Chapter Four - Visions Do Exist - My Explanation

This they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

(Genesis 11:6)

Visions are real - they do exist.

Visions originate in intelligent brains.

Every intelligent brain has the prerequisites for creating visions.

The impulse for producing visions is of extraterrestrial origin.

Religious visions originate through an ideal that the visionary has within him and is suggested by his religious environment.

Do these theses of mine conceal a mass of contradictions? It might appear so at first sight. But in order to provide proofs for my theses, I must build on the basis of my theory.

Present-day astrophysics puts forward three theories of the origin of the universe [1]: the Big Bang theory, the Steady State theory and the Oscillation theory. None of these three (or other) theories on the origin of the world explains where the mysterious original matter of the whole universe comes from and what was present before it came into being. Nothing originates from nothing.

Just as it does not matter for my thesis which of these theories may ultimately turn out to be valid, it is also unimportant to me whether the origin of the universe dates back five, ten or twenty milliard years, or whether matter is finite or infinite, or whether it constantly renews itself. My question is: what did original matter originate from?

In public discussions I have made use of a graphic image to explain my views on this question in simple terms. I suggested that my hearers imagine a computer with a hundred milliard thought-units

(bits in computer jargon), a computer that can think, i.e. has a 'personal consciousness' (Professor Michie, Edinburgh University). This consciousness is attached to milliards of circuits: it would be destroyed if the computer exploded. Our computer is highly intelligent and capable of, ultra-rapid combinations. There is nothing it does not know.

In spite of its consciousness and omniscience the thinking computer is not 'happy', for in spite of its tremendous performance there is something it cannot think out, reckon out or work out, namely experience. But it wants to amass experience. As it has no rival of anything like the same calibre to obtain experience from, it decides to send the hundred milliard bits off its central body out to get information by exploding itself knowing perfectly well that it would definitely lose its personal consciousness by so doing ... if it had not in its insuperable cleverness programmed the future after its self-destruction long beforehand.

Before the bits are catapulted on their long journey to gain experience, the clever computer has programmed magnetic impulses inside them with the order to reassemble at x place at y time. When this hour strikes, the milliards of bits obediently return to the complicated machinery with its 'personal consciousness' and bring home experiences, like bees bringing honey to the hive.

From the moment of the explosion to the moment of the return no bit 'knew' that it was and would now be again a minute part of a larger consciousness. If a single bit with its minimal capacity for thought could ask the question: 'What is the purpose of my breakneck journey?' or 'Who created me, where do I come from?', there would be no answer. Thus the tremendous journey was the beginning and end of an act, a kind of 'creation' of consciousness multiplied by the factor EXPERIENCE.

This bold comparison from the arsenal of science-fiction is meant as an aid in tracking down the phenomenon which existed before original matter. Terrible simplificateur! I beg your pardon, but it gets us a little further.

All human traditions assure us that 'spirit' (or the comprehensive synonym 'God') was 'there' before any beginning, i.e. before the origin of matter. The (original) spirit then decided to become matter, to transform itself. (... and the word was made flesh ...) 'Spirit' is not tangible or measurable with instruments. How are we to imagine it? In a gaseous state? This is scarcely possible, gas molecules are already matter. Nevertheless, it is conceivable that 'spirit', that mysterious unknown IT, transformed itself into a gaseous aggregation during the first stage of its materialization.

This assumption no longer smacks of science-fiction, for every astrophysical theory of the origin of the universe begins with the gaseous state of the original matter - with gas molecules, which slowly and steadily combine to form lumps of matter. But if a gaseous state was the proven original state [2] of all matter and the original spirit, that simply means that all existing matter was permeated by the original spirit, a claim that is manifest in all theosophical and esoteric religions. Then, to put it crudely, matter would be crystallized sublimated spirit.

It makes no difference which kind of matter one thinks of -lava, rock, plants, animals or men - they ultimately all come from the same original state. It even makes no difference whether we postulate matter from our planet, Jupiter, Alpha Centauri or the Andromeda Nebule. Matter is creation per se and itself the product of creation.

Matter has transversed a million fold paths of evolution. A stone, product of the same origin and the same original state, can ask itself no questions. But life clearly develops from 'dead' matter, there is no longer the slightest academic doubt about that. Living matter, say a cell, develops over millions of years into complicated organisms. Development and reactions by organisms are governed by brains with their grey mass of mil-hardfold cells: they produce 'personal consciousness' by chemical and electrical conversions of matter. Intelligence does not appear until after the existence of personal consciousness which can ask questions. (Descartes: 'Cogito, ergo sum' - I think, therefore I am.)

So according to the history of evolution, intelligence is superior to any matter below its state of consciousness. Matter is dominated by it. Intelligence is more closely related to the original spirit than dead matter - intelligence can communicate with one another, they can ask questions at a high level:

'Who created me? What is the purpose and meaning of existence?' Pursuing my explanatory image: with their brains bits seek contact with the original consciousness, without understanding that they themselves are components of the consciousness. They may seek for the 'spirit', for the IT, synonym for creator or god, but they do not 'realize' that what they seek is around them and in them.

A fanciful idea?

I leave it to the scientists to answer that question.

* * *

Sir Arthur Eddington (1882-1944), English Astronomer and physicist, Director of the Cambridge Observatory, [3] discovered the pulsation theory of the Cephids. Eddington championed a 'selective subjectivism', of natural laws, in that he assumed that the basic physical laws are essentially determined by the structure of the process of knowledge and asserted that the matter of the world is the matter of the spirit.

The natural philosopher Bernhard Bavink (1879-1947), who strove to close the gap between natural science and religion, held the following view [4]: The material organization of the world appears to us today as perhaps the transient manifestation of an entirely spiritual concept.

Max Planck (1858-1947), who opened up new paths to physics with his quantum theory and won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1918, admitted: As a physicist, i.e. as a man who has devoted his life to the most matter of fact branch of science, namely, the investigation of matter, I am surely free of any suspicion of fanaticism. And so after my research into the atom I say this to you: there is no such thing as matter per ser All matter originates from and consists of a force which sets the atomic particles in oscillation and concentrates them into the minute solar system of the atom. But as there is neither an intelligence nor an internal force in the whole universe, we must assume a conscious intelligent spirit behind this force. This spirit is the basic principle of all matter ....

Sir James Hopwood Jeans (1877-1946), English mathematician, physicist and astronomer, who was mainly a pioneer in the fields of thermodynamics, stellar dynamics and cosmogony, was especially famous for his theory of the origin of the planets.[5] Sir James wrote: Today scholars are fairly unanimous and physicists almost completely unanimous in saying that the whole current of knowledge is moving in the direction of a non-mechanical kind of reality. The Universe gradually looks more like a great thought than a great machine.

If matter is a product of 'spirit' and vice-versa spirit a product of matter, are spirit and matter of the same nature only in a different state of aggregation? Fifty years ago people used to ask if energy could be converted into matter. Einstein's formula E = mc<2> gave the world-shattering answer. The hydrogen bomb was a proof that could not be overlooked or unheard. Might we ask today if

'crystallized' spirit can be set free? The analogical conclusion is obvious. Matter is just as much a form of energy as 'crystallized' spirit. Consequently spirit is simultaneously energy and energy simultaneously spirit. Consciousness, defined as undoubtedly related to the 'spirit', must be another (if as yet unknown) form of energy.

The Dutch physicist and mathematician Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695) is considered as the founder of the 'energy principle', according to which all the energy in the universe is constant and all forms of energy are convertible into each other.

Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894) and Albert Einstein (1879-1955) amplified this basic principle.

If we accept consciousness as a form of energy (and all current research supports this conclusion), then the proven energy principle can be applied to it, too. As the totality of all energy must remain constant, this (to me) conclusive line of proof means no more and no less than that consciousness is immortal!

Energy is never lost, cannot disappear, cannot die and cannot dissolve into the void - it is always converted into another form of energy.

Converted energy is not what it was before. In death consciousness loses its original energetic activity, is no longer 'consciousness', but converted energy. (Steam is another state of ice and ice is another state of water. Steam, ice and water are easily changed into one of the other forms, yet their effects are quite different from each other).

Is the ultima ratio, the last logical consequence that ALL is one and ONE is ALL? If that is so - and what contradicts this logic? - must it not be possible for the conscious intelligent form of energy to affect the unconscious? It is happening all round us at every minute with the help of technology and mechanics. When the lumberjack fells a tree, he applies his conscious intelligent energy to make the immovable tree fall. Through his conscious intelligent energy the smith uses other forms of energy

(fire, hammer, anvil) to force the iron into a new shape.

Conscious intelligent energy uses all the appropriate known ways of converting energy for the specific case. If mechanics and technology complete conversion processes as a matter of course without conscious intelligence, surely a conscious intelligent form of energy must be capable of causing the desired reactions in other forms of energy?

The above question is really superfluous because such reactions have been constantly produced in the history of humanity and still are today. There have always been men who tracked down the secrets which 'the energy-beast-brain' concealed and then, consciously or unconsciously, astonished their fellowmen by new knowledge and power which they used to help and advance them. But when such knowledge and power are used today to create new religions and 'freshen up' old ones, I call it the most infamous kind of modern gangsterism, because ruthless game is being played with ignorant people.

* * *

Dr. Albert Freiherr von Schrenck-Notzing (1862-1929) is considered to be the founder of parapsychology, which is so popular today. He knew perfectly well the attacks he was exposing himself to when he published his account of apparitions, which developed in the presence of a medium in the form of a cloud-like mass (tele or ectoplast). Dr. Schrenck-Notzing had himself co-operated in Rome and Paris in the exposure of charlatans, who feigned materializations by using concealed aids.

He knew all the tricks which self-styled mediums used to lead séance audiences up the garden path.

Eva C was the doctor's subject for observation. In 1909 séances were held in the Paris home of the dramatist Alexander Bisson (1848-1912). Several people participated, including doctors, as they did later in Munich and London. Eva C's clothing, as well as the lighting, door locks, composition of the walls etc., were constantly checked. Before they began Eva C showed herself in the nude. Madame Bisson gave her a gynaecological examination; her perineum and anus were explored. 'Before each séance the author examined the hair, nostrils (air was blown through them), the external ear channels, the oral orifices, teeth, armpits, feet, the state of hands and fingernails ... the objection that the medium could have small rolled up pellets somewhere on her person seems to be unfounded.'

After these extremely detailed searches the wretched Eva C was sewn into the dark robe that she had never touched before. 'If one takes into account the fact that the medium had nothing white on her body (neither blouse nor handkerchief) the grey and white materializations against the black background are convincing.'

Schrenck-Notzing made use of a technical innovation of the time: flash photographs with pulverized magnesium. These sometimes nauseating photographs are shown as proof in his book Materializations- Phanonemene [6].

What actually happened at these mediumistic séances?

Some examples from the records:

17th May, 1910 ... To the accompaniment of deep respirations and convulsive muscular efforts a large, streaked, flocculent substance formed directly before my eyes and seemed to flow from her mouth, getting bigger and thicker. The substance may have been five to eight centimeters wide and forty to fifty centimeters long. I moved my head about fifteen to twenty centimeters nearer to observe more clearly and saw this sluggish moving mass, like a heap of the finest striped grey veils, slowly sink down. It followed every movement that the medium made with her head and yet-seemed to separate itself from it .... To our astonishment we could no longer make out any facial features, for the whole head was enveloped in a big veil-like cloud from which light-coloured tatters and strips hung down over her breasts and down to the knee. This image vanished before our eyes, as when a cloud dissolves, and her face was clearly visible again .... 1st June, 1910 ... During the next apparition the light coloured materialization first came out of her lap and right hip .... Her mouth had no connection with the substance; I convinced myself of this by putting my finger in her mouth ....

