Chapter Five

The next day at work, Jaden caught herself looking down the length of the line of customers for her cash register again. She’d done it at least a million times already, hoping to catch a glimpse of Leif. As in all the other times, she didn’t see him.

He had been all she’d been able to think about until she’d gone to bed, and she’d started thinking about him again as soon as she’d woken up. She’d even been awakened a couple times during the night to the most erotic dreams she’d ever had—both of them featuring Leif. Maybe because of the great orgasm he’d given her, she now found herself obsessing about him. And she never obsessed over men.

Even though she’d told herself that what they had done hadn’t really meant anything to Leif, she couldn’t stop thinking about him, wanting to be held in his arms again. It was stupid, really. After his departure last night, the chances weren’t high that he would want to see her again. Hadn’t he said so himself that he couldn’t and wouldn’t. Jaden took that to mean he couldn’t be with her. Not that she understood why. From her perspective, things had been going pretty damn good.

After she finished ringing through the last customer in line, for now, Jaden lifted her head to find Vicky staring at her from the cash register across from hers. “There’s something different about you today,” Vicky said as she studied Jaden closely. “I can’t put my finger on it.”

Jaden pushed her glasses higher up on her nose. “No, there isn’t. Maybe it’s just tiredness. I did work a longer shift yesterday.”

Vicky shook her head. “No, that’s not it. It’s hard to explain, but there is something different. If I didn’t know any better, I would say you got laid last night.”

Jaden blushed. “Don’t talk that way. If Grant hears you, he’ll give you hell for it.”

Grant was their manager and believed all his employees should be above reproach.

He’d actually laid off another girl just because she’d tried to stand up to a customer who was basically verbally abusing her. Grant had told everyone that he’d laid her off because she hadn’t been working out as well as he’d thought she would. They all knew that wasn’t true.

Vicky huffed. “Forget about Grant. Knowing him, he’s probably in his office right now seeing how far he can shove a stick up his butt just to keep himself all stiff and snooty. The pretentious ass.”

Jaden covered her mouth with her hand, hoping to smother her laugh, but it bubbled out of her anyway. She could just picture Grant doing it too. “You’re bad,” she said with another laugh.

Vicky waved her comment away with a flick of her hand. “So, are you going to tell me what you did last night that brought this change to your appearance?”

Jaden instantly sobered and another blush colored her cheeks. What could she say to Vicky? That the hottest guy she’d ever seen gave her an intense orgasm and then bailed on her right afterward?

When she didn’t say anything, Vicky then said, “Ah ha. I think I know what did it. It was that kiss that hot guy gave you yesterday.”

She rolled her eyes. “It was only one kiss. I doubt it was enough to change me that much. Remember, I don’t even know his name.” That little white lie wasn’t going to hurt anyone.

“Maybe it’s the prospect of seeing him again. I’ve been watching you. I’ve seen you trying to be oh-so-casual as you look at each customer that comes to your cash register.

You’re looking for him, aren’t you?”

Jaden adjusted her glasses again. “So what if I am?”

Vicky smiled. “There is nothing wrong with it. It just goes to show you have needs just like every other woman. And a man like that, I’d be watching for him at every turn as well.”

“Well, I doubt I’ll see him today.”

“You never know.”

Just then a customer walked up to Jaden’s cash register. Looking away from Vicky, and essentially ending their conversation, she rang through each item. As for Vicky’s last remark, Jaden did know. It was just wishful thinking on her part to assume Leif would just saunter into the grocery store, walk to her cash register, and say he wanted to continue where they’d left off last night. She had to be realistic and face facts. For a girl like her to end up with a man like Leif, Earth would have to tilt off its axis and spin in the opposite direction.

* * *

It had been three god-awful, painful days since Leif had last seen Jaden.

Tenaciously, he hung onto his resolve not to see her again, but he was losing the battle.

His mating urge had not only sunk its claws into him, it was ripping and pulling with its sharp teeth as well. No longer able to watch over Roxie, he thought of nothing but Jaden almost the entire twenty-fours in a day. It was unending, and it was driving him insane with need. And nothing he did seemed to stop it. He’d even driven out to Muir Woods, hoping shifting to his wolf form and going for a long run in the forest would help, but that was one mistake he wouldn’t make again anytime soon. In wolf form, his mating urge went off the charts, the wolf inside him more than willing to search Jaden out and force him to claim her.

