
In the background, the band played a soft tune as children romped along the bridges and yelped when they spotted swimming koi.

“Willa’s Garden is perfect, isn’t it, Nathan?” Loni crooned to her grandson while deftly lifting him from Sophie’s arms.

“Thanks. Man, he’s getting heavy.” Sophie grinned and stretched her arms over her head before looking around. “Where’s my daughter?”

“She’s over feeding the koi with Tom. Those fish are going to need a diet by the end of summer.” Loni smooched kisses on the baby’s nose and then grinned as he giggled. Already, he looked just like his daddy with dark hair and even darker eyes.

“Okay. So where’s my husband? They should be finished posing for the memorial picture by now.” Sophie scanned the area.

Loni shrugged, her attention focused on the sparkling eyes staring up at her.

The sound of rapid hooves made both women look toward the main road.

“Oh my!” Loni yelped just as one broad arm leaned down and lifted Sophie onto a rushing black stallion. Two other horses followed close behind, leaving dust in their wake.

“Jake, for Pete’s sake,” Sophie bellowed from the rushing horse.

Sophie grasped the silky mane in desperate hands, warmth from the familiar body behind her sending awareness through her stomach.

“Hang on, Sunshine.” Her husband’s deep voice caused chills down her spine as he maneuvered the large stallion through trees with strong thighs. Thighs that gripped hers while hers gripped the horse.

His strong, oh-so-hard body warmed her as they galloped through the damp forest into a meadow filled with light. The horse slid to an abrupt stop and birds took to the air. The arm around her waist lowered her gently before her captor leaped lithely to the ground.

She backed up until a tree stopped her retreat.

“She’s kinda pretty,” said Colton as he stopped his mount.

“She’ll do,” Quinn agreed gravely. “What are you going to do with her, Jake?”

“That’s my decision,” Jake said with a soft grin as he stepped forward. “Now go away, both of you.” His eyes remained on the woman watching his approach.

His brothers turned their mounts and took off.

“One more step, and you’ll land on your ass.” Sophie lifted her chin, fighting a smile. Shafts of sunlight poked through the pine trees all around them, and a quiet descended in the cool forest.

“Is that a fact?” he drawled while taking another step forward. “Think you can take me?”

“I am pretty tough,” she agreed, pressing farther into the rough bark.

“So I have to chase you down to get a second alone with you, hmm? Some captive you turned out to be.”

Sophie grinned, her mouth watering at the ripple of muscle over her husband’s chest. “Not true. I believe we had several minutes together last night. And early this morning.”

“True. But between Willa’s spring opening, your designing my golf course, and preparing for another art show, by the time my mouth is in your vicinity, it doesn’t want to talk.”

“It’s not my fault you’re insatiable.” Love hummed along her veins, through her blood for this man.

“Is, too.” One final step and he was but a breath away.

Sophie looked up several inches. “You want to talk, huh?”

“Yes, I believe so.” A hand fisted in her hair and warm lips dropped to nuzzle her neck.

“So Jake, you didn’t answer your brother.” She tilted her head to allow for better access. “About what you’re going to do with me.”

His smile was pure sin as he raised his head and midnight dark eyes captured hers. “I caught you, Sunshine. I’m keeping you.”
