Chapter Five

“You’ve grown quiet.” Orestes chuckled at his own words and the confusion on Astrid’s face. “Well, more quiet than usual, that is.”

She chewed on her bottom lip and set her cup of water aside. He had made a place for them to picnic before the fireplace, covering it with many hides lest her fragile skin grow cold. So far she seemed to be enjoying the food and his nearness. He had finally allowed her to put on one of his shirts after making love to her again, laughing at how it draped her like a sheet. A quiet word in their native tongue to one of his brothers secured her clothes for the coming days, but they had to be handcrafted. For now, he would simply enjoy her in his garments.

“Um,” she said quietly.


“I have a question but I don’t want to anger you.”

She looked so honestly worried that he found himself moving toward her without a second thought. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and she leaned into his chest.

“Astrid, I swear to you, there is no question in creation that would make me angry enough to harm you in any way. I can’t promise I won’t be upset, or even that I will answer all of your questions. But I can’t think of anything you could ask to really anger me.”

She looked up into his eyes and gave a slow nod before taking a deep breath. For a moment, the movement of her breasts distracted him. Though his shirt billowed away from her, it was a white shirt with loose buttons. Even the barest hint of her cleavage enticed him.

“Well, it’s about your brother…Nel.”

He stiffened and she began to pull away, but then he tightened his hold and softened his expression.

“What about him?” he asked.

She searched his face a moment before continuing. “You seem very close to him. Perhaps more so than the others?”

Ah, so she had noticed. He would have chuckled over her cleverness if they weren’t discussing such a sore subject.

“Yes. I love and cherish all eleven of my brothers. But Nel and I were created together. In human terms, we would be twins if we had been born of a woman. As it is, we do many things together…usually.”

“But not lately? I don’t remember seeing him much in my time here.”

“How long have you worked in the castle?”

Her brow furrowed and he ran a finger between her beautiful brown eyes to soothe the wrinkled skin. When she glanced at him his breath caught. Would he always feel so arrested from a mere glance?

“Not for very long,” she replied, and it took a moment for him to realize she wasn’t answering his internal question but the one he’d asked her aloud. “Simon took me from the village just after Samhain. I had been working at the pub during the festivities but once they were over I had no other work.”

“Samhain was nearly a month ago. You say Simon took you. Did he do so against your will?”

She shook her head but frowned uncertainly. “No…not really.”

He lifted a brow in question. “That’s not the sort of thing one would normally be unsure of.”

She smiled weakly. “I know. What I mean is, he didn’t kidnap me but he did lie about where I would be working. I didn’t realize he meant to bring me into the castle until we were already here. It was dark and storming. I simply followed his lead and didn’t even know where he had led me until I met Master Wynnston the first time.”

“Where did Simon say you would be working?”

“One of the wizard’s homes. He said he worked for a protector of the realm, but I swear to you, he named one of The Twenty. I can’t remember now which one. I had no other work and hadn’t eaten in a couple of days. I really couldn’t refuse his offer.”

“And what were the terms he offered?”

She sighed in remembrance and it hurt his heart to hear such a sad sound from her lips.

“Too good to be true for certain. I really should have known better. He swore I would be fed every day at least once, perhaps twice on Sundays. He said I would be given two dresses to start and whatever was needed to keep them mended. He also said I would have fresh straw for my bed every month.”

Anger boiled in Orestes’s veins. So little. Food once a Gods-be-damned day? Straw for her bed and only two simple dresses she would mend herself? And Simon hadn’t even kept such meager promises to her. She had been lured by nothing and received even less.

He took a deep breath and released it slowly, hoping she wouldn’t mistake the anger he couldn’t keep hidden as directed at her. Though he really didn’t want to know, he had to question her further.

“Astrid…did you receive any of that at all? How often have you been fed and where have you slept?”

“He did give me one dress, but I’m sure you saw it didn’t last well through the work and everything. I slept beneath a counter in the kitchen and I only ate when there was enough left after the last meal.”