And to make matters even worse, he basically walked around all day with a hard-on.

He’d tried to find some relief by knocking off in the shower, but at this stage, it no longer worked. He could stroke his cock until his hand hurt, but he never reached climax. He had a feeling only sleeping with Jaden would end that particular pain. Leif had no idea if that was normal for a male in the throes of the mating urge, mostly because he’d never heard of another male werewolf ever refusing to claim his mate.

Now in the third day of unending torture, Leif paced the length of his room like the wild wolf he was. He’d been at it for hours. Every time he passed the mirror attached to his dresser he caught a glimpse of his mutedly glowing eyes. Along with his dick staying perpetually hard, his eyes glowed with the state of arousal he was in constantly.

By now, everyone in the mansion knew he’d found his mate, and that he wasn’t thrilled about it. It was kind of hard to miss when he walked around with a huge bulge in the front of his pants and his glowing eyes. He’d had every member of his family cajole, then yell at him, trying to persuade him to just go to Jaden. He refused all of them.

Today, if they tried it again, he didn’t know if he could still do it.

Leif suddenly stopped pacing when his bedroom door slammed open and three of his brothers-in-arms barged in. He growled and snapped his teeth at Roan, Jager and Skylar.

Since they were the only three true brothers, they were all similar in looks as well as in size. When they advanced on him, Leif realized he was sunk. There was no way he could get away from the three of them working together.

Roan rushed in to take hold of one of his arms while Skylar grabbed the other. Jager picked up his legs, holding on tight to his ankles. Leif arched his back, pulling on his arms and legs to get free, but he couldn’t shake them off.

“Get the fuck off me,” he growled.

Jager shook his head. “Not going to happen. Enough is enough.”

“Yeah,” said Roan. “We’ve heard you pacing up here all day. Everyone has. This torturing yourself is going to stop, today.”

They started carrying him out his bedroom door. “Where are you taking me,” he snapped.

“Out to your car so you can go to your mate,” Roan stated.

Leif really started to fight them then. “No. I can’t leave the mansion, let alone get in my car. I’ll just head straight for Jaden.”

“That’s what we’re counting on,” Skylar said with a chuckle. “And just so you know, Saskia knows exactly what we’re doing. She’s also not here, so don’t even think about calling out for help. No one is going to save you.”

Even though he struggled, muscles straining, trying to throw them off balance with his weight, the brothers managed to get him out to his car. One of them must have moved it out of the garage to the front of the mansion. They wrestled him into the driver’s side and strapped him in. Leif then noticed the engine was running.

Jager bent into the car and slapped a pair of dark sunglasses over Leif’s eyes. “We can’t have mortals, including your mate, seeing those glowing peepers of yours. At least not yet. Explanations of what you are can wait until after you’ve claimed her.” Jager then slammed the car door shut.

Free of the confines of his room, Leif couldn’t ignore his mating urge anymore. He put the car into gear and peeled away down the large drive. It vaguely registered on him that the sky was just starting to darken. He drove straight to Jaden’s basement apartment, unable to stop what was about to happen. The only thing that would save them both would be if she wasn’t home.

Leif pulled over to the curb in front of the house and parked. He got out of the car and crossed the distance between it and the side door of the house in a few long strides, using his ability to move faster than any mortal could. If anyone saw him, he pretty much didn’t care. All of him was focused on getting to his mate, of making her his.

He banged on the door, praying Jaden wouldn’t be home and then just as quickly praying she was. When he heard movement on the other side of the door, he groaned to himself. His senses went on high alert in anticipation of Jaden opening it.

When she swung it open, she asked, “Leif?” The tone of her voice said she was surprised to find him standing on her doorstep.

With her scent filling his head, he was beyond being able to form words. Longing and desire pounded through him, leaving no room for anything else. Only left with the need to act, he pulled her to his chest and took Jaden’s mouth in a searing kiss, unleashing all his pent-up arousal.

