15, 1996

The human animal, from birth, deals with many distractions that obscure communications from the spirit. Hunger,

sexual urges, fright, pain - all demand center stage. Social distractions are just as insistent, as the companion who

demands constant chatter requires as much concentration as a throbbing toothache. Both refuse to go away. Humans

wanting to be in touch with their inner selves develop many techniques for separating themselves from the distractions

- long walks, wilderness retreats, prayer, gardening, meditation. The key practice is to diminish the noise and listen to the upwellings, concentrating on the song the spirit is trying to sing. The key is to eliminate distractions. If this can be accomplished best while folding laundry at an empty laundromat, or walking the dog, or pretending to take a nap, it

matters not.

Where the physical world can be a distraction, yet it is part of God's universe just as the soul is. The soul is aware of the physical world, as these are memories that the soul carries with it, one incarnation to another. The entity well

integrated with the physical world is making a true connection to God’s universe, celebrating the rich connections. The notion that spirituality is separate from the physical world is perpetrated by elites who would tell you that only special individuals who can separate themselves from the physical are able to understand the spirit world. This is nonsense!

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ZetaTalk: Self Righteous

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ZetaTalk: Self Righteous

Note: written May 15, 1996

The self righteous are invariably those who are anything but righteous - they are self focused, and in our opinion this is not right. The arrogance of the self righteous is symptomatic of spiritual immaturity, where superficial actions are

taken to stand for what should be spiritual depth. Rather than empathize with others they chose to stand apart. Rather

than muddy their hands and feet they walk the safe, clean path. Do they think the higher spiritual realms are attained

by avoidance and clean hands?

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ZetaTalk: EST

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ZetaTalk: EST

Note: written Aug 15, 1996

Among the self-development programs promulgated by humans there are some that are exceptional, encouraging

growth in the advocates by unleashing mental or emotional shackles, but most simply use existing channels of learning

and strict or even harsh rules. EST falls into the latter group, producing graduates that are more akin to well trained dogs than thinking humans. All resistance to the imperviousness of rules is broken, so that the advocate becomes a

virtual robot in the instructors hands. Thus guided, the advocate presumes they have improved, when in fact they have

improved only in the eyes of their instructors. EST, like many cults, creates followers that can be counted on to obey, as all who were inclined otherwise dropped out of the program in disgust.

These types of programs are the opposite of what they claim to be, self-improvement or confidence builders, which

would be the case were the programs run by individuals oriented towards Service-to- Others. Slavish obedience even

in the face of pain and humiliation is quite the opposite, a program run by those in the Service-to-Self, who have many guises for their aims.

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ZetaTalk: Survival of the Fittest

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ZetaTalk: Survival of the Fittest

Note: written Oct 15, 1996

Polarization of the orientations occurs even in cultures where the life support systems are ample, so that all living

members of the intelligent species survive. Polarization of the orientations occurs due to myriad decisions the entity

makes, that build upon each other until the trend is undeniable. For those leaning toward the Service-to-Self, each self-focused decision requires that they harden themselves against others, and focus on what they consider the rewards for

having done so. This tends to harden them, increasingly, as these decisions are made, until cruelty becomes a power

trip, all sense of empathy having been lost. For those leaning toward Service-to-Others, each rescue of another is

rewarded by the comfort and joy that another experiences, which is likewise experienced vicariously. Sacrifice is

weighted in this light, so that as empathy and the ability to experience comfort vicariously increases, the sacrifice

diminishes in proportion.

On worlds where there is no contest that can be termed survival of the fittest, this polarization still emerges and in

approximately the same time frame. Death may not be the outcome, but maiming or torment is just as terrible.

Survival of the fittest is not a scheme in God's plan, but a factor of life. Life adjusts, continually, to what surrounds it.

Those genetics that incline the life toward successful living give it an advantage over life with less advantageous

genetics. This is not a battle of genetics, but an action of genetics, just as tides are not a battle against the mainland but an action of the surrounding gravitational pulls. Most life is utterly unaware that survival of the fittest is going on, and the pace is so demure that one would have to live many generations to even see the trend. War, and the desire to

kill the enemy is not genetic so much as it is a factor of control and greed, characteristics of those in the Service- to-Self.

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ZetaTalk: Tribulations

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ZetaTalk: Tribulations

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Tribulations are important in helping an entity determine their spiritual orientation. Without tribulations, there would scarcely be any progress in this regard. Why would their be, as in times of comfort and plenty, when there is

essentially no stress or competition, it is not difficult to get along. One can see this every day. Children at play, who all have the same toy, engage themselves in playing with the toy and ignoring the others. But give only one or a few the

toy, and place the others in want, and a drama ensues. Some entities decide to enjoy the toy vicariously, reveling in the enjoyment the other is having. Some entities, consumed with envy, plot how to secure the toy for themselves. Some

entities, having learned how to manipulate social situations, may wail and cry, seeking what they term justice. Where

this is a simple example, one every adult can relate to and sees everyday, most tribulations are born in silence and are hidden from view. This does not change the nature of the action, however.

