Chapter Seven. Breakfast with Clan Douglas

The overwhelming despair from the night before had vanished as quickly as it had arrived.

Unfortunately for Eden it hadn’t taken the guilty conscience with it. That morning she’d awoken to find Noah sleeping in the computer chair beside her bed, his neck craned at an uncomfortable angle, his features strained with worry.

The sight of him was almost enough to make her crumble a little, to wish that she could trust him.

But worrying about trusting Noah was the last thing she had time to think about. Seeming to feel her eyes on him, Noah had awakened and she’d immediately asked for Valeria.

Val would be able to explain what the hell had happened to her last night.

And she had.

Val had also promised that the guilt Eden felt for letting Ryan kill so many people wouldn’t disappear overnight, but that the intensity of grief from the night before would — it was merely Eden’s new body and spirit acclimating to her past. The paradox between the two was what had caused her mind and body to go into shock. Eden thought she understood. She was trying to anyway. At the moment, she was just glad that it was over. She had honestly felt as if she were going to die from the pain of her past memories.

Now she was just kind of embarrassed. She stood at the top of the stairs of the Douglas’ home, readying herself to join them for breakfast. It was the weekend, so they were all home. Great.

Drawing in a deep breath, Eden made her way downstairs, pleased by the strength in her limbs and how clearheaded she felt.

Christopher sat at the head of a mahogany table littered with food — eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast, syrup, sausages and some ‘English breakfasty’ looking stuff, alien and unfamiliar to her. She swallowed, eyeing this weird black patty thing. OK, stuff that would remain alien and unfamiliar to her.

“Eden.” Cyrus and Noah both rose from their chairs, an old fashioned gesture that made her smirk.

She nodded at them all, blinking in surprise at Christopher and his wife, Alison’s, friendly greetings.

She took the seat across from October, between Cyrus and Mhairi.

“Feeling better?” Mhairi smiled at her knowingly.

Eden nodded. “Much. Thanks for the makeover. Your blood did good.” Mhairi seemed to enjoy the remark, her eyes twinkling. “You’re very welcome.”

“Eden, help yourself.” Alison leaned around Cyrus to speak to her. “There’s plenty of everything and you must be starving. You haven’t eaten anything in a while.” Nodding in quiet thanks Eden reached over and started piling her plate with eggs, bacon and sausages. She felt them all watching her and tried to force a blush down as she awkwardly bypassed the food she didn’t recognise.

“Have some black pudding.” Mhairi nudged her with her elbow, pointing at the weird black patty thing. “It’s awfae good.”

Eden wrinkled her nose. “What is it?”


“Och don’t tell her, Nana.” October grimaced. “You should have waited for her to eat it before you told her.”

Glowering at the girl, Eden sat back in her chair. “I’m guessing it’s gross then.” Taking a bite of it, Noah shook his head. He swallowed. “Actually it’s quite nice.”

“Yeah but what is it?”

“Pork blood, fats, oats, barley, some spices….”

Her gag reflex immediately kicked in and she shook her head. “I’ve had enough blood for this week thank you very much.”

Mhairi nudged her again. “Good one.”

Eden eyed her in amusement. It was hard to believe the Neith was in her eighties. She seemed more a mischievous teenager than someone on social security.

“It’s not as disgusting as it sounds,” October assured her and as soon as she caught Eden’s gaze her fork clattered to her plate. “Your eyes are a totally different colour… what the hell?”

“The transition,” Valeria explained succinctly, taking a sip of coffee.

Eden eyed the beverage. “Can I have some?”

“Of course.” Alison stood up to lean over the table for the pot of coffee. “Milk or sugar? Both?”

“Black, no sugar, thank you.”

“There’s a surprise.” October smirked.

Eden narrowed her eyes on her. “What does that mean?”

She flicked her fork over Eden’s attire. “Have you heard of colour?”

“So sue me, I like black.”

“It’s a little cliché don’t you think? I mean when you had the creepy, staring soul eater eyes, the whole thing worked for you. But now you’re actually a person you might consider introducing some colour into your wardrobe.”

“And I would take advice from an R-Patz fan because…?”

“Hey, don’t knock the Rob.” October flicked the fork at her again, her tip-tilted eyes narrowing in teenage outrage. “He’s a good actor, completely underappreciated for his talent because of Twi-Haters.”

“Oh yeah, I’m sure that’s why there are a dozen posters of him on your wall… ‘cause he’s a good actor. Riiight.”

