Chapter Five

Sam sat in a chair in her hospital room waiting to be discharged. It felt good to

be back in her own clothes again even if it was only a pair of sweats and a t-

shirt. When she had gotten the message from Riley through one of the nurses

that she was going to be discharged, she'd asked one of her fellow officers to

get her some clothes from her locker. Her uniform had been a total loss. She'd

called her brother and let him know she was being discharged. They were due to

come directly from the airport and pick her up. As she waited for Frank and

Cheryl to arrive her thoughts turned to the subject never far from her mind, Riley.

She just couldn't believe she was willing to throw away something that seemed

so strong between them over a misplaced sense of ethics. Sam had admitted to

herself that she already cared deeply for the charismatic doctor. It thrilled and

scared her at the same time. She'd dated and enjoyed a lot of women but had

never felt as strongly as she did for the little redhead. It just didn't make sense

they hadn't even dated. At first, she tried to convince herself it was just physical

attraction and gratitude for saving her life. However, as time passed and she

saw more of Riley she knew it wasn't true. She was drawn to her in a way she'd

never been to any other woman she'd ever met. The thought that Riley was

willing to throw that away without even trying infuriated her. She knew the doctor

had feelings for her, she'd felt it the night they'd kissed and Riley had sought

comfort in her arms. Riley herself had admitted it the night she'd removed her

sutures. Sam sighed in frustration turning to stare out the window.


Riley was at the nurse's desk completing Sam's discharge orders. She knew

there was no reason to see her before discharge but she couldn't resist one last

chance to spend a few minutes in the beautiful cop's presence. She wished

things could've turned out differently between them, that they'd met in another

place and time. In a few hours she'll be gone and you can go back to your

pathetic life, Riley sighed to herself. She'd watched Kim and Jess together and

couldn't help wondering if that was what she was giving up a chance of having

with Sam. Sam stirred feelings in her she'd never felt before. Her thoughts were

interrupted by a deep male voice asking for Sam McKenna's room number. She

looked up into familiar blue eyes and couldn't hold back a gasp of surprise.

Standing across the counter from her was the male version of Sam and

Jess. Damn did their parents have some kind of weird copy machine

somewhere? It's just spooky how much alike they look. Riley watched as one

eyebrow rose and the man smiled at her. She realized with embarrassment that

she'd been staring open mouthed at him. Mentally shaking herself, she

addressed the man.

"Let me guess you're Sam's brother." It wasn't a question. That little half smirk she'd seen grace both sisters' faces appeared on their brothers'.

"Yeah, that's me." The big man held out his hand to Riley. Her hand disappeared

in his huge paw. He put an arm around a petite blond that had come up next to

him. "Nice to meet you Riley, this is my wife Cheryl."

Riley was momentarily taken aback by the man's use of her first name. How

does he know who I am? She wondered. Her surprise must've shown on her


"Sorry Dr. Connolly." She jabbed her husband in the side before continuing.

"Jess described you perfectly."

Riley blushed as she stood up to greet the small blond. She was very similar in

height and build to Riley. Her blond hair was shoulder length and pulled back

into a ponytail. Her sparking hazel eyes met Riley's in frank appraisal.

"Nice to meet you both." Riley said as she stepped around the desk. She craned

her neck to meet Frank's eyes. He was even taller and bulkier than Sam and

Jess. "Follow me and I'll take you to your sister's room. I was just completing her

discharge papers."

Riley stepped into Sam's room with Frank and Cheryl in tow. Sam's head turned

as the door swung open. She saw Riley and her expression hardened. Riley met

Sam's eyes hesitantly and flinched when she read the anger in them.

Sam slowly rose from her chair totally ignoring Riley. Her face lit up when she

saw her brother and Cheryl. They both quickly stepped over to Sam and

wrapped her in a hug. Riley watched with something akin to envy as Sam

wrapped her arms around first her brother then Cheryl.

"So you ready to blow this joint?" Frank asked Sam teasingly. She'd come back

into his arms after hugging Cheryl. He could sense the tension in the room and

Sam was trembling slightly. He didn't have a clue what was going on between

Sam and the beautiful doctor. Kim and Jess had filled him in and he'd thought

now that Sam was being discharged things might work out between the two.

