Chapter 8

Sunlight warmed the scales of his full belly. He rubbed it and stretched farther on his back, spreading his wings out on the ground for balance while on his ledge. He’d neglected hunting yesterday and the ewes for breakfast had tasted exceptionally well. So well, he’d over-eaten. Closing his eyes, he listened to the croon of the wind. He should add some wind chimes to the ledge. That could be a new project for Urgle. He could construct them from odd ends in his cave. Ishi had to keep his pet occupied so he’d stay out of trouble.

The wind, however, did carry an odd tune this afternoon, a little off key. He scratched his ear to make sure it was clear of debris, but the sound didn’t change. It grated on the nerves rather than relaxed them.

Rolling over onto his stomach, he crept to the edge to assess the danger. It had been ages since the mortals of this world had tried to ambush him, yet a good warrior never let his guard down. On the side of the mountain, where he had dropped the large flat stone, stood a familiar female dressed in jeans and t-shirt.

She sang.

Terribly, but she still sang for him. The warmth from his belly spread to his chest. She’d forgotten the saji last night. He grinned as she turned around doing a little dance. For some reason, she sang about weasels.

He dove off the ledge and spread his wings to glide over the ground, landing by the rock on light feet. “Sandra.” He purred her name and enjoyed the blush blooming on her cheeks. When had he put so much effort into a seduction? If he’d known how pleasant it was, he may have tried it sooner.

“Koishi.” She clasped her hands in front of her. “I’m here to make the exchange for the saji.”

“I don’t have it with me. It’s in my den.”

“I can wait–” Her words ended in a surprised shout as he scooped her into his hands and leaped into the air. She was an excitable thing. He loved watching the expression of wonder on her face as she experienced flight.

“Don’t worry, I think I’ve got the hang of this flying thing.” His grin was so wide his cheeks hurt.

She slapped his claw. “At your age, you’d better have.”

The teasing was even better when she gave as good as she got. He slowed for a soft landing and set her down first. “Did you sleep well?”

She stroked her hand along his flank after he settled next to her, last night’s anxiety gone. “Yes.”

“Did you dream of me?”

Her hands slowed as she fondled him. “Your scales gleam beautifully in the sunlight.”

So she had dreamed of him. He chuckled and resisted the urge to nudge her closer.

She picked at his hide. “You’re very dry here.”

Twisting his long neck, he examined the spot. “It’s an old scar. I can’t reach there to take care of it properly.”

“Maybe your pet can help.” She continued her exploration along his tail.

“Grooming is a personal matter and I’m not attracted to goblins.”

She hesitated in her progress. “So touching is an intimate thing even in this form?”

“I’m male. Touching in any form is intimate.” He set his nose by her feet, inviting more caresses. She’d been interested in Koishi, his human form, until she’d discovered his true identity. However, she’d kissed him goodnight. Maybe it had been shock, and not fear, he’d seen in her eyes. The only way for him to know for sure was to remain as Ishi. “Would you oil the spot for me?” He nudged her hand with the tip of his nose. “Come on, you know you want to.”

She tossed her head back and laughed. The wind caught her hair, fanning it around her face.

He sighed. Beauty came in all shapes and forms, but this ease between them was rare.

“Show me where you keep the oil.” She scratched the sensitive ridge along his eye. What would she say when she found out it was considered foreplay?

“Climb aboard, I’ll carry you there.” He dipped his shoulder. When she backed away, he set his tail behind her. “Come on, don’t you want to ride me?”

The blush on her cheeks deepened and made him want her even more. She wouldn’t escape today. Nothing would keep him from having her in his bed. He ran the tip of his tail along her calf, climbing between her legs to her thigh before she swatted it away.

“Behave or I’ll change my mind.” Her voice shook. Pushing the loose strands of hair that had slipped from her ponytail behind her ears, she approached him. “You’re not going to fly?”

“Never. Not without a harness. Don’t you trust me?”

She raised any eyebrow at him.

It speared his heart. “I’m wounded. I haven’t harmed you. If anything, I’ve gone out of my way to help you.”

She snorted and clambered onto his shoulder, muttering things under her breath like trickster and twisting the truth. He might have done a little of both, but it had been all in fun. Never harm.

He waited until she settled between his shoulders, legs hanging around his neck. He’d truly be a liar if he said he didn’t enjoy the press of her sweet body against his scales, but he kept silent. He did want her to tend that patch after all. Walking on all fours, he carried her through his maze of tunnels to a hot spring deep enough for his dragon form to soak. With a small flaming breath, he lit the torches on the wall.

“Handy trick.” She clung to him, running her hands back and forth. He could spend the rest of the day under such attention.

Tendrils of steam floated from the water; the scent of minerals tinged the air.

“Nice.” She drew out the word in appreciation. “Koishi, help me climb down.”

Ignoring her, he scooped up a stiff brush with the tip of his tail and stepped into the pool. The water was warm, but wouldn’t burn her.