At Alison’s muffled laugh, October flashed her mother a venomous look before turning back on Eden. “That’s the thanks I get for letting you sleep in my room? I’ve had to share with Nana for the past two nights, and she’s a cover-hogger, and if you hadn’t noticed it’s still bloody freezing at night h-”

“Tobe,” her father interrupted, shaking his head. “Watch your language.” Eden watched October roll her eyes and slump back in her chair. She found herself smiling. For some reason she decided she liked this girl. She didn’t know if it was bluntness, the accent or the eye-rolling, but October charmed her somehow. “You’re right,” she offered apologetically. “Sorry. I really appreciate you letting me crash in your room. I appreciate all of your hospitality.”

“You’re very welcome.” Christopher nodded congenially.

A comfortable silence descended upon the room as they dug into their breakfast. Eden studied them all as she chowed down on Alison’s delicious food, reaching for a pancake and some syrup once she’d eaten her eggs and bacon. Wow, she was hungry. And food tasted so much better now. It was like all her senses were at full awareness since the soul eater inside her had disappeared, taking with it the overwhelming ‘hunger’.

This was nice.

Eden frowned. Too nice.

The Douglas’ were way too comfortable with her. Maybe it was her good old-fashioned paranoia (that was supposed to be gone) but shouldn’t they be at least a little freaked out by her?? Councilman McLeish certainly had been. The longer they ate in this weird, peaceful silence, the more it started to bug her. She paused when Noah caught her eye from across the table. His features were smooth but his eyes seemed to be laughing at her, like he knew exactly what she was thinking.

God damn it, I’m beginning to think the son-of-a-bitch is a mind reader.

“OK.” She exhaled heavily, her fork clattering to her plate as she sat back in the dining room chair. Everyone stopped eating and she felt Cyrus tense beside her.

“Is everything alright?” her guardian asked quietly.

“No.” Eden shook her head, eyeing the Douglas’ one by one. “You guys are acting way too cool about me being here, about the fact that I exist. I’m not stupid. I know the other Neith from the other day were weirded out by me… well… except Councilman McLeish’s sister and nephew. But everyone else is not OK with me being here. So… what’s with you guys?” October snorted. “And I thought I was blunt.”

“It’s good to see some things haven’t changed,” Noah added.

Bite me, Eden sniped back at him with her eyes.

“Well…” Christopher shifted uncomfortably and looked at Cyrus. “I don’t mind, Princeps.” Cyrus nodded. “Alright.” He turned to Eden now, twisting in his chair to face her. “There is a reason for the Douglas’ attitude, Eden.”

Eden felt totally confused, wondering why October had suddenly grown quiet and was looking at her plate unsurely. Eden had only known the girl a couple of days but that didn’t look like an expression that applied to her very much. “OK… you know if me knowing is making anyone uncomfortable you can just forget I mentioned anything.”

She caught Noah looking at her sharply from the corner of her eye. She shrugged inwardly. So her attitude was uncharacteristic… she was just feeling a little less selfish these days.

“Nah, it’s cool.” October shook her head. “You can tell her, Princeps.” Eden raised an eyebrow at October’s weary sigh and turned expectantly to her guardian. “Tell me what?”

“There are many things about the world you have been born to that you are unaware of, Eden.

Things that I will teach you over the coming months. One of them is that there are Neith born with extra abilities. It is rare but it does happen.”


“Abilities that vary. For instance, Christopher was born with a heightened sense of intuition.” Whoa, OK. That sounded a little X-Men… heightened sense of intuition… Her jaw dropped. “You mean he’s psychic?”

Christopher cleared his throat. “Not exactly. Well… yes… but not in the way you imagine. I sense things about people.”

“Well that’s nice and vague, now I really believe you’re a psychic.” Mhairi choked on her tea and wiped at her chin with a napkin. “Oh I like this girl, can we keep her?”

Eden grinned at her and they shared a look that warmed Eden down to her very toes.

October wasn’t laughing. She was glaring at Eden defiantly. “Hey, my dad’s the real deal. OK. He sensed you weren’t an evil soul-sucking fiend the minute he met you. I sensed you were a pain in the arse but you don’t need to be a psychic to work that one out.” Eden laughed at that, cutting off Alison’s reprimand. At the sound of Eden’s laughter the tension seemed to melt from October and her shoulders relaxed. She eyed Eden with a wary half smile.

“What Tobe meant was that I sensed the sincerity of your situation and I sense you are indeed one of the Ankh,” Christopher explained. “I’ve confirmed this with Councilman McLeish. However, my abilities are not something we broadcast. The Councilman knows of it and so do Cyrus and Valeria and now you. But my abilities could make my family and I targets so I appreciate if you keep this to yourself.”

Eden knew all about being a target. “Of course. Your secret is safe with me.” Christopher nodded gratefully. “And as I say, I’ve advised Councilman McLeish. You should find your next meeting with him a bit pleasanter, I imagine.”

Eden wasn’t so sure about that. There was something about McLeish. He had that look in his eye the Neith that had attacked her in Salton and Detroit had. They were horrified by her existence.