He closed his eyes and breathed through the urge to roar in outrage. “After the last meal. You mean after my brothers and I had already eaten? You were given scraps from our table?”

When she didn’t immediately reply he opened his eyes to find her frightened gaze locked on him. She was trembling but he had been so angry he hadn’t even felt it. He pulled her onto his lap and was happy she went willingly. With one hand, he gently cupped her face and held her gaze with his own.

“Never think I’m angry with you. That’s the farthest from the truth. I’m angry because of how you’ve been treated. I swear my brothers and I would never have allowed it if we had been aware, and all I can do is beg your forgiveness for our negligence.”

She melted into his arms. “Thank you,” she whispered.

“Now you will have feathers rather than straw for your mattress and all the food you can eat at any time you feel hungry. And though I prefer you naked, you will soon have silks and satin to cover your skin.”

She stiffened and a look he could only decipher as fear crossed her face. “So much?”

Her fear confused him but he nodded. “And more if you desire it. Why does that frighten you?”

“Is this a cruel joke? Do you plan to give me so much only to take it away as easily?”

He didn’t mean to scowl at her but knew he had when she cringed.

“Of course not. Have you not learned enough of me these past few hours?” he asked. Tears immediately sprang into her eyes and he felt like an ass. “No, my sweet, don’t cry. I’m sorry. There’s no need to cry.”

Was there anything that rendered a man as helpless as a woman’s tears? He’d faced fully armed monsters three times his size and never batted an eyelash. But the sight of Astrid’s tears terrified him.

“Astrid, please…please don’t cry.”

“I’m sorry. I just…why am I even here? With you?”

He didn’t pretend to misunderstand her question. Had in fact expected it at some point. The problem was he didn’t know the answer.

“I’ve already told you I think you’re beautiful. I’ve watched you serve our meals these past few nights and you intrigued me. I’m only sorry I waited so long to speak to you. I have no excuse for not realizing how you were being treated.”

She shook her head and waved that away with one hand as if it was of no account. But to him it was everything and something for which he would always carry guilt.

“How can you find me even passably pretty with all my scars? And before that glorious bath? I was such a mess.”

Her mention of the bath brought the sight of her glistening wet skin to mind and his cock responded beneath her hip. Her eyes widened and he knew she felt him hardening.

“Does that tell you anything? I promise a man’s body cannot lie in such a way.” When she chewed on her bottom lip, he growled. “I’d be happy to chew on that lip for you.”

Her mouth popped open in surprise and he couldn’t help but laugh.

“What’s so funny?” she asked.

“You look so remarkably scandalized. Even after all we’ve done to each other.”

A pretty blush filled her cheeks but she smiled and it eased his heart.

“I suppose that’s true. I never knew such things were possible…or that they would feel so wonderful.”

She tentatively placed her small palm against his bare chest, all the while eying him warily. He remained still to see just what she intended to do. After a minute of him not reacting, she finally rubbed a spot over his heart, then moved her hand farther out. She smoothed her palm all over his chest, pressing lightly against his nipples. His breathing sped up and his cock hardened fully. She squirmed a bit on his lap but never tried to leave it. Not that he would have let her.

He was still naked from the night before and her warm thighs against his lap were heaven. Soon she brought her other hand into play and ran them both up to his shoulders.

“You have such a large, strong body. I could touch you forever.”

“You don’t find it intimidating?”

She shook her head but smiled a little. “Not anymore.”

“Good. I would never hurt you.”

Her hands froze on his chest and she looked him in the eyes. “I know, Orestes. If I know nothing else, I do know you’re a trustworthy and honorable man.”

“Does it bother you that I’m not human?”

She started to shake her head but then stopped and shrugged. “Not really, no.”


“Well…there are so many things I don’t know or understand about you. But I know it isn’t my place to ask—”

“Stop.” He placed a finger over her lips. “When it’s just the two of us, and especially here in my room, we are equals in all things. Understand?”

She shook her head and he frowned at her, dropping his hand from her mouth.

“Orestes, I could never be your equal in anything.”