Except Sam was acting strangely refusing to even look at the little redhead.

Sam still in her brother's arms finally looked over at Riley. "Was there something

else you wanted Dr. Connolly?" She asked coldly. Presenting an angry front to

Riley was her only choice. It was taking every bit of her willpower to keep from

rushing across the room and sweeping the doctor into her arms.

Riley stood rooted to her spot by the door. She wanted so badly to connect with

Sam, explain again how sorry she was. It was obvious Sam had no interest in

anything she had to say. Riley just couldn't let it go she had to see and touch her

one last time and damn the consequences.

She cleared her throat trying to keep her voice from shaking. "Yes, I need to do

a final check on your incision before I release you."

Sam looked like she was going to refuse then her shoulders slumped and she

gave in.

"Okay," she agreed unwilling to meet Riley's eyes.

Riley turned to Frank and Cheryl. "Could you wait outside please? This won't

take long."

Frank met Sam's eyes making sure she was okay with this before taking

Cheryl's hand and leaving the room. "I'll be right outside if you need me Sis." He glanced sharply at Riley before leaving. He couldn't help wondering what'd

happened between the two women. All his protective instincts had come

charging forward when he'd felt Sam trembling slightly in his arms.

The silence in the room was deafening. Though they stood only 10 feet apart, it

might have been 10 miles. Riley finally broke the silence.

"If you'll get on the bed please and lower your sweats I'll check your incision and

then you can go." Riley said with a slight quaver in her voice.

Sam slowly made her way over to the bed. Once she was lying down, she lifted

up her hips and slowly lowered her sweats to her knees. Riley gulped and felt

the wetness pooling between her legs as she watched Sam lower her pants.

She tried to force herself back into her professional persona. The upper incision

was covered by Sam's boxer shorts. When she reached out to lower them Riley

stopped her placing a restraining hand on her wrist. She knew if Sam lowered

the boxers, she'd do something totally inappropriate.

"It's okay." She told Sam softly. "I can see fine with them on." She lightly squeezed Sam's wrist before releasing it. Riley carefully examined the incision

line below the boxers before gently pushing them up to expose the rest of the

incision. She rotated Sam's leg to check the second incision. She ran her fingers

over the incision lines in an almost light caress. Sam couldn't help it she groaned

as Riley's fingers ran lightly over the inside of her thigh. Riley's head popped up

at the sound. She met Sam's passion filled eyes and swallowed loudly. Their

gazes locked. Riley didn't even notice her hand was still on Sam stroking high

up on her inner thigh. Before she realized what was happening Sam had pulled

her down so she was sitting on the bed facing her. They continued to stare at

each other in a contest of wills. Riley gave in first, licking her lips, and breaking

Sam's gaze leaning toward her slightly. Sam sat up and leaned down her lips

inches from Riley's. She pulled back at the last second trying to read Riley's

expression. Riley couldn't stand it anymore. She leaned those last inches and

met Sam's soft lips. The kiss was electric. This time Riley pushed for entrance

into Sam's mouth. As she swept her tongue into Sam's mouth and began to

explore she forgot everything. She didn't care Sam was a patient or that they

were sitting on her hospital bed with Sam's sweats bunched up at her knees. All

that mattered was the incredible sensation racing through her body. They

continued to kiss passionately for several minutes. Riley was panting for air

when they finally broke apart. Sam clutched her to her chest in a tight hug. Riley

had to have more; she lifted her head and went back to Sam's lips again kissing

her deeply. Her hands seemed to have a mind of their own as they slowly slid off

Sam's back and around to her front. Riley felt Sam gasp in her mouth when she

began to knead both of her breasts through her t-shirt. Sam's hands came up

and returned the favor.

Riley would wonder later just how far things would've gone had they not been

interrupted. A sudden banging on the door was like a bucket of ice water being

dumped on Riley's over-heated libido. She jerked away from Sam and jumped

off the bed trying to block Sam from whoever was about to barge in. By the time

Riley called admittance and the door swung open Sam had managed to

rearrange her clothes and stood next to Riley.

