Chapter Sixteen

Georgia paced back and forth. She’d bumped in to so many things at this point she was sure both of her legs were covered in bruises. Her stomach was upset with worry for Kish. Had Brady made it to him in time? Was he okay? Would he come back for her?

She remembered the key code for the door, but there was no way in hel she was going to try to find her way back to Kish’s by herself unless there was no other choice.

She’d decided to give him until morning, wel, midmorning, considering the late hour they’d made it to the shelter. After that, al bets were off. She wasn’t sitting out here for days by herself wondering what had happened. Besides, she had to make sure Lucy was taken care of and get in touch with Henry and Joey or they’d be worried sick over her.

As the minutes turned into hours, her upset stomach turned into one big knot of nerves. The thought of losing Kish was heartbreaking. She didn’t want to spend the rest of her life without him. She’d known him for such a short amount of time, yet it felt like a lifetime. Was that how it worked when fate intervened and sent you your soul mate? She couldn’t deny her attraction to him, the way her body responded to him, the way her heart fluttered in joy for him.

The logical side of her brain told her that the chemistry between them would wear off, but her heart, her soul, knew the truth. Kish was made for her, as she had been for him. She’d never believed she could feel a connection this strong for someone until it had actualy happened. Yet there were so many things that could potentialy keep them apart.

She snorted. “You mean the fact that he’s a lycan?”

It would take her some time to accept the fact that he was a werewolf. Her mind, once again, fought against the idea that things such as lycans existed. At times, she expected to wake up and find that this was al a dream. But it wasn’t, and she would figure out a way to understand it, to embrace it. If she didn’t, there would be no hope for her and Kish.

She would take this one step at a time. She’d work on the acceptance and understanding first.

Those two things would have to be resolved before she could come close to contemplating the next step.

Becoming what Kish was. She shut the door on that subject as soon as it had entered her mind. The thought of it terrified her, but she was certain it was because she hadn’t a clue about lycans or what being one entailed.

She swung around when the click of the door alerted her to someone’s presence. Her heart beat in frantic jumps of anticipation. “Who’s there?”

When big, familiar arms came around her, she flung herself against him. “Kish!”

He chuckled. “I’m happy to see you too, sweetheart.”

He dipped his head down and took her lips in a kiss that ended too soon, a kiss that made her long for more.

An unfamiliar scent hit her and she frowned.

“Who’s with you?”

“Brady, and something else we found in the woods.”

“The name’s Wade.”

“Don’t talk to her. You aren’t good enough to do so,” Brady’s voice came in a menacingly hushed tone.

“What happened? Is everything okay now?”

“Wade is going to stay here until Brady finds his sister. If she’s okay, I’m going to make arrangements to get him some help.”

“Is he hurt?”

“Yeah, but not in the way you think. His problems are al mental at this point.”

“Oh.” She frowned. “Why don’t you help Brady find his sister? I’l be okay.”

“No. I’m not leaving you at the house by yourself until I know this mess is cleaned up.” Kish cupped her cheek and stroked his thumb over her skin.

“Come on. I’m taking you home.”

“Oh. You’re taking me back to Henry and Joey then?”

“No, I meant I’m taking you home to my house.”

Kish bent and brushed his lips over hers. “My home is your home.”

She smiled and hugged him to her. She squeaked in alarm when he scooped her up. “Kish!”

“The snow is stil deep, sweetheart. I’m carrying you.”

She wanted to argue, but the warmth of his chest as she pressed against him halted her tongue. Maybe being carried wasn’t such a bad idea after al.

“I want to know as soon as you find your sister,”

Kish caled over his shoulder after taking a few steps.

“Wil do,” Brady answered.

“Thank you for helping Kish, Brady,” Georgia said.

“Don’t thank me. I don’t deserve it after what I almost did,” he muttered in response.

She didn’t agree, but thought it a good idea to keep that opinion to herself at the moment. Emotions were stil too raw for that particular conversation.

She sighed as she snuggled against Kish. Brady folowed them out, and the beep of the key code told her Wade had been effectively imprisoned. While she thought that caling the police to deal with Wade would be a good idea, she was pretty sure that wasn’t an option in this situation. She’d ask Kish about it later.

“I’l take care of Mike,” Brady murmured.

“No, I’l take care of him later,” Kish said.

“Mike?” she asked somewhat dazedly as she felt herself drifting to sleep pressed against Kish’s warmth.

