Chapter Eleven

Riley stiffened at the mention of Linda. She looked up at Sam trying to gauge

her mood. Sam looked calm, her eyes reflecting her genuine curiosity. Riley took

a deep breath deciding now was the time to tell her the whole story.

"You know I was raised by my aunt and uncle."

Sam looked confused wondering what this had to do with the woman in medical

school. She decided to just relax and let Riley tell the story. She nodded her


"Well once I went to live with my aunt and uncle they decided I needed to be

more refined. They took away all the things I enjoyed, my clothes, my sports

equipment that type of thing. My aunt was appalled by my tomboy nature and

dress. She made me change how I dressed and how I acted. She insisted I

attend comportment classes and take ballet lessons. My uncle made it clear to

me at ten that I was being groomed to follow in his footsteps and become a

surgeon. Nothing was ever good enough for him. If I got an A, I should've gotten

an A+. I was always under great pressure to measure up, make him proud of

me. He always told me 'don't disappoint me Riley'. It was always assumed I

would go to college and take pre-med. In college a new kind of pressure started.

My aunt and uncle began harping about how I needed to be seen with the right

people and date 'appropriate men'. I just never felt anything for the guys my

uncle pressured me into dating. I finally met a guy on my own and started dating

him. I kept hoping I'd feel something, anything for him when he touched me."

She glanced up at Sam. "But I never did." She blushed and looked down at the

sheet, her hands twisting the material. "Mike had been pressuring me for a while

to sleep with him. Whenever we went out his touching got more and more

insistent. I went to a party with him and intentionally got drunk. It was the only

way I could let him touch me. He took my virginity in one of the bathrooms with a

bunch of people outside the door waiting to get in." She admitted sadly. "I

continued to date him for another two months but finally broke it off. He kept

demanding sex and I just couldn't pretend any more. I never felt anything and

had to get drunk so I could stand for him to touch me. I told him I needed to

concentrate on my studies."

Sam gently stroked Riley's back. She cursed, what kind of slime would take his

girlfriend in a bathroom at a party and she's a virgin. Bastard had to have

known. She mentally shook her head in disgust. Riley finally worked up the

courage to look up at Sam. She was sure she would see distaste and

condemnation in her eyes. She was surprised to find love and compassion

burning brightly in Sam's vivid blue eyes. Sam leaned down and placed a kiss

on her forehead.

"I'm sorry your first time was such a horrible experience Baby."

Riley smiled and hugged Sam before continuing with her story. "When my uncle

started up again about my dating I told him I wanted to get into medical school

with top grades. I knew that would feed into his ego. He stopped trying to set me

up and I graduated Magna Cum Laude. I wanted to apply to several medical

schools but my uncle decided I'd be attending his alma mater. I got accepted

right way and was excited to be moving out of my aunt's and uncle's for the first

time. Little did I know my uncle already had plans for me. He knew an alumnus

who had a big house in a really nice upscale neighborhood. It was traditionally

rented out to medical students attending their alma mater. It was in big demand

to get into. My uncle of course pulled some strings with his friend and got me in.

That's where I met Linda. She was one of the roommates. There were five

bedrooms in the house. Steven was graduating and I took his room. Paul was

starting his fourth year, Terry was a third year, Carol and Linda were both second

year and I was of course a first year."

"Carol? Is this the Carol who's married to your friend Denny?" Sam clarified.

Riley laughed, "Yes it's the same Carol but we didn't know Denny yet. You're

getting ahead of the story."


Riley squeezed Sam's waist and went back to her tale. "Linda and I became fast

friends during the first six months I lived in the house. She helped me study and

showed me around campus. We spent a lot of time together, studying, watching

movies. I soon realized I was developing feelings for her. I wanted to touch her

and it scared me. I'd never felt anything like that before. We both started to find

excuses to touch each other. It started out as backrubs then progressed to

massages. Everything had an explanation; we were just helping each other

relieve the tension of school, it was normal for friends to touch each other. It was

a confusing time for me. I longed to touch her and got more excited rubbing her

back than I had with Mike when we had sex." Riley said, blushing at her


"I understand. I get turned on just looking at you."

Riley blushed again, hiding her face in Sam's shoulder.

"It's true, you're a very beautiful woman." Riley wasn't used to hearing that and didn't know how to react.

Sam seeing she was making her uncomfortable steered the conversation back

to Riley's story. "So then what happened?"

