Chapter One

Astrid trembled in fear as she approached the large stone table. Around its massive frame sat nine of the twelve brothers, so deep in conversation they took no notice of her. She silently stepped up to the head of the table and filled Master Kephas’s flask with red wine. He continued speaking as if she didn’t exist, waving his arms in emphasis. One meaty paw neared and she ducked, crouching low while continuing around the table. They spoke mostly in their odd language with an English word thrown in here and there. Astrid didn’t try to decipher any of it. She simply wanted to fill their flasks and escape again, unnoticed and unharmed.

So far, she’d remained remarkably untouched since being dragged into the castle. Whispered tales of other peasants being taken in for service only to never emerge again filled her nightmares. But she’d been ignored overall. The other humans working in the kitchen kept to themselves, and Astrid had long ago learned not to ask questions. She simply did what Simon bade quickly and quietly.

As if conjured from her thoughts, Simon appeared in the doorway and motioned to her. He wasn’t a big man, but tall and wiry. He reminded Astrid of a snake with the face of a rat. He’d been cruel since her first day and hadn’t improved one bit since. She rushed over, careful not to spill a single drop of wine.

“What’s taking so long? Stupid girl. Hurry up and put down the wine. It’s time to serve the soup.”

She hurried into the kitchen and set the flask of wine on a counter before turning to grab a tray laden with large porcelain bowls.

He watched her every move. “Spill a single one and I’ll have you whipped.”

Astrid nodded quickly and heaved the tray onto her shoulder. Though being whipped by a human hand was painful, she was much more concerned with the wrath of the Masters should she spill their first course. She’d dealt with whippings her whole life and had a mess of scars on her back to prove it. What she’d never felt the brunt of—and wouldn’t if she could help it—was a Master’s anger. She’d seen Master Petros angry one time and still had nightmares over it. He’d tossed the stone dining table into a wall and it had shattered on impact. His roars had echoed throughout the castle while the humans ran, screaming in fear. She’d huddled beneath the countertop where she slept—where she spent most of her time. It had taken all eleven of his brothers to calm Master Petros down.

She shook away the fear that memory brought and stepped back into the dining room. The men were laughing now at some tale or joke from Master Dunstan. Most of them leaned back in their wooden chairs, relaxed and far enough from the table for her to set out their bowls. As before, not a single one spared her a glance, but they each dipped into the soup soon after she placed it. The moment the last bowl was settled, Astrid all but ran back into the kitchen. The other workers weren’t friendly to her—or even nice—but they were human. Being in their company was better than quaking in fear of anything the Masters might say or do.

The first time she’d spied one of the protectors of the realm, Astrid had thought him the most glorious man she’d ever seen. She still acknowledged the brothers were handsome and well built. But now she knew they weren’t human and could easily crush her like a bug. It was a sobering thought—knowing she was little more than a gnat in their eyes. They might spend their days keeping the evil at bay, well away from the living stone wall that surrounded the Kingdom of Halstrid. However, fighting such vile creatures had turned them into creatures themselves. They were gargoyles, flesh and blood when they wished, or stone when in battle. They commanded inhuman strength with the senses of the best hunter. Mere humans were powerless against them.


Astrid startled at the call from the deep voice she now recognized as belonging to Haldor. He certainly liked his drink and hated waiting for it. She grabbed the wine and rushed to refill his flask.

Orestes noticed the human woman rush back into the room with the cask of wine held before her like a weapon. He’d seen her a lot over the past two days, serving at their table in silence. She hurried to Haldor, who had most likely already forgotten his summons during his ripping into Kephas over their latest bet.

“Just because you are the oldest doesn’t make you the smartest, Kephas.”

All but the brother in question laughed at that observation. Kephas sat back with his arms crossed over his massive chest and raised a bushy black brow at Haldor. It was a joke among them to refer to him as the oldest since he was the first created.

“And I suppose you think you are, Haldor?”

The laughter died and all eyes turned to Haldor for his answer.

