Chapter Nine

Janine was cooking dinner in the small, but well-stocked kitchen when she glanced at the front door for what felt like the hundredth time. Raze had been gone for hours. She hadn’t meant to hurt him, and had done a lot of thinking since he’d left. He was right. He was nothing like the men who’d kidnapped her. If they’d found out he hadn’t been doing what they’d instructed him to do to her, she was pretty sure he’d have been killed. She shivered. No telling what would have been done to her in that case.

He’d risked his life to save her, and she’d thanked him by calling him a monster. He was more of a man than most. In fact, she wasn’t sure another man existed who would have done what Raze had done for her. While she couldn’t deny her attraction to him or the fact that she wanted to make love with him, she was still unsure of herself and the situation she’d been dragged into.

Could she really accept that he was a werewolf? What would she do if he changed in front of her? She’d about had a panic attack when Damon had changed in front of her, and she’d barely caught a glimpse of it. The contemplation of him changing her terrified her on a level she couldn’t fathom at this point in time, although the thought of her leg being completely healed did hold some appeal to her. She’d suffered so much from her injury, and still did.

She mixed the spaghetti sauce and tasted it. “Mmmm.”

“Smells good.”

She dropped the ladle in the pot of sauce and spun around to find Raze leaning against the jamb of the open front door. “I didn’t hear you. How long have you been there?”

“Long enough to see that you were in deep thought. I didn’t want to interrupt.” He smiled and closed the door before walking over to stand next to her.

He looked down at the pot of sauce and licked his lips after sniffing at the contents.

She laughed when his stomach rumbled. “Want to try a bite?”

He nodded, and she dipped a spoon into the sauce and blew on it to cool it before handing it to him. Instead of taking the spoon, he wrapped his fingers around her hand and drew it to his mouth where he licked at the dark red liquid.

He groaned and closed his eyes. “That is so good.”

“I’ve made lots so I hope you are hungry.”

“I am.”

She put two plates and bowls on the table, and took the breadsticks from the oven. “It’s all ready. We’ll do it buffet style, if you don’t mind. Grab a plate and get what you want.”

“You first.” He gave her a mock bow.

He waited as she scooped some noodles onto her plate, covered them in the sauce, and took one breadstick. He piled enough on his plate to feed three people, added four breadsticks, and followed her to the table.

She grinned at him. “I guess you are hungry.”

They ate in silence, and toward the end of the meal, she felt compelled to apologize to him for what she’d said earlier. “Raze, I—”

“Let’s just forget about earlier, okay?” He put his fork down and watched her.

“Okay, but I just want to say I’m sorry.” He had a tiny drop of sauce on the corner of his mouth, and she imagined licking it off. She pushed the image from her mind and squirmed in her seat.

“Apology accepted. Now let’s move on.” He drank the glass of ice water she’d made for him and sopped up the rest of the sauce on his plate with his last breadstick before helping her clean up. “Would you like to take a walk?

It’s starting to get dark, but we have a little light time left. It might be the last night that will be safe for you to be out for awhile.”

She knew that it was only a matter of time until Damon found them, but she was certain that tonight would not be the night Damon caught up with them as Raze would never put her in harm’s way. “That would be nice.

Thank you.”

He held out his hand, and she hesitantly took it and let him lead her out the front door and toward a narrow path that led into the woods. She was glad that she’d taken the time earlier to take a shower, brush her teeth and hair, and put on a fresh change of clothes. When they’d arrived earlier, with everything else going on, she’d completely forgotten she had her bags in the back of the Jeep she’d packed for her ill-fated vacation. She’d gone to the car while Raze had been gone and carried the bags in.

She’d peeled the shirt, jeans, underwear and bra she’d been wearing for days off and had chucked them in the garbage. She never wanted to see the horrible outfit that reminded her of Damon again, but that outfit reminded her of Raze too. In the end, she’d decided she didn’t want any memory of Raze tainted by Damon and left the garments in the trash. As they walked deeper into the woods, the chill in the air made her shiver.

“Damn it. I’m sorry. I forget that you don’t run as hot as I do. We’ll go back.” He tugged at her hand.

“No. I’m okay.” She smiled when he looked down at her with a frown.


