Chapter Six…


Case History:

Name: Helga N.

Age: 44

Helga is a large, heavy-set woman with a strong face. She is married to an executive in a large business machine company. She did not come to my office willingly, but only because a judge in a criminal action against her advised her to seek psychiatric help. Like others who were sent to me against their will, she resented me.

“A psychologist! What kind of job is that for a man? I think all you head doctors are phonies. You cause more trouble than cures. I've known women who've been going to head doctors for years and they keep getting worse. One of them gave up on her doctor and she improved right away. I think you people like to keep crazy people crazy because of the fees you keep getting. I'm only here because of the court. Once the judge gets off my back, I'm dropping you, baby, like a hot coal.

“In case you don't know it by now, I've been charged with assault. Imagine that? How many women do you know are taken to court for beating up men? I guess that's why people think I'm crazy; it's supposed to be the other way around. Well, women have been assaulted by men for centuries, so it's time we had our innings.

“The guy asked to be beaten, anyhow. He didn't put it in so many words, but I know his type. They enjoy having women dominate them. My husband is the same way. He may have an important job at the business machine company, but he is really a spineless jerk. Oh, he's smart enough and all that, but he's no man at all.

“My father wasn't a man, either. As a matter of fact, I don't think I have ever met a real man in my life. Women are the stronger sex even though we don't have muscles. If it wasn't for women, men would still be living in caves.

“Let me explain to you about my father. He was a failure and he took it out on his wife and four of us kids. He worked in a cafeteria handing out food, a job anyone with a grain of sense could do. He didn't bring in much money, and he drank half of that. When he got loaded, he took to beating up my mother. When he got tired of pushing her around, he turned on us kids. I was the oldest, so I was the biggest target. 'Bastards!' he used to scream. 'You're not mine!'

“He enjoyed claiming that we were not his children because this gave him the excuse he needed to desert us later on. I was glad to see him go, even if we did have to go on welfare. I promised myself that no man would ever push me around.

“I was sixteen before I let a boy put his hands on me sexually. I guess I wanted to see what all the shouting was about. He was a couple of years older, but a lot more experienced. He took me out into the woods and we stripped. The boy placed a rubber over his stiff prick because he didn't want to knock me up. I was grateful to him for that much, anyhow.

“He had me lie down on the ground and then he got on top of me. As soon as his body touched mine, I wanted to leave. I hated the idea that he could have his way with me. Still, I stayed in place while he pushed his rod into my body. He was so aroused that he didn't waste time warming me up to the sex first. When he stabbed me with his cock, I felt as if I were not really there under him, but actually watching the scene several feet away. Sex was supposed to be exciting, but I was cold to it. To me, it was just an uncomfortable pain in the crotch.

“While girls my age started to get married, I remained single. I just couldn't see what was so great about getting married. Why tie yourself down to some jerk for the rest of your life? The only advantage I could see in marriage was being supported by a guy. I told myself if I ever did marry, it would be for money and money alone.

“I was almost thirty when I met Andrew. He was an up and coming junior executive at the business machine company he worked with even then. He was five years younger than I, but he seemed to prefer older women. I pegged him right away as one of these men who just had to have a woman henpeck him. This was something I was more than willing to do.

“Andrew came from a home consisting of three older sisters and a battle-ax of a mother. His father, like mine, had deserted him as a child. This was about the only thing we had in common. The desertion made him weak while it made me strong. Being the only male in the house, his mother and sisters drained what manhood he had, leaving a pale shell. As the oldest child in my family, I had to pick up the burden of financial support as soon as I got old enough and this made me tough. I was too tough for any man to dominate, so I did the dominating.

“On our wedding night, I told my husband I wanted rest more than sex and he was too much of a jerk to say otherwise. From the very beginning I showed him where we stood. The following morning I let him crawl on top of me. When he rammed his penis inside my body, it still felt like nothing more than a pain in the crotch. I just couldn't see what the big deal was about sex.

“If Andrew had any manhood, he would've objected to the way I ordered him around, but he seemed to like having a strong hand in his life. His mother had told him what to do until he was twenty-five and now I took over.

