spouse who relays that someone at work found them attractive and flirted or made a proposition. These techniques are

intended to keep the one giving service insecure, hesitant about breaking the bonds and going elsewhere, and firmly in

the service of the self-serving person. Given the attraction that those strongly in the Service-to-Others have for those who would use them for self-serving purposes, how does the Service-to-Other individual prepare for the coming

emergencies that the pole shift will create?

In the normal day-to-day, those strongly in the Service-to-Other work toward the larger welfare to the degree that they can free their time. They may work at a job to earn money, as the spouse and family obligations demand, but pour

their real attention and time into volunteer services that reduce illiteracy or promote green-belts or in some way

improve life for the larger pool of humanity. They divide their time, and most often have some personal resources to

do this. With the coming cataclysms, this will change, with emergencies endlessly presenting themselves and the pain

in the community seemingly endless. The choices will be clear, as in a situation where a spouse demanding to be made

comfortable by better living quarters cannot take precedence over cleaning the festering wounds of orphaned children!

Does this mean turning the back on the spouse, entirely? In most cases, this will be the decision made, but often not

until repeated arguments and dissension have occurred.

Those used to giving service, and making a compromise between the demands of others and their true sense of service

to the larger pool of humanity, will seek to maintain this balance even when circumstances change. The guilt

manipulation that self-serving individuals are often skilled at will reach a fever pitch during the coming crisis, but this is often revealed in an instant during such times. A bleeding child, in pain, is being attended while the spouse shrills from the sidelines, not offering to help but making increasingly shrill demands. The one in Service-to-Others suddenly

realizes the situation, and thereafter has nothing further to do with the spouse, having made their decision. No longer caught in a cycle of mixed or divided loyalties, the one in Service-to-Others now finds themselves with greater energy, the conflict settled, so they can forge ahead with what they deem the proper priorities at the fore. The self-serving individuals left behind hardly take this decision as final, or go quietly, but will find themselves firmly and consistently ignored.

This drama of choices can be anticipated by those struggling to carry their current burden of responsibilities during the coming crisis, and mentally and emotionally stepped through in order to expedite the choice when the time comes. It’s

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ZetaTalk: Divided Loyalties

not a matter of turning one’s back on those who have always looked to you for support, it’s a matter of choices for the better good, the larger community of those in need, and taking charge of your life rather than allowing your actions to be determined by self-serving individuals.

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ZetaTalk: Short Cuts

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ZetaTalk: Short Cuts

Note: written Mar 15, 1996

Faced with the human dilemma, that they are stuck in a 3rd Density world fraught with problems that their limited

intelligence seems incapable of resolving, that they are thrown in with the mean-spirited and avaricious, that they have tenuous physical security at best on a world that can visit violent weather and geological changes upon them - humans

look for short cuts. They have caught the gist of spiritual evolution - learn these lessons and you can progress to a

world where you will have greater capacities, more intellect, can control your environment so that your lessons can

progress, are separated from the mean-spirited, and can escape into another dimension when things get rough. Is there

not a short-cut, some fast track to the promised land, a way to compress these 3rd Density lessons so that one could

complete them, say, today?

This is akin to the youngster, seeing his older sibling driving off in the family car or taking a trip without an escort, wanting the same privileges. What parent would give in, just to relieve the youngsters frustrations? Would not the

youngster feel better but for a moment, but then drown in troubles? The spiritual lesson of 3rd Density, that of

choosing one's spiritual orientation, is not the simple decision that humans assume. Individual choices, during a

lifetime, can be made quickly and simply, but the overall orientation is one that grows slowly, and is compounded by

millions of choices, over thousands of lifetimes. A single choice does not suffice, although when the entity is close to completing its determination this may weight in so that the choice has been completed. Likewise, this is not an

intellectual decision, but one based on the actions taken.

A mother, loving her children almost more than herself, may find she can sacrifice for their betterment without regret, but when faced with a stranger in need, hesitates. A husband, feeling protective of his wife to the point of placing

himself in harms way in order to shield her, finds himself looking the other way when a stranger on the street is under attack. A neighbor, watching another struggling to clear brush, may rush out to assist and enjoy the sense of bonding

and camaraderie that ensues, but when away from home isolates himself from similar opportunities because payback is

unlikely to come from a stranger. A human may think themselves to have made the determination to be Service-to-

Other, but the many tests in the arena of life prove otherwise. Since the lessons of higher densities cannot progress

without a separation of the orientations, those who have not yet decided must stick to their lesson until it is completed.

