Chapter 18

A dark cloud hovered over Izu Oshima, much like the first time she’d come here, except instead of a storm this was ash. The military had almost finished the evacuation according to the news reports, so she stood alone on the deck of the ship going back to pick up stragglers. She wasn’t sure if it would come back for her.

She stared at the dark sky, hoping to catch a glimpse of red wings. The calm of the ocean contrasted with the raging tempest in her soul. What if she got to his den and he was all, “What the hell do you want?” She cleared her throat and tried to ease the uncomfortable tightness.

She couldn’t spot him anywhere. It was unlike him to let something threaten the island. Dread anchored her spine with a snap. Until now, she’d had some hope everything would resolve by the time she arrived, but the volcano continued to erupt. Something had happened to her dragon.

Squaring her shoulders, she glared at the volcano. I’m coming, Ishi.

The boat docked and she jumped off before the captain could say anything to change her mind. She hiked up the street toward the empty main road. It would be a long climb to Ishi’s den.

Many cars were left on the roadside as their passengers had parked to board the ships to leave the island. Hell, she needed a vehicle. As she passed them she peeked through the windows looking for one with a set of keys, but to no avail. Muttering curses to the taxi gods, she jogged out of town and followed the road that would take her to Ishi’s farm.

On top of the hill, she found his house empty and his livestock gone. She stared at his old truck parked by the abandoned house and searched the unlocked vehicle. The keys weren’t inside. She leaned her forehead against the steering wheel and wished she had the ability to magically start any car. Climbing out, she muttered under her breath about paranoid dragons and lack of keys.

The ground suddenly heaved under her feet and her knees buckled. Pressed against the vehicle, she clung to the Earth as it shook. A roar cracked the air. She crawled on her hands and knees. Her heart triple-flipped with joy, yet it wasn’t red wings flying above. Black ones beat the ashy air.

His mother? Sandra flattened her body to the ground. Things were worse than she’d thought. What if she was too late? What if he was already dead and gone to the grave thinking she didn’t love him?

The earthquake stopped and she rose to her feet. What if his mother was hungry?

Weaving through the air like a drunken flier, the black dragon almost collided with the mountainside.

Sandra gasped at the almost hit, then saw small creatures clinging to his mother’s back. She was under attack. That meant the gate had been breeched. Sandra spun and searched the empty streets. They’d evacuated the island under the guise of an eruption, but she knew there were powerful forces in her world that worked with the gatekeepers. The evacuation was also for possible invasion.

Fuck. And she stood in the middle of it.

Another roar caught her attention. Ishi’s mother crashed not far from the farm. Clods of dirt and plants rained on Sandra’s head. Ducking, she missed getting brained by flying debris. Without a rational thought, she raced toward the dragoness. As she jumped the wooden fence, she watched the dragon tear the last moving dwarf apart and add his body parts to the carnage around her.

Her gaze swiveled toward Sandra and pierced her soul.

She froze.

His mother moved so fast that even if Sandra had tried to escape it wouldn’t have mattered. With her bloodied hand, his mother grasped Sandra’s body. “You? Where have you been? He keeps calling for you.” Not waiting for her to answer, she took flight.

Caged in her claws, Sandra had to contort her body to avoid being pierced. Ishi’s mother’s rough handling made her miss his gentler grip, but her heart still rang with clarity.

He was alive.

Sandra clung to Ishi’s mother’s fingers until she dropped her on the ledge. Not waiting for the battle-crazy dragon to land, Sandra charged inside the den, leaping over half-charred carcasses, discarded weapons and a crazed donkey braying as it ran in circles. She entered his bedroom.

Ishi lay on the bed. Blood soaked through his clothes; a broken arrow shaft protruded from his stomach. His skin appeared waxy.

Quietly, she hurried to his bedside and caressed his face. “Ishi?” He felt cold and clammy under her fingers.

Flicking his eyelids open, he tried to focus. “Am I dead?”

“No.” Not yet. She forced a smile on her face. “I came back. I–I…” Just say it, dumbass. She’d traveled thousands of miles into a battle zone only for her tongue to tie in knots.

“Sandra.” He spoke her name as if it was a magical love spell. “It’s not safe.”

“No, shit. We need to get you some help.” She searched the room with her gaze. Not sure how to call Outremer’s version of nine-one-one.

