From the chronicles of Coton:

In the embrace of the Plumed One, may we live to see another day.

The door to Lotil’s hut crashes inward, and a great beast stands there, slavering- It is monstrously tall, green of skin, and possessed of long, wicked claws upon its fingers. The crimson brand of the Viperhand throbs on its chest. Its black, sunken eyes focus on the featherworker and me as we cower in the corner.

But then the presence of Qotal becomes manifest.

Lotil’s loom, decked with feathers and cloth, stands in the corner. As the beast advances, the partial tapestry tears free from the loom. It floats toward us, then hangs motionless in the air, between the monster and our terrified selves.

The creature stands dumbfounded, but no more so than I. For upon this uncompleted scrap of tapestry appears an image of a place, an image rendered so clear, so unmistakable, that it would seem to be the place itself.

The beast stumbles backward in confusion. Finally, silently, it departs from the house. I stare, transfixed by the image before me.

Then the blind featherworker beside me, who cannot see the sun in the noonday sky, speaks.

“It is the Pyramid of Tewahca,” he says, and I agree.