“That’s not true—”

“Yes. It is.” She looked around his room a moment. “Take your books, for example. You are a very intelligent man. I’m a peasant with barely any understanding of the written word. I know I’m blessed to be here with you now when you could have easily chosen any other woman. I’ll never forget that.”

He blew out a breath in frustration because he knew he wouldn’t be able to easily convince her of how wrong she was. Before he could respond, she used her small hands to cup his face.

“I’m not complaining and I don’t mind. I know you are a great protector and I appreciate every second of your attention. I just want you to know I won’t take it for granted. When the day comes that you no longer desire me in your bed I’ll go without a fight. And I’ll take the memory of your touches with me gladly.”

Then she surprised him by leaning forward to initiate a kiss for the first time. He took the coward’s way out and allowed it. What could he say that wouldn’t be a lie when she had read the situation so clearly? He’d never even had a woman in his bed before. He usually traveled to Keva for his liaisons. Astrid was breaking down barriers she had no clue existed and asking for no promises from him. A greater man than he might have offered them anyway, but he feared giving her false hope when he knew he would be going to battle soon.

His brothers had granted him two days of rest and play only because he had so recently returned from patrolling the Eastern part of the kingdom. He needed the time to reenergize and be at full strength. No one but he and his brothers, the wizards and the King knew of the energy within the Gargoyle castle. It held an inherent power that fed their strength and quickened their healing processes. They were almost indestructible when within the castle walls. If injured, they had only to return to the castle, no matter how grave the injury.

So despite his initial desire to look for Nel immediately, he knew he should wait the two days. He would need every ounce of strength. Not to mention the added benefit of being with Astrid during that time.

She continued to kiss him, proving she was indeed an apt pupil. Her small tongue dipped between his lips tentatively at first, then he moaned, and she speared it in with confidence. He ran one hand up her back, beneath the borrowed shirt and to her nape. He held her to him there and with his other hand cupped her lush bottom. Despite her thin frame, she had the most delectable ass. It was barely a handful, but oh what a handful. He squeezed it in appreciation and she wiggled in his grip.

“Mmmm, Orestes…”

“Yes, my sweet.”

She smiled against his mouth before kissing him again and he liked this more aggressive side of her. She surprised him further by moving away from his mouth and leaving a trail of kisses down his throat. He let his head fall back and she continued to work her way south. Once she reached his chest he expected her to stop. Instead, she pushed against him and he merely raised a brow in question.

“Will you lie back, please?” she asked quietly.

He almost didn’t. Having a woman on top of him could be wonderful but it wasn’t his preferred position. But then he saw the uncertainty in her eyes where there had been nothing but passion a moment ago and he immediately lounged back onto the fur-covered floor. A smile lit her face and dispelled his doubts as if they’d never been.

“What do you have in mind?” he asked.

She straddled him, placing her warm sex directly over his cock and he groaned. He gripped her hips and pushed against her. She gasped and he smiled.

“I don’t know,” she said.

He stilled while she looked him over. When she licked her lips an image of them wrapped around his cock immediately sprang to mind. He breathed out roughly and wondered if she had any experience with that particular act.

“I have a suggestion, but only a suggestion. You can say no,” he said. “But first, remove the shirt.”

She whipped his shirt off and threw it aside. Then she ran her hands over his chest and nodded. “Okay.”

“Have you ever taken a man into your mouth?”

Her jaw dropped and true confusion showed in her pretty eyes. “What?”

He couldn’t help but chuckle. That answered that question.

“Do you remember how I pleasured you with my tongue?” She nodded. “You are more than welcome to do the same for me…if you wish.”

Her expression cleared into one of curiosity. “Oh.”

She looked down at where her hands now rested on his lower belly. He quivered unexpectedly at her innocent touch and he nearly laughed at himself. He’d been with so many women over his long life, and yet this little human had him nearly trembling in expectation. She slid down his thighs, her sex rubbing enticingly over his skin. He nearly stopped her and asked her to ride him instead. But then the moment passed and she was positioned between his thighs, looking down at his erection curiously. She licked her lips again and his cock jumped in expectation.