It was one of the floor nurses. "Dr. Connolly one of your patients is asking for


"Thanks I'll be right there." The woman left closing the door on her way out. Sam immediately reached for Riley. Riley stepped back away from Sam. She had to

get out of there. This woman was dangerous she made her forget everything,

who she was, what she believed in. Riley was terrified of the feelings coursing

through her body. Sam stepped forward again trying to take Riley back into her


Riley met her eyes; they'd turned the most amazing silvery blue. "I can't, I'm

sorry I just can't do this." She tried to explain.

"Why?" Sam demanded. "I know you feel something, you can't deny that!"

Riley felt the tears gathering behind her eyes. "You're my patient; I can't be

involved with you. It's unethical."

"Ethics be damned! I'm not your patient anymore." Sam shouted in frustration

snatching up the discharge papers off the table and waving them at Riley.

Riley felt the tears start to flow down her cheeks. She slowly backed away from

Sam. "I'm so sorry." She said reaching for the door handle.

"Riley wait!" Sam watched in disbelief as Riley ran from the room. She'd done it

to her again, kissed her senseless then insisted they couldn't be involved. I can't

believe it! That's the second time she's run out on me. What kind of game is she

playing? She slumped back down to sit on the side of the bed. I will not cry, I will not cry, she chanted to herself.


Frank stepped forward when the door started to open. He'd heard Sam's raised

voice but couldn't make out what was being said. Riley ran right into him. He

grabbed her by the shoulders trying to keep her from falling. That's when he saw

the tears trailing down her cheeks. "Are you alright? What's wrong?"

Riley pulled away from him and ran down the hall.

"What the hell?" He rushed into Sam's room to find her sitting on the side of the bed her shoulders slumped and looking like she'd just lost her best friend. He

approached her and sat down on the side of the bed putting an arm around her

shoulders. She crumpled throwing herself against his chest and began to cry.

Frank looked at Cheryl helplessly, not knowing what was going on or what to do.

Cheryl sat down on Sam's other side. She didn't know Sam as well as Kim did.

Living in San Francisco, they didn't get to see as much of Sam as Kim and Jess

did; nevertheless, she cared for her sister-in-law and wanted to help.

"Sam... do you want to tell us what happened?" Sam shook her head never

lifting it from her brother's chest. "Do you want to go home?"

Sam nodded yes. Cheryl gathered up Sam's belongings and the three slowly

made their way out of the hospital. Sam never spoke a single word all the way



Riley wearily made her way home at the end of the day grateful she wasn't on

call tonight. She had struggled through the day haunted by her final glimpse of

Sam McKenna. She'd hidden in a patient's doorway and watched as an angry

Frank pushed Sam's wheelchair down the hall. Sam's face had been a blank

mask. Several nurses had said goodbye and wished her luck. She'd barely

acknowledged them. She looked so defeated it tore at Riley's heart knowing she

was the cause. She'd tried all day to convince herself it was for the best. She

threw herself down on the bed as the tears she'd been suppressing all day

finally poured out.

She woke to a darkened room. She sat up rubbing her eyes and decided to skip

dinner and just go to bed. She grabbed a quick shower pulling on a comfortable

tee shirt and boxers before climbing into bed. She tried to fall back to sleep

without success. Her thoughts drifted and a pair of silvery blue eyes appeared in

her mind's eye. She groaned rolling over onto her side. I'm not going to think of

Sam, she told herself , but her mind had other ideas. She was held captive as the images played out reliving the events of that morning. She felt again her tongue

in Sam's mouth their breaths mingling, the feel of Sam's breasts in her hands.

Then the scene changed. She watched as in her mind Sam approached

reaching out to gently pull her nude body into her arms. She felt the gentle touch

of Sam's lips on hers and the feeling of her arms surrounding her. Riley rolled

onto her back completely lost in the fantasy. Sam slowly lowered her to the bed

and began to caress her breasts. She kissed and lightly kneaded both breasts

rolling the nipples gently between her fingers. Sam leaned down tasting an erect

bud with her tongue before sucking it into her mouth. Riley moaned, her arousal

soaring. Sam continued to caress her sliding her hand down between Riley's

legs, stroking her before finally slipping inside. When Sam began to thrust hard

and fast Riley cried out Sam's name as the orgasm roared through her body.