McLeish was horrified by her existence. Pushing the unsettling thought to the back of her mind, Eden took a sip of coffee as she tried to project an aura of calm. “OK. So you’re psychic. So what else?

Are there Neith who can read minds and set fire to stuff?” She had been joking but when they all glanced at one another silently, her lips parted in surprise. “You’re kidding right?” Cyrus shrugged. “I told you there are Neith out there with particular abilities. However, they are extremely rare.”

Holy moly. She slumped back against her chair thinking about it. What if Neith with those kinds of abilities came after her? Would she be able to handle them? As she worried about it, her gaze got caught in Noah’s again and she glowered at him. “Did you know about this?” He covered his surprise at her attack by shrugging carelessly. It was as if he was deliberately trying to annoy her! “Chris? No. Neith. Yes.”

“And you didn’t tell me?”

He rolled his eyes. “When could I have told you? The day you weren’t speaking to me, or the day after when you still weren’t speaking to me?”

Ugh he was such a pain in the—

Just a complete and utter ass with—

Infuriating, irritating, treacherous-

“OK.” October watched her wide-eyed. “I was wrong. That eye colour is working for you… if you could drown and suffocate him with that look I think you would.”

“Eden.” Cyrus sighed. “This is not Noah’s fault. I told you we would discuss everything you needed to know after your transition.”

As always his voice relaxed her and she turned to look up at him. “Well, when can we start? I want to know everything. I want to train. I want to start being an Ankh.” He smiled at her enthusiasm but shook his head. “You’ve just come through a traumatic experience. We will take a few days. Relax and enjoy the city.” Her mouth twisted in a moue at the announcement that her training was postponed.

“I could take you to the castle, Eden,” October offered with feigned indifference. “It’s pretty cool.”

I do want to see the castle… “OK.” Eden nodded and she felt everyone at the table breathe a sigh of relief. Jeez, they acted like she was a monster tantrum child from hell. She rolled her eyes and October caught the look and smiled. Eden smiled back, wondering if she and this girl were going to become friends. She’d never had a female friend before. Well… there was Val but Val didn’t count because she acted more like a mother or a big sister than anything else. “Sorry I dissed Rob,” she apologised with a teasing smile.

October grunted. “Like you’re the first.”

“Don’t worry about it, Eden,” Alison interjected. “She keeps those posters up out of a perverse need to irritate her friends.”

Eden grinned. Yup. She was definitely going to like this girl. “Gotcha. I like your style, October.”

“Call me Tobe.”

“Tobe it is.”

“So since you’ve decided I’m not a complete idiot, will you trust me to take you shopping? You really do need some colour injection.”

Eden shrugged and looked at Cyrus. “We already bought clothes.” Valeria smiled. “You can buy more.”

Cyrus raised an eyebrow at that but seemed to decide not to argue.

“OK then,” Eden conceded. “But no pink.”

“Cool. No pink.” Tobe nodded. “Maybe we can go to the hairdressers when we’re out. When you’re training and fighting, long hair can be a pain in the arse. Plus you’d look good with it short.”

“No!” Noah bit out and everyone, including Eden, stared at Noah for the vehement outburst. He glared back at them all. “What? She’s not cutting her hair.” Eden scowled at his propriety tone. “I’ll cut my hair if I want.”

“So you’re going to cut your hair?”

“If I want.”

“You’re going to cut your hair? Your hair? You threatened to castrate Justin Snider when he shut the homeroom door on it.”

“It’s my hair; you have no say in what I do with it.”

He sighed, throwing her a look that said ‘you’re such a child’. He got up from the table and slapped his napkin down on his plate. “Thanks for breakfast, Alison, appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome.”

Noah nodded and then pinned Eden down with one last look. “You’re not cutting your damn hair.” She glared at him as he strode out of the dining room. The front door banged shut behind him as Eden wondered where on earth he was going.

“So?” Tobe drew her attention back to her, her eyes glittering with excitement. “Are we cutting your hair?”

Eden fingered the ends of her long dark hair and sighed glumly. “No.” Cyrus made a choking sound beside her and she glanced up to see him covering a smile.

“Traitor,” she mumbled, which only made him laugh.

At the warm sound Eden found herself melting as the room suddenly grew extremely peaceful.

Cyrus’ laughter was rare and comforting. Val scrutinised him, her eyes slightly wide with what Eden could only assume was surprise and amazement. She turned those dark eyes of hers to Eden, a small smile drawing her lips apart.

Val looked grateful.

Eden flushed, observing Cyrus from the corner of her eye. So many unbelievable things had happened to her lately. But being the person that could bring a little laughter and happiness back into Cyrus’ life was definitely the most astonishing.

Right then and there Eden promised herself she would try to live up to his expectations.
