"Ohhhh, do it, doggie, do it! Fuck her!" Kathy cried, her fingers fucking in and out of her brown-fuzzed cunthole. She was jerking her hips, pumping her plump ass back and forth while watching the dog fuck her cousin.

Marcie was groaning, rubbing the bare soles of her feet along the dog's powerful back while keeping her shoulders flat against the mattress. Pardner hunkered down, a growl from his throat sending shivers up and down the blonde's spine.

"Oh yes, yes!" Marcie cried, shutting her eyes so tight little yellow spots flashed behind her fluttering lids.

"He's doing it, Marcie. Oh wow, Pardner's actually fucking you!"

"I… uhhh… I know… and oh, it's so weird," the girl gasped.

She was being fucked, really fucked right here in front of her cousin. Time and time again her mother had warned her about boys, about the one thing they always wanted. And here she was letting a dog fuck her! Again the blonde teenager shook her head, trying to drive the image of her mother's frowning face from her mind as she felt Pardner's sharp claws scratch deeper into her thighs.

Pardner moved, uncertain of what he was doing at first. She felt his prick poking tentatively at her puffy cunt-lips, the pointed cocktip stabbing at the crooked juicy crack, pulling back, then moving in again. The tiny bumps were rubbing deliciously against her red clit. Marcie cried through her tightly clenched teeth. Frantically, the girl rubbed her feet against the dog's sides to encourage him, wiggling her ass so hard the mattress started bouncing.

"Let him go for it, Marcie! Oh wow, let him go for it!"


The big muscles in her ass were cramping from the tension as she waited to get fucked. Spit dripped from Pardner's tongue, wetting down her tits. She could feel his doggie breath against her throat while his fur tickled the backs of her raised thighs. Her cuntal walls spasmed against his probing prick. The movement frightened the dog. Pardner yelped, drawing back. Fighting through the fog of lust, Marcie reached up, smoothing her hands on either side of the German Shepherd's sides, feeling his warm hair tickling the sensitive flesh just under her nails. She cooed to the dog, rubbing him with her hands and feet, moving her ass slowly, sexily against him.

"Uhhhh, come on, Pardner, come on and fuck me," she whispered.

Those terrible words came so automatically to her! Only moments ago she'd been standing there in the corridor, frowning, watching her cousin with the dog. Marcie had rushed into the living room, not believing she'd seen something that horrible taking place under her uncle's roof. And yet… and yet here she was, lying naked in bed, letting Pardner fuck her! Her mind was spinning around and around. There didn't seem to be an anchorage for her thoughts as the animal lowered himself down and started fucking.

"He's doing it so fast, Marcie!"


Pardner was going wild, moving his doggie hips up and down rapidly, fucking only an inch or two of his cock into the girl's cunt. Marcie wriggled her hips more invitingly, feeling those slick bumps scratching that itch throbbing through her clit. The big animal let out another yip, tossing his hips from side to side, making her feel his fat red fucker all the better. Marcie arched her back, pitching from left to right on the bed. She bucked her ass against the German Shepherd, crying out his name, reaching out with one hand and striking her cousin again and again with her clenched fingers as the sensations in her cunt drove the breath from her lungs.

Marcie felt the world crashing down around her. Again and again she fucked her cunt onto the dog's cock, the hairs around his prick tickling her clit maddeningly. The teenager could feel his leathery little balls slapping against her upturned ass as she rocked against him. The acute tickle between her shivering thighs became incredibly intense. Marcie heard her cousin gasping. Turning her head, she saw Kathy watching her while her fingers flicked in and out of her hot cunthole.

"Gonna cum, gonna cum, Marcie! Wow, watchin' you and Pardner… uhhhh… it's… so… so…"

Kathy's right leg shot up in the air, then slammed down hard against the bed. The force rocked Marcie and Pardner while the young brunette tossed and whipped her cunt against her fingers. A fine froth bubbled up from her pussy, wetting down her palms and knuckles.

"Uhhhhh… Pardner…"

Fires of incredible lust licked up from her thighs, stimulating her clit until it curled from the fiery sexual lust. She bucked her body so wildly the girl nearly knocked Pardner from her cuntal grip. But the dog hung on, fucking his prick in so hard Marcie felt the cocktip pumping up against her cherry. That touch made her tuck her ass away quickly. Pardner lunged forward. But the two of them were too hot to go any further.

Marcie exploded, her cumming achingly powerful. She jerked hard, hot cunt juice flooding out onto her ass and wetting down the animal's swinging balls. Finally her movements were too much for the dog. With a howl, Pardner backed away, his prick slipping from the quivering, clenching movements of her pussy muscles. A cry of frustration escaped from Marcie's lips. She sought to get that dog-cock back in her pussy. But the dog was too hot. In a second Marcie felt hot jets of something very warm and thick spurting over her inner thighs. Pardner lowered his belly, rubbing his cum-shooting cock over her crotch again and again.