She slumped back to the mattress the aftershocks still racing through her body.

She came back to her senses with one hand firmly cupping her breast and the

other buried deep between her legs. She still felt shaky from the powerful

orgasm. She'd never climaxed like that by touching herself before. It had been

amazing. "Oh Sam... what have you done to me?" She murmured to herself. In a

post orgasmic languor, she rolled onto her side and immediately fell asleep.


Frank and Cheryl sat in the living room waiting for Kim and Jess to arrive. Frank

had called his sister yesterday after they'd brought Sam home from the hospital.

He'd filled her in on everything that'd happened and the strange tension between

Sam and Riley. He was worried. Sam appeared to be healing physically but

she'd barely spoken a dozen words since they'd picked her up yesterday. She'd

spent most of her time since arriving home in bed insisting that she was tired.

That just wasn't like Sam. Frank knew she had been through a lot with the

shooting but he couldn't help feeling this had more to do with Riley than any

lingering effects of the shooting. She refused to discuss what had happen in her

hospital room with the doctor.

Frank sighed in relief when the doorbell rang. He opened the door to find his

sister and her wife along with Thor.

"Hey I see you brought the moose." He told them laughingly.

"Now is that any way to refer to your sister." Kim teased.

Frank laughed reaching out to pull his sister-in-law into his arms. He loved the

beautiful blond. She'd been wonderful for his sister. He couldn't remember Jess

being happier and now with their upcoming plans he could only foresee a great

future ahead for them. He was glad Cheryl had been so understanding when

Kim and Jess had approached them. Time enough to think about that later,

Sam's our focus now. He reminded himself.

He hugged his sister tightly. "It's good to see you Sis. Wish it was under better


"How's she doing?" Jess asked quietly looking around for Sam.

"We're worried about her she hasn't spoken a dozen words since we brought her

home and barely stepped foot outside her room. Both Cheryl and I have tried to

get her to tell us what happened with Riley but she says it's nothing. She's just


"I convinced her to let me look at her incisions. They look fine and are healing

wonderfully." Cheryl added.

Kim knew Sam would never open up to her with everyone around.

She glanced over and met Jess's eyes. "Why don't you guys make a grocery

run? I'll stay here with Sam."

Jess started to put Thor's leash back on. "No leave him here with me." Kim

instructed. Jess looked puzzled but put the leash back on the table. Kim leaned

over and gently kissed Jess. "Give me as much time with her as you can." She

whispered to Jess as she pulled way. Jess nodded in understanding before

heading out with Frank and Cheryl.


Kim slowly eased open the bedroom door. Sam was lying on the bed staring up

at the ceiling. Kim motioned to Thor to precede her. He immediately ran up to

the bed laying his big head on Sam's chest. Sam turned onto her side and

wrapped her arms around the big dog. She buried her face in his neck and

started to cry. Thor stood perfectly still offering his own brand of comfort. When

Kim thought most of the storm had passed she moved from the foot of the bed

where she'd been standing and sat down on the other side of the bed opposite


"Hey Sam." She said softly reaching out to touch her shoulder urging her to roll

onto her back.

Sam refused to move or meet Kim's eyes. She continued to gently stroke Thor's


"Hi." She finally responded.

Kim kicked off her shoes and made herself comfortable. She propped up a pillow

against the headboard and sat back stretching out her legs. Kim waited for Sam

to make the next move. Sam continued to pet Thor her back to Kim. She and

Kim had gotten close in the last year. She was one of the few people besides

Jess she could open up to and be herself. Knowing she couldn't put off the

inevitable forever, she rolled onto her back and placed her arm over her eyes.

"Ready to tell me about it?" Kim asked.


Kim waited. She had been this route with Sam before and knew if she pushed,

she'd retreat. It was just a matter of waiting her out. Eventually she would tell her

what happened.