“Andrew was grateful to me because I gave him his first sex experience. Before marrying me, he had been too timid to force himself upon a girl. Actually a girl had to force herself upon him since he didn't have the nerve to fuck. All through our marriage, my husband asked me for sex and never once did he ever dare to screw me without permission. I didn't care much for sex, but I let the poor idiot use my body now and then because he was paying for it.

“We have a son who is at boarding school. I found pregnancy so repulsive that I had myself fixed by surgery after the delivery so that I would never have another child. I hated taking care of my son as a baby and I hired a girl to do it. Once the boy was old enough, I packed him off to a boarding school.

“Why did I have a baby in the first place? I guess I just wanted to see what it was like just as I wanted to see what sex was like at the age of sixteen. Motherhood impressed me as just another pain in the crotch. I despised myself walking around with a big belly all the time. When I gave birth, it was like getting rid of a tumor.

“The one good thing about having the boy, though, was that Andrew couldn't get rid of me so easily. As the mother of his only child, I was something more than a woman he was living with. Yes, after awhile my husband got tired of being pushed around. He talked about divorce a few times, but I always shut him up. No man was going to get rid of me; I got rid of them.

“Andrew was too good a catch to let go. Right now he's making a thousand dollars a week and he's still rising in the company. He may even head it some day. I'd be mad to let him divorce me. If he ever did get serious about the divorce, I would take custody of our son and that is something he couldn't bear. The boy is the only one he has ever loved.

“A few years ago my husband moved into his own room at the house. Before that we had been growing apart slowly so the break didn't come as a surprise. Since we never did have anything like a happy sex life, it really didn't matter if we became two strangers living under the same roof.

“I knew that Andrew would never take up a mistress; he just didn't have the guts or the balls. However, I, as always, was different. With my son out of the house and my husband having as little to do with me as possible, I needed another jerk to push around.

“I met Steven at a company party. He was a loud-mouthed man who liked to think of himself as a lady-killer. He was in his thirties, but he dressed in mod clothes, trying to pass himself off as a kid. He was married to a dowdy woman who was more interested in their children than in him, so I could right away know that he was in the mood for some action. His clothes alone gave him away. Steven was trying to recapture his youth which meant he wasn't very happy being middle-aged. The bastard just had to prove that he was still sexy.

“When we danced, I socked my pussy up against him and pressed my boobies against his chest. I was almost ten years older than he, but I showed him that there was plenty of steam in my engine yet. Steven was quick to realize that I was on the make, and he asked me to step outside. I didn't know what the hell he expected to do on the lawn of the mansion we were in, but I left with him anyhow.

“He took me behind a tree and started feeling my tits. I let him go on just to see how far he would go. Since I was wearing a gown, it would be difficult for me to strip right then and there. This didn't stop the over-aged hippie from trying. He started to pull my zipper down and I told him to stop. 'Not here, stupid,' I said, letting him know what I thought of his actions.

“'Where then?' he wanted to know.

“I gave him my address and told him when my husband would be out… not that it mattered since we all but ignored one another in the house.

“Steven showed up the next day. I was surprised to see him because I thought he had only pawed me last night out of drunkenness. I guess he thought I might have only given him my address for the same reason because he seemed anxious when I opened the door. 'Remember me?' he asked in a pathetic way.

“'How could I ever forget you?' I answered.

“I took Steven to my room. When he could see that my husband had his own bedroom, he assumed he knew all about me. 'He doesn't fuck you anymore, right?' he asked.

“I didn't like the way the bastard grinned. He acted as if he had me by the short hairs. Just because I had all but propositioned him on that dance floor, he thought he owned me. He was going to find out soon enough just what kind of pushover I was.

“We closed the door and took off our clothes. Steven had a stocky body and his prick was already in an uproar. His pig eyes leered at my nakedness. 'You're a lot of woman!' he exclaimed and grabbed my large breasts.

“'Suck them off,' I said, almost as an order.

“He took one of my nipples in his mouth and started sucking. He was the oral type by the way he went at me. I could use that desire.

“Steven pushed me against the bed and mounted my body. Just as he was about to screw me, I rolled over. 'Not that way,' I told him. 'I want a French job.'

“He seemed confused. I could see that he really wanted to start banging, but I wanted him to suffer. I spread my legs and exposed my hairy pussy. 'Go on and get to work,' I snapped.