No short-cuts allowed.

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ZetaTalk: War and Crime

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ZetaTalk: War and Crime

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Regarding war and crime. We, as with most humans, abhor war and crime. War mongers and criminals tolerate war

and crime as a necessary means to an end. However, they find war and crime intolerable when they are the receivers,

rather than the deliverers. War and crime have no part in a Service-to-Others culture. War and crime have victims and

victors. In a Service-to-Others culture, there is only we, us. Where one is a victim, we all are a victim. Therefore there are no victims. War and crime exist in the Service-to-Self culture, to a great degree. In fact, this is a way of life for all the entities in this culture. Where humans are in the stage, or density, where they must make these decisions,

determining which orientation they wish to take, which path they wish to follow, we, the Zetas, have already decided.

Those humans who choose Service-to-Others will find in their future that war and crime are only words in the

dictionary. Those humans who choose Service-to-Self will find that war and crime become their constant obsessions.

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ZetaTalk: Few Bad Apples

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ZetaTalk: Few Bad Apples

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Should statistics be run up, it would be found that almost all situations where there is a true victim have been caused by a small number of humans. Such statistics are not within the power of human societies to gather. Most victimization

situations are a private hell, where the victim has been chosen in part because they cannot or will not complain. Most

crimes of violence are done against strangers, where the perpetrator cannot be recognized and therefore found. The

reader may cite statistics where murder is done against family members, but these are only the statistics gathered. Most crimes are not reported, and this is in no small part because the victim is not found. Dead men tell no tales.

What we are telling you is that this small percentage of perpetrators are skilled, even at birth, in victimizing others.

They take joy in this, as this increases their sense of power over others. When they polarize far enough to enter 4th

Density, they have, often for the first time in their existence, a unique experience. All about them are like themselves.

Establishing the pecking order within a group of Service-to-Self entities newly arrived from 3rd Density is a study in

violence and intimidation. You, on Earth, will witness this as your world becomes increasingly polarized during the

Transformation. Prior to death, the Service-to-Self entity scheduled to move to 4th Density Service-to-Self on another

planet will be increasingly isolated with his own kind on Earth.

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ZetaTalk: WW II

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ZetaTalk: WW II

Note: written Mar 15, 2002

WW II was started because, primarily, Germany was distressed economically and Hitler was, by personality, prone to

point the finger elsewhere. Hitler was doing this in his personal life, his own psyche, thus using these techniques of

denial and blame elsewhere came readily to him. Those around him evaluated this in light of their own agendas. Those

who were Service-to-Self sadists, interested in promoting the Service-to-Self environment as they understood where

they were heading and wanted a better entry into their next incarnation on exclusively Service-to-Self worlds, created

cruel environments. The US joined WW II because it saw itself becoming involved, ultimately. It was a logical

decision to join before their partners were demolished. As a combined team, with shores that could be landed, success

was possible, as later this was complicated.

Political control is the engine driving wars, and their start. Politicians, as corporate executives, are control driven, wanting to be on top of the pile and able to control others, able to control events and their direction. Those who have been raised in a household headed by a control freak will tell you that the issue is not what is under contention, but that it is under contention. If father is a control freak and the child has been told to polish his shoes, then a failure to do so sends father into a rage. He would ultimately burn the house down to win this silly issue! This is because being in control is the issue, not the shoes. Likewise, if mother is a control freak, then not eating your broccoli as ordered sends her into a pout and fume that will not end until the child is forced, late at night and in front of a plate of cold broccoli, to eat. This is because the issue is not the broccoli, or the vitamins to be gained (which in any case have many sources) but whether or not her word rules.

In this manner, corporate executive want to earn money, and wars are not predictable, as they are run by government leaders, control freaks with another mind set. Corporations thus do another kind of war, making partnerships, breaking

laws, moving about internationally. Political leaders engage in war to effect control of their borders or their populace.

