"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Greedily, Marcie pumped her body up and down, her pert ass flattening again and again against her cousin's groin. She could tell Byron liked fucking this way. Oh, he liked it! He was arching his back every now and then, moving his hips around. At times his knees jerked up, then flopped down hard against the bed while he swore at her. How she loved his filthy words! The sucking noise of her cunt fucking along the full length of his cock delighted her.

"Ohhhhh baby, baby man, that's somethin' wild you're doin' to me!"

"It's so good… oh God, it's so good to feel your cock inside me… ohhhh!"

She loved feeling that wonderful jab of his cock against her cuntal walls. Without even thinking, she'd bent her knees way up alongside Byron's body. This way she could control her sliding, rolling movements better. She could shiver her ass around when she settled her cunt down all the way on his cock. Trying several more moves, Marcie found she could feel the pressure deep inside her if she pushed down and back with all her weight.

"Uhhhhh… damn! Damn, Marcie! I'm so fuckin' close!"

Marcie peered down and saw the beads of sweat on her cousin's forehead. She noticed how dark his eyes were. He was reaching up, pinching her nipples, rolling them between his fingers while giving her short, jerky fuck-lunges with his prick. With another little gasp, she lowered her face until her tits tickled across his chest. They kissed hard, Byron groaning as she gave him her tongue to suck. Her hips began to grind. With another gaspy kiss, the girl raised her body, rocking forward until just the fat prickhead was inside the powerful ring of her cuntal muscles.

"God!" he blurted.

Marcie made the cunt muscles tighten up again around the base of Byron's cock. The young man shivered, grunting heavily while fucking hard into her pussy.

"Ohhhh, more? Should I do it more? It feels soooo good!"

"Christ! You're somethin' outta dreams or something," Byron gasped back.

The words made Marcie burn. She released her cunt hold on his cock, let him fuck a little more, then cinched down again. When her cuntal muscles were very tight around the cockshaft, she began tossing her ass with wild, feverish moves. Byron sounded as if he were strangling. He closed his eyes, shoving his head back into the pillow. She could feel him pounding the mattress with his fists while his knees kept snapping up, banging her hard against the hips. Marcie stopped moving again and loosened her cunt so his cock would glide out of her pussy. She let the cocktip stay between the small inner cunt-lips for a second. Marcie trembled. It was all so wonderful!


Marcie shoved her ass down, down over that hard-muscled cock fucking through her pussy. She felt the hot firmness of his balls as her soft ass flesh pressed against them. She was split, torn, fucked!

"Ohhhhh, Byron!"

"Careful, baby. You keep doin' that with that magic ass of yours and I'm gonna cum all over this fuckin' place," he warned.

"I can't stop… can't…"

It was true. A fire raged through Marcie, so fierce it drove out everything except her desperate desire to peak the feelings scorching through her. She couldn't stop the rhythmic milking of her cuntal muscles. The circle tightened, released, then tensed, doing this over and over again. Each time her cunt cinched down on Byron's swelling prick, she felt the velvety, slick surfaces stroking him nearer his climax.

Marcie knew she wasn't as close as Byron was. But she still bounced around on him. How she wanted to keep his cock inside her as long as she could! Her pussy needed his cock there. She thought she would lose her mind if she couldn't have that hot, heavy cockshaft grasped by her cunt.


Marcie snapped her head back, loving the silky sweep of her hair over her back. She wished she could keep her cunt from spasming around his prick. Was he going to cum? Was he going to shoot his cum-load into her now?

"Touch my balls, baby, touch 'em…"

Obediently, Marcie did as he said. Her fingers stroked his hot balls as she pressed them up against his warm groin. Doing that, she felt something else, something she hadn't been aware of before. Something was beating like a heart. It had to be some powerful, hidden gland that controlled his climax. She moved her slender, trembling fingers back farther, straying close to his asshole. She jerked her fingers back along the hidden, mysterious thing that had now begun to convulse heavily.

"Feel it?" Byron groaned.

"Oh, yessss!"

Marcie's mouth was dry. "It's wild! I don't know what it is but…"

"Damn it! I'm gonna finish you now. Gonna finish you good…"

Marcie felt dazed with fuck-lust. She was starting to get close. She couldn't keep her ass still at all now. She had started a gentle fucking motion again, riding up and down like a merry-go-round pony on its pole. And all the while, there were those delicious sucking sounds of her cunt slurping up and down on her cousin's prick.

"Uhhhh, go for it, Marcie! That's it, baby… uhhhh… fuck it out, fuck my prick!"