"Oooowwwwwwww!" Marcie was jerking her ass off the mattress and swaying from side to side as her cuntal walls buckled in and snapped shut on nothing.

The young girl could almost hear her cunt-lips slapping wetly together as Pardner kept shooting his greasy doggie-spunk all over her legs and pussy. She threw her arms around his muscular body, hugging him tightly against her tits while her cuntal muscles cramped again and again. This was the biggest, hardest cum of her life! She could hear her cousin Kathy gasping and groaning next to her. At times the girl hit her with her fists.

Cumming! Everyone around her was cumming! How beautiful it was, jolts of white heat cutting through her again and again. She felt herself sinking slowly through the mattress, the world crashing in around her as she came and came and came.

When it was over, Marcie lay on her back, her arms stretched to either side. She could feel the hot doggie-cum cooling against her damp flesh. Pardner had climbed off her and was wheeling around to one side of the bed now, his head bobbing up and down. There was a thud as he jumped off, curled up and start licking his shrinking cock. With some effort the blonde teenager raised her head from the pillow, watching him lick his prick. She shivered. To think that thing had been inside her pussy! He hadn't really fucked her all the way, not having penetrated her cherry. But she had felt that hard cock poking against her bunched cherry flesh, trying to fuck through. In a few more seconds he would have made it and… and… Marcie slid her hands around her upper arms, rubbing them briskly as goose bumps broke out all over her body.

She wasn't too sure she could handle what had happened today just yet. Shaking her head, Marcie turned toward Kathy. The girl was lying dreamily on her belly, making fucking motions with her plump, full-fleshed ass. Marcie thought Kathy looked pretty stretched out like that – her legs together, her toes pointed, her hands out of sight under her belly as she pumped her ass around in circles and up and down. Kathy's face was still red from the intense pleasure of having fucked herself with her fingers watching the scene next to her.



The girl was almost drugged, it seemed, from the way she was slowly moving her body. Marcie could hear the wet, squashing sounds of her pussy against her fingers, and she shivered in delight.

"Maybe we oughtta get going. Your dad…"

"You go. I'll be down in a while."

Marcie shrugged her shoulders, swinging her legs off the bed. She grabbed her dampened panties from the floor, eyeing the big dog as he continued licking at his prick. Again the girl felt a shudder sweep through her body. It seemed almost impossible she would have done something like this, having let that dog mount her and… and fuck her! Marcie dressed hurriedly, all sorts of uncomfortable, unsettling thoughts sifting through her mind. Too much was happening to her in one wild day to sort it out now.

Kathy was calming now, moving her body like a snake. She rubbed her tits and belly against the firmness of the mattress. Marcie glanced at her as she buttoned her blouse and tucked it into her skirt, then looked away. Marcie felt so good, expectant of something that seemed to hang in the air. Would there be more?

"I'll go down and maybe set the table… or something," Marcie murmured, stopping in the doorway and turning around once more.

Kathy was still finger-fucking while Pardner licked his fuzzy little balls.

"I think I'm going crazy," Marcie whispered, hurrying down the steps to the kitchen.

Just in time! Pulling the dishes from the cabinet, Marcie saw her uncle's pickup truck bumping down the back road toward the house, a cloud of dust swirling behind it.

"Kathy, your dad!" Marcie screamed at the top of her voice, setting the dishes down quickly. She felt so guilty. More than once she stared at her reflection in the window, wondering if there were some way her aunt and uncle could tell what she'd been doing. Was there a mark, a look that would give her away?

They came in, all smiles and small talk. Kathy was the perfect little hypocrite, acting as if nothing at all had happened. She and Marcie had agreed to keep the dog outside. God only knows what he would have been like in front of the family, with both girls sitting there, their hot little cunts only inches away from his probing snout.

Marcie sat and listened, bored to tears over talk about wheat-planting time, the weather, and the market price of various grains in Chicago versus Kansas City. It was no wonder poor Kathy had turned to dogs instead of listening to this crap all night and day! Once, she heard Pardner jumping against the kitchen door, barking wildly. Her uncle shouted at the dog. But the sound of the animal made Marcie shiver in her seat. She felt the juicy heat in her cunt soak through the sheer nylon of her crotch band again. It was so wild, so crazy having that kind of feeling toward a dog. But there it was. And Kathy, she could see, felt the same way. Would dinner never end?

"Oh, and your brother's coming home this weekend," Aunt Mary said, setting down her coffee cup and smiling at Kathy.

"Oh God, what news," Kathy answered, affecting a bored expression as she shuffled her feet against the floor.