Heavy boots clopped into the room. His mother in her human form filled the doorway. Her black hair was twisted into dreadlocks and fell past her shoulders. The darkness in her gaze would send any sane person away screaming. “He’s refusing to be healed.” She pointed in the direction of the treasure room. “The dwarves stole some of the outer chamber’s treasure where he kept his healing items stored. There’s nothing left for me to use. Every time I try to transport him to Outremer, the fucking gate calls him back. Those little dwarven buggers are smart. I’ll give them that.”

They were using the gate against him.

She bent over to rest her head against his, but something poked her in the side from her pocket.

The saji.

Standing, she pulled it out of her jean pocket and showed it to him. “It worked. My sister’s cured, but it’s out of magic. How do I recharge it?”

“We only need to bring it back to Outremer. The magic in our realm will automatically regenerate the spell in the spoon.” Ishi’s mother crossed the room and clasped her in hug so tight, stars flashed in her vision. “I’ll go right away.”

Ishi groaned and arched his back before vanishing from the bed.

“Mistress! Mistress!” Urgle scrambled into the bedroom and groveled at the black dragon’s feet. “They’re coming through the gate.”

She swatted him across the head. “Tell me something I don’t know.” Unsheathing her sword from her back, she ran from the room.

Sandra stared at the empty bloodstained bed. The gate was killing him. Every time someone crossed it, Ishi was summoned. Injured or not, the gate wanted him to fight until he was dead. And the dwarves knew it.

With the saji back in her pocket, she grabbed Urgle. “Let’s arm up. We have a mission.”

* * *

The gate appeared in his sight, replacing the vision of Sandra. An army of dwarves marched through. Funny how the mind could play tricks, summoning one’s greatest desires and most horrid nightmares within seconds of each other.

He laughed at their stunned expressions as he materialized in their path, a bloody apparition. More ghost than reality at this point. “Beware. All ye who cross will not return. Heed my warning!” He wailed in his best impression of a phantom as his knees gave out.

“Put it out of its misery.” The leader pointed to one of his soldiers and shoved past Ishi.

The soldier raised his axe over Ishi’s head. Their gazes met like lovers gone bad and the dwarf grimaced. “It’s for the best. Yer dead either way.” The dwarf’s eyes widened and glazed as the axe slipped from his fingers.

Ishi cocked his head to the side. That wasn’t how to behead someone.

Falling to his side, the dwarf landed next to him with a dagger in his chest. He recognized the hilt. He’d given that dagger to his mother ages ago.

She swept into the room, a hurricane of blades and molten magic sweeping across the intruders. “Get off your ass, son.” She tossed him a blade.

By reflex alone, he caught it and swung at the soldiers pouring through the gate. The blade cut right through them like butter, and the momentum swung him around. He raised his head and his gaze rested on Sandra.

She skirted the edge of the battle with Urgle at her side. Cast iron frying pan in one hand and a short sword in the other, she fought toward him.

The veil of weariness lifted from his heart and soul. It wasn’t a dream. He watched as she pounded the pan across one dwarf’s head and Urgle defended her back. His worst nightmares had come true. He’d failed the gate. An invasion had broken into Inverness and his Sandra was caught in the center of it.

Worse, his mother had to rescue him like he’d just broken from the egg.

Ignoring the pain in his gut, he called to the volcano core, to the deep lava rolling in its heart. He unleashed all his draconic magic, not restraining an ounce of it, and pulled it to the surface. The ground shook and the mountain groaned, but he waited. He needed Sandra to be safe before unleashing the might of Earth and fire on his home.

Sandra traveled toward the gate, Urgle not far behind.

He knocked away anyone stupid enough to break his concentration, and waited until she faced the gate, then he called forth the power of his people. Shifting, he lunged forward. The ground cracked and bucked. Poisonous gases poured into the room, followed by the sweet bliss of lava. Clasping both Sandra and Urgle in his claws, he crossed the gate to Outremer.

With a cry, he dropped them before he crushed their bodies with his poor landing. On his side, he faced the gate and watched his mother step through the magical veil, a thick coat of lava on her flesh. It wouldn’t harm her, but it would cook the invading dwarves. Sadly, it would also destroy his hoard.

His mother didn’t bother to shake the dripping lava off as she skewered with the tip of her tail any dwarf who tried to leave the erupting volcano on the other side of the gate. There weren’t many stragglers.

The strong magic in the gate kept the blast from crossing. The eruption would only be on the Inverness side. As he stared, the gate flickered. The water-like surface vanished for fraction of a second.

“Did you see that?” He raised his head. The gate had never changed once in all the times he’d looked at it. Why now?

Sandra stepped in front of him and blocked his view. She cradled his head. “I have the saji. I’m going to save your stubborn ass before that stupid gate zaps you away again.” She gestured to Urgle. “Give me your water skin.”