Riley shifted getting more comfortable before she continued. "It was really

strange, one minute she would be rubbing my back or lying with her head in my

lap and the next it was like she barely knew me. I quickly learned that I wasn't to

touch her if anyone else was around including our other roommates. This went

on for several months then one night we were in my room studying. Linda

leaned over and kissed me. The next thing I knew I was underneath her and she

was removing my clothes. I was just in this haze, my body felt like it was on fire.

I'd never experienced anything like it before. I finally understood what all the fuss

was about. It was enlightening to say the least. I ah... I umm...I experienced my

first orgasm with another person." Riley stuttered blushing hotly. Riley glanced

up to see Sam's smirking face. She poked her in the ribs with her elbow.

"Hush..." she admonished. Sam just laughed. "I couldn't believe it when she got up and got dressed as soon as we were finished. I had just had the most

amazing sexual experience of my life and she was just going to leave. She told

me 'we need to keep this just between us. It wouldn't look good for either of us if

this gets out. Just think of how your uncle would react.' I should've realized then

how things would turn out but it was all new to me so I went along.

"Bitch!" Sam muttered angrily.

"Yes she was but it would take me almost two years to figure it out." Riley said


"We had no relationship in public. Linda would slip into my bed and we'd have

sex. She always put her clothes back on afterward and insisted I do the same.

After the newness of the experience wore off it was just... I don't know, not that

exciting. She'd come into my room, take what she wanted and leave. I never

initiated anything between us and she always came to my room. I didn't really

see or have much to do with anyone else. Carol tried to make friends but Linda

didn't like her so I never returned the overtures of friendship. This went on 'til the

end of my first year. She had me convinced that it was the way things had to be

for both our sakes. Things changed when Paul graduated and Denny moved in.

He didn't like Linda one bit. He and Carol quickly got involved and they would

insist I go places and do things with them. Linda refused to be seen in public

with me once we became lovers, so we never went out. I developed a close

friendship with the Denny and Carol. If it weren't for them I probably wouldn't

have ever gotten out of the house except to go to class or the hospital. Linda

had her own group of friends that she did things with but I was never invited to

join them. That was pretty much how things went for the next two years. In

retrospect I know she used what she knew about my relationship with my uncle

to keep me in line. Whenever I'd press to go out with her she would remind me

how my uncle would react if he found out I was seeing a woman. She knew how

much my uncle's approval meant to me and how much I wanted him to be proud

of me. I felt ashamed of my feelings for her and guilty that we were doing

something wrong. Linda continued to insist our relationship be hidden and I went

along with it; though by this point we didn't even have our friendship anymore.

Linda continued to refuse to be seen with me in case someone would guess our

relationship. But she continued to sneak into my bedroom for sex when the

mood struck her. I finally got frustrated with the whole thing and decided there

had to be more to a lesbian relationship than occasional sex. I wanted a real

relationship with someone who was proud to be seen with me. It all came to an

end when Linda graduated and decided that we should go our separate ways.

You should've heard her. 'Riley I'm not gay and neither are you.'"

Sam gasped in shock. This from the woman who'd just spent the last two and a

half years as Riley's lover.

Riley laughed bitterly. "Yeah, tell me about it, it gets better. She then went on to

inform me, 'I'll always remember our time together, but it's time to move on. I'm

not gay. I want to get married and have a child. It's been fun but now it's time to

get on with my real life."

Sam snorted in disgust at the woman's blatant use of Riley. "She was a

manipulative bitch Riley. She used you, and then dumped you. I'd be proud to

have you at my side, any time, any where." Sam declared.

Riley wiped away the tears that had leaked out. "Always my hero," she told Sam

in a loving voice.

Sam pulled Riley into her lap, wrapping her arms tightly around her. "For as long

as you want me." She promised.

Riley pressed her face into Sam's neck inhaling her scent and savoring the

wonderful feelings of contentment and safety being in her arms invoked.

"So that was it, she just left?"

"Yep, packed her bags and moved out without a thought. I actually wasn't as

upset as I thought I'd be. I guess in the back of my mind I'd known she was

using me but just couldn't bring myself to face it. I decided I didn't want anything

to do with women and had no interest in guys. I also knew my uncle would never

accept my being gay. My uncle was happy to see Linda go. He'd never liked her.

I didn't think about it at the time but now I wonder if he didn't have some inkling

as to the real nature of our relationship. Then again he didn't like any of my

roommates. He especially didn't like Denny. Denny didn't like the way my uncle

treated me like a child. He and my uncle got into some spectacular

disagreements. Anyway, there you have it, the sorry saga of my medical school

love life."

