Chapter Twenty Two. Ripped from a Happy Place

If she hadn’t been so hot and bothered and frustrated, Eden might have laughed at Val’s inopportune interruption. And then she finally saw the look on Val’s face and any humour she might have found in the situation dissipated.

Something was wrong.

Really wrong.

She scrambled upright, her eyes wide as she asked, “What’s going on?” Val’s jaw clenched in anger. “October and Cameron.”

Those two words sent Eden’s heart into spluttering palpitations, a sick fear churning in her stomach. “What about them? Where are they?”

“They were out together,” Val growled. “We’ve just received a letter. A letter from Teagan.” Eden tumbled back, feeling as if the bed had been whipped out from under her. Her eyes teared as she gazed numbly around the room. She didn’t need it spelled out for her. She knew exactly what was happening and she wanted to throw the news up all over Tobe’s carpet.

“Get yourselves together and come downstairs,” Val ordered. “McLeish and Cameron’s mother are here.”

Not saying a word to Noah, guilt eating at her, Eden followed Val out of the room, ignoring Noah as he called out to her as he hurried to play catch up.

The tension downstairs was unbearable, the press of so many worried adults in one room like a stone slab on Eden’s chest. Her whole body was thrumming with a quiet rage as she listened to Cyrus explain what was happening. Teagan had sent a note and photographic evidence that he had Tobe and Cameron captured in an old, disused nightclub near somewhere called Tollcross. It was only a fifteen minute walk from the house. Arrogant, cocksure. Teagan wanted to trade them for Eden and Eden was to come alone. She was more than ready to face her cousin.

She felt her stomach clench. She’d kill him if he’d put his perverted disgusting hands anywhere near them!

She should have known. She should have known he would come back for her. She had known.

Deep down. And now she’d put the people she cared about in danger.

I’m going to kill him.

It was decided that Eden was strong enough to take on Teagan and that she should be allowed to do this. They would surround the nightclub and once Tobe and Cameron were safe they’d go in to help Eden take out Teagan.

Noah was furious. Cyrus was refusing to let him come with them, ordering him to stay and babysit Mhairi, Alison and the McLeish boys!

“Your feelings for Eden are too new and I believe they could put you in danger. Both of you. You would not be thinking clearly.”

There was no way in hell he was letting Eden go into this without him. “I’m coming.” Cyrus’ face hardened. “Do not, Noah.”

“If you think for one-”

“Noah, please.” Eden was suddenly beside him, a placating hand on his arm. “I have to get Tobe and Cameron back and I can’t do that if you and I are too busying worrying about each other. I’ll be fine. I have Cyrus and Val. So please… stay and look after Mhairi and Alison. Someone has to protect them too.”

He gulped, trying to swallow the overwhelming panic he felt. He had to remember what it had been like to watch her take out that soul eater. She had been awesome. He had to remember and trust in her capabilities. Easier said than done. Sighing, Noah reluctantly nodded. He had faith. “Go.” When she left, his lips were still tingling from the fleeting kiss she’d given him. He gazed at the door, forcing himself not to rush out after her.

“Welcome to the wonderful world of being in love, Mr Valois.” Mhairi Douglas threw him a sad, worried smile. “It changes us in ways we could never imagine.” Not really in the mood for her twisted wisdom, Noah concentrated on the fear she was trying to keep hidden. “Eden’s a great warrior, Mhairi. Tobe’s coming home in one piece and very soon.” She nodded, features tight. “I have faith.”
