
When I woke up for the second time, Caitlin was gone. I got into the shower but even when I made it cold the memory of her firm young breasts, smooth strong thighs and agile mouth made me hard again. Even feeling like a dirty old man-she was apparently almost twenty years younger than I was-couldn’t make it go away.

“Damn,” I said. I tried thinking about Jerry waiting for me in the lobby. Yup, that did it. I was able to get dressed after that.

I still had a half hour before meeting Jerry, so I detoured to Entratter’s office. I knew Jack had a house on Charleston Boulevard, but he also had a suite at the Sands. If he slept in the suite he’d be in his office this early.

When I entered the outer office his girl wasn’t there, but I could hear him banging around inside. As I walked in he slammed a desk drawer angrily.

“Good morning,” I said.

“What’s good about it?” He sat in his chair and leaned back. It creaked beneath his weight. “Whataya want, Eddie? You finished with Sammy’s business yet?”

“No, not yet,” I said. “In fact, I’ve got to go to Tahoe again today.”

“You know,” he said, “if I find out you’re takin’ advantage of the situation-”

“Fuck you, Jack,” I said. “Call Frank and tell him Sammy needs to get himself a new boy. I’ve already been through enough shit-”

“Okay, okay, take it easy,” he said, sitting forward. “Christ, kid, don’t lose your temper with me.”

“You know me better than to accuse me of any shit, Jack.”

“You’re right, Eddie,” he said. “I do. I’m sorry. I got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.”

“Yeah,” I said, grudgingly, “okay.”

“Go ahead to Tahoe, do whatever you gotta do,” he told me.

I got up to leave.

“Hey, kid.”

I turned.

“What shit have you been through already?”

“Forget it,” I said. “It’s nothin’.”

It was bad enough that Thomas, the driver, had knowledge of the bodies and where we’d hidden them. That made four of us: me, Thomas, Sammy and Jerry. Thomas wouldn’t say a word because he had killed them in front of three witnesses. And the rest of us would stay dummied up.

There was no need to clue Entratter in.

Jerry said, “You’re late,” as I approached him in the lobby. “The limo’s outside.”

“Sorry,” I said, “I got held up.”

“What was her name?”

I looked at him sharply, then realized he didn’t know anything, he was just kidding around.

“Very funny,” I said. “Come on, let’s go.”

We left the Sands and got into the limo for the drive to the airport.

During the drive I thought about Caitlin. My track record with broads was pretty good, but that didn’t mean I was used to young chicks coming to my room, throwing themselves at me.

After we’d made love, once we were lying side by side on the bed, I had to ask.

“Have we ever-”

“No, Eddie,” she said, turning toward me and putting her hand on my chest. “Never before, but maybe again?”

“Sure,” I said, “soon.”

“Soon?” she asked, sliding her hand down beneath the sheet, “or now?”

She took hold of me and, to her delight and my surprise, I was able to say, “Okay, now …”

“You have any breakfast?” Jerry asked, interrupting my thoughts.

“No,” I said, “it’s too early. You?”

“I had somethin’ last night, and then again this mornin’,” he said, happily. “I love this town. Twenty-four-hour room service.”

Like a kid in a candy store.
