Chapter Six

Roxanne felt warm and cozy. She snuggled beneath the covers and sighed. She’d had the strangest dreams last night. Everything from a nightmare that Michael had found her to another one featuring her warriors from the tapestry.

Her warriors.

When had she started thinking of them in that way? Not that it mattered. It was perfectly normal for her to want them in her dreams. They made her feel safe and very desirable.

The covers shifted beside her. She jerked and tried to move, only to find herself trapped by a large, muscled arm thrown across her waist. A low rumble came from behind her. “You’re safe, Roxanne. Sleep.”

Her eyelids popped open. Impossible. She was wide-awake now. Or was she? She blinked as a large man came into view. His eyes were closed and his lips were parted slightly. She recognized him. Sednar. Radnor’s brother. He lay on his back, one arm thrown above his head, naked from the waist up. She had no idea if he was naked below that because a blanket covered him.

As if sensing her gaze, his eyes opened and a sleepy smile covered his face. “Good morning, little one. How are you feeling?” His voice was deep and slightly raspy.

Seductive. It sent a shiver down her spine.

Behind her, Radnor shifted. There was no mistaking the fact that he was naked. She could feel his cock hard and hot against her lower back. Against her lower back! She was naked. Almost naked. She was still wearing her underwear, but she might as well be wearing nothing. How the heck had that happened? And what had they done to her?

She bolted upright in bed. The covers fell to her waist. She grabbed them and yanked them to her chin. “I’m still dreaming.”

A rumble, much like a growl, came from her left. She swiveled around and watched Radnor as he sat up and shoved his long hair away from his face. The scowl on his face and the scar under his right cheekbone made him look deadly and dangerous and incredibly sexy.

She had to stop thinking about sex all the time. For a woman who’d been celibate for a long time with no problem, she was suddenly thinking about sex constantly. It had to be their fault. Maybe it was pheromones. Whatever it was, it was disconcerting to say the least.

“You are not dreaming, Roxanne.” Radnor reached out and pried one of her hands away from her death grip on the covers. He brought it to his face and pressed it against his hard square jaw. The stubble on his face was rough against her palm. The warmth of his skin soaked into her hand.

Not to be left out, Sednar cupped her chin in his large hand. “We are very real, Roxanne.” He brushed his thumb lazily over her bottom lip.

“I don’t understand.” This couldn’t be real. Could it? She couldn’t explain away what was happening by saying it was a dream any longer. That logic didn’t hold up.

She’d slept. Yet when she awakened, she was still here, not in her apartment.

Radnor sighed, his fingers tightening around hers before he turned her hand and pressed a kiss in the center of her palm. “It’s as I told you, Roxanne. You are in Javara.

The tapestry brought you here as a prospective bride for Sednar and myself.” Everything he’d told her from the day before came back in a rush. Competition.

They wanted to compete, sexually, for her favor. Her nipples tightened, brushing against the cover she had clutched to her chest.

“I…” She just didn’t know what to say. She should be horrified by the mere thought of sharing a bed and her body with two men. Yet with Radnor and Sednar it didn’t seem appalling at it. It seemed…appealing. Desirable.

Roxanne brought her knees to her chest and buried her face against them. She was totally confused. The mattress shifted and large, steady hands lifted her, depositing her in a strong lap. She brought her head up so fast, she hit Sednar’s chin. She was shocked, and slightly dismayed, at having him reach for her instead of Radnor.

Sednar swore beneath his breath and then chuckled. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.” He stroked his large hand over her spine, reminding her that she was all but naked.

“What happened to my clothes?” She glared at Radnor, vaguely hurt by his withdrawal. His expression was remote, totally unreadable.

He shrugged. “You fainted. We removed your clothing so your injuries could be tended.”

That made sense, she supposed. At least they’d left her underwear in place. “Thank you.” She owed them that much for taking care of her. It was strange to think of them touching her, removing her clothing, seeing her naked when she wasn’t aware. It made her feel vulnerable.

“Your well-being is our first concern.” Sednar’s low voice rumbled in her ear. “Your pleasure is our second.” He slid one hand around to her stomach, coming to rest just beneath the curve of her breast. “Let us pleasure you.” Her gaze shot to him and then to Radnor. He was watching her carefully. Waiting for her decision. It came to her then in a blinding flash that it was entirely up to her.

Both men would withdraw immediately if she protested.

A sense of wonder filled her. They spoke the truth. They only wanted her pleasure.

Michael would never have asked. He would have taken what he wanted whether she objected or not. Her feelings had always been irrelevant. But not here. Not with these men.