2nd September, 1910 ... Madame Bisson held a seance during which Eva C wore nothing but a nightdress .... Madame Bisson got the hypnotized medium to undo it and I had my first opportunity to observe teleplasma emanation from a naked body ... it mainly flowed from the bodily orifices, mouth, nipples and genitals ... the emanation had a smoke-like character and formed clouds from which veillike material substances and all kinds of shapes resembling human limbs arose ....

Professor Charles Richet (1850-1935) was present at the séance of 5th November, 1910. This French doctor recognized the protective action of the blood in infected experimental animals and discovered anaphylaxy. (*) He won the Nobel Prize for this in 1913.

Today the stance began at once with the phenomena .... In the place where the mass of grey matter had thickened most, we saw a white gleam shot with pink, looking like white chiffon or veiling.

At nearly all the Paris séances doctors from every conceivable faculty were present, and also scientists such as Professor Fontenay, who checked the physical data. During the séances in Munich Dr. von Schrenck invited lecturers at the University such as Dr. Specht and Dr. Kafka.

During the years Eva C produced outlines of figures and clearly recognizable photographically recorded faces. Sceptical Paris and London doctors examined the medium thoroughly, even looking under her skin. They also checked her immediate surroundings, but the phenomena were repeated no matter what the conditions.

Eva C came from a comfortable home; she had no money problems. She never accepted payment and appeared willingly before all kinds of doctors, and even journalists. On the list of séances figure such names as Professor Eck Dumoir van Twick, Society for Psychic Studies.


[*] Hypersensitivity of the body to foreign protein which is not accepted through the intestinal canal.

---- The Hague; Professor Courtier, Director of the Physiological Laboratory of the Sorbonne and even Sir William Crookes (1332-1919), Member of the English Society for Psychic Research. Crookes discovered thallium in 1861 and invented the radiometer in 1874. The British Committee invited Eva C to its house at 20 Hanover Square, London. Seances were held there under the strictest scientific conditions.

At the séances of 10th May, 1920, four cameras were used, including a stereoscopic camera. One exposure showed 'a small hand on the left shoulder', another 'a flickering mass of light'. On 28th May Eva's head was sewn up in a veil and the audience 'realized that the object was forced out of her mouth through the veil'.

There were doubters and sceptics, but even they could not say how the phenomena connected with Eva C could be explained. The English Society published accounts of them, both in its periodical and in special reports.

In Paris Professor H. Clararede, Geneva, and Professor de Fontenay of the Sorbonne, as well as leading doctors from Paris hospitals attended Eva's demonstrations. Dr. Bourbon, who took the notes, writes: Everything that I saw at numerous séances was more than enough to convince me that we were faced with apparitions which originate from an as yet quite unknown field of biology. ...

The Nobel Prizewinner Charles Richet wrote to Dr. von Schrenck-Notzing: As far as my former experiments are concerned, I do not wish to retract a word. And I refer to that great and noble scholar William Crookes, who only recently said: 'I take nothing of what I have said back.' Criticism must be exercised, that is a condition of science. In due course the truth will come to light in all its beauty, but it will not be brought to light by incompetents and ignoramuses, who have seen nothing, checked nothing, examined nothing, indeed have not even read the record carefully, but rather by the scholars who have really worked and experimented without cease, who prefer truth to probability .... It is surely not our fault if the metaphysical field offers so many improbabilities and contradictions. ...

To the extent that the documentation of Eva C's case is available, it can be objectively stated that the theory of cheating is not tenable, that Eva C complied with the requirements of the scientific boards, that well over a hundred people observed and confirmed the materializations. One of Dr. Schenck- Notzing's arguments seems convincing to me. Why should Eva C have exposed herself to the gruesome tests described without getting any material benefits from them? There are large numbers of cases of materialization for which validity is claimed, but Eva C's case has kept its special position to the present day, because none of the others was so painstakingly recorded and documented. For that reason it constantly reappears as an example in the scientific literature of parapsychology.

There remains the final comment on Eva C's case by Professor Mikuska, University of Genoa: So it is reserved for an occult biology of the future to research into the mystery of life, the connection between spirit and matter, soul and body, the living and the lifeless. Already today we are shown that the spirit, the idea, the will is the driving agent behind teleplastic manifestations and we hope that in the not too distant future it will bring us closer to the great mystery of how the universe in its totality, and cosmic processes in the infinity of their development and perfection, originate through creative acts of will by the universal spirit.

Materializations of the kind so common with Eva C have nothing to do with spiritualism (*) and very little to do with the occult, (+) for the phenomenal apparitions were visible, tangible and could be photographed. What happened and was checked in the case described is certainly not a unique case. I do not doubt the documentary reports of Dr. von Schrenck-Notzing and his fellow-scientists. Instead I ask a question which was not yet topical at that time: what form of energy was involved?


[*] Spiritualism says that reported phenomena ate traceable to the intervention of the spirit world in this world.

[+] Latin, occultum, the hidden. The doctrine that there are natural and psychic facts which cannot be incorporated into the existing scheme of science. Today attempts are made to investigate occult apparitions by scientific methods.

---- Eva C was in a hypnotic trance during the séances, i.e. in a state of consciousness that precludes the use of free will. The subconscious as a form of energy (for the production of materializations) is conceivable, even though not yet proved. But could converted forms of the energy of dead people perhaps be involved? That supposition is not so absurd as it may seem; if anything it is a logical continuation of the 'energy principle' into virtually virgin territory. If all forms of energy are convertible into one another - one of the few completely accepted and indisputable laws of nature! - the conscious energies of dead people must also be convertible.

For thousands of years we knew nothing about what happened to consciousness after death, apart from vague philosophical and religious speculations. (The 'soul' goes up to heaven. Thus immortality was already ascribed to the consciousness = soul!) Modern research is on the point of carefully removing the dark cloths which were spread over a supposedly inexplicable mystery, and what it has already brought to light appears to show that the consciousness (ergo, conscious energy) of the dead is by no means 'dead'! Might the conscious energies of dead people have been active during the 'host miracle' at Carabandal on the night of 18th July, 1962, when a host-like object materialized on the tongue of the girl Conchita? What stage has the exploitation of these phenomena reached today?

Suspended animation occurs when the breath stops owing to paralysis of the breathing centre

(asphyxia), in myocardial infarctions, in injuries resulting from accidents (traumas), in poisoning and after convulsions, etc. As Jean-Baptiste Dala-court[7] says, everyone who recovers from suspended animation testifies that during their temporary stay in 'the other world' they retained consciousness of a quite different kind from their 'living' consciousness. The other world is perceived as timeless, as a world of oscillations, harmonies and colours, as a world in which countless consciousnesses communicate with each other, carry on conversations with each other and, although incorporeal and without sensory organs, can see other people and swap memories with them. Everyone who has come back from the 'other side' has found their abrupt return to the harsh cold facts of mortal life burdensome and repugnant. Everything was so infinitely more beautiful 'over there'.

Doctors say that such descriptions by resuscitated persons are irrelevant and worthless as statements about 'another world', because levels of consciousness continue to function in the brains of those in suspended animation and dredge up into their consciousness illusory pictures of a fairy-tale world from the deeper brain levels.

If the doctors are right, I find it a terrifying idea. There am I down below in my wooden box; insects and worms are thriving on my flesh and my deeper brain levels are still active. How unpleasant! Who knows how long they stay active? Until the moment when conscious energies have been converted?

Thank heaven that would happen more quickly with a genuine death than in cases of suspended animation.

But what about the conscious energies of people who have been dead for many long years?

* * *

In 1964 the Swede Friedrich Jurgenson [8] claimed that he had succeeded in capturing the voices of people long dead with the help of microphones and tapes.

This phenomenon fascinated the critical parapsychologist Dr. Constantin Raudive, born in Latvia in

1909, who left his home as a young man and studied in Paris and Madrid, where his meeting with Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955) became a decisive experience in his life. (Ortega advocated the anthropological theory that the 'spirit' forms the core of personality.)

Raudive spent four years checking Jurgenson's claims. He had an absolutely sound-proof recording studio built and worked with magnetized records which even cut out the minimal background noise of microphones and cartridges. In 1968 Raudive [9] published the results of his experiments, which had all taken place under scientifically controlled conditions. Hundreds of observers confirmed the accuracy of his methods, among them figures such as Professor Hans Bender, Director of the Institut fur Grenzwissenchaften, Freiburg, the physicist Dr. G. Ronicke, Julian Blieber, PhD, Dr. Arnold Reincke, Dr. Hans Naegeli, President of the Swiss Parapsychological Society, Professor Atis Teichmanis, Professor Werner Brunner, a surgeon from Zurich, Professor Alex Schneider, St. Gall, Professor Walter H. Uphoff, Boulder, U.S.A., Dr. Jule Eisenbund, Denver, U.S.A., Dr. Wilhelmine C.

Hennequin, specialist in an-aesthesia, Dr. R. Fatzer, Wadenswill, Switzerland, etc., etc.

Constantin Raudive recorded 72,000 voices! Alex Schneider, Professor of Physics at the Eidgenossischen Technischen Hochschule, Switzerland, said on the subject: Provisionally physics has no objections to make to the voice phenomena. At all events we shall be waiting tensely for the result of further investigations, as they will enlarge our knowledge of electromagnetic radiation.

Anyone can hunt down voices in his own home without great expense. This is the rough recipe. You choose a time and a room with as little external noise as possible. Alone or with others you pick up the microphone and call on dead persons (or 'spirits') to announce themselves. The tape should be running.

You wait and repeat your appeal to those on the other side in half a minute. You wait again. You should not keep this up for more than half an hour.

You rewind the tape and if you have made contact, you hear hastily spoken words in different languages. The scraps of language received are babbled so fast that at first you have to take a good deal of trouble to pick words and sentences out of the confused mixture of your own voice, room noises and interference. Sounds, words and fragments of sentences are often hissed and sometimes only whispered. They are spoken by different voices.

You should write down what you pick up, because only then can you recognize languages, dialects and logograms. You get the best results if you play identified voices on to a second tape and cut out waiting periods, background noise, etc. in the process. I should like to destroy the hope that you can under-stand communications from the voices en clair, as it were. There is a lot of turbulence in the ether! Aunt Emma's great-great-grandfather follows close on the heels of Nietzsche, and soon after that comes the voice of Caruso or a dead friend. A characteristic feature is that no one voice lets another finish what it is saying. They must be a garrulous lot in the other world, too.

The following is a practical method of receiving voices. You connect the microphone cable of the tape recorder to the radio and choose a setting between two transmitters. The procedure has the disadvantage that voices are overlaid by atmospheric disturbances, but also the advantage that any conceivable influencing of the microphone by those present is excluded. It has been proved that voices from the ether can be captured above all atmospheric noise [10].