“Nothing for you to worry about, sweetheart.”

That was the last thing she remembered before faling asleep.

“Wake up, sweetheart.”

Georgia slowly came out of a deep sleep. She was stil groggy and stretched. When she did so, her hand encountered Kish’s chest, and her toes, Lucy.

“Hi, you two. I don’t remember much after leaving the shelter. I must have falen asleep on you.” She smiled. She was in a nice, soft bed.

“Your friend is on the phone. Henry, I think. He’d like to talk to you.”

“What time is it?”

“About noon,” Kish said.

His fingers came to her face and gently stroked her cheek. She leaned into the caress, relishing the feel of his warm skin.

“Oh! Noon. Henry and Joey must be worried out of their minds. I told them I’d cal them this morning.”

She pushed the covers off and scurried to get out of bed, but her foot got tangled in the sheets. She careened toward the floor, but was caught by strong hands.

“Careful,” Kish whispered next to her ear.

Shivers slid deliciously down her spine. His breath was warm against her lobe and she ached to kiss him.

He helped her to her feet and she made her way to the living room to take the phone cal.

“Hi, Henry.”

“Hi, Henry? Georgia, we were worried sick about you. You said you’d cal this morning.”

Joey was muttering something in the background about people who were never on time, but she ignored him.

“I’m sorry. Some things have come up here, though, and I got sidetracked.” She wished she’d had some time to come up with a story that was close to the truth that she could tel her friends.

While she hadn’t asked Kish, she was certain that teling others about the existence of lycans was not something done lightly. She’d never do anything that involved Kish’s secret without talking to him first.

“Hold on a minute, Henry.” She covered the mouthpiece with her hand. “Are we going to be able to get into town to get Henry and Joey today?”

“Yes. We can leave right away if you like. I’d prefer if you could convince them to stay at my place for at least another day or two to make sure the roads down are safe enough to travel on.”

She nodded. “Henry, we are coming to pick you and Joey up. I’l be ready to go in a half hour. Kish says we can al stay here until the roads are safe. I’l see you soon. Okay?”

“Okay. See you in a couple of hours.”



When she turned to thank Kish for his hospitality, the words were lost when his hard mouth came down on hers. Her hand went around his neck, and his traveled down and around to cup her ass. His tongue dove inside her mouth, and she moaned when his taste hit her. He eased her back until she came into contact with the kitchen counter where he promptly picked her up and deposited her.

His fingers glided up her sides then around to her breasts. She puled her hands from around his neck and used them to support herself on the counter as she leaned back. He slipped one hand under the hem of her shirt and groaned when he cupped one bare breast.

“You are so soft.” He flicked her peaked nipple.

“You are so responsive to my touch. And I can’t tel you how happy I am that you don’t have a bra on.”

She moaned as he roled the tip of her nipple between his fingers before gently plucking it then kneading her breast. She reached one hand in front of her and found his hard cock straining against denim.

“I don’t think I’m the only responsive one,” she said hoarsely.

He growled, pushed her shirt up, dipped his head, and sucked a nipple deep into his mouth. She cried out and curled her fingers through his short hair to hold him against her. Heat rushed and pooled low in her bely. The fury of want for this man tumbled tumultuously inside her, threatening to rip her to shreds if she didn’t have him inside her soon.

His hands trailed down to the tops of her thighs while his mouth, lips, and tongue continued assaulting her breasts and nipples in the most delicious way. His long fingers splayed across the insides of her knees and pushed her legs apart so he could step between them and drag her against him.

She rubbed against his hard cock, and even through the fabric of their clothes, the friction on her clit drove her insane with need. His mouth slammed down on hers once again, and he thrust against her in unison with the each stroke of his tongue. The pressure built inside her with each shove of his hips, and her fingers found his back where her nails dug into the hard muscles through his shirt. She had a nearly uncontrolable urge to rip it off him, but instead found the hem of the fabric and shoved her hands underneath.

His skin was smooth, flawless, and covered a beautifuly sculpted back. As she stroked him, she felt the edge of scars on his right side. Her heart stuttered. What had happened to him to cause scarring over so much of his body? She explored further and caressed the scars with care. How he must have suffered. She shivered, and he immediately straightened. The sudden retreat of his hands, body, and mouth made her want to cry out in frustration of the loss.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t do anything about them. I know they are ugly, but—”

“I don’t think they are ugly, Kish.”


