The number on the piece of paper was only a switchboard. I told the operator I wanted to speak to Deputy Director Kang. "Everyone here is a deputy director," she said. "The lot of them. And I have three Kangs.

So you'll have to be a little more specific."

"How about the Investigations Department?" I asked.

"Better." I could tell she was reading something, and it wasn't a telephone book. "I do have a Kang in the Investigations Department."

"That's fine," I said. "You suppose I could talk to him?"

"Could be, but you'll have to be patient. This switchboard is being upgraded, and they've got wires crossed all the way from here to the border.

Yesterday I tried to connect to a Kang and you know what I got?"

"No, what did you get?"



"In case I lose you, what's your ID so I can call you back?"

I gave her my name and number.

"Okay, Inspector, hang on, here we go." The phone buzzed and clicked for a few seconds, and then another voice came on. "Hello."

My watch said 2:05. "Inspector O here, calling for Deputy Director Kang. Official business."

"Inspector, I know who you are, and you're late."

"Blame the switchboard."

"I've been reviewing your file."

This is rarely a good sign, but it helps to sound unconcerned. "I'm sure you found it fascinating. Especially my poor performance in photography class."

"Your chief inspector rates you highly."

"That's just for the file. He needs that in case he ever wants to get rid of me. If he gives me a low rating, no one will take me."

"No, he's very specific. You have solved sensitive cases involving high ranking cadre. You have protected your Ministry from disturbing developments.

And you have a reputation for following orders in a discreet and sensible manner, with excellent results. What does that mean, I wonder?"

"I wouldn't know. You'll have to ask Pak."

"I might do that."

"Kang, we're each of us busy, in his own way, and I'm glad to have reached you. But my office is hot, I still haven't had any tea, and it will probably take me all afternoon to track down a battery for that camera."

"Exactly why I like your type, always charging ahead to protect the people of the motherland."

"I'll tell you what, Kang, why don't we have a beer?"

A slight pause, then a short laugh. "I thought you'd never ask, Inspector.

I'll meet you at the Koryo Hotel, say at six o'clock. Precisely."

"Good." I hung up and walked across the hall to Pak's office. Pak looked up warily. "He wants to have a beer."


"At the Koryo."

Pak raised an eyebrow. "Funny place to have a meeting. Not an accident, as the Russians used to say, even if you did mention it first." A smile quickly passed across his face. "Quiet day. Thin walls. Watch your step. And Inspector"-Pak walked over to the blackboard and began beating on it furiously with the chalk-"mind your manners."