* * *

There were no noises during Dr. Raudive's studio experiments. The academic participants did not say a word. The voices of dead friends and relations were recognized. If a supra-or subconscious form of energy released the phenomena it would have happened unconsciously, but it makes no difference, for that, too, would be a proof of the conversion of conscious energy into the energy form of the technical medium's tape!

It is estimated that some 100,000 tape recordings of voices from the other world have been stored away in different parts of the globe. So there is plenty of evidence. The open question is how to interpret it. The crux is that so far it cannot be said with scientific certainty that the transcendental voices really belong to the dead. It is conceivable that the conscious energy of living persons

(including sub-and supra-consciousness) may directly affect electronic apparatus. It may even be enough for someone somewhere who is taking absolutely no part in the experiment to release unconscious energy which is converted into electromagnetic oscillations which get recorded on the tape. From my point of view it makes little difference whether the voices of the dead or conscious scraps of conversation by contemporaries are taken down magnetically. In either case there is proof of conscious energies which produce effects without having caused them consciously.

The hunt for voices from the spirit world continues. In May 1974 Dr. Constantin Raudive [11] wrote: For the first time in the history of post-mortem examination we have at our disposal an object which exhibits the characteristic of 'repeatability' which is to be considered a conclusive proof of the existence of this object. Thus we have the possibility of systematic intensive research in this field.

From the results of this investigation it can be inferred whether this or that recording is true or false.

Facts are the true language of science.

* * *

Obviously the virulent discussion of and research into forms of consciousness after death are far from exhausted by questioning people who have experienced suspended animation or the hunt for transcendental voices. Hypnotists use suggestion to send human 'guinea-pigs' not only back to their youth, but also way past their intrauterine existence into a life before birth.

Thorwald Dethlefsen [12], a young hypnotist from Munich, possesses accurate records of séances in which the hypnotized subject is first returned to the age of a babe in arms and later asked about his existence before birth. This hypnotic retrospective covers two or three previous births! When asked the

'guinea-pigs' assured him that they had lived before their subjective birth under other names, in other places and often with a different sex. They named names and birthdays from these previous lives and, although they did not know them, spoke in the languages of the countries in which they had lived two or three births ago. And to give the reader cold shivers, on more than one occasion they described their own deaths. That makes research really spooky.

Morey Bernstein [13] used hypnosis to send Mrs. Ruth Simmons back to the ages of four, three, two and one years. Bernstein forced Mrs. Simmons to think even further back -before her birth. Suddenly she began to talk under a different name, as Bridey Murphy, from another life in Ireland about the middle of the nineteenth century. Everything Ruth Simmons said was recorded on tape, transcribed and checked up on the spot in Ireland by linguistic comparisons (Gaelic), examination of church registers and village records. The descriptions of places and people by Ruth Simmons alias Bridey Murphy tallies exactly with the information gleaned on the spot. Naturally the hypnotized guinea-pig Ruth Simmons had never seen the old records, nor could she have known of them by telepathy, because no one who could have acted as a 'transmittee' had shown any interest in the dust-covered documents.

Did Ruth Simmons experience all the things described in her trance in an 'incarnation' in the last century? It seems inadmissible to accept that, because it would be overstretching our imagination and demanding too much of our realistic way of looking at things. Yet: 'What everyone considers settled is what is most worth investigating,' as the physicist George Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-1799) said.

It is the old, old story. People who take a great interest in the explanation of such phenomena do not waste their time convincing materialists who find the only metaphysical reality in material things and reject as nonsense everything that cannot be described by their formulae, masses and weights.

Incidentally I feel that materialists are the very people who ought to agree with 'my' Trinity of spiritmatter- energy - after all it concerns the centre of their world picture. I want to keep my hobby-horse on a loose rein and not ride it to death, especially as it is given unequivocal support by a man like Werner von Braun [14]:

'Science has established that nothing can vanish without a trace. There is no destruction in nature, only transformation.'

In contrast to the religious interpretation (the 'soul' is immortal) I consider it very probable in the physical sense that the conscious energy of dead people can make itself felt in our four-dimensional world by conversion into another form of energy. If energies from the 'other world' can make themselves perceptible among us, the reverse path - from the earth to the 'other world' - must also be practicable. Our state of consciousness is bound to the fourth dimension, the unfolding of time, an attachment that is possibly not applicable in the 'other world'.

* * *

The world-famous French clairvoyant Belline, aged 50, lost his only son, aged 20, in a car accident in

1969. For twenty months Belline vainly tried to establish contact with Michel through his telepathic abilities. But suddenly he sensed an 'invisible nearness', which he described as a 'third ear' or 'lighthearing'.

Belline was afraid he was the victim of an illusion conjured up by his suffering. He began to tape the conversations he had with Michel: in 1973 they appeared in a book[15] with a foreword by Gabriel Marcel of the Institut de France, as well as the opinions of 90 personalities in the world of art and science, about the experiment.

The timelessness of the fourth dimension in the other world became clear from the records.

8th April 1971, 8 a.m.

Belline: Michel, what is it like 'over there'?

Michel: It is another world, a dream which cannot be expressed in words. Movement, transparency, thoughts. Here neither earthly good nor earthly evil exists. It is a kind of homelessness. a kind of dream in countless dimensions and vibrations. ... Here, time as you conceive of it at this moment, becomes a caricature. That's all I can say.

If it ever becomes possible to direct conscious energies from here to the 'other world', we should be able to ask those who live there for data about past and future. The reason: the 'other worlders' exist in a timeless dimension their state does not seem to be shackled to the passage of time.

In terms of physics this possibility is quite feasible. Variable states of energy - say elementary particles which can transform themselves into each other: a neutron into a proton, an electron into a neutrino - have quite different 'life spans'. Many of them have such short life spans that they really ought not to exist. The life of a positron or sigma particle lasts for a trillionth of a second. How can we really conceive of that? A million times a million times a million = a '10' with 18 noughts! A neutral pion

'lives' exactly 10 15 (i.e. ten to the minus fifteenth) seconds and the luckless neutrino has no life span at all in a state of rest (rest mass = 0). But if such a neutrino is accelerated it 'lives' again.

In spite of their absurdly minute life spans, elementary particles conceal up to 10 22 electron volts.

They shoot out of the universe through suns and planets, later to transform themselves into myons and neutrinos - in 100/1,000th of a second.

Forty years ago physicists were convinced that they had discovered the smallest particle in the atom.

Today they know that there is a subatomic world which is tinier than the atomic nucleus and contains much more energy than anything that we can so far conceive of as 'nascent energy'.

The concept of time breaks down in this miraculous world. Physicists no longer know where or how they should classify the electron, that building stone and atomic envelope. With mathematically proven particles which travel faster than light - say, the tachyons, tradyons and luxyons calculated by Gerald Feinberg - all concepts of time collapse definitively. They behave in exactly the opposite way to our

'normal' elementary particles.

Instead of exhibiting infinite mass and with it infinite energy when they reach the speed of light - as Einstein reckoned they would — these particles lose mass and energy the faster they travel. What is really inconceivable is that the speed of light is the lowest limit of their velocity - above it they can reach a trillionfold the speed of light. If our concepts of time have already become hazy owing to the prospect of interstellar space travel, they fall into a state of total confusion when they tackle particles that move faster than light. Every normal person is convinced - and justifiably so until now - that before an effect exists there must be a cause. But here everything is upside down. With particles travelling faster than light, the effect can come first and the cause later. Something is going on, but we do not really know what.

Thus, just as physicists in general recognize the existence of antimatter, (*) we can also postulate in the distant future an 'antitime' in which a 'counter-time' unfolds opposite to all 'Normal time'. Then there would be - how can I make it intelligible? - no past, present or future. Memories of the future are taking place now, today, at this very moment! The concept of time becomes the subjective unfolding of states of consciousness. If we can still speak of consciousness in such a context. ...

In so far as the conscious energy of the dead exists outside all ties of time, and terrestrial conscious energy can make contact with it, the mystery of prophesy would be solved. What is still hypothesis could in future not only be proved by the conclusions of technical research, but also realized in practice. Hypotheses in the sense of 'accepted suppositions' are the prerequisites for all development.

We only need a little courage to bring them into the conversation. I've got that courage.


[*] Matter from atoms which consist exclusively of antiparticles. incapable of existence in the presence of normal matter.

---- Let us assume that for one reason or another an otherworldly consciousness is interested in influencing the behaviour of one or several people or a group (peoples, countries, religions, kingdoms). It leaves its timeless state, and makes contact with a terrestrial consciousness. The reverse process is also conceivable. The conscious energy of an earthly person (who else could it be but a prophet?) could in specific situations communicate with the timeless conscious energy of someone from the other world.

From the dead colleague and his intact conscious energy (don't give me that old stuff about the 'soul'!)

it could learn what is going to happen in the future. From historical experience the person knows that the event communicated by energy cannot have taken place yet, and therefore is announced

('prophesied') for the future.

The paradox is that the event prophesied can never be held up or prevented. No visionary saint is that holy.

A man dies. His consciousness (in the form of energy) reaches a 'timeless state'. In this version he 'sees'

his home town swallowed up by the floods. As this event has not happened in his lifetime, it must take place in the future. A consciousness that becomes timeless after death cannot know when the future has laid down the deadline for the catastrophe. Otherworldly consciousnesses (in spite of their energies) still have links with living children, relatives and friends. They strive to win influence over the conscious energies of the people on the old earth with whom they have ties, for they want to warn them of the catastrophe which is pending at some unknown time in the future.

The inhabitants of the earth, tied to the daily round, have not trained the cerebral functions that could perceive such phenomena - the impulses radiated from the other world by the conversion of energy

(the energy principle) do not reach them. The other-worlders have to make their impact through a medium (who has trained the faculties that are capable of reception). In a trance (the state which develops paranormal faculties) the medium 'sees', by the action of conscious energy, a town swallowed up by the floods, but he does not know when it will happen - this is plausible for other-worlders themselves do not know it in their timeless state. So if a medium (prophet, priest, seer) preaches: 'Pray!

Pray fervently, otherwise your town will be swallowed up by floods!' it may be a plausible summons, but its contents are a lie, for the town will disappear at some time or other in any case. If it were not so, the timeless other-worlders would not have been able to announce the catastrophe.

* * *

Let us consider a different case. By energy conversion a terrestrial prophet sends his (trained) mental antennae into the other world. He 'sees' events that can only occur in the future, because they have not happened in past history (as known or experienced by the prophet). In other words, the mediumistic visionary does not learn what day is to be ticked off in red on the calendar. He has only one chance of giving a more precise 'message', namely if he has 'seen' the event in such detail that he can work out the approximate deadline for it. But there is one thing that even the cleverest and best trained prophet cannot do: prevent the event he has 'seen'! If it were not programmed for the indefinable future, an otherworldly conscious energy could not have transmitted it and a terrestrial energy could not have

'seen' it. It would be old hat if events which have been in the history books for years were communicated.

Does not this physical and metaphysical hypothesis explain quite plausibly why messages received in

'visions' proclaim and warn of coming events, but can never prevent them? Does not that also clarify why prophetic and visionary messages are often so obscure, 'mysterious' and ambiguous? With their present conscious energy, seers and prophets do perceive future events, but they cannot 'evaluate' them - except in the form of obscure predictions and unverifiable prophecies.