Sam sighed deeply. She knew Kim would just sit there as long as necessary.

She couldn't help smiling to herself when she thought of her sister being married

to the stubborn psychiatrist. Poor Jess, she never stood a chance.

"It's nothing," Sam tried.

"Don't even start that with me Sam McKenna, you and your sister should know

by now I don't want to hear that crap!"

Sam couldn't help it she smiled despite herself. She moved her arm and met

Kim's eyes for the first time. She read the frustration in them but also the love

she knew her sister-in-law had for her.

"All right, you win." Sam groused. Sam shifted position moving to lay her head in Kim's lap. Kim gently stroked her hair.

Sam related the events of her last encounter with Riley. Kim fought to keep her

expression neutral when Sam reached the part about them making out on her

hospital bed.

"Then when we were interrupted she just freaked out and gave me the same

song and dance, 'I can't be involved with a patient'. Didn't seem to bother her a

few minutes before when she had her tongue down my throat and her hands on

my breasts." Sam said angrily.

Kim was at a loss. She had understood Riley's insistence about not being

involved with a patient but once Sam was discharged, she wasn't her patient

anymore. She knew some doctors felt strongly once a patient always a patient

but she personally didn't agree with that. In her specialty of psychiatry sure there

was no way you could be involved with an ex-patient but Riley was a surgeon

the same rules just didn't apply. She began to wonder if there wasn't more to this

than a doctor-patient relationship problem. Sam had told her about Riley

confiding that she was gay but that she'd been dating men and had only recently

started dating women. She couldn't help wondering if this had more to do with

coming out than not being involved with a patient. Kim sighed; it was all just

guesswork on her part. Sam was her chief concern.

"I'm so sorry Sam. I know you'd hoped things would turn out differently. It's

obvious she has feelings for you but is unwilling to act on them. I don't know if

you can change that. She has to do what she thinks is right. I know that's not

what you want to hear."

"But she did act on them. I wasn't making out on the bed by myself. How can

she kiss me like that one minute then say we can't be involved the next?" Sam

cried in frustration.

"I understand what you're saying but sometimes our emotions get away from us

and we respond even when we know we shouldn't. You seem to stir something

strong in her but you can't force her into giving a relationship with you a chance

regardless of what's happened between you. Maybe you just need to give her

some time before attempting to approach her again."

"I know you're right. I just..." Sam's voice trailed off as tears again began to flow.

Kim stroked her hair and back. She had never seen Sam affected so strongly by

a woman before. She'd watched her date a string of women. They all loved her

and any one of them would've been happy to make a life with her. However,

none of them had ever been able to touch Sam's heart. She wished she could

give Sam the answers she wanted. Sam eventually drifted off to sleep her arms

wrapped around Kim's thighs. Kim slipped out from under her and gently

covered her up. She heard the others come back in and left the room, leaving

Thor to watch over Sam.


Kim walked straight into Jess's arms. Jess wrapped her arms around her wife

hugging her tight.

"How's Sam?"

"Physically she seems fine, emotionally that's another story."

"Is it post traumatic stress from the shooting?" Jess asked in concern.

"I'm not sure she's even dealt with the repercussions of the shooting yet. Her

main problem right now is she has deep feelings for Riley and Riley doesn't want

to have anything to do with her."

"What? Why the hell not?" Jess asked in outrage. "It was obvious when we were here before that the woman had feelings for Sam."

Kim explained what Sam had told her. She left out the part about them making

out on Sam's hospital bed. She was worried Jess would rush over to the hospital

to confront Riley. She cautioned Jess as well as Frank and Cheryl to not push

Sam on the subject and let her come to her own acceptance of the situation.

They reluctantly agreed. They all cared for Sam and only wanted what was best

for her. Jess and Frank both wanted to march over to the hospital and give Dr.

Riley Connolly a piece of their mind but Kim's cool-headed advice prevailed.


Jess and Kim were cuddled together on the sofa and Frank and Cheryl sat

curled together on the loveseat. They were just about to start discussing the

timing of their upcoming plans. Before their discussion could get started, they

were interrupted by the sound of Sam coming down the hall.

