His meeting with Murphy was short and to the point. “Mr. Positive” was anything but, having heard one story after another of Harding’s systematic destruction of the Consortium from within. Madison’s recent experiences were just icing on an already glazed cake. It was no longer safe to have her around, controlling the inner workings of the office, Murphy was saying.

“She’s got to be let go now.”

Madison just sat there and nodded his approval. He could imagine how Murphy used to be, before he discovered positive mental attitude therapy. It was easy to lapse back into reality and good old pessimism when the stresses of life interceded.

“Am I wrong, Phil, am I wrong?”

“No, Murph. I agree with you, it’s got to be done. My only question is how we’re going to keep things running without a staff person directing and running the programs until we get someone hired.”

“I can be up here most of the time for a couple of weeks. We’ll just have to get someone hired within that time.”

“When are you going to break the news?”

“I need to speak with our attorney, but everything should be in order. I’ll probably talk with her on Saturday morning.”

“Do I need to be there?”

“No sense involving you in this mess. Do you have any reservations about-”

“None whatsoever.”

“Then it’s a done deal. Don’t worry, we’ll find someone to take over. Go home and spend some time with Leeza. And give her my regards.”

They shook hands and Madison left, feeling as if the monkey had been lifted from his back. In this case, King Kong-aka Brittany Harding.