Serious tribulations, such as a debilitating disease, also have an effect on the entities spiritual growth, and not

altogether a negative effect, either. The debilitation affects others, too, such that they are moved to care for and

sympathize with the afflicted one. In the Service-to-Other orientation there are two parties involved, the giver and the receiver. Learning how to receive is just as important, surprisingly, as learning how to give. When one is in Service-to-Others, they do not serve well if they simply give the other whatever is desired. What the other wants may not be in their best interests. Likewise, when one is in a position to receive, this can be done effectively, in a matter of fact manner, or detrimentally, seeking an enslavement of some kind of the giver. Who has not seen a debilitated human

dominate the household? Likewise, tribulations such as difficult job situations or an appearance that turns others off

contribute to growth on all sides.

Where an entity is growing toward the Service-to-Self orientation, tribulations have the effect of speeding this process.

The firm decision can, in fact, be made in an instant. Given a situation where the self would have to sacrifice to a

small degree to help another in dire straits, or more particularly where the other would have to be drastically sacrificed to improve the lot of the self to a slight degree, the tribulation can result in a decision to become Service-to-Self in a flash. It is simply clear to all concerned where the self stands, and is most particularly clear to the self. For the self to have made this decision, the orientation is clearly Service-to-Self. Should the reader feel that many times the entity

may be vacillating, and have serious regrets afterwards, let us say that this in fact does not occur. Vacillations occur were a decision has not been made and a series of half hearted actions, in this direction and then in that, ensue. Where a firm decision has been made, there are no regrets afterwards, only insight into what the future holds.

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ZetaTalk: Life Circumstance

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ZetaTalk: Life Circumstance

Note: written Nov 15, 1995

What type of lifestyle, or life circumstance, or race, or sex, or physical appearance most leads one to either the

Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other orientation? Incarnations are chosen by the birthing envoys based on the particular lesson or lessons the entity is most in need of learning, but the incarnation can bring unexpected influences to bear.

One formerly leaning in the Service-to-Other orientation, finding themselves born into wealth and a beautiful body,

may be lured by the ease with which they can make demands on others into considering the Service-to-Self

orientation. On the other hand, this entity may take advantage of the avenues open to one born into wealth to do

service to others on a major scale, and good looks only used as a door opener in this regard. The choice is up to the

entity, solely. One formerly leaning to the Service-to-Self, finding themselves born into the weaker sex and

unattractive at that, may find themselves empathetic to their former victims and regretting their behavior in former

lives. On the other hand, this entity more likely will choose to make themselves as unattractive as possible, taking a

rebellious stance, and bully anyone in their vicinity weaker than they as compensation. Again, the choice is up to the

entity, solely.

Crises, such as major disasters like earthquakes or hurricanes, offer opportunities for action that help the 3rd Density make their spiritual orientation decision. As you say, actions speak louder than words, meaning that words can lie, but the actions a person takes demonstrate their true intentions. In a major disaster, choices must be made, as bleeding bodies and the screams of agony are everywhere. When one turns away from the bewildered, bleeding toddler and

takes oneself to comfort and safety, one has made a clear choice.

But life offers these kinds of choices every day, in less dramatic ways, and the circumstances one is born into make

little difference. Take the choice a wealthy young man must make between taking a job that will gain him the approval

of his family and friends, or one that will allow him to make a difference in the world. He will lose some of his creature comforts, in the form of family and friends - his security blanket. How much different is that from a poor

man, relying on his extended family, who risks alienating them if he emphasizes the big picture rather than the short

term financial gain. In both cases the security blanket is being risked, and the loss is measured in relative terms. To one used to wealth, not being invited to join the yacht club is equivalent to not being included in a game of billiards, and having to downgrade one's standard of living by moving out of the big house and into a flat is equivalent to

moving out of a crowded bedroom and using the back seat of the car for a bed. It's all relative, and the spiritual lessons proceed in spite of differences in life circumstances. In all cases, what is done with the incarnation is up to the entity, solely.

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ZetaTalk: Conscious Choice

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ZetaTalk: Conscious Choice

Note: written May 15, 1997

Unlike the self-improvement disciplines that can be self imposed, one’s orientation is not a conscious choice. Humans

who are distressed at what they deem self centered motives are most likely not on the road to becoming one in the Service-to-Self. These individuals never concern themselves with such thoughts. The focus is rather on how the world,

not themselves, should change, and the change is always supposed to be one that betters the self-focused individual. In fact, conscious attempts to move oneself in the direction of Service-to-Other have a negative effect, as the focus is

often put upon behavior that is assumed to be Service-to-Other but in fact is self serving. The key in orientation is the true motive behind behavior, not the stated motive or even the apparent motive.

Self-serving actions can be disguised as benevolent treatment of others, and often is. Many organized religions enforce rigid rules upon their membership under the guise of being helpful, staying away from temptation and the like. Free

thinking is limited, and the opportunity to explore relationships with others is restricted, under the guise of helping the membership stay on the right track. Meanwhile the church collects dues, all under the guise of wanting to continue this beneficent guidance. In many human societies, children are taught almost since birth to be quiet and orderly and not

assertive. Independent thought and open expression of ideas and emotions threaten the establishment, so are termed

bad behavior. Thus, those humans who find themselves leaning toward what they have been taught is bad behavior

assume they have a long way to go until they become Service-to-Other oriented..