"She and Byron get along well, Marcie. Don't believe what you hear."

Her cousin Byron! She hadn't seen him for years, not since he'd joined the Marines and been stationed in Guam. What kind of complication would his return initiate? She looked at her cousin for guidance. But all Kathy was doing was sighing heavily, rubbing her hands against her thighs, obviously wanting to get away from the kitchen. She gave Marcie a mischievous wink, pushing back from the table.

"Well, we don't fight… exactly. Anyway, I guess it'll be good seeing him. When's he coming?" Kathy asked, folding her napkin neatly and placing it to one side of the plate.

"I think the telegram said Saturday morning… around eleven or so," Aunt Mary said, wrinkling her forehead in thought. "He's got thirty days' leave or something like that. I can never get all that military business straight!"

The conversation turned quickly to Byron – about how fast he'd grown up, about how handsome he was, and about all the work he was doing now in the military. After some time, Kathy managed to sneak out with Marcie. "What's up?" Marcie whispered, carefully picking her way down the steps through the darkening night. A gentle breeze lifted Marcie's hair from her shoulders as she followed her cousin away from the house. "I've never done anything like this before, Marcie. You've gotta trust me," Kathy said, stopping ahead of her and turning around. Even in the darkness, Marcie could see her cousin's eyes glowing with excitement. A rush of heat made her flesh prickle. Something was up. She could sense that. Instinctively, she turned around, making sure her aunt and uncle were still engrossed in conversation about their son Byron and his return. No one else was out on the porch. "What are you talking about?" Marcie asked.

"Come on. Dad just got a new horse… Tundra's his name. He's talking about breeding him or something with some of the mares around here. Dad's always got something up his sleeve," Kathy said, walking carefully through the high field grass growing between the gravel drive and the barn. The two girls climbed a slight rise to the barn door. Marcie again turned around. In the near distance, she saw the glow coming from the kitchen window. No one had followed them. She stood there as Kathy unfastened the barn door and pushed it open. The creak made Marcie shiver. "Inside," Kathy whispered. Marcie felt like a conspirator. Slipping past the door, she turned and closed it, bolting it from the inside. Immediately her nose was assailed with the sour odors of rotting hay and stale piss and shit. She'd get used to it. Again and again she told herself that, as she followed Kathy past rows of empty stalls. Her feet shuffled through the loose hay, the stubble making her toes and the places between them itch terribly. More than once she shook the loose hay from between her feet and sandals.

"There used to be a lotta horses here. Most of 'em got sold off when Dad decided to get mechanized and plant more wheat," Kathy explained, switching on another overhead light as they walked to the rear of the barn.


"And here's what's gonna make our fortune… at least, according to Daddy."

Kathy switched on another light and stepped away. Almost immediately Marcie heard wild snorting, combined with banging noises. She jumped, moving back a foot. Then she saw him – Tundra, a beautiful three-year-old black stallion! She had seen horses like that in the circus and in parades – beautiful, graceful beasts, their muscles rippling beneath their silky flesh. They were so handsome, so attractive to her. And now… now she was standing there in front of him, her heart beating more quickly.

"Isn't he gorgeous?" Kathy whispered, seeing her cousin's reaction.

"Yes," Marcie answered breathlessly.

"And you know that expression… hung like a horse?"

Marcie shivered. She had an idea of what things were going to lead to now. "What?"

"Come over here. You can see his cock better," Kathy said, gesturing to her with one hand.

Marcie knew she should have turned around and walked right out of the barn. There was too much temptation here. What happened between Marcie and Pardner was unplanned, an accident. At least, she could pass it off in that way in her mind. But this was something else. But she moved forward, feeling as if her heart would literally leap through her throat.

"Isn't he wonderful? Come here," Kathy said, stretching out one hand as her cousin Marcie walked to the foot of the stall. Kathy was petting the big animal, rubbing her hand up and down his sleek head. In gratitude, the horse opened his mouth and licked her across the face. Kathy pulled back her head, laughing easily while rubbing the horse along his mane. He whinnied a bit, moving his hindquarters around to one side as Marcie approached warily.

"Don't move too fast… that's it." Marcie draped her arms over the front edge of the stall, staring at the horse, her eyes traveling back over his rippling muscles to his cock. She saw Kathy's eyes round with amusement and agreement as she gasped. Yes, he was… hung! That was the word for it, hung! His cock was so big – at least eight, maybe ten inches even now, soft. And so thick! Marcie drew back, turning around and pressing her soft ass against the rough wood of the stall.

"Wouldn't you like to touch it?" Kathy asked, shrugging and giggling nervously.

"I… I don't know."

"Come on. Nobody's gonna see us. It's gonna be a real trip," Kathy said, giving Tundra another pat before taking off her red-and-blue jersey.