The last book in the New Testament is The Revelation of St. John the Divine. It is the book of a visionary. The prophet sees images of environmental pollution, aircraft, helicopters, nuclear explosions, etc. He uses his own words to reproduce these visions as he received them in communications from conscious energies:

... and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up ... and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea ... and the third part of the waters became wormwood (radioactive?) ...

and the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed ... (Chap. 8).

And they (the locusts) had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle .... And they had tails like scorpions, and there were stings in their tails .... And ... I saw the horses ... and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone; and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone ...' (Chap. 9).

Is it not crystal clear why John wrote his very accurate descriptions in his own words using his world of ideas? He did not know our modern technical vocabulary. It is stimulating to learn that the atomic physicist Bernhard Philberth [16] has written a modern interpretation of revelation. The only disturbing thing about his technological exegesis is that he always appeals to God in a highly personal fashion for all the prophetic-cum-apocalyptic explanations. That brushes me up the wrong way. I just don't like it when people offer God, the last and highest instance of being, as an explanation for everything, when the goal can also be reached using reason.

* * *

It is much the same with the explanation of somnambulist phenomena: the time when they were interpreted plays an important part.

The poet Justinus Kerner (1786-1862) was the centre of the Swabian School of Poets. Many of his poems figured in school-books for generations, many of them achieved the popularity of folk songs.

Justinus Kerner, a doctor, devoted himself to a special field of research, the supernatural. He kept a diary of his observations with scientific precision. For many years his special subject was Friederike Hauffe, the wife of a tradesman. He recorded her somnambulist phenomena in the two-volumed work Die Seherin von Prevorst. I possess the first edition of 1829, and so do not have to refer to extracts from Kerner's work in scientific publications, which often quote him.

Friederike Hauffe came from the village of Prevorst near the Wurttemberg town of Lowenstein, in a mountainous district, whose inhabitants, says Kerner, were open to sidereal and magnetic influences.

Father Hauffe was a gamekeeper. Friederike was brought up 'simply and naturally'. Never spoiled, she grew up to be a 'blooming, vivacious' child. Whereas her brothers and sisters were bothered by apparitions this peculiarity was not found in Friederike, but she did develop a power of foretelling the future that was announced to her in dreams. She became the 'wife of a tradesman', had children and led a bourgeois existence, but her emotional life became so intense that 'she heard and felt everything over the greatest distances'. She could no longer bear the light. Once when an ecclesiastical relative opened the window shutters at midday, she fell into a cramp that lasted for three days.

About this time, she felt that a spirit only visible to her magnetized her at seven o'clock every evening for seven days in succession. It happened with three fingers which the spirit spread out like rays.

(Presumably preparation by and first traces of otherworldly conscious energies.)

Put into a deep sleep by this spiritual magnetism, she stated that 'she could only be kept alive through magnetization'. In this state, Kerner relates, she saw behind every person who came near her another person, 'also with a human figure, but floating as in ecstasy'. (A phenomenon that many visionaries describe in the same way.)

'I must confess,' writes the doctor, 'that at the time I still shared the views of the world and their lies about her, so that I advised her not to pay any attention to her long lasting sleep-waking state.' On 25th November, 1826, Kerner took Mrs. Hauffe into his house 'completely wasted away ... and incapable of lying down'. He told her that he did not take any notice of what she said in her sleep, and that the somnambulistic state which had lasted so long to the despair of her relatives must finally come to a stop.

At Mama Rosas San Damiano

'Mama Rosa is obviously successful in her work The south wall of the farm is covered with votive

tablets saying 'Mary has helped' The messages of thanks are written in all languages known to me

Even without the Church's official blessing, Mama Rosa seems to be on good terms with miracles.

Bruno Cornacchiola a tram-conductor, had visions of Mary in this grotto near Tre Fontane, Rome in

1947 It is a popular and successful place of pilgrimage — the votive tablets prove it!

5 May, 1974 A visit to the clairvoyant Jeane Dixon in Washington, D.C.

This is how little Conchita experienced the miracle of the Host at Carabandal.

Processions of the cross bearing pilgrims wind through the fields of Heroldsbach in spite of the

ecclesiastical ban.

Heroldsbach a quiet Bavarian village.

'The biggest visionary shrine in the world', a grotesque record.

This is surely the first photograph ever of a vision of Mary An Egyptian reporter snapped the nebulous

figure which floated above the Coptic Church near Cairo on 12 April, 1968 The authenticity and value

of this picture have not been investigated.

After many weeks of medical and psychic treatment Kerner asked her while she was in deep sleep whether she felt

'that a repeated and controlled magnetic treatment could still save her. She replied she could not give an answer to that until she had received seven magnetic strokes at seven o'clock the next evening ....

(Had another worldly conscious energy notified her?) .... The seven magnetic strokes she received had the result that the next morning to her great surprise, for she herself did not know how it happened, she could sit up easily in bed and felt far stronger than after all the remedies tried hitherto.'

Kerner introduced a regular magnetic treatment (*) by strokes from the temples down to the epigastrium.

Mrs. H was in such a deep somnambulistic life owing to my magnetic treatment that she was never in the waking state even when she seemed to be so. Admittedly she was more awake than other men, for it is strange not to call this state, which is actually the most vivid wakefulness, awake, but she was in the state of inwardness.

There are no dates in the relevant literature about the visionary's inner state. Friederike Hauffe put on record: It often seems to me as if I am outside myself, I float above my body and then I also think above my body. But it is by no means an unpleasant feeling because I am still conscious of my body. If only my soul was more closely attached to the 'nerve spirit' (!), then it would also bind itself closer to the nerves, but the bones of my nerve spirit becomes looser and looser.

Mrs. Hauffe could also see parts of the body in magnetic sleep: Once ... apparently in the waking state Mrs. H's eyes closed and she could not open them. She said she saw a sun moving slowly in the region of the stomach and she only wished she could open her eyes so as not to see the sun any longer. She had this vision of a sun slowly moving in the region of the solar plexus quite often later. Mrs. H said about it: I've already said that I see the point like a small sun from which small rays emerge, yet the more I concentrate on it the more wakeful I become ....


[*] The slightest electric current creates a magnetic field. In a straight conductor (handles) the lines of force form concentric circles.

---- For years Kerner noted down many examples of clairvoyance and seeing the future; they related to a large circle of people both known and unknown. Every statement was checked with the many doctors whom Kerner consulted, 'All the experiments and phenomena in connection with Mrs. H speak of a nerve spirit that was present in her in great intensity and became free ....'

I know of no earlier medical-cum-scientific documentation of a 'case' like the one Dr. Justinus Kerner described in the two volumes which are now nearly 150 years old. As doctor and scientist he first examined the phenomena of Friederike Hauffe as a clinical picture of illness: he went into her childhood and origins, living conditions and habits. He wanted to get to the heart of the matter. The final conclusion he came to after all these efforts was that the state of magnetic sleep released special visionary abilities. He examined every case of precognition, which to him verged on the miraculous, with an accuracy and persistence that would do credit to' Scotland Yard. Out of dozens of examples I shall describe one of the cases Kerner recorded: On 25th November, 1826, Friederike Hauffe entered Kerner's house in Weinsperg. She did not know the town and had no acquaintances there. The house was on the same level as and not far from the Law Courts. A certain K, who had died in the house some years previously, had managed the affairs of a Mr. F very badly, so that the 'business had gone bankrupt'. Mrs. Hauffe said, in a magnetic sleep: That man F is there again, disturbing me ... what is he showing me? A page, not quite as long as a folio, covered with figures. The upper right-hand corner is folded slightly, in the left-hand corner there is a figure ....This page lies underneath a lot of documents; no one takes any notice of it. He wants me to tell my doctor and through him to issue a warning .... This page lies in a building that stands sixty paces from my bed. In it is a large, then a small, room. In the latter a tall man sits working at a table.

He goes out and now he is returning. Beyond this room there is an even larger one with longish chests in it. I see a cupboard that stands at the entrance and its door is somewhat open. ... Above on the table there is something made of wood ... and on it lie papers; I see them lying in three piles .... In the righthand pile there is nothing of this man's, but in the other two I feel from him, to be precise in the centre one, a little below half-way down, that page which torments him so.

Kerner recognized the high court from the building she described, but took her vision for a dream image. Mostly to pacify his patient, for she was constantly plagued by the story, he went to the judge, who was staggered because at the moment described he had actually gone into another room and then returned to his place.

The apparition returned; the data became more and more precise. Kerner and the judge examined the

'pile of files' which Mrs. Hauffe had described so vividly. They got the sort of surprise a police inspector would not hope for in his wildest dreams. 'We found in an envelope a page just as the visionary had described it with figures and words in the hand of that man ... (whom Mrs. Hauffe had

'seen'). ... This page contained a proof, the only one, that K had kept a secret book, which was not found after his death, in which he had apparently entered a great deal that never came to light....'

In a sleep-waking state Friederike Hauffe dictated a letter to the dead man F's wife telling her she was innocent and could face the bankruptcy confidently. The judge prepared a conclusive official statement of the whole business. Frau Hauffe seemed to be revivified after the long drawn out affair.

On 5th August, 1829, the visionary of Prevorst died in exactly the way she had predicted in a magnetic sleep on 2 May.

How could that outstanding doctor Justinus Kerner sense or know about the conclusions of modern psi research 150 years ago? What could he know about the conversion of energy/time? For what else appeared to the visionary but the conscious energy of the dead Mr. F, who wanted to help his wife in her imminent bankruptcy? Who else besides Mr. F knew about the bundle of files and the letter which played a decisive part in the proceedings?

The case described by Kerner is more than clairvoyance: it is exact knowledge of an event. We can understand why Kerner's account still keeps on appearing in modern scientific literature. It established standards for carrying out experiments and evaluating results. The visionary's message that she received all her impressions and visions from a 'nerve spirit' runs like a leitmotiv through all the accounts. I should like to posit boldly that Kerner supplied the first 'proof of my theory that conscious energies seek the media appropriate to them - and find them!

* * *

Mankind cannot complain about a shortage of prophets and their frightening communications. We must have hindsight to understand why the prophecies which every now and then have exploded like thunder in history always announced disaster. For why should otherworldly conscious energies make contact with terrestrial ones simply to spread happiness and joy? 'Children, it's a wonderful age!

Rejoice! Taxes are going to be reduced! In twenty years' time you will still own what you do today!

Love each other, for no shadow will fall on your lives! Disarm, there will never be any more idiotic wars!' The energetic news apparatus would hardly be set in motion for cheerful messages like that.

The 'spirits above' still exclusively transmit, as they have always done, descriptions of imminent catastrophes, world destruction, misery and famine. A wretched job for a messenger, but who warns anyone about happiness?

What does even a brief glance at the annals of visionaries 'reveal'?

The itinerant Greek priest Peregrinus Proteus at first preached the doctrine of Christianity; then he had doubts and changed his philosophy. He became a cynic, one of those philosophers who cultivated the ideal of frugality to the point of folly. The convert was not happy. He 'saw' - and as a preacher naturally told everybody - that mankind was on 'the brink of annihilation'. As he did not want to take part in this mass disaster, he logically burnt himself to death during the Olympic games in 165.

The Phrygian prophet Montanus (156) belonged to an early Christian sect which aroused among people a brief-lived hope of the imminent return of Jesus. In order to be well prepared, the prophet exhorted his followers to practise rigorous asceticism, for otherwise 'the end of the world was at hand'.

