Chapter Three Friendship Forest

“They’re the animals of Friendship Forest,” said a voice.

The girls turned around, trying to work out where the voice had come from. To their astonishment, they saw that the golden cat had reappeared. Standing upright on her hind legs, she reached almost to the girls’ shoulders—and she was smiling at them! Jess noticed that she had a glittery scarf looped around her neck, too.

After a few moments, Jess found her voice. “You can talk,” she said, shaking her head in amazement. “And you’ve grown!”

The cat laughed, her green eyes sparkling. “Actually, you two have shrunk! You became smaller when you stepped through the door in the tree,” she said.

“Oh, so that’s what the tingling feeling was!” said Jess.

The cat nodded. “My name’s Goldie. Welcome to Friendship Forest, Jess and Lily!”

Lily gasped. “You know our names!”

Goldie nodded. “I couldn’t talk to you in your world,” she explained, “but I understood what you were saying. All the animals here walk upright and talk, just like me.”

The girls gazed around in delight. “A forest full of talking animals,” said Lily. “This is amazing!”

Goldie put her paws to her mouth and called, “Come out, everyone! Meet Jess and Lily!”

A little door between two tree roots opened and a mole peeked out. From another door came a squirrel wearing a bowtie. His tail swished as he hopped over to the girls. Door after door opened and more animals appeared, gathering around Lily and Jess.

“I’m Harry Prickleback,” said a little hedgehog as he waddled out from a clump of cotton candy flowers.

“It’s lovely to meet you,” said Lily, bending down to tickle Harry’s nose and making him giggle. She could hardly believe she was talking to a hedgehog!

A kitten wearing a backpack scampered over. “I’m Bella Tabbypaw,” she said. “What kind of animal are you? You’re too tall to be a rabbit and you haven’t got any wings, so I don’t think you’re birds...”

“We’re girls!” Jess stroked Bella under her soft chin. She could feel the rumble of her purr.

“None of the animals have seen people before,” Goldie explained. “That’s why they were hiding.”

A bird almost as tall as the girls flapped down from a tree. “Captain Ace, at your service,” he said. He wore a flying helmet with a badge reading ACE AIR TRAVEL and raised one wing in a salute.

“He’s a stork!” Lily whispered to Jess. Jess saluted Ace back.

Two rabbits came out of the Toadstool Café, one in a waiter’s jacket and one brushing flour from her apron. “Well, I say, how lovely to meet you!” said the waiter. “We’re Mr. and Mrs. Longwhiskers.”

Running out behind them came a young rabbit with a purple ribbon around her neck. She was so small that Lily thought she’d fit in the palm of one hand.

“I’m Lucy Longwhiskers,” the rabbit said in a rush. “You’re really tall. How old are you? Do you live in Friendship Forest like me? How—”

Goldie interrupted her with a laugh. “This is Lily and Jess’s first visit to Friendship Forest. Would you like to help me show them around?”

Lucy gave a happy squeak. “Can I? Can I?” she asked her mom and dad.

“Of course,” said Mrs. Longwhiskers. “Stay close to Goldie, and don’t get into any trouble!”

The animals bustled around as the girls waved good-bye.

“Bye!” squawked Captain Ace. “Come back soon!”

The girls glanced excitedly at each other as they set off through the trees with Goldie and Lucy. Sweet scents drifted up from the flowers and beads of dew twinkled on the mossy ground like tiny stars.

“You’ve been at Helping Paw before, haven’t you, Goldie?” asked Lily as they walked. “We both recognized you. Why did you bring us here?”

“Ever since I was a tiny kitten, I’ve been able to go between Friendship Forest and your world,” Goldie explained. “I was in your world when I hurt my paw, and a kind lady took me to your wildlife hospital.”

Goldie told Lucy how Lily and Jess had looked after her while she recovered.

Lucy’s eyes were wide and shining. “That was so kind! I’m happy that you’re in Friendship Forest.” She bounded on ahead.

“I never forgot you,” Goldie said. “I’ve always thought that if I needed help, I could call on you two.”

“Are you in trouble, Goldie?” Jess asked. “What’s wrong?”

“I think Friendship Forest is in danger.” Goldie lowered her voice so Lucy wouldn’t hear. “A few days ago, I was on my way home with a basket full of berries when I saw a tall woman in a cloak walking through the trees. I was about to say hello, but then she stopped to pick a flower. Its pretty yellow petals went gray, then it turned to dust in her hand!”

Lily gasped. “How horrible! But who was she?”

“I don’t know.” Goldie’s whiskers trembled. “I’m worried she might harm Friendship Forest.”

A shiver ran through Jess. They couldn’t let that happen!

“Don’t worry, Goldie,” Jess said. “If this stranger tries anything, we’ll stop her.”

“You can count on us!” Lily said.

“Thank you,” said Goldie, reaching up to hold the girls’ hands in each of her forepaws. “Here we are! Welcome to my home!”