“Oh! Did you do that?”

This time he did laugh. His cock jumped again and he nodded. “I am able to move it to some extent.”

“Ah. Um…can I touch it?”

“Oh yes, my darling. I would be very happy if you did.”

She lifted one hand and let it hover just over the head of his cock for a moment. He folded his arms behind his head to fight the temptation to grab her and roll her beneath him. He ached to pound into her delicate body.

Finally, when he wasn’t certain he could wait another second, she slowly dropped her hand and palmed the head. He groaned and moved his hips without thought. She closed her finger over him gently. Too gently.

“It won’t break. Rub it, tug on it a little even.” Her thin brows shot up but she did as he said. “Yesssss, sweet Astrid.” She smiled and squeezed her hand enough to steal his breath. “Oh do that again.”

She did and he nearly shot off the floor. Moisture leaked from the tip while she ran her small hands over him. They weren’t smooth like other women’s—a sign of her hard work—but he didn’t mind one bit. The small calluses on her fingers worked to incite him further and soon he was pushing off the floor with his heels as he rocked his hips into her grip. He widened his thighs and an ache formed in his balls.

“Your other hand, sweetness…cup my balls.”

She looked confused for a moment and he was about to demonstrate when her gaze dropped between his spread legs. He saw the moment she understood and soon her other hand had a firm grip on him.

“Oh, yesssss. Squeeze them just a little. Yes, like that.”

One hand faltered a bit while she concentrated on what the other was doing, but he didn’t mind. It was probably for the best since he was so close to coming already. He’d completely forgotten his request for her mouth until she leaned over him unexpectedly and licked a drop of moisture from the head.


He fisted his hands beneath his head to keep from grabbing her.

“Was that okay?” she asked.

He could only nod while beads of sweat formed on his brow. She smiled and stole his breath again. Then she leaned down and got to work licking him like a treat. He wouldn’t last much longer like this. For a moment he considered stopping her, but then he glanced at her face. Her eyes were closed as she worked her tongue over him. Both hands moved in tandem now and she began to hum softly. She appeared to be enjoying herself. Well, who was he to stop her pleasure?

He grinned at the thought and relaxed into her ministrations. All too soon he felt his seed bubbling to the surface. He groaned and placed a hand gently against the back of her head.

“I’m going to come. It’ll shoot out…quickly.”

He could barely get the words out through his panting breaths but she nodded in acknowledgement. She didn’t stop and he wondered if she realized what was about to happen. And then it was too late to worry about it because he was coming with such force his eyes rolled back. He gripped the furs beneath him and tightened his thighs as jets of seed shot from his cock. Most landed on her hand and his belly, but she gasped when some caught her chin.

She pulled back a bit before leaning forward again and licking the source.


He could barely breathe from the force of his orgasm but he watched as she sat up. She held her hands before her and looked at his seed expressionlessly. Then before he could comment, she began to lick them clean.

“Gods, Astrid, you’ll have me hard again in no time.”

She stopped to raise an inquiring brow.

“Do you have any idea what it does to a man to see you licking his seed from your fingers?”

A blush filled her face and she shook her head. “Um…no.”

He sat up, grasping her wrists in his hands. “It reminds me of how good your tongue felt against my cock, and makes me want more.”


Then he kissed her.

Astrid rested patiently on the fur-covered floor while Orestes dipped a cloth into a bowl of warm water. He took such care cleaning her hands it brought tears to her eyes. No man had ever cared for her. She’d never known a father or any other male relative. Once she’d become a woman the men in her village had taken notice. Her first lover had hurt her and frightened her badly. She’d run away from there as fast and as far as her legs could carry her. When she had finally stopped running she had allowed another man to take her in for a night, thinking her only currency lay between her thighs. One night with him proved she couldn’t live such a life and she’d run again. Then she’d lived in the forest.

“What is it?” Orestes asked. “What has you frowning so?”