Sam hugged her tight, consoling her. "So that was it, you just stopped dating...'til

Keith?" She questioned quietly.

Riley laughed bitterly. "I wish. As soon as I graduated from medical school,

number two in my class by the way. My uncle was very disappointed I wasn't

number one." She added. "Anyway, he started up again, insisting I attend

society events with him and my aunt. He set up my escorts for the evening. I

was an intern and barely had a second to myself but he didn't care. I could've

been working 36 hours straight but if he set up one of these 'dates' he

demanded I attend. I finally relented and started dating Chris just to get him off

my back. We dated for three months and my uncle was ecstatic. Chris was from

a very prominent LA family and he'd just completed his fellowship in cardiac

surgery under my uncle's tutorage. Chris pressured me to sleep with him from

our first date. He was my uncle's star protégé' and between the two of them

they had our life all planned out together. I don't know why I did it, I knew I didn't

have any of those types of feelings for him but I finally gave in and slept with

him. It was a disaster!" Riley shuttered remembering. "I knew I'd made a big

mistake and I immediately broke it off with him. I managed to convince my uncle

and Chris that I needed to concentrate on my own residency and my goal to

become Chief Resident. My uncle bought right into that. He wanted to be able to

brag to his cronies that his niece was Chief Resident of one of the most

competitive surgical residencies in the county. After I completed my five-year

residency I accepted a Trauma Surgery Fellowship at Mercy here in San Diego.

Thankfully Chris had moved on and married a nurse at the hospital where he

was working. My uncle even from Los Angeles was still pressuring me to date. A

friend decided to help out and set me up with Keith and well you know how that

turned out. When I was dating Keith I finally accepted the fact that I would never

be more than friends with him or any guy. I was lonely and I guess finally over

what Linda had done. When I turned 35 I had an epiphany. I was wasting my life

trying to please a man who would never be happy no matter what I did. I was

tired of being alone and lying to myself and everyone else about who I really

was. I started dating women. That's the whole story. Now you know all my

secrets." She said gazing up into Sam's eyes.

Sam's arms tightened around Riley where she still sat on her lap. "Thank you for

sharing that with me. I know it wasn't easy to tell me all that. I guess I just

needed to hear the whole story."

Riley felt drained after telling Sam her story. She snuggled into Sam's warm

embrace. Sam now knew much more about her than she did about Sam. She

decided to turn the tables. She looked up at Sam meeting her eyes.

"What about you Sam, I guess you've always known you were gay huh?" She

was amazed to see a blush spread over Sam's face and she squirmed under

Riley. Riley pulled back a little, taking in Sam's body language. She got off

Sam's lap and knelt next her so she was facing her. "Sam?" Sam refused to look

up; her face was bright red. That's when it hit her. "You've slept with a guy!" She exclaimed. "Tell me." She insisted.

Riley was thrilled, she saw Sam in a whole new light. Somehow it made her feel

better to know Sam hadn't always been the tough, confident butch she was now.

Sam finally looked up meeting Riley's eyes. Riley could see the look of real

discomfort and immediately felt bad.

"It's okay don't have to tell me."

Sam was relieved to be off the hook but then changed her mind. Riley had

shared some very intimate details of her life with her and it was only right that

she do the same. It was hard for her to open up. Only Jess knew the whole

story. She was surprised to realize she actually wanted to tell Riley. "'s

nothing bad...just embarrassing." Sam lifted her arm beckoning Riley back to her

side. Riley snuggled under Sam's arm resting her head on her shoulder. She

was fascinated to learn more about Sam. Sam mentally squared her shoulders

before beginning.

"Well you already know I grew up in a small town. Even in high school I wasn't

very feminine." Riley saw a quick flash of pain cross Sam's face. She knew from

experience how cruel kids could be to someone who didn't conform to the

'norm.' "I'd already gotten my height and quite a bit of my bulk. I used to lift

weights with Jess. Anyway, the one thing I really enjoyed was the marching

band. They formed their own little group within the school and as long as you

played well they didn't care about the rest."

"What instrument did you play?" Riley interrupted.