"Don't everyone stop talking on my account." Sam said as she reached the

room. "Unless of course it's because you were talking about me." She said in an

accusing tone.

Kim patted the sofa next to her. "No, actually we weren't. Come have a seat."

Sam looked at Jess then Frank. They both had bland expressions on their


"Sorry." Sam muttered before sitting down.

"We were just discussing the sleeping arrangements for tonight." Jess told Sam.

"Kim and I need to find a hotel I guess." She continued looking over Kim.

"I think tonight would be a good TIME for all of us to be together." Kim

interrupted. She made eye contact with Frank and Cheryl then turned to smirk at

Jess. Jess's face broke into a huge grin and Frank and Cheryl smiled widely.

"So how do you think we should work this?" Frank asked. "We don't want to

leave Sam here alone."

Sam was totally confused, she felt like there was a conversation going on she

wasn't hearing.

"Someone want to tell me what's going on?" she asked looking at four far from

innocent faces.

"Nothing." Jess said unconvincingly.

"Fine." Sam said. She wasn't in the mood to play games with her sister. "You and Kim take my bed. Frank and Cheryl can have the guest room and I'll sleep

on the couch. Since it's such a good TIME for us all to be together." She said

looking directly at Kim emphasizing the word time as she had.

Kim looked away and Sam knew for sure she was hiding something. She just

didn't know what.

"No, we can't take your bed." Jess said sounding disappointed. "You just got out of the hospital yesterday."

Sam didn't ask what was going on but now she knew it was something

important. One look at her sister's face told her that.

"It's no big deal... really Sis," Sam insisted. "You know how comfortable this couch is you've slept on it enough."

Jess smiled at Sam. "Are you sure?" Sam nodded. "Thanks Sis."


Dinner was a quiet affair. Sam could sense the underlying tension in the air but

was too involved with her own problems to really question her siblings. They'd all

gathered in the living room and watched a movie Jess rented. Sam didn't pay

much attention to it. She truly was tired her roiling emotions taking their toll on

her. Everyone finally decided to call it a night. Everyone left the living room

except Jess she wanted to check Sam's incision just to be assured that she

really was healing well. After she was done, she sat on the couch next to her


"How are you really doing?" She asked Sam. She tilted Sam's head up forcing

her to meet her eyes.

"Okay I guess. I'm still sore but it gets better every day. I'm supposed to start

physical therapy on Monday." She told Jess.

"That's good but that's not what I was talking about."

"I know." Sam acknowledged. "I just don't understand. I know she has feelings for me but is just so hung up on not getting involved with a patient. I really care

about her Jess... it hurts. I just don't know what to do."

"Maybe you just need to give her some time. Then approach her again."

"I don't know if I could take it if she turned me away again." Sam said her voice cracking.

"You don't have to make a decision tonight. You just got out of the hospital. Give

yourself some time to heal then decide where you want to go with this." Jess


"I know it's just hard. I want to march into that hospital and shake some sense

into her. Make her see what she's giving up without a fight." Sam sighed putting

her arm over her face.

"I know Kiddo, just hang in there for awhile, and don't make any big decisions."

The two sisters hugged before getting up to make up the couch for Sam.

"Are you sure you're going to be alright out here?" Jess asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Want to tell me what's going on?"

Jess grinned. "Not yet... but soon." With that, she walked away before Sam

could ask any more questions.


Sam's eyes popped open. Something had awakened her. It was dark but the hall

light was on. She lifted up and looked down the hallway. Frank was standing

outside her bedroom door talking quietly to Jess. She watched as her brother

passed something to Jess but she couldn't make out what it was. He leaned

over and kissed her on the cheek before returning to the guest room. Jess stood

silently in the hall for several moments before turning and entering Sam's

bedroom. Sam heard the click of the latch as it locked. She lay back down

wondering what the hell that had been all about.