Circling his arms around her waist, he picked her up off her feet so he could kiss her without having to bend his head. He carried her over the threshold and kicked the door shut before he walked down the stairs, all the while hungrily moving his mouth over hers.

She put her legs around his waist, her pussy coming to rest against his cock, where he ached the most.

As he stepped into her apartment and shut that door as well, Jaden buried her fingers in his hair at the back of his head and kissed him just as greedily. Her responsiveness caused a loud growl of need to rumble out of his chest. He carried her to the bed and put her down on the center of it, following her down. With her legs still around his waist, his cock remained against her pussy. He rocked his hips, groaning into her mouth with the pleasure of it.

Leif lifted his head. While he covered one of Jaden’s breasts, tugging on her taut nipple that he badly wanted to suck, he said, “Tell me you want this.”

Jaden arched her back into his touch. “Yes. God, how I want this. I’ve done nothing but dream and think about you touching me again.”

A shudder racked his body. She may not be a female werewolf, but Jaden was obviously feeling the effects of the mating urge as well. His bringing her to orgasm that night must have started the process that would make her his.

He took off her glasses, reached over the side of the bed and put them on the small nightstand next to it. Leif then took her hand and led it to the front of his jeans. “Touch me. I ache for you.”

Jaden cupped him through the material of his pants before trailing her fingers upward over his full length. When she reached his button and fly, she undid them both. He sucked in a breath when his cock sprang free and she took him in her hand. As she stroked it up and down, he couldn’t hold back the growls of pleasure that rumbled out of him.

When she circled the head of his dick, rubbing the bead of pre-cum that she found there into his skin, Leif had to fight not to come then and there. Even though all male werewolves could keep an erection for hours at a time, even after coming several times, he wanted his first time to last a little bit longer.

In one pull, he yanked Jaden’s t-shirt off and over her head. He removed her bra just as quickly. Once he had her bared breasts in front of him, he bent his head and sucked a nipple into his mouth. Rocking his hips, pushing his erection tighter into her hand as she stroked his shaft, Leif sucked until Jaden was panting.

He groaned at the loss when she let go of his cock and yanked at the bottom of his shirt, lifting it up to his chest. To help, he grabbed the back of it and dragged it over his head, taking the sunglasses he wore with it. Not caring if Jaden saw his mutedly glowing eyes, he bent his head and sucked on her other nipple.

Jaden tugged at the top of his jeans, trying to push them over his hips. “Take these off.”

He quickly obliged. Jaden’s hand once again wrapped around his cock, squeezing him tight as she stroked it. He felt about ready to explode. The scent of her arousal beat at him, making his cock harden even more.

With no finesse at all, Leif tore off the sweatpants she wore, taking her panties with them. Feeling more animal than man, having pushed the mating urge to its limits, he used a thigh to spread her legs wider before he settled his hips between them. He tested her readiness to take him by stroking a finger against her pussy. It came away soaked.

With an animalistic growl, he positioned his cock at her entrance and seated himself to the hilt with one stroke. The feel of her wet inner walls closing around his shaft had Leif’s eyes almost rolling back inside his head. Pleasure built in his gut and spread throughout his body. It increased a thousandfold when he started to move inside her.

Resting his weight on his bent arms, he worked his cock in and out of her pussy. “So tight,” he groaned. “Feel so good.”

Jaden’s inner walls squeezed his shaft, making it an even tighter fit. She whimpered beneath him as she lifted her hips to match his strokes. He’d been with a lot of women over his long life, but none had given him this much pleasure. Leif usually liked to take his time when he had sex. Not this time. This joining, he wanted Jaden hard and fast, wanted to hear her desperate cries of passion ringing in his ears as she strived for her orgasm.

He pounded into her faster. Just before his climax hit the point of no return, he felt it—the mating bond beginning to form. Looking down into Jaden’s face, he watched her eyes snap open, as she obviously felt it too. A part of his soul reached out for hers at the same time hers reached for his. They both sucked in a breath when they joined and became one. Staring up at him in wonder, she then cried out as she started to come. With her pussy milking his shaft in a tight fist, Leif drove into her one final time, threw back his head, and howled as his cock pulsed deep inside her, filling her with all he had to give. When the last tremor shook him, he collapsed on top of Jaden and buried his face in the crook of her neck.