“I don’t know.” God, she sounded stupid. The crotch of her panties was damp. Her brain might not have figured things out yet, but her body certain had. It was making its demands known in the most obvious ways.

“It is your choice, Roxanne.” She loved the way Radnor said her name. It made it sound exotic. “But why wouldn’t you let us pleasure you?” She sensed his question was genuine. “It’s not done where I come from,” she blurted out. She could feel the heat on her cheeks and knew she was blushing. “I mean, women don’t sleep with two men at once. I suppose some do, but I never have.” Sednar rested his chin on the top of her head and began to gently rub it back and forth. “It is not only done here, it is the norm. We would be remiss if we did not please you sexually. How can you decide whether or not you want to stay here with us or return to your own world if we don’t show you just how happy we can make you?” When they put it like that, it sounded so reasonable. So normal. “Other women from my world have done this?”

“Yes.” Radnor brushed a lock of hair away from her cheek and tucked it behind her ear. That tiny caress made her heart beat faster and her inner muscles clench with anticipation. “If there was more time, we could take you to meet them. Christina and Kathryn of the House of Garen and Jane from the House of Bakra were all brought here by the tapestry. All chose to stay.”

“Wow.” She couldn’t believe it was as easy as all that. “They had no doubts, no hesitation?”

“I did not say that, Roxanne,” Radnor continued. “It is a difficult decision to take a leap of faith and leave behind all you know. But the tapestry only brings women who have the strength to start a new life here. It is not always easy, but the benefits are many.”

“Regardless,” Sednar added. “Go or stay. Let us touch you, taste you.” He lowered his head and his lips caressed the side of her neck. Her toes tingled and curled. It felt strange to be so aroused by two men. Did that make her fickle?

“Do not overthink this.” Radnor trailed his fingers down her jaw and over her throat. He stopped when he reached the top of the blanket still tucked around her. “You can stop us at any time.” He tugged at the covering and she let her fingers relax. The blanket slithered downward, catching on her nipples for a brief second before falling to her waist.

Roxanne sucked in a deep breath as Radnor stared at her breasts. “Beautiful,” he assured her as he circled one puckered nipple with his forefinger. “So pink. So perfect.

Let me taste it.”

She could no longer delude herself. This wasn’t a dream. This was reality. If she did this, she’d be changed forever. She had a feeling Radnor and Sednar would imprint themselves on her body, her mind and her soul in a way no one else ever had. She should be frightened of them. They were both huge men, strong men. But she could stop them with one small word. No. That was all it would take. That knowledge made her relax. Made her feel safe.

They weren’t like Michael. Not in the slightest. All he’d ever cared about was his own pleasure. She’d always figured it was a good night when he didn’t hurt her overly much. The bottom line was she wanted them. The thought of having four hands on her body, stroking her, of having two tongues licking and sucking her breasts and between her thighs, made her hot.

Whether she went home or stayed, she’d always regret it if she didn’t take this opportunity to explore her sexuality. With Radnor and Sednar she felt as though she could throw off the horrors of the past and embrace every aspect of herself. Sexually, she’d buried herself for the past year. Longer if she included her time with Michael. It was time to release that part of her, to bring it back to life.

It all came down to trust.

Sednar’s cock was throbbing against her side, yet he did nothing more than place tender kisses on the nape of her neck. Every muscle in Radnor’s chest was delineated as he sat there waiting. Tension rolled off him in waves, yet all he did was circle her nipple with his finger.

Did she trust them?

Yes. They’d had every opportunity to do as they pleased with her. She was in a strange world, totally at their mercy, yet they’d shown her nothing but respect and kindness.

Roxanne shifted off Sednar’s lap. Radnor’s hand fell back to his side as she knelt on the bed in front of them. Naked except for her underwear, she looked from one brother to the other. Both their expressions were filled with lust and longing. Sednar’s eyes narrowed, but he made no move to touch her. Radnor watched, looking stoic and proud.

She reached for the waistband of her panties, took a deep breath and shoved them down her thighs. It was awkward, but she managed to get them past her knees and off.

She tossed them over the side of the bed.

The only sound in the room came from their heavy breathing and the light whistling of the wind through the window. Her breasts seemed to swell beneath their regard. She felt wanton and sexy. A sense of feminine power rose from deep within her.

She wanted these men. Wanted whatever they wanted to give her. Wanted to take and give in return.

She smiled at them and gave her answer.


