From the chronicles of Coton:

In the light of day, we tremble now, as the bloody hand of Zaltec is nigh.

We wait for the future, our fate determined by the strong. arms and keen weapons of a soldier, a dwarf, and a youth; and though the enemy numbers many, our faith is great, for” the one true god of goodness watches over us.

We three, two old men-one blind, the other sworn MS silence-and a young woman who grows more round with child every passing day, can do naught for the battle. Yet our fate is tied irreversibly to those who strike blows in the name of Qotal.

And so we pause in the heights of the twisting ravine. The horse can climb no farther by this path, and even could we proceed, we have no future if our friends fall in this light.

But again the blessings of Qotal are manifest.

Now we find proof of goodness and also the truth of legEND: WE learn that the Hairy Men of the Desert do to fact exist. Indeed they have saved us, for the beasts of the Viperhand flee back to their master, bleeding and defeated We greet our saviors with curiosity, and so do they regard us — but we are allies in a great cause, and in our first contest together we have prevailed.

And now only the desert extends around us, and our goal beckons to the east.
