Hannah and Marco’s story made it into readers’ hands because of my wonderful, determined, and amazingly supportive agent, Lauren Abramo. As always, thank you for going above and beyond the call of duty, Lauren!

Moreover, I have to thank my awesome editor, Kerry Donovan, for not only loving the ODS world as much as I do, but for helping to make it so much better than I ever thought possible. Working on this series with you, Kerry, is a dream.

I must say a big thank-you to Erin Galloway and the team at New American Library for all their hard work on this series, too. You guys are phenomenal!

Thank you to Anna Boatman and the team at Piatkus for believing in this series and bringing Hannah and Marco’s story to the UK readers. Your enthusiasm means the absolute world to me.

To Georgia Cates, thank you so much, not only for being a great friend and part of the amazing support system we call the Hellcats, but for sharing your wisdom from fifteen years as a delivery nurse and for providing me with invaluable advice on the medical information in Hannah’s story.

And to Shanine Christoffersen and Kate McJennett, thank you for being such wonderful teachers and such an inspiration. The kids you teach have no idea how lucky they are to have you, and how much it matters that you care so deeply for what you do. Kate, thank you for all your advice as a high school English teacher. Hannah came alive as a teacher as I was writing, and a lot of that came from you. Also, thanks for letting me steal your Dark Knight Rises lesson plan. Very cool.

Finally, a massive thank-you to you, my reader.

You know why.