Sam grinned. "I was a drummer, there were five of us. I was the only girl but

since I could outplay all four of them I was treated like one of the guys." Sam

smiled fondly in remembrance. "We used to travel with the football team to all

the away games. We'd put on a show at halftime. There were only 30 of us but

we sounded pretty good. A lot of the schools didn't have their own band. That's

how I got to know Steve. He was a fellow drummer. We just sort of started

hanging out together my sophomore year, next thing I know everyone thinks

we're a couple. We both knew we weren't but it was easier...being able to fit in I

guess." Riley nodded in understanding, she knew all about trying to fit in. "So he was my 'boyfriend' all through high school. We did experiment some, kissing and

touching through our clothes but neither of us seemed to get much out of it. By

my senior year I was sick of hearing my friends brag about how great sex was

with their boyfriends. I don't know why but I got this idea in my head that it was

time to lose my virginity and find out what the big deal was about." Sam glanced

over at Riley who was listening avidly. She felt her ears and face go hot,

knowing this was going to be the hardest part to tell. Riley reached over and

rubbed her stomach comfortingly. Sam took a deep breath and continued. "Of

course Steve was the most likely candidate to do the deed. As far as everyone

knew we'd been a couple for almost 3 years. I waited 'til I knew his folks were

out of town. I went over to his house that night and umm...I umm... I

umm...seduced him, he was a virgin too." Sam finally managed to get out.

Riley's eyes widened in astonishment. She flashed on an image of a young

Sam, determined to lose her virginity showing up at the house of the boy she

wanted. Poor kid never had a chance, Riley chuckled to herself.

"So was it what you expected?" she asked.

"No, he lasted about 30 seconds and besides hurting like a bitch I didn't feel a

thing." Sam admitted sadly. "We did try it a few more time over the next few

months," Sam said sheepishly. "But I could just never figure out what the big

deal was. It wasn't very comfortable and never lasted very long. I did run into

Steve when I went back to my 10 year high school reunion."

"I guess that was pretty awkward huh?" Riley said sympathetically.

"No, actually I had a good laugh over it with him and his partner." Sam waited for what she'd said to sink in.

"What!" Riley exclaimed. "He's gay?"

Sam grinned at her. "Yup."

Riley shook her head in disbelief. "So the only guy you ever slept with turned out

to be gay."

Sam muttered something Riley didn't catch. Sam's eyes were locked on the

sheet again.


"He's not the only guy I slept with." Sam muttered a little louder. She glanced

over at Riley to see her eyebrow raised in question. Sam sighed knowing she

might as well tell her the rest.

"I went to college after high school. Jess was starting medical school and I was

hot to see the world outside our little town. They had a women's baseball team

at the college. I tried out and made the team. That's where I met Charlie." Riley

looked a little confused. "Charlie was the star pitcher of the men's team." Sam

explained. "The two teams shared a practice field. We started dating and I

decided maybe things hadn't worked out with Steve because we were both

inexperienced. So I slept with Charlie. I knew right away I'd made a mistake. I

thought maybe I was, I don't know one of those people without much of a sex

drive." Riley looked at Sam incredulously. Sam laughed. "Yeah...I know I was

clueless, but that was about to change. My second year back at school I got a

new roommate, I knew something was different from the moment we met. I'd

never had a woman look at me like she did. Charlene was a senior, how she

ended up rooming with a sophomore I'll never know. But I'm sure thankful she

did. I was shocked the first time she flirted with me. Not about her flirting but the

fact of how much I liked it. The first time we kissed I realized just what the

problem was with the guys I'd been with. Jess had come out to the family while I

was still in high school. So the thought of two women together wasn't foreign to

me. I was more excited just kissing and touching Charlene through her clothes

than I had been having sex with a guy. The first time we had sex...well let's just

say it was an incredible revelation." Sam chuckled. "Charlene taught me a lot

about all the different ways two women could make love and I'll always be

grateful to her for that."

Riley shifted suddenly uncomfortable. She was jealous of the woman who had

been Sam's first. "So do you still keep in touch with her?" Riley inquired praying the whole time she'd say no.

Sam's brow furrowed at Riley's tone of voice. "I used to but I haven't seen her in

over 5 years. Her wife got a great job offer and they moved to the east coast."

Riley felt her face flush. She was embarrassed to be so relieved that the woman

wasn't a part of Sam's life any more. 'How long were you together?" She couldn't

resist asking.

"We were roommates and lovers her senior year. We had a lot of good times

together..." Sam tilted up Riley's face making eye contact. "But I was never in

love with her."

Riley smiled brilliantly more than happy with that answer.

"After that I never went back, Steve and Charlie were the only guys I ever slept


"And since then...?" Riley asked nervously. She knew from the way all the

women acted at the baseball game and later in the bar that Sam was very

popular with the ladies. She wondered how she would ever be able to compete

with them and just how long she could hold Sam's interest.