“He paused for a minute as if he didn't know what to make out of my attitude. Steven had come seeking romance, but here I was giving orders. I told him to start mouthing or go home. He slipped to his knees and pressed his mouth against my slit while I lay on the bed with my feet against the carpet.

“Steven licked my pubic hair and spread the lips of my vagina apart. He lapped inside me with his tongue. I looked down at him kneeling in front of me and laughed. 'You sure are a great lover,' I told him.

“He paused for a second in his mouthings and then continued. I now had him by the short hairs! If he continued to love me after that snide remark, he would take all the shit I handed out.

“Steven stopped Frenching me after about ten minutes and stood up. His penis was still erected and he looked desperate. Once again he tried to get on top of me, but I wouldn't let him screw. 'I don't want to get knocked up,' I told him even though I was not able to have a baby after my operation.

“'Ill pull my dick out in time,' he promised.

“'Forget it,' I answered. 'All I wanted was a blow job anyhow. You can go now.'

“He was shocked. After taking so many pains to see me, I was dismissing him like a dog. He put on his clothes and left with his tail between his legs. I laughed aloud. Maybe he didn't like the session, but I found it fun. I decided to do it again sometime.

“My next idiot was a guy who came to fix the television set. His name was Roger and he was in his twenties. He was a big, good-looking fellow, but a jerk. When he showed up, I wore a see-through robe. Roger couldn't keep his mind on his work as he kept shooting glances at me. The son-of-a-bitch didn't know if he should make a pass at me or not. I was, after all, the wife of a pretty important man.

“How about a drink?' I asked.

“'Yeah, that will be fine,' he answered, nodding his curly head anxiously.

“When I walked away, I could feel his eyes boring into my ass which was protected only by a thin, near-invisible cloth. On the return trip he didn't stare as boldly at my pussy and my tits, but he did shoot those sneaky glances. I handed him a shot of brandy and he bolted it down as if it were a shot of beer. He was really all worked up.

“That shot of booze was all he needed to get sexy at last. 'I like the way you're dressed,' he leered.

“'You mean you like the way I'm undressed,' I responded and stood in front of him as he leaned over the TV set.

“He stopped working and this time he didn't get sneaky with his looks… he stared right into my hairy box. I dropped the robe off. 'Now that you had something to drink, how about something to eat?' I offered.

“Roger was so dumb he didn't get my meaning for a minute. Then he understood and wrapped his sweaty arms around my hips and ass. He clamped his teeth on my vagina and started chewing. As he Frenched me, he slipped one of his fingers into my anus. Roger wasn't very bright, but he was passionate.

“The young stud ran his tongue deep into my cleft and played with my clitoris. For a passing moment I experienced a rare sensation of passion, but it didn't last long. I never enjoyed sex. To me it was a messy bother that people used to dominate one another. In every sex relationship, someone was slave and the other was master. The only time I was even close to being a slave was that first time when I was sixteen and I let a boy take my cherry. Since then it was the men who served me and not the other way around.

“Roger licked my thighs and then ran his tongue up along my belly. When he reached my breasts, he sucked each nipple. He all but chewed them off and I yelled at him. 'Take it easy!' I snapped. 'I'm not a pizza pie.'

“The guy buried his mouth into my neck and sucked a hickey mark there. When we were standing up face to face, he opened his pants. I felt the hard tube of his prick against my pubic area. He took it into his hand and guided it to my slit. I pushed him away when he was about to penetrate me. “That is enough for one day, big boy,' I said.

“His face was flushed with passion. 'What do you mean? We just got started,' he complained.

“I stepped back and he advanced. He was big enough to knock me on my ass and rape me, but I wasn't going to let him get that close. I picked up some wires from his tool chest and lashed his exposed sex organ. He let out a scream. I lashed him across the face and blinded him for a moment. Then I ran out of the room and locked the door behind me. 'It was fun, big boy,' I yelled through the door. 'You can let yourself out of the window when you're through.'

“No sex experience ever thrilled me as much as that lashing. I could see now why some people dug whips and riding crops. With a few light wires, I had dominated a young man who could've killed me easily. Yes, and he had liked it, too. A couple of days later he showed up at the house wanting to 'check' my TV set. What he really wanted was another beating.

