As soon as he heard my report on the conversation with Kang at the tower, Pak reached into his desk and pulled out a ticket. "Go home.

Pack a bag, take the rest of the week off. You need to be out of the city for a while. Trust me. Maybe Kanggye isn't such a bad idea after all. Be at the train station tomorrow morning early, at 4:30. Give this to the stationmaster, name is Pak, not my cousin as far as I know. He'll see you are comfy, away from the cigarette smoke and confusion of the masses. Good luck. Don't keep in touch. I'll contact you if there is any need. Stay away from phones." He saw the look on my face. "This is for your own good. It isn't punishment, Inspector. I just don't want you anywhere near Kang for now. If Military Security is gunning for him, something is out of kilter. Everywhere Kang goes these days, that thug Kim won't be far behind. Better yet, hand in your resignation." you crazy?

"No. Resignation will get you onto the sidelines. We'll say you were drinking again and I had to let you go."

"What's gotten into you? I'm not resigning. And I've stopped drinking. Pretty much. Everyone knows that."

"Fine, be stubborn. Here, at least take the ticket." He turned back to the papers on his desk, then glanced up at me, a look of concern passing over his face. "Can you wake up that early, Inspector? Whatever you do, don't miss the train."