Sam noticed the nervous look on Riley's face. She knew this moment would

eventually come and she'd dreaded it. She pulled Riley back into her lap and

hugged her. She could feel her trembling slightly.

"I won't lie to you Riley. I've dated a lot of women and slept with quite a few of


Riley couldn't help fearing she was going to be just one of the many women

Sam had slept with. Would this be it, now that Sam had gotten what she

wanted? She couldn't believe that of the caring woman who was holding her so

tight but her fears got the better of her. Tears started to leak down her cheeks.

"Hey, what's this?" Sam asked concerned.

Riley shook her head. "Nothing, I understand." Riley told her pulling slightly

away from Sam.

Sam went back over the last few minutes of their conversation trying to figure

out what had upset Riley. It finally dawned on her just what the problem was.

After hearing how horribly Riley had been treated by the only woman she'd ever

been involved with Sam berated herself for not realizing how Riley might react

and what she'd assume.

"Riley..." she called softly. Riley refused to look up and tried to move off Sam's lap. Sam tightened her embrace and put her fingers under Riley's chin pressing

until she looked up. Sam's heart clenched at the hurt expression on Riley's face

and the pain in her eyes.

"I have been with a lot of women... but." She added quickly. "I've never been in love with any of them....'til now. You're the first woman I've ever loved." She told

her staring deeply into her eyes, willing her to see the truth.

Sam herself was surprised, she thought she'd be petrified admitting her love to

Riley but it just felt wonderful. She watched as Riley's face took on a look of

wonderment and her eyes began to glow with love. Riley squeezed Sam as hard

as she could; her heart was pounding in her chest. She trapped Sam in her love

filled gaze. "I love you too Sam," she declared passionately. Sam leaned down

and took Riley's lips in a gentle kiss filled with love and promise. The second

kiss was more passionate and both women were panting when it was over. They

held each other tightly; both knowing their lives would never be the same. Sam

tried to stifle a sudden yawn. She glanced over at the clock on the night side

table and cursed. Riley lifted her head from Sam's chest.

"What's wrong?"

"It's 2 o'clock in the morning." She informed Riley.

"You're kidding?" Riley turned to look at the clock for herself.

"So much for you getting some rest." Sam groused.

Riley cupped Sam's face in her hands and kissed her softly. "I think our

conversations were worth losing a little sleep over... don't you Love?"

Sam couldn't help but smile at the endearment. "Yes I do think so Love, but now

it's time to get some rest."

They both got up to take care of business and get ready for bed. Riley again

marveled at their comfort level with each other. Neither one bothered putting on

any clothes; they slipped back into the bed and Sam cradled Riley in her arms

as they drifted off to sleep.


Sam woke to a protesting bladder. She tried to move and found herself pinned to

the bed by Riley. Somehow Riley had ended up almost fully on top of her and

her knee was pressing into Sam's very full bladder. Riley woke as Sam tried to

ease out from under her.

"Where are you going?" Riley asked sleepily, tightening her arms around Sam.

Sam groaned loudly, grimacing in pain, when Riley's knee pressed harder into

her. Riley slid off Sam in alarm. She watched as Sam scampered out of the bed

and headed for the bathroom. Riley enjoyed the view chuckling at Sam's quick

departure. Riley's stomach growled reminding her of its presence. Sam came

back and slid under the covers pulling Riley back on top of her. She leaned up

kissing her deeply.

"Good morning." She murmured as the kiss ended.

Riley's stomach growled loudly before she could respond. Sam chuckled.

"Could I interest you in some breakfast?" The continued rumbling of Riley's

stomach provided the answer and they headed for the kitchen.


Sam rummaged in the refrigerator for the ingredients she needed. She was

going to make ham and cheese omelets.

"Do you have an omelet pan?"

"Umm...I'm not sure." Riley started opening cabinets and looking around.

Sam shook her head and pulled out a regular skillet. "I can make them in this.

Now, how about a whisk?"

Again Riley looked blank and started pulling open drawers.

"Okay, this is an easy about a cutting board?"

Riley blushed as she looked around the kitchen trying to figure out where the

requested items would be or if she even had them.

"Have you ever actually cooked in this kitchen?" She asked Riley with a snicker.

Riley's blush was all the answer Sam needed. She started laughing and opening

cabinets to find what she needed.

"How about you make the coffee and I'll get the omelets made?" Sam



Sam's omelets had been wonderful. They'd enjoyed a quiet breakfast together;

neither felt the need for any extended conversations. They were both just happy

to spend time together. Riley got up placing her plate in the sink and came back

for Sam's.