“Perhaps. I did win the bet. One you set the terms for, if I remember correctly.”

Orestes wasn’t the only one to roll his eyes. All of them clearly remembered Kephas painstakingly deciding on the terms of the bet. Orestes turned to catch his oldest brother’s response and once again took note of the woman. She had already filled Haldor’s flask and was trying to peek into the others without getting within arm’s reach of the table. It was actually rather amusing to see the small woman going up onto the tips of her toes to accomplish her task. She wore the tattered dress of a peasant, dirt staining the hem over her bare feet. Orestes frowned at the sight and let his gaze roam over the rest of her.

Thick black curls framed her thin face, falling in tangled waves to her waist. It looked as if she’d tried to tie them back, but the bit of string she’d used only held about half of the mass. Her large brown eyes were underlined by dark rings of fatigue and her pink lips were chapped. Her dress hung on her thin frame as if she hadn’t eaten well her entire life. Orestes’s frown deepened when he glanced down at his half-eaten soup. He was almost tempted to offer it to her but didn’t want to embarrass her in front of his brothers. He knew too well how proud some idiot humans could be.

It bothered him that a member of their staff would be in such condition. Were the other humans in the same state? Shame burned in his gut when he realized he’d never taken enough time to notice. There was no reason for her suffering. The guardians were well compensated by the monarchy for their protection of the realm. He knew for a fact funds were set aside for running the household staff. Surely they were paid as well. He glanced at his brother, Wynnston, who was in charge of dealing with the servants around the castle. He would have to question him on it after Kephas and Haldor settled their debate.

The woman moved around the table and out of his line of sight. His large brothers now sat in the way, but soon she would be at his elbow. A new and strange urge overtook Orestes and he wasn’t certain what to do. For the first time ever, he desired to speak to a human. It certainly wasn’t unheard of. A few of his brothers even bedded them on occasion. However, Orestes didn’t usually deal with humans directly. There was the occasional ceremony he was forced to attend when they dedicated some statue or structure in his name. As a guardian, he was revered as a great protector and nearly worshipped in some villages. He didn’t like the worship but he liked the awe-inspired wariness. The less he had to deal with humans the better. Usually. For some odd reason, this little mouse of a human woman intrigued him, and he wanted to figure out why.

Astrid stepped gingerly around the back of Goran’s chair and peeked into Sakhr’s flask. It too was still practically full. As she’d expected, only Haldor and Dunstan had needed more wine. She’d heard of a drinking competition between the two of them that had lasted nine days. The servants still debated over who had won. With one flask to go, she leaned forward and rose up onto her toes to look into Orestes’s, but then it moved up and out of her sight. She gasped and stepped back quickly as he took a deep swallow before slowly lowering the drink from his handsome face. Her eyes on the flask, Astrid didn’t notice him watching her until he spoke.

“I’m still good on wine, little human, but perhaps you would like a cup?”

Astrid felt the blood drain from her face and wondered if she would faint dead on the spot.

Orestes frowned when she took another step back and vigorously shook her head. “Come now. I mean you no harm,” he said. “Are you ill?”

Her heart fairly leapt out of her chest as he rose from his seat and stepped toward her. At barely five-foot-three, she had to crane her neck to face him, but only raised her gaze to his neck. It was thick and strong like the rest of him. He towered at least a foot over her, but his massively broad shoulders seemed to blot out all light from the wall sconces around the room. She panted in fear and fought the urge to beg for mercy.

Orestes took the final step until only a foot span separated them. Behind him, the room had fallen silent while his brothers watched the scene unfold. Astrid didn’t know what she had done wrong and silently cursed her inherent clumsiness.

“Forgive me, my lord,” she whispered.

Orestes reached out and took the cask from her shaking hands. She gasped and released it, throwing her arms over her head for protection.

“What the hell? Orestes, what have you done to the girl?” Steinn called out.

