Chapter Eight

Sophie sketched a quick design for a garden, including natural stone paths, a koi pond, and picnic areas. The site had been perfect for the memorial, and she’d enjoyed tromping through the brush with Jake after he’d thrown on cowboy boots. Even in a suit, the man looked natural surrounded by wild nature. He hadn’t tried to kiss her again, and she told herself she was glad. There was no future for them.

Although that hadn’t stopped her from agreeing to dinner with his family. She glanced at the clock. He’d return for her in less than an hour.

The cell phone jarred her out of her musings.

“Hi, Sophia.” Preston’s voice came smooth and sure over the line. “Miss me?”

Not so much, actually. Interesting. “I’ve been working. How’s the Seattle job going?”

“Don’t ask. We’ve run into some interesting competition. How’s it going with the tribe?”

Her shoulders hunched. “I’m not sure. They all like the design but don’t want it on the Charleton Group’s land.”

“Still?” He rustled papers over the line.

“We may not have tribal support when we face the county commissioners next week.” Dread chilled her gut.

“The Group’s lawyers are pretty good. You’ll just describe your design and they’ll do the proposal for the permit.”

Thank goodness she had backup at the hearing.

“But I’ve done a bit of research. You haven’t run across Jake Lodge, have you?”

The air caught in her lungs. She took several deep breaths. “I’ve met Lodge. He’s the tribe’s lawyer.” And the man who had kissed her into oblivion. “Why?”

“He’s good. Really good. Took on the state twice, won both times in the U.S. Supreme Court. Tell me he’s not involved in opposing the project.”

Sophie coughed. “I’d say he is involved. Very. Though he hasn’t seemed too fired up about opposing us.”

“Probably the calm before he strikes. I’ve heard he’s the shark of all sharks. Plus, there are rumors that the tribe wants to build its own golf course over by the casino and are out to prevent any competition.”

“No, you’ve got it wrong. Jake’s not like that.”

Quiet slid across the line. “Just how well do you know him?”

“I’ve met with him regarding the proposal.”

Preston cleared his throat. “Of course. Well, I guess I’d just tell you to watch your back.”

She needed to get off the phone. Now. “No problem.”

“So have you given any thought to taking the cruise with me?”

No. Not at all. She’d been too busy mooning over a dangerous, country badass of a lawyer who might just torpedo her proposal. “The cruise? I, ah, don’t know. I should probably concentrate on work right now. We need to save Uncle Nathan’s company.” She didn’t want to hurt Preston’s feelings. He was a good man. On paper, they so worked. In reality? Maybe not.

“I’m not taking no for an answer. Keep thinking about it. ’Bye.” He clicked off.

Sophie shut the phone and stared sightlessly at the drawings before her. Just a week ago she would’ve jumped at the chance for a cruise with Preston. Now she balked. Why? She reached for her sketchbook and flipped it open to the second page. The answer stared back at her with Jake’s eyes.

What was she thinking, agreeing to a dinner at the Lodge house? Jake stirred feelings in her that all but guaranteed a broken heart when she left—when she returned home.

Why did home seem so far away?

Hurriedly, she changed and then headed downstairs. She waited for Jake on the wooden porch swing, her nervous motions swaying it back and forth.

Thick boots thudding on the wide steps announced his arrival.

“No Armani tonight, Jake?” Sophie raised an eyebrow at his black graphic button-up shirt, low-slung jeans, and polished cowboy boots. Combined with the deep black eyes, rugged face, and jet hair curling over his collar, he all but screamed bad-boy handsome. A true temptation for some girl to try and tame.

Some country girl to try and tame.

“You look spring pretty, Sunshine.” His grin was pure sin.

Electricity zinged through her when she took his proffered hand. “I think your family is matchmaking.” It wasn’t what she’d meant to say.

“They like you.” He flipped her around, pressing her against the hard metal of the truck. “So do I.” He lowered his head, giving her all the time in the world to resist or shift away.

She didn’t move. Her breath caught with anticipation.

Warm and soft, his lips wandered over hers before he deepened the kiss to something intimate, something demanding. Sophie sighed deep in her throat. One broad hand molded itself to her lower back and pulled her against him. Sheer masculine strength met her softness.

Her heart pounded, and need thrummed between her legs. Her nipples peaked to sharp points. Fire lashed through her nerves—fire for him.

Jake raised his head, his face an inch from hers, his eyes the dark clouds of a summer storm. “You have a decision to make.”

“What?” Confusion battled with the desire ripping through her veins.

