Chapter Eight Watch Out, Grizelda!

The orb of light burst into a storm of angry yellow sparks that faded to reveal Grizelda. Her green hair flicked and twisted like snakes.

Lucy dived back beneath the bush, but Jess, Lily, and Goldie stood their ground.

“Don’t think that you’ve defeated me!” the witch screeched. “You’ve stopped the Boggits this time, but I’ll find a way to take Friendship Forest for myself!”

Jess’s legs were trembling, but she stepped forward. “It won’t work, Grizelda,” she said. “Whatever you try, we’ll stop you!”

Grizelda stooped down low and narrowed her eyes. When she spoke, Jess could feel her cold breath. “Two girls and a cat are no match for me,” she hissed. “You better watch out!”

She snapped her fingers and disappeared in another flash of sparks.

After a moment’s silence, Lily spoke. “Actually, it’s Grizelda who better watch out.”

Jess nodded. “We’ll help keep Friendship Forest safe, Goldie.”

The cat slipped a paw into each of their hands. “I knew I was right about you two,” she said, smiling. “Come on, let’s take Lucy home.”

“And the Boggits ran away, covered in petals,” said Jess, finishing the story of their adventure to all the animals at the Toadstool Café.

Mr. and Mrs. Longwhiskers pulled Lucy into a hug. “Thank you so much for rescuing her,” Mr. Longwhiskers cried.

“Hooray for Goldie and the girls!” chanted Harry Prickleback and Bella Tabbypaw. “They stopped the witch!”

The other animals joined in while Captain Ace the stork flew a loop-the-loop above them.

Mrs. Longwhiskers disappeared into the café to make a celebration dinner, while Mr. Longwhiskers asked about the poor Blossom Briar.

“In time, its blossoms will grow back,” Goldie said. “I’m afraid some of the flowers in the forest have been damaged, but most of them are safe.”

After a little while, Mrs. Longwhiskers called, “Dinner’s ready!”

The café tables were laden with delicious food. Mr. Longwhiskers poured blackberry juice and strawberry soda into acorn cups. They ate honey sandwiches and rolls filled with watercress, cherry tomatoes, and sweet radishes. Next were slices of iced seed cake with cherries on top. Mrs. Longwhiskers said that the cakes were only cookie-size for Lily and Jess, so they could have a whole one each!

Just as they were feeling full, Captain Ace spluttered into his cup of strawberry soda. He’d spotted Mr. Cleverfeather coming out through the trees. “Well, I never!” the captain said. “We hardly ever see Mr. Cleverfeather these days!”

“A big cheer for Mr. Cleverfeather and his leaf blower,” shouted Jess. “Hip, hip...”


Jess gave the leaf blower back to Mr. Cleverfeather, and the old owl pressed the button by mistake, showering Lucy with cake crumbs.

“I say,” said Mr. Cleverfeather. “I do, er—”

“Jolly pies!” said Goldie, and everyone laughed while Lucy nibbled at the crumbs. Lily gave the owl a plate of sandwiches and seed cake.

“What a day!” Jess said, munching on her cake.

“It was amazing,” agreed Lily. “But I think my mom will be wondering where we are. It’s time for us to go home.”

They said good-bye and Goldie led them to a beautiful tree with golden leaves close to Toadstool Glade.

“This is the Friendship Tree,” Goldie said. When she touched a paw to the trunk a door appeared, just like the one in Brightley Meadow.

Lily looked serious. “Goldie, I think Grizelda meant what she said. She won’t stop trying to make the animals leave the forest.”

Goldie sighed. “You’re right,” she said. “She’ll find another way to harm the forest. Maybe she’ll attack the Silver Spring, where the river starts, or the Treasure Tree, where we get our food...”

“Then we’ll stop her,” said Jess fiercely. “We promise!”

Goldie hugged each of the girls. “Thank you,” she said. “As soon as Grizelda makes trouble again, I’ll come and find you.”

Lily opened the door in the tree.

“Good-bye, Goldie!” the girls chorused. “See you soon!”

They stepped into shimmering golden light. As it cleared, they found themselves back in Brightley Meadow.

“Did that really happen?” asked Lily.

“I think so,” said Jess.

They glanced back. The door had disappeared, but they could still make out the letters carved into the tree trunk.

“It wasn’t a dream,” Lily murmured. “Friendship Forest is real.”

“It must be so late,” said Jess, checking her watch. She frowned. “Hey! It’s the same time as when we left!”

Lily stared. “So time stood still while we were in Friendship Forest? Cool! Listen, Jess,” she said. “Should we keep this our secret?”

“Of course!” said Jess. “Our very own magic animal friends. Who would believe us, anyway?”

They laughed and skipped over the stepping-stones, back to the wildlife hospital. As they walked through the gate, Lily’s mom waved at them.

“Having a good morning?” she asked.

“Yes, thanks,” said Lily. “The best start to the summer ever. So far it’s been—” She looked at Jess.

They giggled and said together, “Magical!”

The End
