“You’re a goddamned fucking sleazebag, you son of a bitch,” Hellman yelled into the phone.

“Must be Jeffrey Hellman,” Movis Ehrhardt said.

“You’re a double-crossing extortionist.”

“Just let me know when you’re done.”

“Done?” Hellman asked. “I’m just getting started.”

“How about telling me what this is all about?”

“Let’s start with the destruction of a family, you unethical son-of-”

“Whoa, counselor, what the hell are you talking about?”

“Either you or your client sent Madison’s wife a picture that makes it look like he was kissing Harding in a restaurant.”

“And I assume it’s your position that that’s not what he was doing.”

“She was complaining of ear pain. She asked him to take a look.”

“And you think that this picture was sent to Madison’s wife by me?”

“You or your client. And given my past dealings with you, it wouldn’t surprise-”

“Why do you think I had anything to do with it?”

“The picture was accompanied by a copy of the settlement check I sent to you.”

There was no response at the other end. The usually vociferous, answer-for-everything Movis Ehrhardt fell silent.

Finally, Hellman broke the interlude. “Well?”

“I need to look into this.”

“You sound like you already know what happened.”

“Well, I shouldn’t be telling you this, but before my client left here, she asked me for a copy of the check. I thought she just wanted it for her records.” There was silence again. “If she did this, I’m very sorry. Regardless of what you may think of me, I’m really sorry about this.”

“I’m having the picture dusted for prints. If those prints come back a match for you or your client, that money better be returned in certified funds within twenty-four hours of my call-or I’m going to find a way of tying you into this scheme and have you disbarred. I’ll make it my personal hobby.”

“I didn’t have anything-”

“We’ll talk tomorrow,” Hellman said just before he slammed the phone down.