In 140 the Roman apostolic father Hermas in his book 'The Shepherd' (which formed part of the New Testament for a time) called on Christians to do penance as the ultimate salvation 'from the imminent Last Judgment'.

Over 400 years ago (1568) the Provencal plague doctor Michael Nostradamus (1503-1566)

posthumously published his book Les Propheties [17]. His prophecies, extending down to modern times, which in the opinion of scholars tally with recorded facts, consist of a non-stop list of wars, pestilences and disasters. The fact that most of the events are supposed to have taken place according to plan is small con solation.

If we made ourselves a present of a collected volume of prophecies it would be as thick as a New York telephone directory, and poring over disasters is no fun - especially if we've got them at home! But it is fun to meet and talk to a living prophetess.

* * *

Jeane Dixon is an American from the wealthy middle-class She lives in a white-brick terrace house in Washington, D.C., is happily married to her husband Jimmy, a smart businessman, She loves her cat Mike, dresses fashionably and is Secretary-Treasurer of James I. Dixon & Co., a real estate firm. After ten hours at the office, she writes columns for 200 American dailies, receives an average of 3,000 letters a week and gives lectures, in addition to her social activities as a company representative. She has calculated that she works 217 days more than her fellow-citizens: 52 Saturdays, 52 Sundays, 9 holidays (except Christmas), 14 days' holiday (which she does not take) and 90 days' overtime. Jeane Dixon has a sense of humour and is deeply religious.

She has, and still does, hit the headlines in the press all over the world.

In 1944 she predicted that China would turn Communist. (It happened in 1949.)

In the summer of 1947 she announced that Mahatma Ghandi would be assassinated within the next six months. (He was shot by a fanatical Hindu on 30.1.1948.)

In 1961 she prophesied Marilyn Monroe's suicide. (Marilyn died on 5.8.1962 of an overdose of sleeping tablets.)

At the beginning of September 1961 she 'saw' the death of her friend Bill Rowallo, private bodyguard to the U.N. Secretary-General Dag Hammerskjold (Hammerskjold and his suite died on 18th September 1961 in an unexplained air crash near Ndola, Rhodesia).

Rene Noorbergen [18] describes the 'dramatic prediction of the death of President John F. Kennedy'

which Jeane Dixon made eleven (!) years before the assassination on 12.11.1963.

She used every conceivable channel to try to stop Kennedy from going to Dallas. Jeane Dixon claims that she has a special affinity with the Kennedy family. She announced at a big convention in January

1968 that Robert Kennedy would not become President of the U.S.A. because he would be the victim of an assassin in California in June of that year. On 5th June Bishara Sirhan shot the senator in the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles. Jeane Dixon even described the scene of the event.

Rene Noorbergen spoke to Dr. Clyde Backster, the lie-detector specialist and director of a scientific research institute about the phenomenon of Jeane Dixon. Backster took the view that Jeane Dixon had advanced into the range of frequencies established 'for communication in the universe'. To quote Backster: 'I do not doubt that this means of communication has always existed. We have blocked our extrasensory perceptions through our prejudices. We tell ourselves and science and our environment tell us that an extra sense is nonsense .... Jeane Dixon seems to have full access to a faculty which once was used quite extensively ....'

On Sunday 5th May, 1947 I met the grand old lady for a discussion at her Washington home.

Mrs. Dixon, what happens when you experience your prophecies? What do you feel? Do you have a revelation, do you see a vision or an apparition?

It is a wonderful thing when I see the future. It does not take the form of an apparition, for that would only be a kind of ghost. Nor is it a revelation, for revelations are signs of the will of God. What I see is the destiny that God has predetermined for you or anyone else, and you cannot alter that destiny.

Incidentally, I told Richard Nixon that as early as 1959.

What happens to you at such moments? What goes on in your brain?

It is a higher state of grace. Usually I am prepared for it. My condition changes, so does my attitude to my environment, and my ability to think logically, even my state of health. Suddenly one morning I know that a period of inspiration is coming. The length of this period cannot be compared to normal time.

I have read that you are very religious. Do you practise your religion?

Yes, I went to Church at seven o'clock this morning.

What do the Church and the present cardinal say about your prophecies?

You should read what some priests write about me! The best thing is not to worry about them and pray for them.

Have you really been seriously attacked?

Naturally I have been seriously attacked and from quite high places. One is always attacked by those who do not understand or those who act as if they understand everything. Lazy people always shout the loudest.

Why are you attacked by the Church? After all you've never said anything against Christianity.

And I never will say anything against Christianity. I have actually had visions of Jesus, but they are not comparable with the state of prophecy.

I have just read in the papers that you are convinced of the existence of U.F.O.s. Can you tell me something about that?

I can tell you that there's nothing new in my life. I've known about U.F.O.s for many years. People ask me when I first knew anything about them. That's a question I can't answer; as I've known about U.F.O.s since I could walk. Have you ever thought about why and when you consciously knew you could walk?

So U.F.O.s actually exist, in your opinion. Where do these objects come from?

We shall soon find out that they come from an undiscovered planet in our solar system. We shall make official contact with the crews and learn from them how existing sources of energy can be better and more simply exploited.

The conditions of gravity in our solar system have been calculated. So there is no room for an unknown planet. Besides, space probes have traversed the space 'behind the sun' and no new planet has been recorded.

That makes no difference. We shall soon discover an unknown planet which is in the vicinity of Jupiter.

Jupiter is very far from our sun. That giant planet no longer forms part of the life zone of our solar system. How intelligence supposed to originate in such intense cold?

Just wait and see! By the way, U.F.O.s are piloted by women.

How do we know that?

I can feel the vibrations and they're feminine.

Mrs. Dixon, you know my books. What do you think about my theories?

You're absolutely right about many things.

Do you think that we shall be revisited by extraterrestrial beings?

Of course I do. We were visited in the past, as you claim. ... Give me your hand for a few minutes.

Look, here in your fingertips I can feel the energy of your supra-supra-consciousness. Look, Herr von Daniken, the next important section of your life ....

At this point Jeane Dixon forbade further tape-recordings for two hours and also prohibited publication of that part of the conversation. Our talk ended as follows: Do you ever drink alcohol?

I've never touched a drop in my life! I don't drink coffee or tea, either. Do you remember when you were nineteen and the great turning point in your life came? You didn't cause the turning point. It came over you, as it were. During the rest of your life you will have very powerful enemies, but they will be outnumbered by guiding powers who will help you. Do not misuse your talent. Make sure that you report this interview properly! If you misrepresent the things we have just spent such a long time discussing I'll never give another interview again.

'Something' vibrates from our levels of energy, 'something' sees images of future events, 'something'

vibrates in our brains from alien otherworldly levels of energy and produces visions. Does that mean that everything that Jeane Dixon and others prophesied came true?

Of course not, but who would be surprised? If you realize that the world beyond the (hitherto)

physically conceivable is 'timeless', radiated energies could naturally be picked up by 'receivers', but could scarcely or only with difficulty be given a date in time - lucky bull's eyes!

The forms of consciousness of otherworlders who seek to make contact with us are either emotional or a logical (because they are outside the terrestrial experience and laws of time) or both. Otherwise they would not warn against ostensible coming events, which have already happened in the 'timeless state', for there would be nothing they could do to change them.

Or: Forms of consciousness of people in this world penetrate into the 'other world' and hope to be able to avert a 'seen' event. But that would be a one-sided attempt at communication by terrestrial beings. In that case the otherworlders would have no connection with warnings of imminent future disasters.

I much prefer the second assumption; it would obviate the need to involve people from the other world. For then conscious energies produced by our brains would be capable at certain intervals of time of communicating with the 'time-reversed' world (tachyons!) and tap otherworldly consciousnesses for prophecies.

* * *

I extracted a lot of information from Mythology when working on my theory about visits to our globe by extraterrestrial beings. I was fascinated by the knowledge of the old chroniclers, because it handed down to mankind factual information the importance and scope of which the writers did not appreciate in their own days. As far as contacts between the other world and this one are concerned, mythology is an equally valuable source of information. Here are some examples.

The Indo-Germanic Celts were driven across the Rhine by the Germans and later occupied the British Isles. These insular Celts of the first post-Christian centuries were on familiar terms with fairies, beautiful, magic-working, daemonic beings, nature spirits, who constantly went back and forth between the natural and the supernatural world. They astonished the island Celts by their knowledge of the future and when they visited the earth they inspired great respect because they enticed chosen vessels into their 'kingdom' and then let them return to earth again.

The North Germans were firmly convinced of the existence of a 'second I', which they called Fylgja. It accompanied people like an invisible shadow. Fylgja belonged to the personal consciousness, but could also become free from it and appear elsewhere. The Scandinavians looked on Fylgja as a familiar guardian spirit, who, when needed, but especially when danger threatened, could speed into the other world and return with a wealth of information to help earth-dwellers out of their trouble.

The Druids, the ancient pagan priests of the Celts, would only recognize as their prophet the man who could produce the Druid's cauldron, an exquisite and miraculous vessel, which was made out of the

'spirit of the other world'. Not even Uri Geller could cook up all the prophecies the Druidic seers brewed in their cauldrons.

In the phantom-ridden night of the Samhuin (a phenomenon from the ancient Indian Vedas), even the boundaries between this world and the next are supposed to have fallen. Spooky figures of all kinds are supposed to have materialized from the void.

The 'astral body' plays a great part in the occult literature of all ages. This remarkable phenomenon is supposed to be a 'delicate envelope' for the body and soul. The gnostic religion, which makes man's salvation dependent on his knowledge of the secrets of the world, asserts that the astral body penetrates the human body and forms something like a connecting link between the earthly and the 'higher' body.

One cannot mention astral bodies without mentioning auras. Aura means air or breath in Greek. Not only has it been a topic of conversation since ancient times, but it is reputed to have existed always.

And precisely today this generally invisible envelope which surrounds human beings is the subject of para-psychological research. (Indeed we say that such-and-such a poet, scholar and even politician has a 'certain aura' in the sense of charisma!)

I do not intend to quote all the periods in which the undefined aura is supposed to have been definitively discovered. But as a proof that serious scholars were interested in this problem, I must mention the scientist and chemist Carl-Ludwig Freiherr von Reichenbach (1788-1869), who discovered paraffin-wax and creosote in wood-tar. Reichenbach was convinced of the existence of this invisible original force (which could be made visible), which he called 'Od force' (from the Germanic

'od' = original) - so convinced that he devoted two whole decades of his working life to its discovery.

Like Franz Anton Mesmer, Reichenbach believed that the Od force could be transferred from one person to another. Yet this remarkable phenomenon, astral body, aura or Od force, was first confirmed technically by chance in our own day.

In the second half of the forties, the Russian engineer Semyonov Davidovich Kirlian from Krasnodar on the Kuban noticed that discharges appeared between the body of a patient and the electrodes in the high frequency range of an apparatus for electrotherapeutic treatment. Kirlian was keen to know whether this state, which was visible to the eye, could also be photographed. He and his wife Valentina undertook the difficult job of developing these photographs.

Kirlian photography, which is used everywhere today, exhibits the so-called Kirlian effect. In high frequency alternating current fields which are harmless to man, animals and plants, bodies acquire a luminescence that can be photographed, but are not caused by high temperature. It is also known as

'cold luminescence'.