“Nothing, brother. Yet she is quaking in absolute terror. You there. Come here and tell me what is wrong with this woman.”

Astrid stayed shaking against the wall as hurried footsteps echoed in the room. She recognized Simon’s gait and her back burned in expectation.

“Yes, Master Orestes?” Simon asked.

“What’s wrong with this woman?”

There was complete silence for a few seconds before Simon chuckled and grabbed Astrid’s arm. She tensed, but didn’t dare pull away while he dragged her toward the kitchen.

“Nothing the matter, my lord. She’s simply nervous from serving your table these past few nights.”

Astrid dared a glance at Orestes, who was frowning at Simon and shaking his head as if in dispute. Kephas walked over to his brother and clasped his shoulder before responding. “Ah, a new recruit, eh? Best take her into the kitchen and calm her down. Perhaps give her a drop of wine and let her rest. We can wait on the next course.”

Simon nodded, dragged her through the swinging wooden door, and threw her to the floor as soon as they were out of sight of the Masters.

“Stupid, bitch,” he hissed. “What the hell did you think you were doing?”

He couldn’t yell for fear the Masters would hear, and Astrid hoped that would also keep him from hitting her. She would be punished but didn’t mind a little delay.

“I’m s-sorry. I’m s-so sorry.”

He reached down and grabbed her by the hair before dragging her across the hard, stone floor. Astrid clasped his wrist in both hands to relieve some of the pressure, but it did no good. He pulled her out the door into a courtyard adjacent to the kitchen where they grew herbs and vegetables. A tree stump for chopping wood sat in the center with an axe imbedded in the top. Even in the dim light of the setting sun, it gleamed as if expecting her blood.

“I’ll teach you to embarrass me like that, you stupid bitch. I knew from the first time I saw you, there would be trouble.”

Tears streamed from Astrid’s eyes and her head pounded in pain. Simon threw her against the stump and pulled a small whip from within his jacket. “Turn around and face the stump. Don’t even think of running or you won’t be welcome back. You know what it’s like out there for a woman alone.”

She did. After years of living on her own in the forest, too young and inexperienced to hunt and too old to earn the pity of strangers, Astrid had nearly starved to death. On one of her rare excursions into a village, she’d been convinced to come to this castle. She still hadn’t decided if it was a better life or not, but she feared going back into the forest alone.

With no thought but survival, she turned and gripped the edges of the stump. Simon pulled apart the ties on the back of her dress and pushed her hair over one shoulder, baring her already scarred skin. She shivered and braced her feet apart, awaiting the inevitable pain. She heard Simon move back and knew he raised his hand to strike. In the next heartbeat, pain lanced across her back and she heard the crack of his whip.

A roar unlike anything she’d ever heard echoed across the courtyard. “What the hell?”

She tensed for the second strike from Simon’s whip but it didn’t come.

“Master Orestes, sir. I have to—”

“Get the fuck away from her before I rip your head from your neck.”

Astrid dared a glance over her shoulder and found not only Master Orestes, but all nine gargoyle brothers glaring at Simon in rage. Simon looked like a ghost, white as a sheet with his mouth gaping. He quickly stepped back from Astrid and let the whip drop to the ground while Orestes moved toward them.

“This is what you do? This is how you run our household staff? With fear and brutality? And humans think we’re the monsters.”

Orestes picked up the whip and slashed at him, hitting him across the chest and causing Simon to cry out. He dropped to the ground, writhing in pain and begging for mercy.

Orestes looked at his brother. “This is why I followed the bastard. I knew he was lying about her being new. She’s served at our table before.”

Astrid stood frozen, watching in horrified fascination when all of the brothers surrounded Simon and began to debate what to do with him. It was obvious they had no clue he’d been beating the staff for years.

“We’ll take care of him and call the rest of the humans together to learn the extent of his abuse, brother. Take the woman upstairs and tend to her wounds.”

Astrid whipped her head around to face Kephas at that statement. Orestes stood beside him, watching her with anger in his eyes.