Radnor was surprised he hadn’t already spilled his seed on the covers. His balls were tight and heavy and his cock was swollen so hard it would only take a stroke or two until he exploded. And it might not even take that.

Roxanne knelt on the bed before them, looking shy and determined. Pride surged through him. He could only imagine the courage it took to accept two men in her bed after being abused by her ex-husband. He was determined to make certain she didn’t regret her choice.

He glanced at his brother to give him a warning look, but Sednar was too busy staring at Roxanne to pay him any attention. “Whatever you want,” he told her again, making sure his brother heard the command beneath it. This wasn’t about them. It was about Roxanne and earning her trust.

“Touch me,” Sednar encouraged. “Touch us.” He kicked the covers away, leaving both men naked for her perusal.

Her eyes widened and her lips parted on a small gasp. Radnor swallowed a groan when Roxanne licked her bottom lip before pulling it between her teeth. He wanted that tongue on various parts of his body. He curled his hands into fists to keep from reaching out to her.

It seemed forever before she finally stretched out her hand and placed it on his leg.

His cock jolted and liquid seeped from the tip. He held his breath, hoping, praying she’d continue.

She glanced at him from under thick, dark lashes. Her gray eyes were soft and sensual, like the morning mist. She slowly moved her hand up his leg, over his knee and across his thigh.

When she lifted her hand away, he almost howled with displeasure. She reached out and touched Sednar, letting her hand trail over his leg. The skin on Radnor’s leg tingled and he swore he could still feel her touch against his flesh.

“Higher,” Sednar whispered.

She hesitated but did as he asked. Sednar’s eyes closed, his expression was one of pure bliss as Roxanne skimmed her fingers over his swollen cock.

Radnor’s shaft pulsed and pounded, more liquid seeping from the tip. If she kept this up, he’d come before she had a chance to stroke him, before he had a chance to learn what pleased her.

“Roxanne.” She jerked her hand away from Sednar and turned to him, her expression filled with uncertainty. He hated seeing that look on her face. “May we touch you?” Gods, but he wanted her to say yes.

She nodded, her lips turning upward in a shy smile.

He patted the mattress between them. She glanced back at Sednar before stretching out on the mattress. Unable to keep his hands off her any longer, Radnor stroked his finger down the curve of her jaw. “There will be plenty of time for you to explore our bodies as much as you’d like.”

“But I thought you wanted me to? I thought you liked it.” He could tell he was confusing her with his mixed messages.

“Too much,” he conceded. “I’m too close to the edge. If you touch me, I’ll come.”

She swallowed hard and stared at his erection. She licked her lips again and Radnor had to close his eyes to keep from seeing the hunger in her gaze. His eyes shot open when he felt her small hands wrap around his cock and squeeze tight.

He groaned her name.

She smiled at him and slowly pumped her hand up and down his swollen length.

He wanted to stop her, to tell her it was too much, but the feminine satisfaction on her face stopped him. This was what she wanted.

Her fingers caressed the full length of his cock as she stroked him. Up. Down. Up.

Down. His shaft swelled. Every muscle in his body tightened. Fireworks exploded behind his eyes and his pelvis jerked in her direction.

Roxanne leaned over and flicked one flat nipple with her tongue. His blood began to boil and he began to sweat. He wanted that tongue lower.

As if she heard him, she began to kiss a path down his chest. Her hand kept up the pumping motion on his cock. Radnor gritted his teeth and brought up every unpleasant memory he could think of. Anything to keep from coming before he felt Roxanne’s mouth on him.

She slithered down the mattress until her face was level with his straining erection.

Her hand was pale against the swollen flesh and thick veins. She shifted so close he could feel her moist breath and swore. “Roxanne,” he groaned. Her name a plea. A prayer. He couldn’t hold out much longer.

Her tongue snaked out and she licked the head of his cock. “Yesss,” he hissed. He reached up and tangled his fingers in her short hair, dragging her closer before he realized what he was doing.

She made a soft humming noise in her throat as she opened her mouth and closed around him, encasing him in moist heat. The vibration went through him, almost shattering his control. His lungs were working like a bellows now as he sucked in huge mouthfuls of air.

In spite of his resolve to let Roxanne control their lovemaking, his hips pushed upward. He swore as she took more of him into her mouth. “So fucking good,” he told her.

Keeping her hand locked around the base of his cock, she pumped harder even as she continued to suck him off. It was better than anything he’d ever dreamed. He knew he couldn’t last.

“Roxanne.” He desperately whispered her name. “I’m going to come.” He wanted her to stop and he wanted her to never stop.