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ZetaTalk: Self Doubts

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ZetaTalk: Self Doubts

Note: written Feb 15, 1997

In general, if a person wonders what orientation they have chosen, they have not yet chosen. Those who have chosen their orientation have almost daily clues that they have made a choice, and that they are solidly in one camp or the


For those in the Service-to-Other, they not only find themselves frequently musing about the welfare of others,

they take steps to enhance the welfare of others. These steps are not a mere phone call inquiring about

someone’s health, but require the concerned one to go out of their way, spending precious time that would

otherwise be spent on recreation or pleasure or bettering one’s circumstances, or spending personal resources

such as savings or personal possessions. These steps are not done as a result of a resolve to become a Service-

to-Other person, they are done automatically. If one needs reminders to take these steps, then they are trying to become an individual operating in the Service-to-Other, and have not yet arrived.

For those in the Service-to-Self, the focus on the self is never ending. It is a rare and fleeting moment that this

individual ponders another’s circumstances, most likely because the other’s circumstances reminded the

individual solidly in the Service-to-Self of his own past. At these times the individual will quickly correct

themselves, getting back to the business at hand - self interest. Where the person firmly in the Service-to-Other

orientation will of course have occasional preoccupation with self, and even give the self priority at time, the

person firmly in the Service-to-Self continually takes this posture.

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ZetaTalk: Animal Rights

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ZetaTalk: Animal Rights

Note: written Apr 15, 1997

Humans with a deep concern about the mistreatment that animals receive at the hand of man are well on their way to

operating in the Service-to-Others orientation, a fact that would not surprise either them or those who know them.

Horrific mistreatment occurs in the handling of animals destined for slaughter, in crowded conditions in which they

stand and lie in their own waste and are pumped full of chemicals that soften their meat but add nothing but the pain

of injections to their lives. The pain that laboratory animals are subjected to is even more horrific, in surgery and post-surgical care with the comfort of the animal the least consideration to deliberate chemical poisoning. None of this mistreatment is necessary in the least, but is defended as a business necessity or to further human health - all lies. The real reason for the mistreatment is the insensitivity of control oriented barons who run these businesses, who cannot be bothered to consider the pain they are causing if it takes a minute out of their day or a penny from their pocket.

However, those concerned for animal rights are not necessarily operating fully in the Service-to-Others, where they think of others at least as often as they think of themselves. The true test of orientation comes when the entity must

make a choice between themselves and another. Under conditions where caring for another is not truly a sacrifice, but perhaps merely an inconvenience or even a pleasure, a true test has not occurred. Caring for pets is almost never a true test, as they are kept for the fun factor, not because they are a burden. They romp with or otherwise amuse their

owners, are an extension of their owners egos, and build a sense of power in the pet owner due to the master-slave

relationship. Caring for pets is a safe Service-to-Other practice, one where the human holds all the cards, and thus not a true test of the decision to care for others on an equal basis with caring for the self.

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ZetaTalk: Original Sin

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ZetaTalk: Original Sin

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

An age old issue - one that comes up in religious circles, on original sin. Humanity is viewed in its various life

situations. The babe born into a wealthy household, its every care attended to. Contrast this with the babe born into

squalor, where the food is inadequate but worse than that is the neglect by its caretakers and the battering rage that

swirls all about. Are these babes equally innocent? Is karma at play here? We feel we need an explanation for the

differences, and seek to find this. We are made uncomfortable, seeing the babe in distress, and are in a dilemma.

Should we neglect the self, step away from our busy life to attend to the needs of another? Should we get involved,

when our offer to assist may be viewed by an angry person as interference? To comfort ourselves, we tell ourselves

that the victim brought this upon him or her self.

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ZetaTalk: Sin

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ZetaTalk: Sin

Note: written Aug 15, 1995

One of the tools used by the religious elite to keep their minions in control is the concept of sin, by which they keep everybody nervous and hold the key to salvation. The rules, such as the 10 Commandments, which guide these matters

are almost entirely focused on actions not to be taken and how to stay in line. Apparently, immobilized, the devout will be thus saved from damnation. Who benefits from this? Those in positions of authority within the Service-to-Self

orientation, both human and alien. It is no accident that Church and State are frequently allied. Both want to control, to limit independent thought and action, to focus attention away from freedoms by describing the dangers therein. How

does this benefit the Service-to-Self? In two ways.

First, when humans are concerned more about following the rules and limiting repercussions, they are not thinking about how to help others. One need only be in a crowded theater when fire breaks out or on a sinking ship to see what

happens to humans when eminent danger is near. Panic, fear, me first, and all thought of helping others is put aside

until the self is safe and secure. It is the rare person, the exception, who thinks of others in these situations, as the treatment and attention these heroes receive attests. They are given awards, even post humus. How does the concept of

sin, as publicized by the religious elite, serve the Service-to-Self? By limiting concern for others.

Second, when humans structure themselves around a set of rules they are giving power and authority to those who set the rules and, in essence, giving themselves as possessions to those who set the rules. They are owned. They are not

free. Blind obedience does not entail any options or qualifications. Blind obedience is not what occurs when someone

runs a red light in an emergency, knowing that Stop and Go lights are simply a practical way of preventing collisions

at intersections. Blind obedience occurs when the flock follows the rules, so as not to sin, and lets the religious elite rule on when infractions have occurred. Who will be the judge? Not God, but those who own and possess the sinner.

