Carmine showed up for his appointment with the commissioner the following afternoon.

“How’d you do?” Dino asked.

“I did perfect.”

“How perfect?”

“Stefano said he found some red stains on the floor of the old stone barn, and he cleaned them up on his own, without being asked. The girl was pleased.”

“We need more than that.”

“He used a clean rag for the cleaning,” Carmine said, holding up the evidence bag.

“Great. Now run the DNA against Frank Donovan.”

Carmine put an envelope on Dino’s desk. “Done. A one hundred percent match.”

“Great! Have you done all the paperwork to preserve the chain of evidence?”

“Done.” Carmine handed him another envelope.

“You done perfect, Carmine.”

“Ain’t that what I said?”

“Did you tell Scali he’s going to have to testify to this?”

“Not exactly. He’s not going to want to testify against Eduardo’s daughter, though.”

“Then you have to persuade him.”

“Thing is, he won’t have a problem with testifying against Pietro. We’ll get him in front of a grand jury for that, then the DA can throw in the questions about the girl.”

“We don’t have anything against Pietro, unless he confesses or Dolce testifies, and neither of those things is going to happen.”

“We know that, but Scali don’t.”

“What will the questions be?”

“We’ll lead him through his arrival at work that morning and ask him if he found anything amiss. He’ll say he found the stains and cleaned them up, then we’ll ask him if the girl was aware of that, and he’ll say he told her.”

“That’s not so good. I wish she had seen the stains and asked Scali to clean them up.”

“Wishing ain’t gonna make it happen, but we can put Donovan in her studio, bleeding. That ought to be good enough for a search warrant, then we can look at stains with luminol and at any knives in the place.”

“It only proves that Donovan did some bleeding there, not that Dolce made him do it. And anyway, we got a problem with getting a warrant, Carmine.”

“What problem?”

“The archdiocese. No ADA is going to want to go up against those guys, not unless we’ve got conclusive evidence.”

“In which case we wouldn’t need a warrant.”


“So, if we have the evidence, we don’t need a warrant, and if we don’t have the evidence, we need a warrant to get it. What’s that called?”

“A pain in the ass,” Dino said.

“Maybe if you called the cardinal and explained it to him he’d go along. After all, it’s one of his people who got murdered.”

“More than that, it’s one of the Vaticans people.”

“Well, then?”

“Carmine, if we go into that we’re going to have to go into Dolce’s relationship with Donovan, and that is not going to sit well with the archdiocese or the Vatican.”

“I must be missing something here,” Carmine said. “What relationship?”

“This goes back a while. Dolce was certifiable, but instead of putting her into a loony bin, Eduardo shipped her to a convent in Sicily, where Donovan was her psychiatrist.”

“He was a priest and a psychiatrist?”

“Right: two men in one, and neither of them should have been fucking Dolce, but both of them were.”


“If you’d ever seen Dolce, you’d understand why. Anyway, the mother superior figured it out and got Donovan pulled from Dolce’s case, but we don’t know exactly what she said to the higher-ups to make that happen. And can you imagine issuing a subpoena to a mother superior in Sicily to testify before a grand jury?”

“No,” Carmine said, shaking his head vigorously. “I cannot imagine that.”

“Neither can I.”

“So, Commish, you’re saying we’re fucked?”

“For the moment, yes. We need more, and I don’t know how we’re going to get it.”

“Well,” Carmine said, getting to his feet, “let me know if there’s anything else I can do.”

“I’d assign you to the case officially, if I thought there was some point,” Dino said.

“Then I’ll leave it in your hands, Commish.” Carmine shook the boss’s hand and excused himself, but he was not happy about the way this had gone. He was within an ace of going into retirement with the solving of a huge case on his record, maybe even a promotion, which would up his pension, which he could use.

This was not right.