She rose to her feet while still on his shoulder as he swam farther from shore. With a twist of his back, she tumbled off. Sputtering, she surfaced from the depth. “My clothes are all wet!” She splashed the back of his head.

“You’ll have to take them off and let them dry.” He circled her and fluttered his eyelashes. “It’s not like they’ll be ruined. Oh! I hadn’t considered you might have wanted to undress first.”

With sure strokes, she swam for shallower waters.

He snaked his tail under her and stopped her progress by blocking her way. The brush dangled from the tip. “The area needs to be scrubbed of loose scales before you can apply the oil.” With a couple small kicks, he floated next to her. “It’s less painful if the area is soaked.”

She tossed him a glare that any warrior would have been proud to own, and then grabbed the brush. It didn’t take her much effort to climb from the water. On her hands and knees, she found the spot and applied the blessed brush.

Purring deep in his throat, he pointed his chin to the ceiling. “Oh yeah.” The tough bristle bit into his itchy flesh. He’d been ignoring the spot far too long.

She put her back into the scrubbing. “There’s a lot flaking off.”

His vision tunneled. “To the left. To the left.” A shiver ran over his spine and sent a spasm into his back leg. The harder she brushed, the faster his leg twitched. “Dear God, woman, you’re merciless,” he cried out.

Her soft chuckle echoed in the spacious cave, carrying a tint of evil. She sat on his spine and stopped cleaning the spot.

He spun his head around to check it out, almost giving himself whiplash. “I can still see loose scales.” He rose out of the water a bit so she could have a clearer view of his back.

“I know.”

Narrowing his gaze, he twisted his neck to face her. “What are you up to?”

She ran the tip of her finger over the sensitive area, sending his body into spasms. “How were you injured? I can’t imagine something harming you.”

He watched as she moved her hands gently over the old scar. “A cave troll broke through the gate.” A groan escaped his throat as she ran her fingernails over the spot. “They’re quite resistant to lava and magic. It was the size of a small house. We fought for three days.”

“In these tunnels?”

“Yes. Yes! Do you plan on torturing me all afternoon?” The glide of her nails over the tender new scales growing beneath the dry skin would have him at her mercy.

“Will I have the saji before I leave here today?” She ran the brush over the edges of his scar where nothing itched.

He stretched his back, reaching forward with his neck, trying to find some relief. “You’ll see it. I promise.” His bellow shook the cave. But he’d only comply after he fucked her into oblivion and showed her exactly who she teased.

She scoured until old scales floated past his submerged head. He had decided it was best she didn’t hear anymore of his pleasure noise. However, he couldn’t control that damn back leg.

Breaching the surface, he glanced her way.

“Don’t look at me like that. The spot is scrubbed clean.” She waved the brush at him before doing a cannonball off his back. The splash sent a small tsunami over his nose. She had used his weakness to coerce a deal from him. Part of him was proud, and the rest wanted to drown her.

He stomped out of the pool and lay on his side as he observed her leisurely swim to the shore. When she exited the water, all thoughts of murder vanished since the blood main-lined straight from his head to his cock.

Her wet t-shirt clung to her curves and the cool cave air perked her nipples to hard, suckable nubs. The transparent lace of her bra hinted at how perfect those breasts would appear above him, bouncing as she rode his hard–

“Where do you keep the oil?” She swiped her hair from her face.

He hid his arousal by lying on it, pain throbbing through his cock at the mistreatment, and he dragged his gaze back to her face. “Over on those shelves.” She held him captive. Him! He shook his head and wished the hot springs were filled with ice. Instead, he focused on memories of his mother. A couple of those should freeze his heart, let alone his balls.

Small bare feet climbed his spine until Sandra settled with the oil bottle in hand. She poured it directly on the spot and massaged the area with firm, hard strokes.

He buried his face under his claws to stop a moan of ecstasy, and resorted to desperate measures, a vision he had tried to burn from his mind for centuries, walking in on his parents as his father mounted… A shiver wracked his body.

“Are you cold?”

“I am now.” Right down to his soul.

She slid off his back and set the empty bottle on the floor. Rubbing her arms, she approached him. “It is kind of cold after being in the pool.”

He kept his gaze pointed over her head. “Let’s find you something dry to wear.” The last thing he wanted to do was terrify her with a dragon boner.

She appeared so small and shivery by his feet.

Tossing a glance over his shoulder, he checked out his hide. “You did a very nice job.” He couldn’t resist nudging her closer. To share his body heat. “Thank you.”

She pressed against his scales and made a happy noise in her throat. Oh yeah, baby.

“Climb aboard. We’ll go faster this way.” And she wouldn’t spot his hard-on from his back. No point in fighting it. She wasn’t leaving his nest today, tonight, or tomorrow. Her anxiety of his dragon form seemed better. He carried her to his living quarters and into his bedroom. “Why don’t you undress?” He shifted to his human form. “Let me help you.”