This is all practice for life in the full-blown Service-to-Self orientation, during 4th Density. There the pecking order is rigidly established and the rules by which one may be punished are utterly arbitrary. The strong, who set the rules, deciding not only what rules should be established but when infractions occur. Rather than going to Hell because one

sinned, one tends to go to Hell because one worries so very much about sinning.

Rather than focus on the rules, humans would do well to focus on whether their behavior is helping or hurting others -

the true importance of their actions.

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ZetaTalk: The Good Book

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ZetaTalk: The Good Book

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

A number of times we, the Zetas, and others have discussed how the founders of the great religions on Earth, such as

Jesus as the founder of Christianity or Mohammed as the founder of Islam, were themselves incarnated spirits from

higher realms who attempted to reach mankind through their repeated counsel to the masses. Jesus and Mohammed

took care to repeat their verbal messages because of the tendency of such messages to be distorted and turned from

their original meaning. Nevertheless, their messages did get twisted in the Bible and Koran.

How did this happen?

The messages themselves remained pure, but additions were made and attributed to the speaker. Thus a simple

statement to Love they Neighbor became a series of rules on how such love was to be conducted. These rules were

never relayed by the speaker and are in fact a hallmark of the Service-to-Self orientation. Thus a simple message

bearing the concept of Service-to-Others became a distraction of rules, so that empathy and fair play are lost in the

adherence of meaningless rules. These rules have the facade of love, but close examination shows otherwise.

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ZetaTalk: Golden Rule

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ZetaTalk: Golden Rule

written Sep 23, 2004

I am worried that a great many people are missing the spiritual and emotional survival aspects of Planet

X. There is going to be a shift in consciousness into a new dimension, what can we do to prepare our souls

for this change.? We need to be able to rid ourselves of fear in order to survive. Negative energies are

just going to beget negative actions. People physically ready for the shift will be overwhelmed by the non-

physical changes and although able to adapt in one aspect, are miles away from understanding the

spiritual growth needed to make it through this change. What good is having enough food to survive when

you still harbor fear and hate and are creating such as a result? The Zetas mention Service-to-Self versus

Service-to-Others but how do we achieve this in reality. We are all selfish creatures by nature, when does

our needs outweigh the needs of others. I understand that this is why we are here, to grow spiritually.

To those intellectually examining the definition on spiritual orientation, and the rule that moving into one or the other camp requires many lifetimes of trial and error to grasp what living in that orientation means, the matter is anything

but clear. We have stated that those in the Service-to-Other orientation are thinking of others at least as often as they are thinking of themselves, 50%, and that those in the Service-to-Self manage a fleeting thought about others only 5%

of the time. What times are those? If a banker considers the starving in his community, giving a percentage of his

profits directly to food purchases for them, a charity, does this have the same weight as if this banker gave this

percentage of his profits to small businesses in order to hire the unemployed, thus reducing starvation perhaps for less but for a longer time? One must examine his motives. The first move would seem purely humanitarian, yet if his

motive is to increase business at his bank by getting publicity for his move, his motive is selfish, Service-to-Self. The second move would seem to be shrewd, to increase business activity in the community from which he might profit, but

if his motive is truly to reduce starvation and despair in his community in the most effective way possible, the best use of his dollar, then this move is driven by Service-to-Other motives. From an intellectual standpoint, it is a quagmire.

In the simple words of Jesus, ‘ do unto others as you would have them do unto you’. Jesus, Mohammed, and Buddha, Star Children all who came to leave a gift of clarity for mankind, all preached the same message. Equality, where ‘ the least of you’ is considered on the same level as the self. Considering ones physical needs, for food and shelter, in a manner that balances concern for what others need, what the goat about to be slaughtered might feel, what the land

over grazed or tilled into a dust bowl might need. Confusing, a quagmire of intellectual decisions, if left to the intellect alone. What these great preachers left with mankind was the suggestion that the answer lies in the heart. Before you do something that will affect another, put yourself in that other’s place, and imagine the consequences of your action. This is generally known as the Golden Rule, ‘ do unto others’. Driven by the heart, one will never make an errant decision from a spiritual standpoint. A man in agony over whether to share the meat from his last goat with his starving

neighbors, when his own family is faint from hunger most of the time, will find his answer by placing himself in their

perspective as well as his family's perspective. What sense of abandonment will his neighbors have, seeing his family

feast when they are cramped and weak. What need to throw up walls against empathy for the neighbors will his family

require in order to choke down the meal quickly, blinded to the neighbor's plight. He chooses sharing, seeing that

damage to the soul is the greater danger, as the physical will in any case pass.

The reason that an average of 1,000 lifetimes is required for a young soul to reach its orientation decision is this

complexity, as the man about to share his last goat with his neighbors, each a bite and none a full meal, knows from experience what the alternatives are. He has experienced abandonment, has forced himself to block empathy at some

time in his past lives, and has experienced hunger to the point of starving to death, and thus can arrive at his decision.