So, economic interests take advantage of war, but do not start them. Those who were materialistic, opportunistic, looked for opportunities just as the military-industrial community does today. This includes companies like Bayer,

reputed to gain greatly as a result of the war. Those with this mindset are not picky, and are at the place where they are, economically, because they take advantage of any misfortune. Opportunists, wholly. Thus, other than giving an

opening for Service-to-Self aliens to respond to The Call given by control or cruelty oriented humans, advising them

on how to treat the Jews in camps to drive their souls, or so they hoped, into hopelessness and the Service-to-Self

orientation as a result, no alien intervention was done. Likewise, wars are rarely started for those interested in

economic pursuits alone, but rather economic pursuits follow and take advantage.

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ZetaTalk: Sadism

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ZetaTalk: Sadism

Note: written Jan 15, 1996

Service-to-Self is not simply self maintenance. Were humans all to be only involved in self maintenance, your society

today would be quite benign! The Service-to-Self entity goes beyond that, to conquest. No conquest is enough - they

become insatiable. The power trip experience from being able to do to humans what humans have an instinctive

abhorrence of is resorted to as often as possible. Thus the victim is found not only dead, but maimed - eyes poked out, genitals severed from the body, fingernails pulled out. If the torture of a loved one would cause more distress, then the baby goes first and the parents must watch. The Service-to-Self individual who gives every evidence of being

diplomatic and generous also maims, psychologically. Those dependent on this person find their deepest needs denied,

while their superficial cares are attended to. A deep sense of being unloved pervades, in sync with the actual facts.

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ZetaTalk: Nuclear Tests

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ZetaTalk: Nuclear Tests

Note: written Nov 15, 1995

Mankind first sought the bomb as a defense, but the implications of this kind of power were not lost on the power

hungry. Do as we say or we'll nuke you. The ultimate clout. While prototypes were being manufactured in great haste

and secrecy, all due to rumors that the Germans or Japs were also working in great haste and secrecy, there were those who said the word "defense" with utmost solemnity while their hearts were wildly beating to the word "power". It has been thus on many 3rd Density worlds, with weapons of great destruction leading to a contest between the well being

or even survival of the planet and the massive, self-focused ego of he who would hold the ultimate power.

Nuclear power should never be used in power plays, as more than the participants are affected. Nuclear fallout or underground seepage always lingers and escapes control, affecting many generations. Those who choose to use nuclear power for any reason, whether for defense, to show off, to gain an upper hand, to be defiant, or just to have one's name on the list as having made the grade know this. Innocent babes in the future will have a diminished quality of life,

sometimes living through life deformed and chronically sick, but those who are inflamed with their sense of power and

with a sense of themselves think not of others. In all cases, including the original bombs dropped by the US

government during World War II, including the so-called tests that countries claim they must do to stay up on the

technology, in all these cases where the harmful residuals will be unleashed on the innocent there is at the core of this decision one firmly in the Service-to-Self, one so drunk on the ability to devastate the lives of others that this is a perk, rather than a caution, during the determination to proceed.

Peel back the layers of scientists and bureaucrats and military strategists surrounding a nuclear test and you will

ultimately come to the core. You will know them by the cold gleam in their unsmiling eyes, their utter lack of

compassion, their refusal to contemplate any arguments against their chosen path, but most telling will be what they

reveal when the bomb explodes, spewing poison out over innocents, and innocents yet to be born. At that moment

there is a type of orgasm of the soul, the mouth dropping open, the breath held and then gasped, the eyes widening and

brow smoothing as though no longer distressed or concerned, a slight smile about the mouth. Where those who care

about the Earth and her ecology and peoples are looking on in horror - the man who made it all happen is having the

orgasm of the soul that the ultimate power trip brings to those firmly in the Service-To-Self.

Those who wish to stop this senseless unleashing of nuclear waste need to pry down to the core of each such endeavor

and find that person or persons who are instigating this. Challenge these individuals personally on their rationale, and do not harass the buffers these people build around them. By this means and this means only will they be exposed for

what they are, for when challenged they will reveal themselves by their behavior and their answers.

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ZetaTalk: Pollution Power Trip

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ZetaTalk: Pollution Power Trip

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Humans pollute mostly out of ignorance. However, the worst pollution is caused by deliberation. There are a small

number of humans who control this issue, and they chose not to correct pollution practices. In some cases they do so

for greed, for the cost factor. In some cases they do so out of laziness. In some cases they do so because they don't

want to take the heat by calling attention to their past practices. Change would be questioned. But, in some cases these humans pollute deliberately for no other reason than to enjoy the power this brings to their sense of self. This is not unlike the sense of power the sadist gets when giving pain.