“There’s something here.” He dropped a gentle kiss to her lips. “I want to explore it.”


“I’m not asking for forever. We both know our lives exist in different worlds. But we’re here now. For a brief time.” Broad, warm hands slid down her arms.

She fought a shiver. God, it was tempting. To lose herself in all that strength. The pure maleness of the man. “I’ll think about it.”

His triumphant grin made her question her sanity. She barely knew the man, for goodness sake. Jake released her and opened his door. She scrambled over the seat and secured her seat belt.

“How’s the garden design going?” he asked once they were on the way.

She shook her head to concentrate. A dangerous ache pounded through her body, blooming at the apex of her legs. “The garden? Great. Mrs. Shiller helped with the placement of flowers and shrubs.”

“It’s very nice of you to include her.” They sped out of town toward the surrounding mountains. “Are you seeing anyone?”

Sophie jumped at the unexpected question. “No.” An invitation to a cruise didn’t count.

“Me neither.”

“I said I’d think about it.” Jake Lodge was becoming too much of a temptation. Her body pressed her to say yes. Her mind reeled to keep sane. She turned and admired the changing landscape, searching for a safe topic of conversation. “Rumor has it Quinn won the Buttercup pot the last couple of years.” She sent a sly glance his way.

Jake grinned. “Yeah, Quinn has a knack for it, I guess.”

“You’re not in cahoots?”

“No.” It was his turn to glance sideways. “But…you won’t tell anyone?”

“I promise.” For once, she‘d be in on the joke.

“He has a formula.”

“A formula?”

“He takes last year’s time, subtracts two seconds for Buttercup’s aging a year, and then multiplies it by a factor of how many injuries I’d sustained the past year.”


“Yep. He’s won the last four years in a row.” Jake’s deep chuckle sent a skittering along her nerve endings.

“Do you get injured a lot in court?”

“Not usually in court. I work my ranch, and injuries are common. But my brothers and I have the routine down, so we’re fairly safe.”

“You and your brothers seem really close.” Longing flowed through her as she realized she’d missed out on something important by being an only child.

“We are. If for no other reason than to keep Dawnie safe. That woman’s a menace. The second she started noticing boys, one in particular, life changed for all of us.”

“Hawk seems like a decent guy.” A group of horses caught her attention, their manes spraying a myriad of colors through the wind as they galloped over hills.

Jake flashed her a surprised glance. “He’s way too old for her. And a dead man if he goes near her. Besides, his job’s screwing him up as bad as—” Jake’s jaw snapped shut.

“Screwing him up as bad as the Rangers did you?” Would he let her in? Actually let her know him? The desire for his trust caught her unaware.

“Who’ve you been talking to?” His attention was riveted completely on her.

Man, he probably nailed witnesses on cross-examination. “Nobody.” Sophie struggled not to squirm.

Jake turned his focus to the road and she relaxed. “I’ve made my peace with the things we did in the service. And no,” he noted as she leaned forward to speak, “I won’t tell you about it right now.”

“Oh.” She sat back, way too much pleasure coursing through her at the idea that they had more than “right now.” “Were you married while in the army?”

“No. I married Em one month after my discharge.” He frowned. “She was too young. Wanted a big life in the big city. I just wanted a normal life. After the army.” He turned the truck through the massive logs standing vigil at the foot of his parents’ ranch. “We had dated in high school and ran into each other my first night back. I hadn’t even seen my parents yet. Tequila led to bourbon, and one thing led to another. We found out she was pregnant three weeks later.” He shook his head. “Leila is the biggest blessing of my life. But I wish things had been different for Emily.”

“How did she die?” Sophie kept her voice low. He was trusting in her, whether he knew it or not.

Jake sighed. “I’m not sure what happened. I knew she was unhappy here, but it could’ve been postpartum. It was the dead of winter and I was back east arguing a case. She asked my mom to watch the baby. Then Emily packed her bags into a little two-seater sports car I’d bought her during the summer and headed out. In a blizzard. In a summer car.” His voice turned hoarse. “She slid off the road and down an incline. Doc said she was dead on impact—that she didn’t suffer.”

Sophie’s heart clenched. “I’m so sorry, Jake.” She ran a hand along his tense arm, the muscles rippling at her touch.

Jake nodded. Then he stopped the truck in a circular drive of the two-story log home and turned toward her. “Enough bad memories. We’re supposed to have fun tonight.” His knuckle brushed her cheekbone. “And you’re supposed to be deciding to sleep with me.”