“'That was sure some fun we had the other day,' Roger told me when he came in. 'I hope I didn't make you sore.'

“'No. I just don't like to be screwed in the pussy,' I told him. 'I like guys to go down, though. Too bad you lost control.'

“'I won't lose control the next time, I promise!'

“'The next time? You're taking a lot for granted, aren't you?'

“Roger, despite his size, turned into a little boy. 'Please… let's do it again…' he begged.

“He was now mine to do with as I pleased. I took him into my husband's bedroom because I knew he kept a supply of belts. When I ordered Roger to strip, he quickly complied. He was so anxious to have sex that he was already in a state of erection.

“I wrapped one of my husband's belts around his ankles and then secured his wrists together behind his back with another belt. 'Kneel down,' I ordered and Roger did as he was told.

“When I took off my clothes, he gazed at me with liquid eyes as dogs do to their masters. I stood in front of him. He leaned forward to mouth me, but I stepped back. 'Not until I say so,' I told him.

“I looked down at the big man kneeling there staring up at me. So many men are so willing to submit themselves to women. They will take any kind of humiliation just for a little sex. I turned around and pushed my ass against his face. 'Lick,' I told him.

“Roger didn't hesitate a moment. He licked my buns and even ran his tongue along my anus. He got more excited and sucked hickies on my rump. I just couldn't see how he could do it. I wouldn't do that to any man if my life was at stake. But, as I've told you, men are the weaker sex.

“I turned around again and let Roger lick my vagina. He chewed on my box and it was frustration for him to do it because he couldn't grab hold of me as he wanted. His frustration was my joy; the more he suffered, the better I liked it.

“Once I got tired of his mouthing, I told him to flatten out on the floor with his ass up. He complied without question. I took another of my husband's belts and lashed down at his hairy buns and his broad back. I didn't pull my punches and I watched red welts criss-cross along his pale skin. Roger kept gasping in pain as I whipped him, but he didn't plead for me to stop. The bastard needed pain just as my husband needed humiliation and domination.

“My arms got weary, but my entire being tingled with life. I preferred beating men than loving them. I wish the hell I had found out about this sooner.

“I let Roger lie there for over an hour and he began to wonder when… or if… I would ever let him go. Naturally I couldn't keep him trussed up like that forever, especially with my husband due home shortly, so I dressed and then undid the belts. For a brief moment I was afraid that he might lash out at me, but he was a meek as a lamb. 'Can I see you again?' he asked.

“I told him that I would think about it and he put on his clothes. When he left, I felt really happy for the first time in my life. It was a grand and good sensation binding up men and beating them. I almost wanted to do the same to my spineless husband, but I was afraid that he might like it so much he would never stop pestering me.

“Finding me willing to suffer at my hands was no problem. I picked up one fellow at a party who thought I was just another bored housewife wanting a roll in the hay. When I went to his apartment, I surprised him with my desires for flagellation and cunnilingus. He didn't object to being tied and whipped with his own belts. He enjoyed performing oral sex acts upon my ass and vagina.

“It wasn't long before I bought whips and leather straps. I was becoming a female version of Marquis de Sade. My husband knew that I was bringing men to the house and seeing them in their apartments, but he never said anything. By this time we were divorced emotionally, if not legally. He assumed that I was having adulterous relationships. I suppose he was secretly glad that someone else was taking care of what sexual needs I had. As for him… I doubted if he had any sexual needs left. He hadn't been much of a man when I married him and now he was a nothing.

“Jack, a guy of about forty who serviced my car, became my latest piece of meat. He had never been married and his mouth watered every time he saw a woman. When I brought him to the house with the excuse that I needed him to start my car, he quickly bent to my sexual will. Jack had never had much of a sex life, and he was only too ready to try anything I wanted.

“He took off his clothes and his body offended me. He was flabby, hairy and not even clean. I took a few drinks to brace myself before the session began. Jack not only allowed me to tie him with the leather straps, he even helped secure his legs together. 'You'll let me do things, won't you?' he pleaded. 'You'll let me go down on you, right?'