“You tell me if you get too cold. I don’t want you to get sick.” He sighed, put his arm around her shoulders and tucked her next to his side.

She sighed when heat radiated off him and soaked into her. He was like a furnace. She looked around at the enormous trees, and marveled at the beautiful fall colors of the leaves. Green, gold, red, and brown ones hung from the limbs and crunched under her feet.

“It’s beautiful. I’ve always loved the fall.” She liked rich colors and the cool fall air.

He stopped and leaned his back against a thick tree trunk. He pulled her to him, and wrapped his arms around her. “You’re beautiful.”

She started to protest and he laid one long finger over her lips. “No.

Don’t argue with me. I’m many things, but I’m not a liar. If I say something, I mean it.”

She could feel the heat in her cheeks and knew they were burning red.

She looked down at the ground, and he pushed her chin up so she was looking him in the eyes. There was a slight glow to them, and after what he’d told her earlier, she knew what that glow meant. She sucked in a sharp breath. He wanted her.

He tilted his head slowly toward her, giving her all of the time in the world to stop him, but she didn’t want to. She wanted him to kiss her. All rational thoughts were chased away from her mind by the inferno he caused inside her when he reached for her. His lips touched hers, and he growled a low rumbling sound that turned her knees to mashed potatoes. She parted her lips and met his tongue with her own as it slid into her mouth. He tasted spicy, exotic, and wild.

He tasted of sex and all the forbidden things you shouldn’t want but did anyway. She wound her arms around his neck and pressed close to his hard body, and wasn’t embarrassed even a tiny bit when his erection nudged at her belly. He reached down and cupped the cheeks of her butt, and she actually felt tiny in his big hands.

He kneaded her rear, and she wiggled closer to him. She had a strange urge to climb him, but refrained from doing so. But, oh he was one mountain she wanted to conquer. He nibbled along her jaw and to her neck where he sniffed at her and growled again.

“You smell so good, and you taste even better.” He brought his mouth to her ear. “I long to taste you here.”

He cupped her between the legs, and she thought she’d faint from the heat that rushed through her and settled just under his hand. She cried out when he stroked her through her jeans. He unsnapped the top button and ran his hand under the waistband of the denim and her panties until his finger rested on her clit.

He applied pressure to her and her knees almost buckled when he moved his finger in light circles before dipping lower, lower into her wet heat. She clung to him while he slid into her, and rode his fingers until she was out of her mind with wanting him, and her orgasm nipped at her heels.

Just as she thought she’d tumble over the edge, he dropped to his knees and yanked her jeans down her legs, along with her panties. She gasped and looked down into gray eyes that glowed back at her. Her breath caught in her throat as his tongue flicked out and laved her clit. She squeezed her eyes shut when he put his mouth against her and stabbed his tongue deep. He sucked the small nub once, twice, and she tumbled over into heaven.

She quivered and shook as he ate at her, and her orgasm plowed through her, wave after wave. She clutched at his shoulders, and he held her upright since her rubbery legs were nearly useless. She cried out over and over with each lick, each nibble, until glorious weakness washed through her.

He pulled her panties up and paused to press a kiss against the fabric just under her belly button. “Hot pink looks real good on you, Janine.”

Her knees weakened more at his compliment, and he helped her get her jeans righted and scooped her up into his arms. He claimed her mouth in another sizzling, lazy, deep kiss, and started back toward the cabin.

“You taste like heaven. I could spend my entire life on my knees in front of you.”

Her toes nearly curled at the thought of him doing just that, and she laid her head against his shoulder, listening to the steady beat of his heart. He sat her down once they made it inside the cabin and toed the door shut.

He cupped her face between his hands. “I want to make love to you. Will you let me?”

She did want him to, and for this one moment in time, she wanted something for herself. She didn’t want to worry about what she should be doing to make sure she and her sister got by, or what she shouldn’t be doing because she had responsibilities. She didn’t want to think about what he was.

Right now, he was a man, a man that she wanted more than anything.

“Yes,” she whispered hoarsely.

He led her to the bedroom that was at the end of the hall. Thankfully, it had a queen sized bed, which was about all it had room for. He pulled his shirt off, let it fall to the floor and her breath hitched in her throat.

“You are breathtaking.” She reached out and traced along each shoulder down to his pecs and further down across his rock hard abs.