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ZetaTalk: Mutilations

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ZetaTalk: Mutilations

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Cattle mutilations have been a subject we have not been able to talk about until quite recently, as to do so would have involved actively engaging those in the Service-to-Self, a task we do not at present have the resources for as we are

engaged in higher priority tasks. This was a Service-to-Self scam we anticipated would fail, as fail it has. Humans

were only mildly discomfited by mutilations, and understood they were unlikely to become targets. Where the alien

visitors in the Service-to-Self who were perpetrating the mutilations have walked away from this activity, it will still continue for some time due to the interest of their human counterparts. This was a joint alien-human activity, though the motives of the participants differed.

The aliens involved wished to instill intense fear and a sense of hopelessness in the human society, so that they

would be inclined to be self-focused from their fearful state and lean toward the Service-to-Self orientation.

Thus they targeted the genitals and other sensitive and protected organs such as eyes and mouth and the anal


The message was also disseminated that mutilations were done while the animal was alive, tortured not only by

the pain but by the knowledge of what was being mutilated. Human contactees who gave The Call to the

Service-to-Self were at times given such a show, and returned with this story to tell. However, in spite of years

and even decades of mutilations, the impact has been scarcely more than a curiosity.

Humans did not take the implied threat to themselves seriously, as it was clear that if they could be a target then

human mutilations would be occurring. The pattern was not one where humans entered into the mutilation cycle,

in spite of rumors that one or two humans might have been so mutilated. The fact that thousands of animals were

mutilated stood out as a disproportionate pattern.

The humans involved are part of what is loosely called the New World Order, and it is they who harass

contactees and UFOlogists with their black helicopters, not any arm of the government. These individuals were

interested in keeping human society at arms length from aliens, in keeping with the scare tactics used in the

movie ID4. Their motives were to keep human society moving in its present tracks, under the control of the

present establishment.

Human participants were alerted prior to planned mutilations by being the planners. It was they who selected

and marked the cattle, and having thus tagged the target they were in a position to be alerted when the mutilation

began. No actual communication flowed between the humans involved and the aliens, as mutilations at first

began as a human activity and to the surprise of the human perpetrators, aliens began doing the mutilations

before they could arrive on the scene. Not ones to turn down a favor, especially as they were trying to foist the

impression on human society that aliens could not be trusted, they just went along.

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ZetaTalk: Melchizedek Cult

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ZetaTalk: Melchizedek Cult

Note: written Nov 15, 1996

Among the many alien groups attempting to assist in the Transformation is one speaking to a channeler known as

Melchizedek. His merkaba was written with the best of intentions, but like the Bible, the words were attacked by those

in the Service-to-Self almost as soon as they were written. What developed as the so-called devotees of this work is

nothing that the original author had in mind! These alien visitors, firmly in the Service-to-Self orientation, undermine the original work of Melchizedek as they hope to parlay a personality cult into something they can control.

They disguise their intent by their frequent references to world peace versus war, education versus punishment,

and prosperity for all. Underneath these platitudes is the real message of strict social ordering, long and

impressive titles, endless rituals, and the desire to replace independent thinking and democratic states with a

single hierarchy called the New World Order. It is by these means that those in the Service-to-Self attempt to

destroy and subvert a message given by those in the Service-to-Other. Take the original message, and discard

the later interpretations by the so-called devotees.

A key tenet of the cult is possession of the human converts by Service-to-Self entities who convince the

incarnating spirit to step aside now and then, especially during meetings and initiation rites. The humans drawn

into the cult are told that this possession, a temporary walk-in by an intensely Service-to-Self oriented spirit, is

an honor, that the possessing spirit has wisdom beyond what any human can muster, purity of purpose, and a

spiritual focus that will benefit mankind.