The goblin handed over the bottle hanging from his belt with a shrug.

She poured the liquid in the saji and fed him. The healing magic coursed through his flesh in a flash of heat. Tissue knitted back together and blood restored from his loss. Unfortunately, the fluid she fed him oozed down his throat, destroying all his taste buds in its path.

He roared at the after taste and shifted to his human form, hoping the flavor would improve in that shape.

Sandra clung to him. “I think it’s killing him instead of healing.”

“No, honey. He’s fine.” His mother knelt next to her. She’d shifted to her human form as well. “You gave him goblin ale. Don’t ask how they make it.”

Sandra assisted him to sit. “Stopping being a baby. You’re not dying.” She brushed the hair from his face and grinned.

“I like her.” His mother nodded and eyed the necklace he wore on his neck. “That gold holds a lot of love. Did she give it to you?”

He gathered Sandra in his arms. “You came back to help. What about–about us being so different?”

“I don’t care.” She hugged him tight as if nothing could pry him from her arms. It felt nice. He rested his head on her shoulders, ready to sleep there for a week.

“Dwarves gone?” Urgle asked.

He gazed at the gate. It flickered again. “Yes, I think they’re dead. Your home should be cleared. Go get your people. I’m setting you free.”

A huge grinned spread across Urgle’s face. “After fighting, mostly just females left.” He bowed low and left their group.

Sandra raised her eyebrow. “I think you just gave him a harem.”

“Every male’s dream.”

She swatted him.

“Hey, I was just injured there.” He rubbed the spot, thrilled to have his feisty human back in his arms. His spirit had never been so light and he so happy.

“And you will be again.” She gave him a meaningful look, something he planned on exploiting as soon as they were alone.

His mother made a disgusted noise. “Well, at least, she’ll keep you in check.”


“I knew the two of you would be the death of me, which is why I left–”

“Don’t let me keep you from your busy schedule.” Whatever family ties they’d reconnected were snapping fast. He didn’t want to hear about loving his food too much. He narrowed his eyes and met her glare.

“Ishi, she fought to keep you safe.” Sandra hands soothed the heat of his anger.

“You don’t need to defend me, daughter.”

Sandra went stiff in his arms. “What did you call me?”

His mother opened a pouch on her belt and pulled out an amulet. “I left earlier to retrieve this. I saw how infatuated you were, Ishi. I’ve never had a male express such love about me. I think such a thing should be preserved and cherished.” She set the necklace around Sandra’s neck. “Even though I know you don’t believe it, dear son, I do want to see you happy.”

Sandra gasped and jerked. Her eyes widened as she gazed at the jewelry. The metal melted into her flesh. “What is this?”

“It will give you the lifespan you need to love and care for my son.” She caressed his cheek. “I can’t be the mother you want, Ishi, but I can give you someone who can love you like you need.” With that, she rose and shifted. “I have wars to start and battles to fight.” She leaped into the air and took flight.

Sandra touched the golden tattoo around her throat with her fingertips.

“Does it hurt?” He lifted her tangled hair for a better view.

“No, just a little cool. Is this the kind of magic you spoke of? The stuff wizards don’t make anymore.”

He nodded his head. “It’s very rare. I don’t even know that there’s anyone alive powerful enough to have wrought such magic.” His mother must have gone to her secret hoard. This piece was a treasure of untold worth, but it didn’t compare to the woman who wore it. “I love you.”

She gave him a shy smile. “That’s good. Otherwise, this would be a little awkward.” Pulling him into her arms, she stared into his eyes. “I love you too.”

“That’s a good thing, considering I plan on keeping you a really, really long time.” He molded his body against hers and watched the gate fizzle away. “That’s bad.”

She turned. “Where did the gate go?”

“I think I broke it.” He sat straighter. Was it possible? He rose and approached where the gate had once stood. The water-like surface had vanished. Waving his hand, he met no resistance or trace of magic. “It’s…gone.”

Sandra stood with her hands over her mouth. “I’m trapped here?”

Surprise shot through his body. “No!” He shook his head and gathered her close. “There are other gates.” He swung her around in his arms, delighting in her cry of surprise. “But I’m free. The gate was destroyed in the eruption. I don’t sense its call anymore. I’m free!”

His beautiful, young Sandra had breathed new life into him. The gate had set him free.

“What are we going to do first?” She grinned and trusted him to make plans for them both.

“Let’s start with a nice inn and a meal. Then I plan on keeping you naked for at least a week.”