He was amazing, absolutely stunning to look at. His skin was flawless and had a deep, golden tone. His chest was sprinkled in short blonde hairs that matched the hair on his head, and a thicker patch gathered below his navel and ran in a straight line that disappeared under his jeans. She licked her lips and looked up into his glowing eyes.

He tugged her shirt over her head and groaned. He traced the lacy cup of her bra with his index finger. “Hot pink too,” he murmured. He reached behind her and unclasped her bra, and she quickly covered herself with her arms. “Don’t.” He smiled and encircled her wrists with his fingers and tugged until she exposed herself to him. He groaned. “Damn.”

He cupped each breast in his hands and kneaded them gently, flicking the pebbled nipples with his fingers. She sighed and leaned into his touch as he bent his head and sucked one tip into his mouth. She clasped the back of his head, urging him closer, urging him to continue caressing her with his mouth and tongue.

He kissed a path up and over her collarbone before standing. Reaching for the front of her jeans, he unsnapped the top and slid the zipper down. He took her mouth in another kiss as he pushed the denim down her legs. When he stepped back she stood before him in her panties. She fought the urge to cover herself again, but the way he looked at her stopped her from doing so.

He looked at her with those gorgeous, glowing eyes as if he really did think she was beautiful. He made her feel sexy, and she rarely felt sexy. She boldly reached for him, and traced the line of hair under his navel to the top of his jeans. His body was hard under her touch. Where she was soft and curvy, he was muscled and firm. She ran her finger under the waistband and he groaned.

He hooked his thumbs in the denim, worked them down his legs and kicked them off along with his boots. Her breathing nearly ceased as his erection sprang free from a nest of short, golden curls. He was big, really big.

She’d only been with one other guy, and he hadn’t come close to the size Raze was. She licked her lips as she continued her perusal of his astonishing body. His thighs were powerful and dusted with the same golden hair.

They reached for each other at the same time and he tumbled her onto the bed where he blanketed her. He was heavy, but kept enough of his weight off her so as not to crush her. She felt safe, protected . . . wanton, naughty. He brought out a wicked side of her she hadn’t known existed. He fisted a handful of her hair, gently tugged her head to the side, and exposed her neck. He nibbled at the delicate skin, and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

He ran his other hand down her side, over the curve of her hip, along her thigh and around to her knee. His fingers left a trail of fire on her skin, and she ached for him.

“Raze.” She panted his name.

“I wanted to take this slow, but I need you so bad.” His voice was gravelly, almost laced with pain.

Before she could answer, he flipped her onto her stomach, yanked her panties down her legs, and spread her arms wide on either side of her head where he pinned each wrist to the mattress. He kneed her thighs wide, and positioned the tip of his cock at her opening. She was wet, and she tried to push back onto him, knowing he’d slide in with ease. He growled, and pulled her up on her knees until her back was pressed against his chest. His arms wrapped tightly around her stomach, and he thrust up and buried himself in her with one smooth stroke.

She cried out as he stretched her. Tears sprang to her eyes as her body tried to adjust around him, and he stilled.

“Are you okay?” His words came in a tortured gasp.

“Yes. You’re just so big.”

“And you’re just so tight. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

After a few minutes, her body adjusted to his size and another ache throbbed in her, an ache that had nothing to do with physical pain, and everything to do with wanting him to stay inside her forever. “It’s all right.”

She pushed her hips back, and as impossible as it seemed, he grew harder, longer inside her.

He rested his head against her shoulder and slowly pulled out of her until the tip of his cock rested inside her, and thrust hard again. They cried out together and he pulled out and slammed home again, and repeated the motion. He plunged into her over and over, going deeper each time as she angled her hips down in invitation of his welcomed invasion.

She panted with every slam of his hips, and he bit down on her neck.

Suddenly, fear rushed her from every direction, drowning out the wildfire he’d started in her. “No!”

He froze, but refused to release her when she struggled against him.

“What’s wrong, Janine?” The warm breath of his strained words tickled the moist skin of her neck.

“You bit me!” She thrashed hard now, fighting with all of her strength to break free of his hold, but he held her to him with infinite ease, infinite ease that angered her. “Let me go!”

“Stop it.”

“No.” She struggled until she went limp against him in an exhausted heap.