He has become, rather than a young soul, an old soul, wise. The Earth currently has a large number of very young

souls, due to the population explosion, most so immature as to be considered infants, if an old and wise soul is to be

considered aged. How does one explain to an infant that the others in the playpen must be considered? Where infants

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ZetaTalk: Golden Rule

are often considered to be focused solely on themselves, they in fact respond to other infants put in the playpen,

smiling at each other and vicariously enjoying the play of the other. Body language, the vibes that all living creatures exude and which can be read by another, are there. Thus, even infants can practice the Golden Rule, even on a first

lifetime, and this is the lifeline to be used going into any event when sudden change and turmoil will ensue. This is our best advice.

Give as in yonder valley the myrtle breathes its fragrance into space. Through the hands of such as these

God speaks. Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping. For only the hand of Life can contain

your hearts. And stand together yet not too near together. ... Your children are not your children. They are

the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. You are the bows from which your children as living

arrows are sent forth. Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness; For even as He loves the

arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow.

The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran

Love may have a blooming going into the shift, as it ought, those with great love in their hearts responding

to the realization that little else matters.

ZetaTalk: Personal Decisions

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ZetaTalk: Fatima Secret

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ZetaTalk: Fatima Secret

written Jan 13, 2005

Many people are puzzled by Fatima including Mel Gibson meeting Sister Lucia recently. Quotes by the

late Father Malachi Martin also add to the mystery. Great if the Zetas would answer what the truth is.

Of course, everyone anticipates that the remaining Fatima Secret, known to few except the hierarchy of the Catholic

Church and Sister Lucia, who received the vision, will encompass the End Times. What else would cause the children

to fall, screaming, at what they saw. Few accepted the obvious deflection, announced in recent years, that this involved the assassination of a Pope, which would perhaps stun or sadden a child, but not send them screaming in horror,

writhing on the ground. Place yourself, as a human living a life of quiet desperation as most do, trudging through the

daily routine, bored, weary, and not really expecting much other than aging and the eventual release of death unless

something unexpected occurs to make life more interesting. This on occasion happens, a life suddenly turned to a

horror or a quick death because of an accident, a fall from a ladder, the sudden and intense pain from electrocution

during a lighting strike, the impulsive act of heroism to save another from brutality or danger with the outcome

uncertain. But in the main, sudden and massive Earth changes are simply not expected, and thus screaming in horror is

the appropriate response, especially if the one visualizing this, living it during an intense vision, is but a child. Place yourself, then, as the child you were, dependent on others to protect you and under the dictates of others as to where

and under what circumstances you as a child might live. How would you react to the following in a vision?

the ground opening up in front of you, a wide chasm that swallows what clings to the edges of the chasm, trees

tipping into the chasm and ripping their clinging roots, no path or village square safe from such a surprise;

buildings shattering under cracks that flash across their surface like lightning bolts, falling in dust filled

implosions as the infrastructure snaps, and the realization that you are trapped under the debris and your cries

are going unheard;

walls of fire forming and falling from the sky, setting you and others running from beneath it on fire so you

become a fleeing torch, no hope of putting out the flames by rolling on the ground as all is a holocaust, and your

flesh covered with a sticky substance, fuel for the fire;

a quiet tsunami rolling toward you as you stand on the shore, evident at first as water rising over walls and

rooftops, silently, relentlessly, until the village is covered in water with nowhere for the floating life to cling

until exhaustion takes you down.

Sworn to silence not because there is nothing that can be done to avert the calamity, and not because publication would encourage power grabs by Godless communism, the suppression of the remaining Fatima Secret was done for the

convenience of the Catholic Church and those who ally with the Church. Just as with the cover-up, where admitting

the presence of Planet X in the inner solar system and the likely outcome is inconvenient to those in political and fiscal control of the world, this suppression was done for convenience. Did not those who gave the children the vision intent

it to be known? Would those who denied pedophilia in the Church for so long, while allowing it to continue, put the

safety of the innocent children under their care ahead of their fiscal concerns? It is for convenience that the vision is suppressed, Sister Lucia a captive in silence, and a frank lie about the substance of the vision being about the

assassination of a Pope put forth. Of course there is a reason to reveal the secret. People can chose to limit the size of their families, can chose where to live, can chose a profession or trade based on anticipated need, and in general can

plan to love one another with more intensity if they are aware of what is likely to occur.

This does not jib with the Church’s doctrine to increase the size of the flock on pain of excommunication if one uses

contraceptives, a doctrine which stands at odds with the apparent acceptance of pedophilia in the Church, as

apparently is it failing to increase the size of the flock, not sex, that is the sin. You are told business as usual, stay at your jobs, tithe to your Church, remain on the coastlines and crowded into the cities, and support the comfortable

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lifestyles of the hierarchy. Those in the halls of power in the Church know otherwise, but comfort themselves that

nothing can be done to save mankind anyway. Oh? Are they planning to do nothing for themselves? Nothing to place themselves on solid rock and away from coastlines? Such is the love of those in the halls of power in the Church. Are

they following the advice of Jesus to love the least among them? Are they following the Golden Rule? Are they

warning those along coastlines and near volcanoes or in crumbling cities? Are they allowing them the human right to

make their own decisions about where they wish to be, or where they wish to take those they love? It appears the Church is being run by dictators, looking out for themselves, solely, to the end.