* * *

Jaden wrapped her arms around Leif’s back as his much heavier body pushed her deeper into the mattress. He was a solid weight atop her, making it hard to take a breath, but she liked him there. Little aftershocks rocked her, twitching around his cock that was still deep inside her, and still very hard. She had no idea how Leif had managed to keep his erection. She’d felt it when he’d come. She’d also felt something else pass between them just before they’d found their release. To describe what it felt like, she’d have to say it was as if they had joined not only their bodies but another part of them as well.

She shivered when Leif nuzzled her neck and gently scraped his teeth along her skin.

He nipped her gently, then licked over the same spot. He also pulled back his hips until his cock was almost free of her body, only to push back inside.

With a gasp, she asked, “Again?”

“Again,” he growled in her ear.

In a show of strength, Leif wrapped his arms around her, and holding her close, he sat up, taking her with him. He settled her bent legs on either side of his hips and then urged her to ride him. Being on top had his cock sinking even deeper inside her pussy while she impaled herself on him over and over again.

While she rode him, Leif cupped the back of her head and pushed her mouth to the side of his neck where it met his shoulder. She licked his skin and felt him shiver beneath her.

“Bite me, Jaden. Mark me,” he said in a voice husky with arousal.

“No.” She shook her head. “I can’t bite you.”

“I want you to. Mark me as yours.”

Leif pushed up into her hard enough to lift her knees off the mattress when she grazed her teeth along the spot he wanted her to bite him. She was never one for the kinky stuff in bed, but something seemed to take her over. Somehow knowing this would tease Leif, she dragged her teeth over his skin a few more times before she gently bit down.

He stiffened, his hands on her hips urging her to ride him faster. “Harder. Bite me harder.”

His cock seemed to harden even more, hitting a spot inside her pussy that had another climax building. Gripping Leif’s shoulders tight, Jaden bit him as hard as he demanded. He surged up into her harder and made one of those strange animalistic growls he’d made before. And just like that, she fell over the edge, whimpering against his skin as she climaxed. Leif came at the same time, holding her hips to his as his cock emptied into her pussy.

Tasting blood on her tongue, Jaden pulled her mouth away from Leif’s neck to see she’d broken the skin when she’d bitten him. Horrified at what she’d done, she quickly said, “I hurt you. I didn’t mean to.”

Leif put a hand under her chin and forced her to look at him. “You didn’t hurt me. I asked you to mark me, and you did.”

Now just embarrassed that she’d let herself get carried away with the moment, she relaxed against his chest and rested her head on his shoulder. Adjusting her legs, incredibly she found Leif’s cock still thick and hard inside her. She squeezed her inner walls around him, and he moaned. He’d come twice. It shouldn’t be possible.

“Don’t get too comfortable there,” he said. “I’m not finished yet.”

She sat back up. “I don’t know if I can a third time.”

“Yes, you can.”

Bending his head to one of her breasts, he circled her nipple with his tongue before taking it inside his mouth. He sucked on it while he held onto her hips and slowly raised and lowered her on his shaft. He continued to do it until she moaned.

Releasing her nipple with a pop, Leif lifted her off him, turned her so she was on the bed on all fours, and moved to kneel behind her. “I’m going to take you this way to truly make you mine.”

He bent over her and nipped the back of her neck as the head of his cock nudged at her pussy. Straightening, he pushed forward, sinking his shaft inside her. Jaden gasped.

He was in so deep she swore she felt him at the back of her throat. Then he started to move. Holding onto her hips, keeping her right where he wanted her, he surged into her with powerful strokes. Leif seemed to growl with each exhale he made. Jaden’s pussy coiled tighter as the desire she felt grew stronger.

She fisted the sheets under her hands, pushing backwards to meet him. The orgasm she thought she wouldn’t be able to have tore through her when Leif reached around her and stroked her clit with his finger. Whimpering his name, Jaden vaguely heard him howl like a wolf when he came.

Satiated and worn out from the intense sex she’d just had, Jaden let Leif lower her to her side so her back was pressed to his chest. Her last thought before sleep claimed her was that Leif’s cock was still hard, keeping their bodies joined.
