Chapter Four

Jaden stole a quick glance over at Leif as he drove them back to her place. She still felt a bit nervous around him, even though their meal had gone well. She hadn’t choked on her food or dumped it on herself, which was a good thing. Most of her nervousness came from how good looking Leif was. During the meal, she’d pinched herself under the table a few times just to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. And hearing Leif say he wanted her left her shaking. Stuff like this didn’t normally happen to her.

Once Leif pulled his car into the driveway of her place and shut off the engine, Jaden took off her seat belt before she turned to face him. She really didn’t want this evening to end. She thought of asking him if he wanted to come inside and watch some TV with her, but she didn’t want to appear too pushy, or desperate.

Deciding to wait and see how Leif wanted to end the night, she said, “Thanks for dinner. The food was really good.”

He took off his belt and turned slightly in his seat. “I told you they had the best Italian food.”

“I’ll have to remember it the next time I get a craving for Italian cuisine.” When Leif didn’t say anything more, but seemed to stare at her in that hungry way of his, she stammered, “Well…ah…I guess—”

Leif cut her off by cupping the back of her neck and leaning across his seat to kiss her. His lips moved sensuously over hers, angling for a better fit before he ran his tongue along the seam of her mouth. Once she opened for him, he deepened the kiss, stroking and sucking on her tongue.

At her moan, he pulled back. The heat she saw in his eyes had her whispering, “Do you want to come inside?”

In answer, Leif got out of the car, walked around to her side and opened her door. He held his hand out for her to take. Holding hands with their fingers laced together, Jaden let them into the house. He let go as they walked down the stairs, but as soon as they were inside her apartment, he pushed the door shut, then took her in his arms. His lips hungrily claimed hers once again.

Jaden wrapped her arms around Leif’s neck as he backed her into the middle of the living room. His hands skimmed down her back to her bottom. Shifting her closer, she felt the hard length of his cock against her belly. Her pussy clenched, liking how good he felt. She rocked into him, which elicited what sounded like a soft growl out of Leif. The ache of arousal between her legs increased, causing her juices to leak into her panties.

Backing her toward her bed, he said against her mouth, “I promised myself I wouldn’t do this, but the scent of your arousal is driving me crazy. I need to taste more of you.”

Having slept with only two other men, she’d hadn’t gone to bed with them until they’d been dating for a while, but Jaden felt no such reservations with Leif. His kisses were making her desperate for him. Right now, her body didn’t care that they hardly knew each other. All it cared about was getting naked with the man in her arms.

When they reached the foot of her bed, Leif pulled off her glasses and put them on the corner of the mattress. He then took hold of the bottom of her shirt and pulled it over her head. He let it fall to the floor. Staring down at her chest, he thumbed her taut nipples through her bra.

“So beautiful,” he said in a husky whisper. “They’re just begging for me to suck on them.”

He bent his head and kissed a path across her upper chest as he undid her bra at her back. Jaden lowered her arms to her sides so the straps slid down them, and her bra landed at their feet. She kicked it aside when Leif’s hand came up to cover one of her breasts. He rolled her nipple between his thumb and index finger while his lips made a lazy path across her skin toward it.

By the time he reached her nipple, she was practically panting. The feel of his tongue circling the taut peak made her moan. Leif put his other arm around her waist and bent her slightly over it as he opened his mouth and sucked her nipple between his lips. His suckling caused more wetness to leak out of her pussy. With each pull of his mouth, she felt it deep inside her core.

Leif moved to her other breast, lavishing the same attention on it as he’d done to the first. Jaden dug her nails into the tops of his shoulders, her arousal building by steady degrees. She rubbed against him, the feel of his hard cock making her ache to have it buried deep inside her.

Lifting his head, he ground his erection into her. His blue eyes seemed to glow mutedly for a split second before the faint glimmer was gone, making Jaden question if she’d actually seen it or not.

“I want to see more of you. Will you let me?” he asked.

“God, yes,” she said going up on tiptoe and taking possession of his lips.

Leif’s hands dropped to the waist of her jeans. He made short work of undoing the button and zipper. Jaden sucked his tongue into her mouth when he pushed his hand down inside the front of her panties. A finger brushed against her clit before delving inside her pussy.

“So wet,” Leif said as he brushed his lips along the side of her jaw. “I need to taste you there.”

He pushed her jeans down past her hips so they pooled at her feet. With a gentle push, he got her to sit on the bed. Nuzzling the side of her neck, he then leaned into her until she fell back onto the mattress. Leif shifted so he stood with his legs on either side of hers. He rested his weight on his hands on the bed above her head. He trailed kisses from the side of her neck to the top of her shoulder. Moving down her body, he licked and kissed across both collarbones and down to her breasts. He sucked each one into his mouth, swirling his tongue around her taut nipples until she panted, arching her back to push herself closer.

Leif continued his downward journey. By the time he’d kissed down her stomach, pausing to swirl the tip of his tongue inside her bellybutton, he was on his knees. He ran his hands down her sides and hooked the top of her panties with his fingers and pulled them down to join her jeans at her ankles. Picking up one foot, he took off her shoe and sock before he removed the other pair.