As a passing example of the phenomenon which Kirlian photography can make visible, I should mention photos that show a fresh flower with many blossoms and the same flower with some blossoms cut off. In the place where the blossoms were their outline still showed up in a photograph taken seconds after the cut was made and they were no longer there. Countless exposures have been taken all over the world using the Kirlian effect. They show radiations around men's bodies that are not visible to the naked eye.

For example, there is a photo taken after a hand was amputated: the outlines of the amputated hand appear on the photographic plate. And most remarkable of all, a man lay down on a sofa, then stood up and went away, and a photo taken of the sofa just afterwards shows the outline of the man lying there!

Here an unknown force obviously causes a physical phenomenon. When the technique is developed further, mankind will have a brand new principle, for at the moment the photographed aura - or whatever it is - varies considerably in quality, i.e. clarity.

I am always shaken to observe how almost daily unintelligible passages from myths and holy scriptures turn out to be realities. People used to talk about the aura that surrounded certain people - and it exists! It can be photographed. The way in which the Kirlian effect works has been explained in principle. It is not denied by physicists that every body 'radiates' to a greater or lesser degree. Kirlian discovered how to photograph the radiations. But how do we answer the 'phenomenal' question of how a no-longer existent object (cut blossom, amputated hand, man who has left the room) continues to radiate for a brief period, i.e. can still be 'active' in its former position? When all is said and done scholars claim that the bodies are the cause of the radiations. Could it possibly be the other way round?

Whither was the energy radiated?

In the physical sense every radiation is 'material'. This applies to light radiation (quanta) and all kinds of corpuscle radiations (particle radiations). Radiation energy disintegrates. Disintegrates into what?

According to the energy principle nothing can vanish into the VOID. That is the point at which even nuclear physics is baffled. It is impossible to prove the existence of certain atomic particles after their conversion into energy. A physicist at the European Council for Nuclear Research at Geneva told me

(with a plea not to mention him by name): Supernatural states begin for us here. We record certain effects, we try to establish their working according to laws. But when it comes to the reason for these effects we are overwhelmed with questions. This is really where the spirit world begins.

* * *

Was Dr. Leonid L. Vassilev, Professor of Psychology at Leningrad University, holder of the Order of Lenin, trying to resign? or was he expressing a hope when he said: The discovery of ESP (*) energy will be just as important as the discovery of atomic energy.'

* * *

This apparent detour via para-psychological phenomena to get to apparitions is not a detour. Visions and apparitions are para-psychological phenomena. There is energy behind every vision. Where does it come from? What causes several milliard atoms to make themselves visible at a specified time in a specified place and demonstrate intelligent behaviour by this action? Why are visions always perceived only by a few people? Why do hundreds and thousands of people who are present notice nothing? Why do visions appear to the visionaries for preference at the same place? Are they incapable of changing the venue, once it is established? The visionary is always asked to be at a prescribed place on a certain day at a certain time. Are ('divine') visions incapable of appearing exactly where and when it suits them?

It can be proved from the small selection of visions I have described that in several cases the visionaries did not 'see' the complete apparition spontaneously or suddenly: if anything they were confronted with a 'hazy indefinable greyish-white mass'. They only perceived the visionary image in this 'mass' after an intensive effort (autosuggestion!). The Heroldsbacher girls 'saw' only a 'white gleam' during the vision of 12th October, 1949 - not until later did it assume the form of 'a white lady', and then it was visible only to the boys. Mama Rosa of San Damiano also said that at first she saw only a 'hazy figure' which later 'solidified' into the Mother of God. (Let me remind you of the Jesuit Athanasius Kircher who considered 'mists and vapours' helpful when water-divining in likely spots.)

The official records of the visions seen by the children at Fatima entitle us to conclude that physical events were concerned. The visions always announced themselves with 'lightning', whose electric discharges were accompanied by roaring and cracking noises. The little Lucia said that whenever a vision disappeared she heard a noise as if a 'firework rocket had exploded in the distance'.


[*] ESP = Extrasensory Perception

---- When the Fatima children had their fifth vision on 13th September, 1917, several thousand spectators clearly saw a ball of light floating slowly and majestically heavenwards. On 13th May, 1924 pilgrims observed a 'strange white cloud' above the oak tree where the visions always appeared. They said that objects like snowflakes fell from it that dissolved into nothing just above ground-level. Lucia wrote later that the vision of the Blessed Virgin had always approached slowly in 'the reflection of a light', and that the children had always seen the Madonna for the first time when the point of light stopped still above the oak. When Lucia was asked at the official inquiry why she frequently lowered her eyes during the visions, instead of looking the Blessed Virgin straight in the face, she answered: 'Because she often blinded me [19].'

In the case of Lourdes the idea of the materialization of an alien form of energy is literally served up on a silver platter! In the first as yet unembellished accounts, Bernadette Soubirous explained that originally she had seen only something indefinite ... something 'like a fluttering white cloth or a floursack

[20]'; in addition she had heard a muffled noise 'like a gust of wind' in front of the grotto. (Record

'by Doctors Lacrampe, Balencia and Peyrus, dated 27.3.1858.) Bernadette also gave these details to other personalities [21].

* * *

Three possibilities occur to me:

1. A vision does not appear suddenly; it must first arrange its atoms into a visible 'image'. (The frequent occurrence of the word 'suddenly' in the records is explained by the indifference of the visionary's examiners to the 'preliminary play' [haze, veil, white cloths, etc.]. By insistent questioning they push forward to the goal, the description of the vision. That is how visions 'suddenly' come into being - at least in the official records!)

2. An electromagnetic, probably highly ionized, field comes into being during the appearance of the vision. Air is compressed very rapidly. This causes sound vibrations of varying volume and strength like a 'dull roaring wind'. Air is sucked out of the grotto as if through an exhaust and compressed.

3. If the apparition collapses, air rushes into the vacuum which is burst open by the spontaneously dissolving magnetic field. That is why even passive, spectators hear a 'bang' at many visionary shrines.

Even this brief resume allows us to conclude that physical laws lie at the root of the unknown causes of visions. Would Almighty God, if he were informed of these phenomena by trusty messengers, simply bow down to these lapidary laws?

The psychiatrist's couch is the place for explaining and curing accounts of ostensible visions feigned by charlatans, would-be visionaries and religious cranks, or cooked up in the brains of hysterics ripe for the asylum. The causes of visionary phenomena that we can take seriously must lie outside human reason and the functions of the human brain. Ionized air, loud bangs, ball lightning etc., offer such hard fact that you can break your teeth on them. Who is the great Manitu, the mighty 'spirit' who gaily produces the phenomena? Am I daring to claim that genuine visions exist?

Yes, I am.

The thousands who heard an explosion, saw lightning or observed the solar miracle were not out of their senses. When the visionaries were followed to the scene of their visions by other people, they were not exclusively a flock of dyed-in-the-wool religious bigots. They often included sceptical scientists, generally critical journalists and always a number of unbelievers who had not been inoculated with the religious virus.

But it is always the devout, the undisputed faithful, who insinuate themselves into the mass suggestion of 'holy events' - in a way described by Jacques Hochmann [22], psychiatrist and psychologist at the University Clinic in Lyons, France, in connection with the psychodrama performance: There is the theoretical model of a 'sociometry' at the centre of which is the social atom. This atom is to be understood as the nucleus which is formed by the attracting and repelling relations in an individual environment. These relations consist of a network of interrelational (*) chains, which are aroused by affective currents.

But a homogeneous society of 'social atoms' is only formed at places of pilgrimage such as Lourdes, where the pilgrims are definitely bound to each other by 'affective currents'.


[*] From relationalism. The doctrine that relations have an objective existence.

---- It does not exist at places where curiosity and the human mass hope for miracles are thrown together.

Apparitions announce themselves to 'visionaries' when the latter are in a state of hypnotic compulsion and what I can only call helplessness. The apparition always safeguards itself by specifying time and place.

'I want you to come here on the 13th of next month,' the vision ordered the three Fatima children. And the Madonna appeared punctually at the promised spot. On 13th July, 1917, 2.30 p.m. was exactly astronomic noon for the geographical position of Fatima. (Why?) Again the beautiful lady summoned the children to a meeting on the 13th of the following month at the same place. The flow of information from the vision (transmitter) to the visionaries (receivers) had been set in motion.

So far, so good. But why are visions tied to time and place? I can only suggest a fantastic possibility which admittedly does not fit very well with the so-called known facts. But I think it is better to put forward a theory than to lurk in the underground like a coward. In doing so I am quite conscious of the warning that the historian Egon Friedell (1878-1938) wrote in the albums of all those who were too bold: These are the real miracles. We take hold of a taboo and burn not only our fingers but also our tongues, and we must not be surprised if we unexpectedly find ourselves on fire.

How could people of the other world get in touch with people of this world, or vice-versa, over many light-years (*) of distance? With Radio waves? By light signals or radar? All electromagnetic waves are tied to the speed of light. Radio or radar communication would take hundreds and thousands of generations.

The waves carrying television images are decimetre waves, [+] which move only in a straight line, like light rays. If we were to put television pictures on a ray of light via a bridge of relay stations in order to reach the star Arcturus in the constellation Bootes, we could expect an answer in 82 years at the earliest, for Arcturus is 41 light-years from the earth.


[*] A light year is the distance travelled by light in a year, about 6,000,000,000,000 miles.

[+] Electromagnetic waves between 10 and 100 cm wavelengths (3 x 10 9 and 3 x 10 8 Hz).

---- Even for the present-day postal service that's a bit too long to wait!

The stars Riegel and Canopus, to name two more addresses, are 900 light-years away. If we were to take the trouble 'to transmit', we should not even know whether our two stellar 'comrades' still existed.

'Their' light which hits us today is already 900 years old. Meanwhile a great deal can (and will) have happened on those stars! Why should we call them up? Even if they are still in the best of health and possess an adequate technical civilization, an echo could not reach us for 1,800 years. Who would be interested in that? New different systems of interstellar communications must be invented, for even higher frequency astronomy which sends and receives with gigantic parabolic reflectors to observe celestial objects is unsuitable. So far no one knows the right wave-length! In that case is any form of communication possible between such widely separated intelligences?

Yes, through visions.

The first intelligence was formed sometime and somewhere in our galaxy. Astrophysicists know that solar systems incomparably older than ours exist and therefore presumably much older intelligent beings, too. The earliest intelligences began to ask questions in order to extend their knowledge.

Before these intelligent extraterrestrial beings planned space travel, they engaged in astro-physical and astronomical research (as our own experts did before they sent the first rockets into the atmosphere).

When they began to build spaceships their mathematicians and ballistic experts got together and calculated that, given the high velocity of the spaceship, time was different for the launching planet and the crew of the spaceship.


It has long been scientifically proved that different times hold good on interstellar flights at high speed.

Time dilation, as this time shift is called, was first 'discovered' in our day, but it is an 'eternal' law, which was equally valid for the first space-travelling intelligences. What am I to do, says Zeus? was the question Friedrich Schiller asked in his poem 'Dividing the Earth'. What are we to do? was also the question the extraterrestrial beings asked themselves. How were they to realize the goal of their expedition, namely increasing their knowledge, if millennia would have passed when they returned from their journey into space? If there was no one left alive at home who could evaluate and benefit from the fruits of their voyage?