Asked in 1980 why the Secret had yet to be released, Pope John Paul II told a German audience:

‘Because of the seriousness of its contents, in order not to encourage the world wide power of

Communism to carry out certain coups, my Predecessors in the Chair of Peter have diplomatically

preferred to withhold its publication. On the other hand, it should be sufficient for all Christians to know

this much: if there is a message in which it is said that the oceans will flood entire sections of the earth;

that, from one moment to the other, millions of people will perish ... there is no longer any point in really

wanting to publish this secret message.’


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ZetaTalk: Pope Ratzinger

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ZetaTalk: Pope Ratzinger

written Apr 22, 2005

Would the Zetas care to comment on the recent election of the new Pope; what really went on in the secret

conclave; how this particular Pope got himself elected; and whether the world is any closer to a true

revelation about the End Times or not?

Pope selection is at its base a political process, and thus its secrecy. What were the politics during this last selection, where an ex-NAZI, a Hitler youth, a member of Hitler’s armed forces, was elevated? Known as an ultra-conservative,

known as the enforcer of papal edicts on disclosure of pedophilia abuse, his signature on memos reminding Bishops of

their duty in this matter, his fingerprints in recent times are likewise revealing of a brutal and suppressive nature. We have, throughout the life of ZetaTalk, spoken of organized religion as preaching not love and empathy and the practices that Jesus taught, but insisting on control and rules and suppression by fear - excommunication, kept from Heaven, exiled from the comforts that the Church claims it can provide. Pedophilia is protected while the use of contraception in marriage is a sin. Protecting the wealth of the Church for the use of the elite within the Church is a prime concern, while demands are made on the poor to support the Church.

We have also, from the start of ZetaTalk, mentioned that polarizing of good vs evil, what we term Service-to-Other behavior vs Service-to-Self, will be on the increase during the Transformation, and is already in process. Those in the Service-to-Self circle their wagons, sensing that they are losing, their grip slipping, tightening their secrecy rules and becoming suspicious even of each other so that plots and schemes abound in the halls of the powerful, and vicious

attacks to eliminate perceived threats evident. Beyond the paranoia and tight cliques, there is concern about those in

the general populace that the Service-to-Self group have influence over. This as is true of the Church as it is of

political control in various countries. We have described this as breakaway consternation where restlessness in those they control, the populace lifting their eyes to the horizon and sensing freedom from rules and constraints, is viewed

with horror by their essential slave masters. Those who question this view, the Church as slave masters, should spend a day walking in the shoes of those raised Catholic, the number of rituals and rules followed, the lack of compassion and pain that results, and the threat of punishment if they try to escape. Among Catholics, this is termed excommunication

and being dammed to Hell. The Catholic Church is at its base a financial institution, with each faithful Catholic an

asset, and these assets under bondage.

Given that, what factors lead to the choice of Cardinal Ratzinger as Pope?

The first reaction of those losing control is to tighten their grip, so the choice of an ultra-conservative could be

presumed. In these matters, emotion, the fear of loss and rage over loss of control, rides over logic. If Catholics in the US and Europe are leaving the Church in droves, a lighter hand over matters such as abortion or contraception would

be a logical move, but the emotional urge is to punish the escaping flock, and sexual matters have always been a weapon within the Church. We have explained that those in the Service-to-Self, which many at the helm of the Church

are, glory in their power and the proof of that power is the ability to cause misery in others. Thus, the sadist, who

causes pain in horrific ways simply to prove that he can do it. View the Church’s rulings on abortion, placing the mother’s life in consideration, and especially contraception, where married couples are forbidden from preventing

unwanted additions to the family, regardless of hardship even including death of the mother should she conceive again,

and where prevention of AIDS is a secondary consideration to following the absolute edicts of the Church. Yet

pedophilia is protected, continued by secrecy, at the highest levels within the Church.

The second reaction of those losing control is to tighten alliances. Where it would seem that a German Pope would not

please Israel, or might displease others factions wanting their nation so honored, alliances are not so obvious. This is an alliance of those determined to dominate the common man, enslave them, retain unquestioning control, and in this

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regard Pope Ratzinger has a similar view to those controlling the White House at present, those in control in Israel,

those in control of Russia, and is in psychological alliance with many in the banking empires. If those in control are

threatened by the common man realizing that Planet X is about the devastate the Earth, is in the vicinity and is well

known by the elite, then the cover-up must, at all costs, continue. Thus, any revelation of the Fatima Third Secret will not occur, the cover-up in the Church assured of continuing. Watch for a Pope who stays silent on abuses of power, genocide, and the horrors of war, but is insistent that the structure of the Church, and the rules, be maintained and


Signs of the Times #1392

Saint Malachy Predictions http://www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2005/4/3/180901.shtml ‘The 111th prophecy is Gloria Olivae (The Glory of the Olive). The meaning of the olive is unclear. The Order

of Saint Benedict (not St. Malachy) has claimed that this pope will come from its ranks and Saint

Benedict himself prophesied that before the end of the world his Order, known also as the Olivetans,

will triumphantly lead the Catholic Church in its final fight against evil. The 112th prophecy says,

In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Petrus Romanus (Peter the

Roman), who will feed his flock amid many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled city will be

destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people.’