With a sweep of his hands, he pushed her jeans and panties all the way off. He then moved to kneel between her legs. Using his upper body to spread her thighs farther apart, he lifted her legs and placed each of her feet on his hard-muscled thighs. Leif dragged his lips up the inside of her leg. As he inched closer to her pussy, Jaden lifted her head to watch. The sight of his dark auburn head between her thighs had her gripping the quilt under her in anticipation. Then his tongue came out and licked her wet core. She let out a keening moan, and her head dropped back down onto the mattress.

Leif lapped at her pussy. “You taste as good as you smell,” he said.

His warm breath fanned over her clit when he spoke. Jaden lifted her hips, wanting more. With another strange growl, Leif licked her slick opening before stiffening his tongue to spear it inside her. Pushing down on his thighs with her feet, she rocked her pussy against his mouth. Her core coiled tighter, her climax not too far off.

Oral sex had never been this good. From past experience, Jaden had thought something was wrong with her since the other men she’d slept with hadn’t ever been able to make her come this way. Obviously, it had been their lack of skill and not something physically wrong with her.

When Leif sucked on her clit and pushed a finger inside her, she panted, “Yes. Don’t stop.”

Leif pushed a second finger into her pussy to join the first. “Come for me, baby.”

He continued to take her with his fingers as he alternated between licking and sucking on her clit. Jaden tightened her inner walls around the digits that moved in and out of her. She was so close. Clutching the quilt in tight fists, she called out Leif’s name and fell over the edge into ecstasy. Her pussy rhythmically clutched his fingers while she came and as wave after wave of pleasure washed through her. He kept pumping his fingers in and out until the last crest hit her. When it was over, she relaxed on the bed, unable to move.

Once she regained her breath and realized Leif hadn’t moved from his kneeling position on the floor, she weakly lifted her head. He had his head down with his forehead on the mattress between her legs. His hands were curled into tight fists on the bed next to her hips. He clenched them so tightly the veins and muscles popped out along his arms.

His thighs shook under her feet.

“Leif? Are you all right?”

At the sound of her voice, he stiffened even more. “I can’t. I won’t.” His voice sounded muffled from being pressed into the mattress.

“What do you mean?” After that orgasm, her brain wasn’t exactly firing on all pistons at the moment. “You won’t what?”

With one fluid move, Leif pushed to his feet. He stared down at her as she ran her gaze over him. His large erection strained against the front of his jeans. She sat up and reached out to stroke his cock, but he blocked her with a sweep of his hand.

“Don’t,” he said through clenched teeth. “Don’t touch me or I’m lost.”

“Lost? You’re not making any sense.”

Leif didn’t answer. Instead, he spun away from her, walked out her apartment door and shut it behind him. The sound of his heavy footfalls going up the stairs, and then a few seconds later the sound of his car starting, left Jaden wondering what the hell had happened. He had given her the best orgasm of her life then up and ran off. With the hard to miss hard-on he’d sported, she’d have thought for sure Leif would have wanted to go all the way. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t wanted her. The way he had kissed and touched her weren’t the actions of a man who hadn’t been as turned on as she.

Sitting on the bed as her apartment grew darker, Jaden couldn’t figure Leif out. And right now, she had no clue if she would ever see him again. He’d left in one hell of a hurry. That didn’t exactly make a girl think he wanted to be around her.

Picking up her discarded clothes, she threw them in the hamper and then walked to the bathroom naked. She needed to have a good long drenching in a hot shower.

Wrapping the long strands of her pony tail around the scrunchie she wore to pull it back, Jaden formed it into a bun, twisting it tight enough so it would stay in place.

She turned on the water in the shower stall and waited until steam started to fill the room. Leif was an enigma. He ran hot one moment and cold the next. She’d just have to wait and see if he would drop back into her life again or stay away for good this time.

* * *

Leif sped toward Marin County and home as if the hounds of hell chased him. That had been too fucking close. He should never have gone back inside her apartment after they’d finished their meal. He should have dropped her off and left just as he’d planned.

But he’d been too weak to resist the pull Jaden had over him. Then she’d stammered at him, unsure of herself, and he hadn’t been able to stop himself from kissing her. And then his determination not to touch her shattered.

He smacked the steering wheel with the flat of his palm. Once he’d started to kiss Jaden, he hadn’t been able to stop. Her complete acceptance of him had been his downfall. One kiss had led to another, which led to him stripping her naked and feasting on her pussy until he’d made her climax.

The sound of her cries of pleasure still rang in his ears. Leif gritted his teeth as his cock jerked. He was still painfully aroused and would probably stay that way until he washed Jaden’s scent from his body. It was like his own personal aphrodisiac, keeping his cock fully engorged.

And of course doing what he’d done with Jaden had not done him any favors. Oral sex with a would-be mate only increased the mating urge. He now had to look forward to a night of sex-filled dreams. The only way to stop them was to sleep with Jaden, and he didn’t want to do that. He’d really buggered himself.