As the cult members are invariably weak, often abused individuals virtually taken off the streets, they revel in the

strength they feel in the presence of or during possession by the visiting Service-to-Self entities. Often the

attention they receive from the other cult members surpasses any they receive elsewhere, and being weak minded

and faint hearted individuals, their loyalty is thus purchased cheaply. Humans living on the streets are those who

have given up the fight, are on the run, and by joining the Melchizedek cult and accepting occasional possession

they feel they have turned the tables on the world. Now they are strong and in control

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ZetaTalk: Emissaries of Light

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ZetaTalk: Emissaries of Light

Note: written Feb 15, 1997

In the time honored disguise of assuming a title that has nothing to do with one’s true intentions, the group calling themselves the Emissaries of Light, founded by Floyd Meeker, is neither an emissary of any entities in light form nor

does their philosophy represent any these entities would wish to stand behind. Much about in New Age cultures is the

salutation - love and light - and this can accompany takeover schemes, outright rip-offs, and sarcastic jabs. Look not

to what groups call themselves, look to what they do with their time and the results of their efforts. Do they inspire mankind to independent thinking and into raising their eyes from self-concern, or do they play on self doubts and

collect fees? Do they better the world around them, giving rather than taking, or do they only better their own

circumstances? This is what matters, not the name.

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ZetaTalk: Stonehenge

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ZetaTalk: Stonehenge

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Stonehenge is ancient, far older than man assumes. Its purpose is confused because of its age. Was it a sacrificial site?

Was it an astronomical measure? Was it simply a place for lovers to meet in the moonlight? No records remain. No

peoples remain in whose memory Stonehenge has a place. It stands, bleak and cold, its secrets a mystery so deep that

none can fathom them. Yet the mystery is easily answered if the ages are taken into account. Stonehenge is older than

the visitors from the 12th Planet. Older than the wandering of the cavemen, mankind's earliest numbers. It is so early

that no cultural memory remains that can strike a cord. It does not resonate, as the New Agers say, meaning that their

cultural values have no resonating equivalent.

Stonehenge has survived prior cataclysms due to being situated on solid rock and the careful placement of the stones.

Solid rock receives a single jolt during a severe earthquake, and upright stones are prevented from toppling if held at the top, and capping stones lining the top are prevented from falling as they are lined end to end and the ends brace

each other. Nevertheless, several Stonehenge massifs have toppled. What caused those stone to topple, the wind? Have

the manmade statues around London toppled due to earthquakes in England? Clearly, Stonehenge has experienced

earthquake trauma. Where much has been made of Stonehenge being oriented to the Sun at certain times of the year

such that it appears to be a type of sundial, some such orientation would occur no matter what the location of the stones were. The time of the year would simply change. Stonehenge is not a sundial, nor an astronomical measuring

device, nor a place of worship or sacrifice, nor a meeting ground. These explanations are mankind's attempt to explain

Stonehenge, as the true explanation is too discomfiting.

So just what is Stonehenge? Stonehenge was built to the specifications of a reptilian King, who resided on Earth so long ago that humans were scarcely emerging. Yet the structure was to carry meaning for the emerging humans, which

it has, to this day. Subliminal messages of power and sadistic treatment toward those sacrificed. Humans look upon

Stonehenge, and imagine the innocent struggling on the table under the knife. Why else would there be a table? They

imagine a coven of evil surrounding them. Why else would there be a circle? They imagine no force on its way to

rescue the victim. Why else would all this be in the open? Stonehenge was built to fulfill the purpose it has, to

insinuate itself into the subconscious of mankind, making it uneasy. This was done by the Service-to-Self crowd, who

hoped to win converts among the emerging souls of man. There are those in the Universe who would terrorize

mankind, and thus win conquest over their souls.

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ZetaTalk: Dragons

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ZetaTalk: Dragons

Note: written Jul 15, 1995

Mankind has many myths about dragons throughout the world. In the Orient the dragon is featured on pottery and in

parades, and European myths are replete with Knights in armor going into battle against firebreathing dragons. The

dragons invariable have wings and are shaped suspiciously like dinosaurs. Is there some basis in fact for this common

human memory? Indeed there is. Where the dinosaurs died out long before mankind was engineered into being from

ape stock, the Earth was not the only planet to give birth to such creatures. Evolution follows similar patterns, and

where your Earth brought forth dinosaurs with wings, just so did other planets compatible with the Earth.

Your dragons were transplants brought to the Earth by early ambassadors from the Service-to-Self, who anticipated an

increased harvest of lackeys from the Earth due to the fear and despair their dragons wrought. Were the dragons

intelligent and incarnated with souls? No. On a scale of 1 to 10, where the average dog is a 10, a dragon was barely a

3. This is why, in spite of the massive size and capacity to fly as well as lumber over hill and dale, they were so easily slain. Dumb brutes. Hundreds were brought to Earth, and released on terrified villages. The dragons ate humans, which

were neither swift runners or able to barricade themselves in their mud huts, and were a tastier morsel than the deer,

which ran fast and had taut, lean muscles. The legends speak of sacrifices, where humans would periodically offer one

of their own to placate the dragon. Well, of course this reduced the rampages, as dinner had been brought to the door.

