Документ № 2

Отчет Чрезвычайного и Полномочного посла Франции в Египте Дегранже министру иностранных дел Французской Республики г-ну Делакесю, о числе армян Муса дага, вывезенных на военных кораблях в район Суэцкого канала.

Источник: Archive de France; Guerre Mondial 1914-1918, Turquie/Vol.890, Legion d'Orient-I (Semp-

tember 1915 November 1916)



Hie Secretary of State, Washington.

I have the honor to enclose herewith a oopy of

statement tarnished. by the Armenlan/t-strl

Жа _.1Ье:-ДДшЪаГ- апй--ооп|Н.Г1ой of fEe Armenians in’ the*boupd^ «lies.of -the f p.rmer Turkish Empire. ■ The original of this statement was s,ent to the British snthori ■» 1" T^naniyh

be used in conniption with the recent oonferenoe bn Hear

Department Will understand that-the statistics mate as favorable a case fear the Armenians as is possible. It eas-fel t -that the reportwould be: valuable however for the files- of the Department and as. a basis of comparison with other, statistics on this same subject, mhioh may be

available;. -

I have the.honor to be. Sir
