
For providing the time and space to write, I am indebted to the Yukon Arts Council, Belinda Smith, Max Fraser, and most particularly Pierre Berton for my residency at Berton House, Dawson City. For my year as writer-in-residence, my thanks to Champlain College at Trent University, its students, and its Masters during my stay, Martin Boyne and Stephen Brown.

The Ontario Arts Council, the Toronto Arts Council, and the Canada Council for the Arts are enthusiastically thanked for grants provided during the writing of this book.

Portions of the novel have been previously published in different form in Carousel and The New Quarterly. I am grateful to the editors there, namely Mary Merikle, Peter Hinchcliffe, and Kim Jernigan at The New Quarterly and Daniel Evans at Carousel for their supportive comments.

I am very much in debt to readers of earlier drafts: Andrew Hilton, Jennifer Warren, John Metcalf, Sean Kane, and first and last, Leah McLaren. Also, to the editorial intelligence of my agent, Anne McDermid, who provided helpful focus along the way.

For the editors who have worked on this book, much thanks to Jacob Hoye, Mari Evans, and particularly to Iris Tupholme and Karen Hanson here at home.

And finally to Leah McLaren, for a whole lot of patience and various life-saving moments.


February 1999
