Stone felt Ann ease from his bed, then heard her get into a robe and slip from the Lincoln Bedroom. He looked at the clock. Half past five.

Wide awake now, he got out of bed and into some trousers and a shirt, then left the room, looking for coffee, following the scent. He walked into the big oval room and found a table of pastries and a coffee urn. He drew himself a mugful and turned to find a seat.

“Good morning,” a female voice said.

Stone turned to find Kate Lee sunk into an armchair, coffee in her hand. “Good morning, Madame President-Elect,” he said. “May I be the ten thousandth to congratulate you?” He took a chair facing hers.

“I couldn’t sleep,” she said. “Will is out like a light, but my mind is still racing.”

“I’m not surprised.”

“For years I couldn’t let myself believe this could happen, and now it has, and I still can’t believe it.”

“Enjoy your disbelief,” he said. “It will get real soon enough.”

She checked her watch. “Right now, it’s just another early morning at home. In a couple of hours all hell will break loose. I must remember to find time to write in my journal today.” She patted her belly. “He/she will want to read that someday.”

“You still don’t know?”

“I know I’m out of fashion, but I don’t want to know until I can hold him/her in my arms. Neither does Will.”

“Maybe this is callously political of me,” he said, “but I think your being pregnant is going to be a material advantage to your presidency.”

“I hadn’t allowed myself to think of that,” Kate replied. “How an advantage?”

“It’s going to be hard for your opponents to criticize a pregnant woman,” Stone said. “I’ve noticed that men are very delicate with women who are carrying a child.”

“That’s true in its way.”

“I think you should try to get as much as possible accomplished before you give birth.”

“After that, I’ll just be another mom, huh?”

“Men aren’t afraid to argue with their moms.”

Kate laughed. “God knows I wasn’t afraid to argue with mine. What about you?”

“I learned early on that my mother had an annoying tendency to be right. It was daunting, and I thought twice before I opposed her.”

“You were a smart boy.”

“That’s what she used to tell me.”

“Stone, I want to appoint you to something.”

He held up a hand. “No, please, Kate.”

“Shut up. This is your president-elect speaking. You are now, officially, the first member of my Kitchen Cabinet.”

Stone laughed. “How could I not accept that post? I’m honored beyond words.”

“And you will serve for the entire eight years.”

“That’s thinking ahead.”

“A president can get things done in a first term, but she needs a second to keep her opponents from dismantling her accomplishments.”

“You’ve got a narrow majority in both houses — that should help.”

“The next congressional campaign starts today,” she said, “and so does my charm offensive with Republican congresspeople and senators. They may vote against me a lot of the time, but I’m going to make their hearts break when they do.”

“I believe you.”

“I heard Ann sneak back to her room a few minutes ago.”


“I’m happy that you two were able to get together for a while, and, believe me, I’m sorry that I’m going to be keeping you apart for a long time.”

“Thank you. We’ve talked about that, and we know it has to be done.”

“What is it the mafiosi say? This is the business we’ve chosen.”

“Ann knows that.”

“I’m glad she does.” Kate got to her feet. “I hope you’ll be around for a few days.”

“No, I have to get back. I’ve been away from my desk for too long, what with the Paris trip, and I flew a borrowed airplane down here that has to be returned.”

“I hear you bought a house in Paris.”

“I did, and I have to be careful about doing that every time I get a little depressed. If you and Will ever need a hideaway, it will be waiting for you.”

“That’s sweet of you,” Kate said, patting his cheek, “but the only hideaway we’re going to have is the one we have now at Camp David. And that’s sort of like a White House in the woods. We’ll take you up on your Paris house when they kick us out of town.” She kissed him on the forehead and padded out of the room.

Stone thought maybe he should start a journal of his own.