Time and space could only be conquered, said the extraterrestrial academics, if they arranged for descendants at various times in as many places in the cosmos as possible -naturally 'in their own image'! So the astronauts were trained and given the mission during the long journey to make for all the planets apparently similar to their home planet and land on them. Having thoroughly explored a planet they had to separate the most advanced form of life and make it intelligent by a deliberate artificial mutation. (*) After what pattern? Obviously 'in their own image'.

Thus time was overcome by a fairly simple trick. From then on intelligent groups of their 'kind' - formed in their 'image' -existed at various times on various planets like their home star. The chronological building up of the planned breeding made it possible to hand on acquired experience and knowledge in a quasi-endless relay race, despite the time shift. The expedition's goal of increasing knowledge was assured.

It would be absurd to claim that human intelligence is unique and alone in the cosmos. There may be millions and millions of forms of intelligence in the universe, but envoys with a different form of intelligence from that to which we owe our development have not sought out our planet. What business would a Jupiter intelligence have on Mercury, if conditions similar to his own did not exist? We can find the extraterrestrials' recipe in Homer's Odyssey:

It's always the same,

A god keeps company with his peers!

Intelligence similar to ours exists in our galaxy because the extraterrestrials carried out their mission and performed artificial mutations on existing life at several strategic points. Even though we do not yet know it, there are other intelligences in our galaxy that think, act and feel like ourselves. These cosmic families, that are closely related to us, have brains that function like ours; after all they have the same origin, being built in the 'image' of the alien cosmonauts.


[*] Lat. 'change'. Discontinuous variation or sudden inheritable divergence from ancestral type.

---- These brains produce the same reaction to external stimuli as our much under worked thinking apparatuses. Do they ignite the first spark of visions?

Why, someone will ask, has the 'lord of Creation' not become intelligent through Darwinian natural selection, evolution, (*) and mutations, as the anthropologists say? Because the whole of the remaining monkey family (our forefathers!) still live in the jungle! Because they had exactly the same period of time at their disposal in which to evolve. Because the number and shape of their chromosomes (+) is not identical with ours!

Our forefathers, the hominids, had 48 Y chromosomes; we have 46 XY chromosomes. I beseech some geneticist to explain to me (and the anthropologists!) how 48 Y chromosomes turned into 46 XY

chromosomes and how products of the coupling of different numbers and shapes could multiply successfully? I expect I shall be told that two Y chromosomes grew up together by chance and produced an X chromosome. Why not? There is an obvious snag. The being to which this genetic defect happened, whether male or female, could never mate again with any other hominid because of the disparate chromosome numbers.

In order to accept this quite illogical explanation I would have to swallow the mathematical impossibility of this purely chance chromosome defect repeating itself at approximately the same time, and of this second 'spontaneous mutation' also having met up with the first one by chance! A pair has two parts. If it wants to reproduce itself, both parts must be of the same nature. It is asking too much to offer such a 'solution' to the problem. If you are in the habit of asking awkward questions like this, you often get answers of the same quality.

With regard to the subject of becoming intelligent, the British geneticist Francis Harry Crick, who won the Nobel Prize in 1962 for research into the chemical bases of heredity (DNA), published in the periodical Icarus [23] his conviction that life on our earth had become active by extraterrestrial genes.


[*] The doctrine according to which higher forms of life have gradually arisen out of lower.

[+] Rod-like portions of the chromatin of a cell-nucleus, performing an important part in mitotic celldivision and in the transmission of hereditary characters. Each species has its own particular number and shape of chromosomes.

---- As I have been attacked from many quarters because of this very hypothesis, I must admit that this article by such a world-famous geneticist made me very happy.

* * *

Before I continue outlining my hypothesis that the extraterrestrial origin of our intelligence is the explanation of genuine visions, I must get rid of the most important objection to my cosmonaut theory.

Eminent astronauts and exobiologists such as Professor Carl Sagan, New York, say that the concept of an extraterrestrial visit to our planet is impossible because, given the vast number of potential planets, the extraterrestrial beings could not have predetermined the Now, the point when man became intelligent out of the whole history of human evolution. So if the earth had been visited by extraterrestrial beings say three million years ago, accounts of the event could not have been incorporated into mythology as I claimed in my books. The extraterrestrial beings could not a) have known that our planet was a worthwhile goal, nor b) that hominids had just achieved intelligence on their evolutionary path.

Homo Sapiens only became intelligent after the visit by extraterrestrial beings. If the earth was visited three million years ago, then intelligence has existed exactly since that visit. And if we were first to be visited five hundred thousand years in the future, the point now would first exist then. The temporal assumptions are unreal. Whenever the point Now is fixed, it is in any case identical with the visit of extraterrestrial beings to our planet regardless of where NOW is set in the line of time.

We need a great deal more than is available in our present-day state of technology to practise interstellar space travel. The extraterrestrial beings who made us intelligent by artificial mutations were not only centuries ahead of us technically, but also must have had incomparably greater knowledge of the subatomic worlds and the real faculties of the brain.

If we add to the phenomena of the human brain, as far as we have understood them the faculties of a far superior intelligence, we can form a very rough idea of the IQs of the creators of our consciousness.

There is nothing new about any form of the extrasensory perception which is the object of so much research today. What we rediscover with great effort and considerable material expense and then try to use and dominate has been programmed in the human brain since that planned prehistoric artificial mutation.

It has long been common knowledge that only 1/10 of our brain is active. What does the dominating remainder of 9/10 do, the remainder which we could have at our disposal? Why did natural selection, evolution and mutation produce a brain with a weight of 1,300 to 1,800 grammes if mankind scarcely uses it? Furthermore, the 'beast brain' is capable of incalculably more than is demanded of it in everyday life. Mediums, clairvoyants, telepathists, telekinetists ... and prophets prove it.

When they 'grafted' their own genetic characteristics on to hominids - a method adopted on a minor scale in plant cultivation and the breeding of domestic animals - the extraterrestrial cosmonauts also transferred their highly developed faculties of extrasensory perception - in 'their own image'. They did not take the trouble to ennoble (= humanize) hominids out of pure altruism, love or as a gracious gift from the vast coffers of their omnipotence, as religions claim.

It was a technical business for the aliens. They had acquired knowledge they wanted to preserve.

Knowing that the inhabitants of their home planet would have 'come to dust' long before their return, they set up 'knowledge depots'. These depots became communications centres for all the children they had fabricated in their image.

Next, transmitting and receiving stations were installed in many places. But how were the communications to be established? Electromagnetic waves diverge at great distances, because of the resultant inevitable interference, but there are no obstacles to thought transference. Present-day researchers have proved this clearly in telepathic experiments when they have sent thought waves from transmitting mediums to receivers through several hundred metres of sea. Researchers have also shut up receivers in Faradaic cages protected against all kinds of waves by lead plates. The telepathic signals came through unobstructed.

Nevertheless language was an insuperable obstacle to telepathic news transfers of this kind. The bright cosmonaut mutation specialists had foreseen the development of different languages. Made exactly after their pattern, in 'their image', they knew that the new race with its various species would have enemies and wage wars. So the development of different languages as a kind of secret code in the nascent family of races was unavoidable - as a safeguard against their enemies. But different moral and ethical concepts would also take shape along with different languages, and scientific and technical knowledge would be expressed in different ways. The news radiated by transmitter X would not be understood by receiver Y because of the language barrier. The only way left was that of emotional and visual telepathy! Feelings such as love, trust, hate, danger etc. would be understood everywhere, just as pictures would be understood by common-sense.

In fact every genuine vision begins with the receipt of soothing news. 'Peace be with you.' 'Do not be afraid.' Such emotional telepathy is possible and effective between intelligent beings. Words like 'love'

and 'peace' were not transmitted in any one language: they would not have been universally understood. (Esperanto, which aspires to be a universal language remains in the ghetto of the language laboratory.) So feelings of love and peace were sent out. The emotional transmission was strengthened and consolidated by pictures and symbols. Pictures are international and intercosmic. The Mona Lisa's smile gives pleasure in both Paris and Tokyo.

Music was used as a third frequency. Vibrations and shock harmonies that clash with one another excite the neurons of the brain and release oscillations, conversions of energy.

The elderly are often completely disconcerted by modern music. A new consciousness of the strange oscillations has appeared among present-day youth. The electronically produced cosmic oscillations of the music get right under their skin, just as sub- or supraconscious cerebral layers are activated by the influence of drugs. We should not forget that on the LPs preferred by young people, organs and synthesizers with their echo vibrations are always used as stimuli for expanded consciousness. It is strange that such new 'worlds' appear simultaneously everywhere and are not tied to national or regional taste.

What is the force that suddenly makes a composer in Korea hit on the same kind of music as his colleagues in London, Paris, New York or Berlin? What is the reason for the sudden dominance in painting of surrealism or abstraction? Where do these recognizable limited impulses come from?

Because the new kind of music or painting is 'in demand' and modern? Why is something suddenly in demand and modern? The waltz was once modern and fashionable in the western world, though it did not animate Hindus and Indians. Did it not penetrate into the layers of consciousness in which a common feeling is programmed?

In spite of the existing gaps in the chain of evidence, I take it as accepted fact that the human brain can register finer and more sensitive oscillations than the most delicate apparatus. No measuring apparatus has ever recorded 'love'. But since brilliant scientists have also been smitten by it, they cannot deny that love exists. The conversion of elements is fully accepted in physics and chemistry. Are other principles meant to be valid for the human brain?

Professor George Ungar [24] of Baylor Medicine College, Houston, Texas, has proved by thousands of animal experiments that brain cells are activated by electrical impulses and form a new matter — memory molecules. He says: 'whether we like it or not, we must take as our starting point today the fact that in the long run our brain is a storehouse for millions of memory molecules and also an apparatus for "playing" them'.

Thought molecules in the brain are circuits by which programmed knowledge can be summoned up.

They are material. Once made to oscillate, they influence the micro-parts of the antimaterial world.

Emotions cause the same effect in the brain, as the physicist achieves in his syncroton (accelerator for imparting high energies to elementary particles) by electron volts. Each of us carries such energy converters inside him in the form of hate, love, joy, sadness, sympathy, envy. In the normal states emotions release normal reactions. The trance, a state reached by suggestive or hypnotic means, raises paranormal faculties to a higher power. That much is proved, even if the forces that bring it about have not yet been confirmed.

The English physicist and chemist, Sir William Crookes, who was already well known, experimented in his laboratory with the medium Daniel Douglas Home. Sir William believed that there was a force which made contact with the body by unknown means. During the experiments the medium D.D.

Home - lifted by invisible forces - rose several feet above the ground. Sir William wrote: This fantastic event ... did not take place once or twice in bad light, but was repeated hundreds of times in every conceivable condition .... Once Home even floated out of one window at a height of 70 feet and floated in through another. Such distinguished gentlemen as Lord Dunravei Lord Lindsay and Captain Wynne, who were eye-witnesses were prepared to confirm this fact on oath [25].

A similar event took place in 1938 before 300 spectators with the English medium Colin Evans as protagonist. This levitation (*) was photographed at various stages. People have speculated and will continue to speculate about the nature of the forces which cause these phenomena. I should not like to put any chips down on a roulette wheel which spurts out this kind of energy: there are too many possibilities and too few chances of winning. Isn't it enough to know that the forces are there and can be recorded and proved? The mere fact of their existence is quite enough to give us a good idea why figures in visions float in the air and seem to be weightless. Was a statue from Lourdes seen in a garden at Beauraing a case of levitation? Were not similar objects levitated by means of psychokinetic phenomena at other sites where visions were seen? Such open questions should be included in presentday research programmes.