“I wasn’t thinking they were ugly. I was upset at the thought of how much you must have suffered.

Scars are only the battle wounds of life.”

“If you say so,” he said.

“Tel me, if I were to have our child and got stretch marks, would you consider them ugly?”

He sucked in a sharp breath then cupped her face with his hands. “The only thing I would think about any marks that might be left on your body from having our child would be that they were beautiful.

Every time I saw them, I would be reminded of the wonderful gift you’d given me.”

“Then why is it so hard for you to believe that I only see your scars as a trial of your life that you survived? A trial that made you stronger, that helped carve you into the man you are today.”

“It’s not the same.”

“It’s exactly the same.” Silence greeted her, and she wondered if she’d ever be able to convince him that she didn’t think his scars were ugly. If anything, they were sexy as hel because they showed her how strong her man was. She sighed. “Tel me what happened?”

Silence. Maybe she would have to try a different tactic to get his attention. She reached out and found the top snap on his jeans. She puled it open then unzipped the zipper. The long breath that hissed between his lips told her that she’d definitely regained his attention. She groaned when she found his hard cock waiting to pop out unhindered by underwear.

He sprang out into her hand, and she gently squeezed him.

He growled—she loved it when he growled—and thrust against her. She stroked him slowly from base to tip, repeated the action before palming his bals, then started over. He leaned forward and placed his hands on the counter beside each of her legs while she continued her seduction.

“Tel me what happened, Kish,” she whispered before kissing his neck.

“I was young.” He grunted as he thrust against her.

She kissed his neck again and increased the pressure on his cock as she continued to stroke him.

“Rogues invaded our smal pack one night while the adults were out hunting. Did I mention that they love to torture things, people, everything they can get there hands on?”

She felt the anguish building in her chest at the awfulness she knew was coming. It was somewhat counteracted by the fact that she was giving him pleasure. He thrust against her harder and harder, and she let her hand glide over him as he pumped against her. The slick pre cum had oozed from the head of his cock and eased the passage through her tight grip.

She rested her head against his chest and panted with the excitement of knowing she could please this virile, predatory male.

“Go on, baby,” she said through clenched teeth while she held back her moans, not wanting to distract him in any way.

His thrusting increased in speed, and she knew it wouldn’t be long until he found his release. Pleasing him and him finaly confiding in her was a heady mix of euphoria she could not explain. She didn’t enjoy hearing about his pain, but her heart soared at the profoundness of this moment. He was entrusting her with information about his past, information she’d bet her life he hadn’t shared with another woman. And he was doing so while she brought him pleasure. It was a beautiful moment in time she’d never forget.

He growled, brought one hand up, and threaded his fingers through the hair at her nape while he held her tightly to him and continued pumping his hips against her hand.

“The adults had started a fire before they’d gone hunting. Long story short, the rogues thought it would be amusing to toss me into the fire and see how long it would take me to burn.”

She cried out in shock, and he grunted before his hips bucked and his hot seed spiled over her hand.

Before she could say a word, his mouth claimed hers again in a savage, searing, soul-stealing kiss that took the breath from her very lungs. By the time he stepped back, she thought she might pass out from lack of oxygen.

She felt him reach for something before he covered her hands with a cloth and cleaned them for her.

Afterward, he put his forehead against hers. “I need to make love to you so badly right now.” His hoarse whisper tore at her heart.

“I want that too, Kish, but we have to pick up Henry and Joey.”

“Can’t they wait for a day or two?”

She laughed. “As much as I’d like to say yes, I can’t. They’d be worried and completely furious with me. They are my best friends. I can’t do that to them.”

He sighed. “Okay. But tonight, after they go to bed, I’m having my wicked way with you.” He kissed her. His tongue slid inside her mouth and he lazily tasted her. “Are you a screamer, my little Georgia?”

She gasped. “No.”

“I guess that’s good in the way that you wouldn’t want your friends to know what we are doing tonight, but bad because I intend to prove you wrong. I intend to have you screaming my name over and over before the night is over.”

Heat rushed her cheeks. “Kish!”


He hungrily kissed her again before helping her down off the counter. Her tummy did flip-flops of anticipation the whole time she was getting ready. The anticipation didn’t let up during the long trip to town as she sat plastered against Kish, the heat of his big body radiating into her the whole way never letting her forget for a moment how much she wanted him.