Signs of the Times #1386

Vatican told bishops to cover up sex abuse [Apr 17] http://observer.guardian.co.uk/ ‘The Vatican instructed Catholic bishops around the world to cover up cases of sexual abuse or risk being thrown

out of the Church. The Observer has obtained a 40-year-old confidential document from the secret

Vatican archive. Bearing the seal of Pope John XXIII was sent to every bishop in the world. The

instructions outline a policy of 'strictest' secrecy in dealing with allegations of sexual abuse and

threatens those who speak out with excommunication. They also call for the victim to take an oath of

secrecy at the time of making a complaint to Church officials. It states that the instructions are to 'be

diligently stored in the secret archives of the Curia [Vatican] as strictly confidential. Lawyers point

to a letter the Vatican sent to bishops in May 2001 clearly stating the 1962 instruction was in force

until then. The letter is signed by Cardinal Ratzinger, the most powerful man in Rome beside the

Pope and who heads the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - the office which ran the

Inquisition in the Middle Ages.’ [Note: regarding the pedophilia coverup, the new Pope will ensure


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ZetaTalk: Attempt to Dominate

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ZetaTalk: Attempt to Dominate

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Regarding direct conflict situations in human society, where one human desires to overtly dominate another, where

excuses for the one who wishes to dominate can not be made. Can humans do more to defer these situations than they

presently do? The answer is, unfortunately, no. During this density, the 3rd Density, which is the human condition at

this time, there is not a clear division between Service-to- Self and Service-to-Others. Humans are deciding.

Therefore, confusion exists between humans as to the motive of another human. Is the behavior because the other

human is in need, is insecure, has been harmed in the past, is unduly fearful and in need of reassurance, is being

protective of others, or has misunderstood?

All these paths are explored in the human mind when dealing with an attempt at domination from another human.

Should the answer to any of the above be yes, then the needs of the other human are addressed, and the attempt at

domination is taken not as an offense but as a symptom. However, there are those times when the attempt at

domination is from a human who is strongly oriented to Service-to-Self, and is into power games. In general these

situations are recognized by other humans for the game it is. All is balanced except when the human desiring to

dominate is much in ascension over the other. Here is the opportunity for sadism, whether mental or physical, and the

human strongly oriented to Service-to-Self can scarcely resist. To overcome the normal human resistance to pain or

torment, and the normal human societal protections against this, is a power trip for the Service-to-Self.

In the next density, 4th Density, these individuals are separated so as to be forced to deal with themselves. Individuals who would be strongly taken advantage of by those of Service-to-Self orientation, the Service- to-Others, are also

separated, to be with their own kind. But during 3rd Density, the decision to fall to one or the other orientation is

hastened by the struggle that victims and perpetrators, as well as witnesses must endure. A given situation is not

caused by the victims actions, as who truly wants to be victimized? Society deals with its grief by accusing the victim.

In dealing with a situation of domination and victimization, there are three possible postures.

The victim, who learns how this situation feels, and thus may learn empathy.

The perpetrator, who goes on a power trip, but if given to empathy also experiences remorse for the action and a

determination not to repeat the action.

The witness, who has an opportunity to step in, at risk to self, and thus can experience the empowerment of

group action toward good, or the diminishment of empowerment from being intimidated.

All these are opportunities for growth, in one direction or the other, and this is the major lesson of 3rd Density.

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ZetaTalk: Aggression

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ZetaTalk: Aggression

Note: written May 15, 1997

A common misperception among humans is the assumption that higher spiritual densities are removed from any

emotion except love, and have no destructive urges. The matter of being Service-to-Other does not entail removing oneself from the many conflicts that present during incarnated life. The point where one defends the self, or others,

and crosses the line into destructive behavior is not the point where the entity becomes, however briefly, oriented in Service-to-Self. Service-to-Others does not mean allowing the other to proceed without bounds in a manner that hurts

the self. Self defense is not only assumed, it is desirable! Any entity that became utterly passive and failed to defend itself would not last long. Self defense is integral in any life form, and can hardly be removed, nor should it be.

There is much confusion regarding defensive or aggressive actions being taken by those operating in the Service-to-

Other orientation. Empathy toward others and non-violent means of attending to life’s daily affairs are assumed, and

under equitable conditions this is the norm. However, if others who are not firmly in the Service-to-Other orientation or even if others also in the Service to-Other group are undertaking actions that threaten the well being of the self or of the group, aggressive and even violent means are not out of keeping with the Service-to-Other orientation! Forcefully

restraining another, or even killing them if this is the most effective solution, is not only a Service-to-Self perogative.

These are solutions open to those in the Service-to-Other also.

In dealing with, for instance, a sadist preying upon the young, an inability to safeguard the young by any other means

than killing the sadist would not be out of keeping with the Service-to-Other philosophy. Which other is being served

by allowing him to continue? The young children, as a group of others, or the sadist as a single individual utterly

lacking in consideration of others? The choice is clear, and killing the sadist a solution involving empathy and

kindness overall. In fact, allowing the sadist to continue is anti Service-to-Other, as this passivity is making those standing by and doing nothing a party to the sadism.