"Yes! In! In!"

"This is it, baby, this is…"

His face was pinched and red as if he were in great pain. He was telling her he could feel the jizz burning up his cock. The words sent her quivering in high heat. She was close now, so very, very close. She cupped Byron's balls harder. Something more was happening now. She could feel the gland inside his body increase its spasms. It was actually jerking with the fury her cunt was bringing to it. Each time her velvety cuntal folds oozed pussy juice over his cockhead his balls bucked. His cock was only halfway inside her cunt now. Marcie could feel the ridge along its underside. That was the tube where the white-hot spunk would soon rush out. As she pressed the tube inward, closing it slightly, something was bulging out against her fingertip again.

"Now, baby, now!" he said excitedly.

"I… I don't wanna cum. Not yet. Not yet! I want this more… more!" the young girl cried greedily, tossing her ass around.

"No, baby… uhhhhh!"

Marcie was babbling wildly, feeling her slim hips dancing feverishly over Byron's crotch. Her convulsing cunt grabbed furiously at his prick as she fucked all the way down and squirmed her ass over his groin.

It was the only thing the young stud needed. The veins stood out on his forehead as he let out a powerful howl. At that point, Marcie felt the hard jets of cum spew out into her pussy.

"Ohhhhhhh!" she cried.

The burning cum was enough to trigger the girl's climax. As his prickhead spit out the potent jizz, Marcie was dazed with the shivering storm of her own orgasm. She bounced her ass up and down, the heavy ass globes slapping against his body. Her cum was like a series of dynamite explosions, each one more powerful than the other. She felt her clit shower electricity again and again into her convulsing cuntal muscles as they worked over Byron's cum-shooting cock.

And finally, after much grunting and bucking, it was over. Marcie calmed down, leaning forward, pulling her cunt loosely over Byron's prick. He pulled her off with a slurpy click, hugging her close to his body. When she looked up, she found her cousin smiling at her.

"You're wonderful, Marcie. About the best girl I've fucked… ever!"

"I'm glad you like me."

Byron kissed her, and she knew now he wanted her only. There was something wonderfully possessive about that kind of thinking. Dazed and happy, she lay on her back now, staring at the ceiling while Byron kissed her lightly on the chin.

"Gonna see a lot more of you, baby. Gonna want to fuck you some more."

"Oh yes, yes," Marcie said with abandon, flinging her thin arms around him. "I want you to fuck me again. I want to feel your big cock inside me again when I cum!" She looked up through her lashes.

"That's okay, baby, you're gonna fuck with me lots of times. It's good feeling your pussy… and it's gonna happen again and again."

Marcie looked happy, dreamy. She felt so darned good about life, about everything. Byron slid on top of her again, holding her closely while kissing her throat.

After a while, Byron left, worrying that someone might accidentally stumble across them. Marcie dressed, waiting several minutes as her cousin had suggested before slipping out. The night seemed more still. It was late. Had he gone to bed? Probably, especially after the workout she had given him. Marcie smiled sleepily, stretching her thin arms over her head and yawning. She was tired, too. She would wait until morning to tell Kathy about everything she'd done with Byron. Wouldn't she be absolutely green with envy? Picking her way carefully to the house, Marcie stopped in her tracks when Kathy stepped from the kitchen onto the back porch, her arms folded across her tits.

"Fucking my brother again, huh?"

There was a mischievous smile on her lips. Marcie didn't answer the question. She could still feel his warm arms, the pressure of his thighs, the weight of his body pressing her down onto the mattress. What business was it of Kathy's? Still, she was going to tell her anyway in the morning. So, why not now?

"Uh-huh. And he's wonderful. I don't care what you think about your brother, he's the best," she chirped, hugging herself tightly.

Kathy shrugged. "Guess everybody's got her own taste. I can't see it. But then again, he's my brother. Come on, let's go into the barn."


Marcie pulled back, shaking her head. No, she didn't want to fool around with Tundra or anything like that tonight. The memory of Byron fucking her was too pleasant for her to try another of Kathy's sexual adventures with the animals.

"You don't have to do anything," Kathy said, giving her a sour, impatient look. "All you've gotta do is help me. I decided… to let Tundra fuck me."

Marcie's eyes widened. The horse? Kathy? It was impossible. And yet that impish grin on her cousin's face told her it was true.

"But… he could hurt you and… and things like that," Marcie said, searching around for words. She just stood there, feeling her cum-filled cunt warmly squishing.

"It's gonna be wild, really wild!" Kathy said.

Marcie was sure fucking a horse would be wild.