Where some dragons mated, they were scattered to begin with and, dying without progeny, eventually disappeared

from the Earth. There were perhaps a few hundred delivered, and their reign, ending only in the last Millennia, lasted

for thousands of years. The stories of dragons, all the more impressive as they were true, spread more widely than the

dragons themselves. Did they breath fire? No. But when roaring, open mouthed, it felt like that to those within range.

Hot breath and a big wind pipe.

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ZetaTalk: Antarctica

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ZetaTalk: Antarctica

Note: written Jan 15, 1996

Rumors of an underground base in Antarctica, where elite members of the Third Reich fled toward the end of World

War II, are based in part on the flight of many Nazis to the far reaches of South America. Parlaying on this widely

known fact, those who wish to spread myths about alien support of governments engaged in activities generally held to

be evil have constructed a story few, if any, could ever disprove. How many people can go to Antarctica and trudge

around in search of this fabulous place? A safe, and wholly untrue, rumor. Where aliens in the Service-to-Self

orientation did indeed respond to the Nazi call, they in no way rescued the Nazi when matters turned sour. This is the

Service-to- Self orientation we are discussing here, and they look out only for number one and others only when it can benefit them directly. If there is no honor among thieves, there is certainly no loyalty among the Service-to-Self.

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Document Outline


ZetaTalk: Orientation

ZetaTalk: Reincarnation

ZetaTalk: Key Characteristics

ZetaTalk: Distinguishing Characteristics

ZetaTalk: By What Names

ZetaTalk: Spiritual Evolution

ZetaTalk: Heaven and Hell

ZetaTalk: Switching Sides

ZetaTalk: Merging Later

ZetaTalk: Increasing Dichotomy

ZetaTalk: Rampant Violence

ZetaTalk: Polarization Period

ZetaTalk: Littleton Massacre

ZetaTalk: Amish Massacre

ZetaTalk: Virginia Tech Massacre

ZetaTalk: Nebraska Mall

ZetaTalk: Star Wars, Today

ZetaTalk: Genetic Engineering

ZetaTalk: Conservatives

ZetaTalk: Leveling Wars

ZetaTalk: Day to Day

ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

ZetaTalk: Aftertime

ZetaTalk: Service-to-Other

ZetaTalk: Without a Body

ZetaTalk: Lessons of 4th Density

ZetaTalk: Love Life

ZetaTalk: All Work, No Play

ZetaTalk: Little Bit Selfish

ZetaTalk: Telepathy

ZetaTalk: Keeping Secrets

ZetaTalk: Telling the Truth

ZetaTalk: When Under Attack

PeopleTalk: In the Hands of Man

ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

ZetaTalk: Spiritual Health

ZetaTalk: Spiritual Awareness

ZetaTalk: Self Righteous

ZetaTalk: EST

ZetaTalk: Survival of the Fittest

ZetaTalk: Tribulations

ZetaTalk: Life Circumstance

ZetaTalk: Conscious Choice

ZetaTalk: Self Doubts

ZetaTalk: Animal Rights

ZetaTalk: Original Sin

ZetaTalk: Sin

ZetaTalk: The Good Book

ZetaTalk: Golden Rule

ZetaTalk: Fatima Secret

ZetaTalk: Pope Ratzinger

ZetaTalk: Attempt to Dominate

ZetaTalk: Aggression

ZetaTalk: Turn the Other Cheek

ZetaTalk: Good Samaritan

ZetaTalk: Trust

ZetaTalk: Divided Loyalties

ZetaTalk: Short Cuts

ZetaTalk: War and Crime

ZetaTalk: Few Bad Apples

ZetaTalk: WW II

ZetaTalk: Sadism

ZetaTalk: Nuclear Tests

ZetaTalk: Pollution Power Trip

ZetaTalk: Mutilations

ZetaTalk: Melchizedek Cult

ZetaTalk: Emissaries of Light

ZetaTalk: Stonehenge

ZetaTalk: Dragons

ZetaTalk: Antarctica