She redoubled her efforts.

The top of his head seemed to explode as the blast came from deep in his balls and shot up his shaft and out the tip. He came hard and fast, spilling himself into her sweet mouth. She didn’t pull away but kept sucking, swallowing as she did so.

When his orgasm finally ended, he was spent. His fingers were still locked in Roxanne’s hair and he forced himself to carefully release her. She lifted her head and smiled at him.

In that moment, he lost himself to her. No one had ever given so freely to him, expecting nothing in return. No one had ever made him feel this damn good, as though he was special. It was more than physical. It went all the way to what tiny bit remained of his shattered soul.

Nothing or no one was as important as Roxanne. He would do whatever it took to make her happy. And if that meant her returning home, a voice in the back of his head prompted. He ignored the pain spearing through him and strengthened his resolve.

Whatever it took.

Sednar shifted behind her. Her eyes widened as she became aware of his brother waiting patiently. He nodded at her. She swallowed hard and rolled over to face Sednar.

Watching Roxanne suck his brother’s cock had been one of the hardest experiences of Sednar’s life, and one of the most erotic. She’d pleasured Radnor without hesitation, taking his thick length into her mouth.

Sednar’s cock was throbbing unceasingly now. He needed some relief. Would she touch him the same way she had his brother?

Roxanne shifted closer and slowly reached out her hand. He groaned as she wrapped her fingers around his cock and stroked. With her short black hair and her unusual colored eyes, she was like some exotic creature from a fantasy. Sednar didn’t quite trust that this wasn’t a dream. The tapestry had brought her, he reminded himself.

That meant she was free to leave in a matter of days.

It also meant she might choose to stay. What would that be like? He couldn’t imagine having a woman as sweet as Roxanne in his bed every night. Or one night a week if she chose Radnor as her husband. But he was jumping too far ahead. The sun was almost ready to rise and that meant that this was day two. Time was running out.

He lifted a hand and cupped one of her magnificent breasts. She was full and firm and her nipples were large and pink. She gasped as he caught the puckered nub between his forefinger and thumb and gently pinched. Her breasts swayed as she took several deep breaths. Her skin was damp, giving it a pearly sheen. He wanted to lick her from head to toe.

“I want to fuck you,” he stated baldly. He knew he’d made a mistake when she jerked back, her gaze darting toward Radnor.

His brother said nothing. He gave no indication how he felt about Sednar’s request.

Although he didn’t have to say anything for Sednar to know he wasn’t happy.

He wasn’t pleased with himself at the moment. He’d acted like a boy, concerned with only his own wants, instead of a man, worried about what his woman needed.

As he watched, Roxanne bit her bottom lip, the earlier arousal seeping from her face.

Sednar cursed himself beneath his breath and forced a smile. “But only if you want.

Whatever you want,” he reiterated, trying to recapture the earlier mood. He picked up her hand and brought it back to his cock. “Touch me.” She smiled hesitantly, wrapped her fingers around him and began to pump his shaft. Sednar closed his eyes and concentrated on how good it felt to have her hand on him, willing to take whatever she wanted to give him.

She’d been hurt and was skittish. He’d do well to remember that. He could feel Radnor’s eyes on him, sense his brother’s displeasure and knew he’d hear about it later.

But that was later. Right now, Roxanne’s hands were working their magic on his cock. Learning his body. He felt a light breath against his shaft and opened his eyes just in time to see her close her mouth around him.

Surely she was sent from the gods. Her generosity was overwhelming. He didn’t deserve it after acting like a callous youth, but he certainly wasn’t about to stop her.

Enough of the Craddock blood ran through his veins that he wouldn’t turn away from what he wanted. The trick was to keep his sex drive under control and not get too grasping and ask for too much too fast.

Giving himself up to her tender touch, he relaxed and absorbed every wonderful sensation shooting through them. His balls pulled up tight, letting him know he wouldn’t last much longer. His entire body was on fire for this woman. He tried to hang on, but it was no use. It had been so long since he’d felt a woman’s hand on his shaft, her mouth and tongue wrapped around his cock head.

He came on a yell, pumping himself into her mouth. He came hard and fast, every muscle tightening and flexing. She sucked until he’d emptied himself and then fell back onto the mattress beside him. Her eyes were closed, her skin pale. Her lips parted and her tongue darted out to lick them. Sednar’s cock jerked, growing hard again instead of soft.

Through half-open eyes, he caught his brother’s gaze and nodded. Now that the edge was off their desire and she was more comfortable with them, it was time to pleasure her.