“Will do.”

As he neared, Astrid momentarily considered running. She didn’t know how long she would last in the forest this time but anything had to be better than facing a Master’s wrath. Then, before she could bolt, he was there. She looked up to meet Orestes’s eyes.

“Come, lady. I’ll help you feel better.”

Before she could say a word, he picked her up and cradled her to his chest like a child. She gasped and threw her arms around his neck in response. His hard chest and large biceps made her feel protected rather than fearful, and she marveled at how gently he held her. He strode through the kitchen, earning curious looks from the other servants, who quickly moved out of his way. Astrid noted his frown when fear shone on their faces.

“Why do all of you fear me when it was a human beating you?” he mumbled.

She heard the anger in his voice but dared to answer anyway. “He said it was at your direction.”


“A-all of the Masters, sir.”

Dark blue eyes focused on her with such intensity she moved her arms over her head in fear. Orestes immediately stopped walking and tightened his grip.

“I have not, nor will I ever, harm an innocent human, either by my own hand or in my instructions to another. Do you understand?”

It took a second or two for Astrid to calm her fears, but then she lowered her arms and looked up into his scowling face. He was such a fierce specimen she didn’t know whether or not to believe him. However, in her time at the castle she’d never seen any of the Masters actually hurt anyone.

Orestes raised a brow, obviously awaiting her agreement. She nodded and he took a deep breath. “Good.”

With that, he proceeded through the dining room and into the foyer.

Astrid had never been anywhere in the castle but the kitchen and dining room. As Orestes climbed the massive staircase, she couldn’t help but look around in awe. Large, beautifully woven tapestries lined the walls, depicting knights in battle with all manner of vile creatures.

“Do you like them?”

His deep voice didn’t startle her this time and she thought it would be rude not to answer. She had to clear her throat twice.

“They’re beautiful.”

He raised his head and looked around as if noticing the tapestries for the first time. They had bypassed the second landing and made it to the third before he moved away from the stairs to walk down a long hallway. Wooden doors lined both sides of the hall, each intricately carved in various designs. Astrid barely had the chance to look around before Orestes pushed open a door and strode inside. The room was pitch black, but he seemed to have no trouble navigating his way through as he walked deeper inside. Astrid gasped and clung to his shirt when he leaned down and gently placed her on a soft surface.

“If you don’t let go, I can’t light the fire.”

Amusement was unmistakable in his voice and Astrid released his shirt in annoyance. She sat up on what she assumed was his bed while his shadowed form moved away from her and back toward the door.

“Is this your room?” she asked.

He closed the door and she tried to ignore her spark of fear at hearing the lock turn. She would never have expected to find herself lying in one of the Master’s beds, locked in his room for some unknown purpose. Whether he truly meant to tend to her wounds she didn’t know, but running seemed impossible now.

He moved silently around the room and she couldn’t see even a hint of him. Then a hiss sounded a few feet away and she had to close her eyes against the abrupt glow of flame. He stood, a dark silhouette against the bright flames in his large stone fireplace.

“Yes, this is my room. Do you like it?”

His voice seemed deeper, more intimate, as he slowly made his way back to her. She swallowed and looked up, but the light behind him left his face in shadows and hid his expression.

“Um, yes. Yes it’s, uh…very nice.”

He chuckled and turned away from her, removing the long, dark leather coat he seemed to prefer. She realized why when he slipped it off his broad shoulders, revealing multiple weapons. Astrid was about to pull her legs into a more comfortable position when she noticed the dirt caked on them. Shame burned through her, heating her cheeks as she quickly moved to the side of the bed and slipped off.

“What is it? What’s wrong?”

Orestes was suddenly at her side. For such a large man, he moved quickly and almost silently. Astrid gasped and took a step back from him.

“My feet. They’re too dirty for your nice bed.”

Annoyance flashed across his expression but at least it wasn’t anger. Astrid realized she was growing comfortable in his presence—a dangerous habit to be sure. Still, when he ran a hand down his face and wariness filled his gaze, she couldn’t help but feel better.