“Jack made me sick. When he was completely tied, I stood in front of him while he knelt and had him lick my pussy. He was so hungry for sex of any kind that he tore at me with his teeth. I was just drunk enough and mean enough to do something about it. I picked up the whip and lashed him as hard as I could.

“The tubby creep cried out in pain. I lashed him again. 'No more!' he begged.

“Blood appeared on his hairy body. When I used the whip, I always hold back, but not this time. I wanted to see just how much I could hurt a man. I lashed and lashed while he screamed in agony. Soon his whole body was covered with blood and he tried to roll away from me. I guess I lost my head and I couldn't stop.

“Jack lay on the floor unconscious and I was sure I had killed him. This thought didn't bother me at all. What would it be like to actually kill a man? Surely murder must rank as the crime of crimes.

“I took a few more drinks and fell asleep in a chair. When my husband came home and saw me naked and drunk and the gas station man unconscious and bloody, I could imagine what his reaction was like. He called an ambulance for the man who was not going to die after all. The police questioned me and I couldn't think of a good lie. How could anyone explain away a situation like the one my husband found me in? It was the truth and the gas station man backed me up. I thought that would be the end of it, but the creep charged me with assault!

“When the judge heard all the evidence, he didn't know what to do. Jack, after all, had willingly allowed himself to be tied and beaten. I just went a bit too wild with the whip, that's all. The judge told my husband that he would drop all charges if I sought professional help. Now I know that this is all bullshit, but I'm willing to pay you for your time. After a few sessions, you'll give the court a good report and then the matter will finally be dropped. I'll make it worth your while, doctor. What do you say?”


I did not accept Helga's bribe, for to do so would be an injustice to the community and my own ethics. The woman was clearly a sadist of the worst sort and she required more than out-patient treatment… she needed to be placed in an institution for an extended period of time.

Helga's sickness began when she saw how her father treated her mother. She became a man-hater very early in life because of the beatings she suffered at the hands of her father and is a classic case of what becomes of the “battered child”. Sidney Furst, in his study, PSYCHIC TRAUMA, maintains that children who are severely beaten, usually grow up to be child beaters themselves. Helga hurt her only child by sending him to a boarding school as soon as he was old enough. She then turned her sadistic streak on her husband. When Andrew had enough, even for a masochist, he withdrew from her life, leaving her to seek other victims.

Since Helga received no love as a child, she grew into a frigid woman. When she allowed a boy to have relations with her at the age of sixteen, it was more as an experiment than anything else. She wasn't really involved in her own seduction because she claimed that she had the feeling that she was viewing it from several feet away. Helga did not have another sex relationship until she married almost twelve years later. The woman married a man she did not love for financial security alone, and just as coldly had a child in order to have a hold on the man's pocketbook. Once this was accomplished, she destroyed her ability to have any more children.

William Robie, in his book, SEX AND LIFE, claims that women who resent the idea of having children are really in flight from their own womanhood. These females usually come from unhappy homes and they dislike the idea of giving children love they did not receive when they were young. Helga not only had not received love as a child, she was never sure if the man her mother was married to was really her natural father since he always made a point of denying his parentage. This, coupled with beatings, made the girl hate the idea of love, marriage and motherhood.

In Andrew she found a man she could dominate and thus who was no threat to her. Andrew was a masochist who fit perfectly into Helga's sadistic plans. As a woman-dominated boy, he grew up assuming that males were unimportant and so it was an easy thing for him to be ordered about by an aggressive wife. But a man can take just so much, and he deserted his wife in his own mind by moving into a private room.

Once Helga found herself without someone to rule and humiliate, she went hunting for other men. She soon found them because a large number of men in the country are so unsure of their manhood that they find a certain pleasure in being dominated by women. These men are the type to willingly submit to the lash and the weird demands of sadistic females.

Helga, like all sadists, needed to give stronger and stronger doses of pain as her career progressed. When Jack, the gas station employee, entered her strange world, she was all but ready to commit murder to experience a sexual thrill. If she is allowed to continue without intensive care and therapy, she will become a hopeless psychotic.

I gave these findings to the court, and today Helga is in a private mental hospital. I can only hope that she will one day return to society as a happy and stable human being.