The siblings and their spouses spent a quiet Sunday with Sam. She was still

depressed over the situation with Riley but did her best to appear normal to her

family. She was happy to note no one pressured her for information about it. She

knew that had to be Kim's doing and silently thanked her for it. She was

surprised when Kim and Jess decided to spend Sunday night and leave early in

the morning Monday to return to LA. She'd tried to convince Frank and Cheryl

that she was fine and didn't need them to stay. They insisted on staying until her

regular doctor gave her the go ahead to drive and since she still had some

trouble getting around, she grudgingly agreed.

Sam was sleeping on the couch when she was again awakened by noises in the

hall. She lifted up and saw Jess and Frank in the hall just like the previous

night. What in the hell are they up to? She wondered to herself. Frank again

passed something over to Jess, kissed her on the cheek and headed back into

the guest room. Sam's curiosity was overflowing and she bit her lip to keep from

calling out to her sister. If they wanted me to know, they'd tell me. She thought

sighing as she lay back down.


Kim and Jess left bright and early to head home. Sam wasn't able to get Kim

alone to ask her what was going on. She knew something was happening. Kim

was positively glowing and Jess looked like she was walking on air. Add to that

the fact that Frank had a huge grin on his face. Sam was about to explode with

curiosity. Kim and Jess promised to come back the following weekend and Sam

swore to herself she'd get Kim alone and find out just what the hell was going



The week had passed slowly for Sam. She was tired of being cooped up and

had moped around most of the week. She just couldn't seem to let go of the

thing with Riley. The redhead slipped into her thoughts and dreams constantly.

Frank had taken her to her physical therapy appointments during the week. She

was exhausted after her sessions with the therapist and swore the man must've

worked in a torture chamber in a previous life. Her therapy took place at the

hospital and she found herself scanning the crowds of people as she navigated

the halls hoping to see Riley. At the same time, she prayed she wouldn't run into

her. The constant churning of her emotions was taking its toll on her. She wasn't

sleeping well and only eating when Frank or Cheryl insisted. She knew she

couldn't go on like this but just didn't know what to do.


It was finally Friday. Frank had driven her to her doctor's appointment. She'd

hoped she would give her the go ahead to start driving. She loved her brother

and Cheryl but was ready to have her apartment back and try and return to her

life. She looked up when the nurse called her name.

"Dr. Shafer will see you now."

Sam made her way into the exam room and removed her sweats before

climbing up on the table. The door swung open just as she was getting settled

and Dr. Shafer walked in. She was in her mid-fifties with shoulder length brown

hair and dark brown eyes that seemed to sparkle. Her figure was still trim but

starting to show that middle age spread. Sam had seen her on Monday for the

final okay to start her physical therapy.

"Hi Sam, How are you doing today?" she asked.

"Not too bad. The physical therapy is a bitch. I swear Tony gets too much

enjoyment out of working other people to death."

Dr. Shafer laughed. "Oh you got Tony huh. He'll have you up and running again

in no time, he's tough but one of the best. Now let's have a look at that leg."

Dr. Shafer completed her exam and left while Sam got dressed. She returned to

the room and sat down obviously wanting to talk.

"Everything looks good Sam. I'd estimate a few more weeks of physical therapy

then you should be able to go back to light duty. So how are you doing

otherwise? Sleeping well? Eating?"

Sam squirmed slightly. She'd been a patient of Dr. Shafer's for several years and

the woman knew her well. She debated lying but knew the doctor would call her

on it.

"I haven't been sleeping that great and I eat ok... I guess." She hedged.

"It's not uncommon for officers who have been injured in the line of duty to

require some counseling. I'd be more than happy to set you up with a good

counselor I know."

Sam looked uncomfortable. She really didn't want to talk about Riley. For all she

knew Dr. Shafer knew the surgeon.

"It's not that, just some personal things I'd really rather not talk about. I just need some time to work things out."

Dr. Shafer waited until Sam finally met her eyes. She stared into Sam's eyes and

seemed satisfied with what she saw.

"Okay but if you change your mind let me know." She started to walk out the

door then turned. "Oh you can drive, just no long trips and don't overexert

yourself." She warned.

Sam smiled for the first time since entering the office. "Thanks Doc."