"You cooked, I'll clean up." She told Sam. "Why don't you grab a shower while I finish up here."

Sam wrapped her arms around Riley from behind as she stood at the sink. She

leaned down kissing her neck.

"How about I help you, then we shower together?" Sam offered huskily in Riley's


Riley felt her face flush; she wasn't quite sure how to react. She'd never

showered with anyone before.

Sam sensed Riley's hesitancy. "Come on Babe, it'll be fun... I promise." She

encouraged as she kissed further down Riley's neck. They quickly finished up

the dishes and headed for the shower.


Sam turned on the water than quickly stripped out of her tee shirt and

sweatpants. She turned to find Riley still fully dressed with a nervous look on her

face. She was clutching two bath towels to her chest.

"You haven't got anything I haven't seen before." Sam teased. She leaned over,

her hot breath blowing in Riley's ear. "Up close and personal." She added

tracing Riley's ear with her tongue.

Riley blushed even as she felt a jolt of arousal. She removed her clothes under

Sam's watchful eye. They entered the shower and Riley stood to the back not

sure what to do. Sam reached out and positioned her under the showerhead.

She proceeded to wash Riley's hair. Riley was in heaven, the feel of Sam's

strong fingers massaging her scalp was wonderful. Sam held her as she rinsed

her hair. Sam switched places with Riley so the water poured down her back

blocking Riley from the spray. Sam turned Riley away from her. Riley looked

back over her shoulder at Sam, her gaze questioning.

"Trust me."

Riley relaxed as Sam's soapy hands began to wash and massage her back.

Once she had the back of Riley's body clean she pulled her back against her

naked body and ran her soapy hands down her arms. Riley groaned when she

felt Sam's hard nipples against her back. Sam's hands moved down to her

breasts causing Riley to moan and press into her touch. She poured more

shower gel into her hands and rubbed her hands repeatedly over Riley's breasts

and belly.

"Have to make sure you're clean." Sam breathed in her ear. Riley was already

beyond words.

Sam's hands slipped lower still. "Spread your legs Babe." Sam whispered.

Riley's hips jerked when Sam's soapy hands made their way between her legs.

She pressed forward trying to increase the contact. Sam stroked her, building

the fires higher. Riley's hips began to rock. Sam shifted position slightly then

allowed her fingers to press inside. Riley immediately began to thrust herself

against Sam's invading fingers. Her head began to thrash back and forth against

Sam's chest. Sam held her tightly as she began to thrust in as deeply as she


"Oh God... Sam" Riley cried out as her body went into spasms.

Sam tightened her hold when Riley's knees buckled. Once she'd recovered Sam

turned her back toward the shower and rinsed the soap off her. Riley was still a

little dazed from the strength of her orgasm. Sam quickly washed her hair and

showered before shutting the water off and helping a still shaking Riley out. She

wrapped her in a big towel.

Riley had finally regained her composure. She looked over at a grinning Sam.

"You are dangerous." Riley accused.

Sam threw back her head and laughed, then wiggled her eyebrows at Riley.

"Yeah, but you gotta admit, it was much more fun than showering alone."

Riley couldn't argue with that.


They decided to spend a quiet day hanging out and headed for the living room.

Sam had forgotten just how much she disliked this room. Even though she'd

spent every night over the past week at Riley's they hadn't spent any time

anywhere except the kitchen and Riley's bedroom. Sam sat on the

uncomfortable sofa trying to relax and read the paper. She shifted several times

trying to find a comfortable spot. Riley glanced over the third time Sam shifted


"You don't like it here much do you?" She asked indicating the room.

Sam flushed and started to stutter. Riley placed her fingers over Sam's mouth

stopping her. She looked around the room as if seeing it for the first time.

"I don't blame you." She laughed. "I don't like it much either."

Sam's surprise showed on her face.

"My aunt and uncle picked this place out for me. My aunt hired some prominent

designer to decorate. I was never here very often and when I was I spent most

of my time in the bedroom. It's the only room in the house where I insisted on

picking out everything. I didn't much care for the way the place was decorated,

but like everything else I just let it go to avoid a conflict. I realize now what a

waste of time that was," she acknowledged as she fingered the bruises on her

cheek. "Let's get out of here. Take me to your place."


Sam opened the door to her apartment. She had her arm wrapped around Riley

and they stumbled in the door laughing.

"Nice of you to join us," said a voice from the couch.