She shook her head and tried to smile for him but knew it was a weak attempt. “Nothing important. Just thinking of the past.”

He finished cleaning her hands and dropped the cloth into the bowl. He set it aside then sat beside her.

“Was it so bad? I imagine so if you found Simon’s offer tempting.”

She shrugged but couldn’t hold his gaze. “I was born in the village of Keto to the West. My mother was never one to care much of what I did or where I was. I never knew my father.”

“Keto is over seventy-five leagues from here, Astrid. How long did you travel? Were you alone? And on foot?”

She chewed on her lip then caught herself when his gaze tracked the motion. Was he angry? Disbelieving? She didn’t think so but he was guarding his thoughts too well to know for certain.

“Um, yes…to both. I ran from Keto in the dead of night and found myself in Nerthus three days later. I was terrified of being alone but my mother had moved us into the home of a horrible man. I couldn’t stay there. In Nerthus, I tried to find work. A man offered to take me in…I only stayed with him a night before running away again.”

Shame filled her and her face heated. She turned away from his knowing gaze. How had he found her useful in his bed when she had been so worthless in Nerthus?

“You have nothing to be ashamed of. You didn’t steal or harm anyone in what you did to survive. You’re better than most.”

This time the tears fell before she could stop them. She didn’t want to cry in front of him again because it seemed to distress him so, but thoughts of her past still frightened her.

He took her into his arms and rocked her before pulling back to wipe away her tears.

“Sorry. You must think I’m such a baby.”

He smiled. “Not at all. I think you’ve had too hard a life for one so young. How old are you?”

She had to think about it, which was embarrassing. He didn’t seem to mind her hesitation while she considered the answer.

“Um…twenty summers at least. My mother said I was born in summer. Just after Beltane.”

“Only twenty?”

She couldn’t help her spurt of annoyance at the disappointment in his voice. “Well, I haven’t been counting. Could be more but for certain not less.”

He looked at her with surprise before chuckling and placing a swift kiss on her lips. “No need to get upset.”

“I’m not upset.”

“All right. Do you have any idea how old I am?”


“Well, I have no real age, I suppose, since I was formed fully as I am and not as a babe.”

“I’d heard that was so.”

“Yes. The same for my brothers. We’ve protected the realm for nearly seventy summers.”


She couldn’t hide her shock but he just grinned. “I look pretty good for my age, eh?”

That made her laugh. “Well…yes.”

He kissed her again. “And you are absolutely delectable, my little star.”

She really liked it when he called her that. It warmed something inside her she’d thought would always be left cold by the harshness of her life. It also reminded her of when she was very small and some of her earliest memories. They were good ones, back when her mother acted like one and not some wanton woman who couldn’t care less for her only child. She would take Astrid out to the fields and they would lie in the grass. Her mother had told her she was named after the stars and they twinkled just for her as if to say hello to one of their own.

“There you go again,” Orestes murmured.


“I lost you again for a moment. But that time it wasn’t a sad memory, was it?”

“No, it wasn’t.”

He kissed her again. Her body warmed while he held her tightly to his bare chest. They were both naked and excitement speared through her at the thought of what he might do to her. But then her thighs rubbed together and an involuntary gasp escaped her lips.

Orestes immediately pulled back, concern clear in his gaze. “What is it?” he asked.

“I’m just a little sore still. But it’s not so bad.”

He frowned and looked down her body. “Sore? From last night?”

She nodded slowly. “And this morning,” she said with a laugh. What had begun as a low ache had turned into an inferno after their last bout of sex, but she hadn’t wanted to worry him. She’d done a good job of hiding it before but had forgotten when he kissed her. “It’s not so bad. I’m okay.”

He didn’t seem to believe her and set her back onto the furs before jumping to his feet. Then he picked her up and carried her to the bed. He set her down only long enough to wrap her up in a blanket then he carried her to the door.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“To the bath. I have a soothing ointment that will help your soreness but I want to clean you again first.”

“Again? So soon?”

He chuckled, then carried her out the door and down the hall.