Arriving at the Protectors’ mansion, Leif parked his car in the large garage and went inside. He headed for the kitchen to grab a cold beer out of the fridge. Just as he reached the doorway that led down to the basement, Jager walked through it. He must have been working out down there, because he was bare-chested and had a small towel hung around his neck. There was a sheen of perspiration on his face as well. Just the person Leif didn’t need to run into right now.

Jager stepped in front of Leif and looked him up and down. “You aren’t looking so great.” He then sniffed the air. A large smile appeared on his face. “Well, well. Let me guess. Since you have the scent of a mortal female on you, obviously your mate, along with the scent of her passion on you, I’d say you got your taste of her but didn’t fuck her.”

Having an acute sense of smell as every werewolf had, it was no surprise to Leif that Jager had been able to pick up on all that with one sniff. It also meant Leif would have to get into a shower pretty darn quick before he ran into any of the others.

“Piss off, Jager,” he said as he brushed past him and continued on into the kitchen.

Jager followed right behind him.

“You won’t be able to fight it forever, Leif.”

He pulled out a beer, twisted off the cap and took a big swallow before he answered.

“I was able to this time.”

“Yeah, but for how long? Why torture yourself? She’s your mate. You have to be at least halfway in love with her now or she wouldn’t be yours.”

Leif scowled. Well, shit. Jager was right, but he wasn’t going to tell the other warrior that. Just spending some quality time with Jaden had him wanting her more than he had before. He wanted to know everything about her. And getting her glasses off, along with her clothes, he found she was even more attractive. If he wanted to be truthful with himself, a tiny, miniscule part of him wanted to wrap her in his arms and never let her go.

The thought of spending the rest of his years waking up with her in his bed didn’t seem as repugnant as it first had.

But how long would that last? He honestly didn’t know if he could stay true to one woman for that long of a period of time. He was only a couple of years over a thousand.

Could he spend the remaining two thousand years of his life with the same woman even if she was his destined mate? Given his past history of becoming quickly bored with his latest flame, the chances weren’t very good. He didn’t want to join his soul with a mate, and find out years later, it wasn’t something he wanted. It wouldn’t be fair to him or to his mate.

He shook his head. “I can’t, Jager. It’s not in me to be a mate.”

“If you think that way, then you’re an idiot. You’re wired just like any other male werewolf. We all long to find our mates, to love and protect them.”

“Well, I’m a living, breathing example of that not being true.”

“Leif, you’re fucked in the head. You’re going to fall just like the rest of us who have become mated. In a way, I pity you, though. Your mating urge is going to have you so strung out you won’t know whether you’re coming or going. And when you break, and I can guarantee you will, your choice will be taken from you.” With that cryptic remark, Jager turned on his heel and walked out of the kitchen.

Leif finished his beer in two large swallows and thumped the empty bottle onto the counter. He got himself a second beer before he headed upstairs to his room. Much to his dismay, he found Saskia leaning against his door as if she had been waiting for him. This night just seemed to get better and better.

She crossed her arms over her chest and gave him a knowing stare when he came even with her. “Claim your mate and be done with it, Leif.”

He scrubbed his face with his hand. “You heard what Jager and I were talking about in the kitchen.”

“Yes, but I already knew about you finding your mate before that. I saw it yesterday when you met her. I’ve just been keeping quiet about it to see what you would do.”

Leif knew exactly what Saskia meant by saying she “saw” it. She had the sight. Just like her grandmother, she saw snatches of the future. It had been Saskia’s grandmother who had the vision about the foretold one.

“Well, if you saw it, then you already know I’m fighting it.”

The corner of Saskia’s mouth lifted in a half smile. “I didn’t need to see it to know that.”

“I’m not going to claim Jaden,” he said.

“Yes, you will. Your will is weakening already. As Jager said, you smell like you were doing some fooling around with your soon-to-be mate. And if you wanted to keep yourself distanced from her, you wouldn’t be referring to her by name.”

Was everyone in his family not listening to what he wanted? He sighed. “It doesn’t matter. I won’t do it.”

Saskia pushed away from his door. Her face took on a serious mien. “If I could, I would order you to take her as your mate. But this has to be your choice. That doesn’t mean I can’t pull you off protection duties until you decide to do what your mating urge must be screaming at you to do.” When he opened his mouth to protest, she held up her hand. “Not a word. You have no say in the matter. I’m the leader of The Protectors, and I have to do what is best for the rest of us and Roxie. If you’re going to continue on with this stupidity, then I have no choice but to pull you. Soon you’ll be no good to anyone.

So, as of now, you’re off rotation.”

Leif watched Saskia walk away while he resisted the urge to beat his head against the wall. Now a member of his own family was conspiring against him. Shit, shit, shit. Could his life get any worse? He didn’t want to be pulled off protection duty. He needed to be in the rotation. Without it, he would do nothing but think about Jaden with all the free time he’d have on his hands. He was so screwed.