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ZetaTalk: Turn the Other Cheek

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ZetaTalk: Turn the Other Cheek

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

What should be done when a human finds they are being victimized, for whatever reason? Most certainly they should

not simply cry "Pity me" and do nothing! Much has been made of the Christian adage, turn the other cheek. In India, it is much touted that the British were routed because Ghandi engaged them with passive resistance. Does this ploy not

work? Sometimes. In the main, this ploy does not work. Passive resistance, or returning violence with love, works only in the circumstances where the attacker is basically of a good heart. The soldier ordered to press forward, for

instance, where he personally has misgivings. Where former victims are inciting violence, here the protagonist drawn

into a conflict may find they can turn the situation around, to where injuries are addressed rather than conflict

escalated, by returning love for antagonism.

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ZetaTalk: Good Samaritan

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ZetaTalk: Good Samaritan

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Where the victim has carried resentment forward into a fresh situation, with uninvolved spectators who have no

knowledge of and certainly no guilt toward the victim's plight, a Good Samaritan dilemma may develop where the

victim attacks his rescuers blindly. How does this play out? Who is to blame here? Where should the finger of blame,

which in much of human society must point somewhere, point? The solution is to realize that there are two victims in

this situation. This is a theme often enough played in your media - the good Samaritan caught in a cycle of violence,

the healer who must struggle with demons brought forth by his good intentions.

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ZetaTalk: Trust

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ZetaTalk: Trust

Note: written Feb 15, 1997

Trust among the trustworthy is a marvelous life, as one goes about one's work not concerned whether what others

promised will be forthcoming, as they are trustworthy. This is a highly productive environment, with each pouring

themselves into the work at hand, able to meet their commitments because they can concentrate and devote themselves fully. This is the environment those in the Service-to-Others orientation find themselves in when living with others of the same orientation, and it is what those humans strongly in the Service-to-Other orientation experience periodically

now on Earth when they have the rare opportunity to be exclusively working with others of a like mind. However, on a

3rd Density world, trust can seldom be placed on others with complete confidence, as trust can be broken even when

intentions are firm and the commitment made by someone who would normally be trustworthy.

Trust can be broken under many circumstances, and thus until one has reached a community where all are trustworthy, one's guard must be up. There are several reasons trust can be shattered:

Even if a commitment was made by one strongly in the Service-to-Other, one known to be trustworthy, they

themselves might be leaning on others who would not come through, thus placing the Service-to-Other

individual in crisis and preventing them from meeting their commitments. Take the example of an individual

who promised to deliver food to a family without transportation. The food is purchased, the individual on his

way with the delivery, when the car breaks down. Another family member who promised to take the car in for

maintenance failed to do so, and lied about the matter to avoid criticism, so the car is now quite dead and the

family waiting for a food delivery are hungry and wondering why they are being left bereft.

Commitments made by the spiritually immature are often difficult to sort out from commitments made by those

strongly in the Service-to-Other, as they sound the same at the time. The spiritually immature will put on a good show, even fooling themselves, until the going gets rough. It is then that their resolve wavers, and the

commitment is put aside in favor of another avenue. The spiritually immature one makes all manner of excuses

to themselves and others, and where they forgive themselves readily they often leave those who took them

seriously aghast and distraught. To avoid such a situation, look carefully at the individual's track record,

especially at their performance when times got rough.

Those leaning toward the Service-to-Self will make commitments readily, with no intention of honoring the

commitment whatsoever. In general, they will say whatever gains them an inch at the moment, so those who

know them are not fooled, but those who are first encountering the selfish one can indeed be fooled and badly

hurt. In this situation, where one suspects they are dealing with a self-focused individual, it helps to give a test

or two. Place them in a situation where they must meet their commitment, putting themselves out in order to do

so, and watch what happens. With remarkable regularity, the self-focused one makes some excuse and tends to

themselves, showing how very shallow their commitment to others is.

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ZetaTalk: Divided Loyalties

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ZetaTalk: Divided Loyalties

Note: written Oct 15, 2000

Divided loyalties are a common concept on 3rd Density worlds, where the decision is most often portrayed as a pull

between whether to serve the self or others, or as a decision on which path to follow when opportunities present.

These scenarios are presented often in books and movies as a crisis where the hero decides to risk life and limb in

order to rescue another clinging to a tree in a flood or trapped in a burning building, or an individual struggling with a career opportunity which would require leaving family and friends behind versus taking a greater role in a family

business. Seldom are the real decisions that afflict those firmly in the Service to Other presented, as these would be

deemed boring and mundane by most souls on 3rd Density worlds, who are not so strongly oriented and prefer the

drama of choices for self promotion. What are the conflicts that those strongly in the Service-to-Other most often deal with, which will surely be exacerbated during the coming pole shift crises.

Where those strongly in the Service-to-Other prefer the company of others with a like mind-set, they seldom get this

opportunity. Reliable individuals concerned with the welfare of others are spotted early by family and friends, who

make endless efforts to pull them into service as a loyal employee, a faithful and long-suffering spouse, or a friend

who can be counted upon to be there throughout any crisis. Such relationships are almost always portrayed by the

determined self-serving individuals as benefiting the one giving service, not the true recipient - the onerous boss who tells the loyal employee how grateful he should be to have employment at all in the current market, the philandering