“I’ll return shortly,” he said, before stalking out of the room.

She looked at the closed door in indecision. He obviously expected her to stay put and hadn’t threatened her in any way thus far. Should she await his return? Doubts filled her and she shivered as cold from the stone floor raced up her legs. The warm glow of the fire called to her and Astrid went willingly. As she crossed the vast space from his bed to fireplace, she noticed Orestes’s room was much larger than she had realized. Additional large tapestries lined the walls and various furs covered most of the floor.

His massive bed could easily sleep six people, even with the large man in the middle. That image sent a surge of jealousy racing through her and she shook her head at her ridiculousness. The Masters belonged to no women, especially human women. It was said they left the realm to bed the race of warrior women in Keva when the mood took them. The journey to the neighboring realm went from a ten-day journey to a matter of hours once the gargoyles spread their wings. Astrid shuddered at the thought. She’d only seen a gargoyle in flight once and it had been an awesome sight. It still amazed her how their wings disappeared when they took human form.

Aside from his bed, the only other furniture in the room was a wardrobe and desk. There was also a large chest at the foot of his bed, big enough for a human to fit inside. Astrid frowned and looked away from it. Her eyes landed on a desk piled high with books. She’d heard a servant mention a library somewhere in the castle. Astrid had taught herself to read simple words over the years and longed to own just one book. She’d secretly hoped she would be assigned to dust the library so she could at least look at them. Faced with the bounty on Orestes’s desk, she couldn’t help but wander over and stare in fascination at the stack. It reached her chin and hid, a closer inspection revealed, a similar stack behind it. She reached a shaky hand to touch the top book when Orestes’s voice sounded in her ear.

“You know how to read?”

She screamed and leapt away, hitting her hip against the desk hard enough to send both stacks of books tumbling down.

“Oh no.”

Astrid was nearly in tears over the mess she’d made and threw herself on the floor, grabbing books and stacking them as quickly as she could in an effort to clean the mess. She felt more than heard Orestes bend down beside her, but rather than help, he gently grabbed her wrists.

“Stop, lady. Don’t fret over this.”

Her head snapped up and she tried to pull from his grasp. He released her and she moved back, falling on her bottom in her effort to get out of his reach.

“I’m sorry, my lord. I’m so sorry.”

“Please, just stop.” He released a breath and swiped the books out of his way, crawling toward her while she continued to slide back. She reached the wall and shut her eyes, throwing her arms over her head.

“No. Don’t do that again. How can I convince you that I mean you no harm?”

The exasperation in his voice finally penetrated her fear and Astrid lowered her arms slowly. He was sitting back on his legs, a whisper away, staring down at her with concern. When he realized she was watching, he reached out and gently moved her arms down.

“What is your name?”

She swallowed her fear and answered in a whisper, “Astrid.”

His eyebrows shot up and a sudden grin made him even more handsome. “Astrid? How about that? Tell me, my little star, how did you come to be in my home?”

She opened her mouth to answer but nothing came out. What should she tell him about the hardships of her life? Would he really care? He frowned at her hesitation before sighing and leaning back. She closed her still-gaping mouth while he stood and reached for her.

“Come. I’ve arranged a bath for you.”

That got her attention. “Bath?”

Obviously sensing her excitement, he smiled and led her from his room. “Yes, a warm bath. Then I’ll put a healing ointment on that wound. No sense doing that until you’re clean.”

Shame filled her as she considered how she looked. Whispers about Keva told of large, beautiful women with fair skin and golden hair. Astrid knew she was a plain, little, mousy-looking thing. Small and insignificant. She’d never expected to catch the eye of a man, much less a Master. Orestes must think she was a mess, smelly and dirty. A bath would take care of the worst of her appearance, though she couldn’t help the scars and her stature. With a sigh of resignation, she went willingly through a door across the hall from his room.
