When I drove up to Renee's house this time, her car was parked in the driveway.

But Ward Ackermans's big green rust bucket was right behind it.

The two of them were on the porch facing each other, along with another man standing beside Ward. Renee, still wearing her black funeral dress, had her back to the doorway like she was protecting the place.

My adrenaline started pumping. I pulled over to the curb, jumped out of the truck, and strode to the house.

Their faces turned toward me, and I recognized the second man as Boone Ackerman, Ward's father. Years ago, he'd been peripheral to amateur boxing circles-not in any official capacity; there were always guys like him who were just around. I suspected that he remembered me, too, although he didn't give any sign of it.

If ever I'd seen living proof of the old adage about the fruit not falling far from the tree, those two were it. Boone was around fifty, about the same size as Ward and with the same generic look. He also had a rap sheet, more impressive than his son's, as befitted his seniority. Boone was craftier; he'd mostly been involved in small-time financial fraud, and he was capable of emitting a snaky charm. But under that I sensed real menace, much more disturbing than Ward's tough-guy act. I didn't know for a fact that he'd ever been involved in violent crime, but it sure wouldn't have surprised me.

"I see you brought your lawyer," I said to Ward.

Boone's cool gaze flickered, just enough to tell me that the words had scored. If he'd ever opened a law book, it was in a prison library.

Ward strode to the top of the porch steps and jabbed a forefinger down at me. No doubt he'd been simmering about our run-in yesterday, and was emboldened now by having an accomplished felon to back him up. At a guess, alcohol and meth were also in the mix.

"The only thing I got to say to you is, get off this property," he said harshly.

"Funny-I was just about to say the same thing to you. Again."

"This is family business. Stay the hell out of it."

Renee folded her arms and spoke firmly. "You are not my family in any way that counts, and you're not welcome here."

"You've crossed a line, Ward," I said. "Harrassment, stalking-police turf. Next step's a restraining order."

Then Boone Ackerman raised his hands placatingly.

"Let's just everybody hang on a minute," he said. "Sir, I don't know exactly how you figure into this."

Sir-the slick, respectful con. He waited for me to explain myself. When he realized I was just going to let him wait, he went on.

"Well, my son's right. We got a legal claim to this place, and you tearing it up-" he pointed toward the carriage house-"that's trouble. But if you pull off right away, we'll be inclined to let it go."

"The only trouble here is you giving this lady a hard time."

"We didn't mean to upset her," he said quickly. "I'm sorry to hear she feels the way she does. I always thought highly of these folks-and her father was my second cousin."

"By a half-brother," Renee said.

"That may be, ma'am. Still, it's a blood tie that can't be denied."

"I'm not denying it. It just doesn't have anything to do with this."

"With all respect, that's not so. Ward stewarded this property to aid his kinsman, who lay stricken by affliction," Boone said, working a little jailhouse preaching into his act.

Renee's eyes widened in outrage. "Stewarded! We let him live here free for years and even paid his expenses, and he thanked us by turning it into a dump. You people never lifted a finger to help us-just schemed to get something out of us."

Boone put on a rueful smile and shook his head.

"I could give you plenty of examples where that ain't true," he said. "Now, we're only asking for what's rightfully ours. It may not say so on any piece of paper. But if you search your heart, you'll-"

She slapped her palms to her temples. "If you start in like that again, so help me God, I'll scream."

"Time for you guys to leave," I said. "Any more hassles, and you better believe the sheriffs will come calling on you."

Boone sized me up with his reptilian gaze, looking sour, like he'd run into an unexpected obstacle that had derailed his smooth maneuvering.

"We'll respect her wishes, of course," he finally said, with the phony dignity of those who sought profit by proclaiming themselves wronged. "Come on, son."

When Boone walked off the porch, I saw that he'd developed a limp. It might have been genuine, but I suspected it was manufactured for sympathy. He sure hadn't gotten it from any work-related accident.

Ward stomped down the stairs after him and headed straight toward me, a schoolboy bluff to make me step aside. With equal immaturity, I didn't. At the last second, he sidestepped, but gave my shoulder a hard bump with his.

"This time it ain't two on one against me, is it?" he sneered.

Letting it go hurt even worse than last time.

Boone stopped walking briefly, maybe figuring he'd need to step into the fray and blindside me or supply a few kicks. When I didn't take the bait, he started toward their car again, but this time he forgot to limp.

I was tempted to make a comment, but I let that go, too. With any luck, this situation was now at a stalemate where it would rest.

Sure it was.