Let us stick to the premises. Extraterrestrial beings visited other solar systems, too, and left behind scions in their image on suitable planets. Some groups of their descendants have an advantage over us.

They tamed, developed and trained the 'beast brain' earlier than we did. (As they were visited by the alien astronauts before us in time, they could have an advantage over us of several millennia, owing to time displacement.)


[*] The floating of the human body in the air, attributed solely to saints, fakirs and mediums. In psychokinesis the levitation of objects is also known.

---- These ultra mature intelligences are transmitting energetic thought impulses intended to stimulate and extend consciousness in us their brothers and sisters of the same origin. I am firmly convinced that this also explains the failure of all temporal and ecclesiastical dictators to restrict human consciousness and direct it in one particular direction for any length of time.

I am prepared for the question: why did the super-intelligent extraterrestrials leave no apparatus with which they could establish communications with those left behind simply by pressing a button?

Well, astronauts do not normally take heavy apparatus with them on long journeys, unless they are necessary for the navigation, steering etc. of the spaceship. But in this case, they would have to cram in hundreds of transmitting and receiving sets, because they were playing a game of creating intelligence at many many places in the cosmos. With all their technical abilities, they obviously did not consider us as their exclusive masterpiece, the unique crown of their creation.

The next question, then, is why did they not build communication centres themselves? But the 'second'

in the world process at which they made us intelligent 'in their image' by mutation, found us hominids unprepared. A vast technological infrastructure would have been needed for such a complicated undertaking as the building of interstellar communication centres - factories that could print integrated circuits and produce chemical semi-conductors, etc. None of that existed at hour '0' of the birth of our intelligence.

Even on the hypothetical assumption that the alien visitors had brought a suitable transmitting and receiving station with them, they could scarcely have deposited it on the planet earth, which was faced with earthquakes, floods and wars -after all, they weren't stupid! The passage of time alone, together with climatic changes, would have destroyed it. The cables and apparatuses the American astronauts left on the moon have already disintegrated, even though the moon has no atmosphere. The extremes of heat and cold alone were enough to do the damage.

The extraterrestrial visitors had made no mistakes in their planning! They knew that all mechanically produced and radiated transmissions were tied to the speed of light - they knew that electromagnetic waves could not reach the receiving sets over vast interstellar distances. So what was the point of a lot of senseless and useless machinery?

The visions of genuine visionaries advance mankind along the path of its development with giant strides. It is always surprising to find out the fields in which the advances are made: the spectrum of their potentialities is broad. In this connection I think it is important to realize that every brain is able to receive visions in so far as it is trained and ready to receive definite impulses through specific fixed points in the environment which influences it - in other words if it is open to communication with extraterrestrial fields of energy.

When I say that all persons trained along egocentric paths are predisposed to visions, there are the

(rare) extraordinary cases where the extraterrestrial beings find the 'receivers of the millennium', the geniuses, whose brains seem to be waiting for the impulses with their grey cells vibrating. Leonardo da Vinci was one of these 'receivers of the millennium'! Born 1452, died 1519, he is generally known as a painter, architect and sculptor. Few people know that he was equally gifted as a natural scientist and technician. Da Vinci scholars have made fantastic discoveries about him in the last few years. As a painter he marked the zenith of the classical style; but as a scientist his works belong to our own age.

He was the first technologist in the history of mankind. In his book of patterns of mechanical elements he described problems of hydraulics, dynamics and static's.

He was the first inspector of fortresses under Cesare Borgia: he drew maps which are the earliest examples of modern cartography.

He was asked for advice as 'war engineer' and produced plans for diverting the Arno in order to deprive Pisa, which was waging war with Florence, with its main artery of communication.

He dissected corpses and wrote a treatise on human anatomy.

He investigated the flight of birds and the laws governing air currents, and drew plans for constructing an aircraft.

His sketches contain a doctrine of the original mechanical forces in nature, a whole cosmology.

Through geological observations, he was led to investigate the origin of fossils. His biological studies made him the first scientific illustrator.

He realized that there would never be a perpetuum mobile because of the laws of gravity.

For Sultan Bayazid II he conceived a bridge over the Bosphorus - '12,000 ft over the sea, 600 over the land'. Such a bridge has been in service - since 1973.

He invented a two-stage rocket which could fly 'more than three miles'.

He devised a machine-tool for cutting cylindrical bore holes, of the kind that has long been indispensable for manufacturing ball-bearings.

He developed a gyroscopic system, like the one invented for blind flying by Speery Rand, but not until


The multi-barrelled machine gun in modern jet-fighters can be found on da Vinci's drawing paper.

Leonardo da Vinci.

He lived to the age of 67.

He was painter, sculptor and architect. Brilliantly endowed.

My notes on his fields of study are far from complete.

Each individual branch of knowledge he mastered would normally have needed years of study; each individual result would have been the issue of a whole lifetime's work.

Surely an enormous, almost inconceivable amount of knowledge, must have been stored in Leonardo's brain? After all, his artistic production and his scientific researches and plans are worlds apart!

Genius is not just diligence or the intelligent use of reason. I suspect that genius is mainly the ability to open a highly 'rained brain to extraterrestrial energies. The extraterrestrial beings know what primordial knowledge is stored in the grey cells. If they did not know it, they could not make the fuel of genius spark.

That's it.

The communication medium was and is the 'beast-brain'. From the conveyor belt of modern research flow scientific proofs that man possesses parapsychological faculties which are against 'natural' laws.

Only now, on the threshold of the third millennium, are we mentally capable of discovering the brain's unknown potentialities and perhaps of using them usefully and sensibly in future. We are taking our first hesitant steps towards mutual communication.

A few 'initiates' - I am not speaking of religious figures -have always had access to the wonderful unconscious, from which they summoned up great discoveries in visionary form. The Danish physicist Niels Bohr (1885-1962), who laid down the foundations of atomic theory, has described how he finally hit on the idea of his atomic model after years of vain re-search [26].

Neils Bohr dreamt he was sitting on a sun of burning gas. Hissing, spitting planets rushed by him and they all seemed to be attached to the sun they were circling by fine threads. Suddenly gas, sun and planets contracted and solidified. At this moment, said Niels Bohr, he awoke. He knew at once that what he had seen in his dream was the atom model.

Neils Bohr was canonized for this vision in 1922 - I beg your pardon - awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics!

To me this 'dream' has the value of a vision. Hissing and spitting before the event, gas which solidifies and forms an image ... I have heard all that before in another connection. Physicists have their world: they live daily and hourly with their formulae, diagrams and plans. Those are visual signals, which accompany them everywhere they go. Dialogues and discussions with colleagues, assistants and students revolve round their physical problems - acoustic signals which are ever present. The stress of their work causes a 'psycho feedback' which they cannot escape. Consequently physicists can only have visions of images from their, working world, like Niels Bohr who had been fixated on the search for 'his' atom model for years. It appeared to him in a vision. We know whence religious enthusiasts draw their visual and acoustic signals.

In my opinion the physicist's 'dream' was caused by extraterrestrial impulses. They recalled the 'image'

programmed in the unconscious - owing to psycho-feedback the atom model was present. Bohr's brain was trained for this exceptional case! We must liberate ourselves from the absurd idea that visions are a religious privilege. That is only true if we accept religion's claim to exclusiveness. The great men of the intellectual world are not clever enough to make capital out of their visions. They suddenly had an idea ... they suddenly 'saw' the solution of a long-posed question clearly before their eyes ... the unconscious whispered something to them and it was an 'inner voice' which spoke to them. They describe the syndrome of many visions simply as a 'brilliant idea'. What sort of a saint would an ecclesiastical organization have made out of Albert Einstein if he had his brilliant ideas suddenly and by inspiration as one of their sheep!

The great Niels Bohr was not the only scientist who frankly admitted that ideas that changed the world came to him in dreams.

For example, there was the chemist Professor August Kekule' von Stradowitz (1829-1896) - and what would the world be without his flash of genius? - who made vitally important advances in the theoretical bases of organic chemistry in the nineteenth century. Kekule discovered the quadrivalence of carbon and said that the truly revolutionary image of the 'closed-chain' structure of benzene (1865)

had appeared to him suddenly as if in a dream. This visionary image became the basis of what is now the most important basic material for chemical manufacturing.

There was also, to name just one example from our own day, the physiologist and pharmacologist Professor Otto Loewi (1873-1961), who taught at Graz and emigrated to New York. His fields of research were the physiology of the metabolism and the physiology and pharmacology of the vegetative nervous system. Once again we must ask what would have become of mankind without the visionary dream that helped Loewi to become the first man to demonstrate the chemical transference of nervous impulses in the nervous system (previously scholars had assumed that the transference was electrical). In 1936 Otto Loewi was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine (for his dream). Just imagine our stress-ridden world without a single tranquillizer or any of the neuropsychological medicaments, and you will realize the epoch-making significance of Loewi's vision. When he

'received' it, he was ready for the impulses which, so I believe, extraterrestrial beings transmit when they think X day has come.

There is one more comment I want to make.

In 1968 I was spellbound and absorbed by The Double Helix, unquestionably a unique book in its description of a scientific discovery that took place gradually. The book was (and is) all the more stimulating because the author, Harvard Professor James D. Watson, and his colleagues Francis H.C.

Crick and Maurice H.F. Wilkins, solved one of the greatest mysteries of life: the make-up of the DNA

molecule which contains all the hereditary information and cell-building plans of a living creature. In

1962 the team received the Nobel Prize for Medicine.

I share the opinion of Nature's critic, who said that if Watson had not already been awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine he should have got the prize for literature. What I had read in 1968 left me with the unforgettable impression of having been within an ace of participating in the growth of a discovery myself. Because it all stayed so fresh in my mind, I picked up the book seven years later and read it again when my years of investigation had spurred me on to track down the phenomenon of visions.

Now the sequence of signals that drove the researchers on appeared to me in a new light. Watson related how lightning-like and often phantasmagoric hints at possible solutions kept on cropping up, whether he was playing tennis, flirting or spending a pleasant week-end.

Unannounced and unwanted (because he was amusing himself), a signal relating to the subject of his research would appear in his brain quite unexpectedly, in situations that were worlds apart from his university laboratory .... 'I huddled as close to the chimney as possible and dreamed of several DNA

chains folded up in attractive and scientifically productive ways .... Soon after it had struck midnight, I was much happier. How often had Francis and I worried that the DNA structure might turn out to be quite boring in the end. ... But now, to my surprise and delight, the solution proved to be extremely interesting. I lay awake for more than two hours, sleepless but happy, and saw a pair of adenin remains whirling round before my eyes. Only for brief moments was I afraid that such a good idea could be wrong ....'

These two quotations from Watson's book were not specially chosen by me: these flashes of summer lightning on the way to the goal form the excitement of the book. From the point of view of my theory of visions, Watson's detailed account indicates how he and his highly trained intellectual team were dominated by a series of encouraging impulses and finally by the idea that solved the problem, all of which came from an intelligent energy-emitting force. These men, who thought in formulae and codes, who thought the structures of molecules in images, who speculated in discussion, were suddenly 'ripe'

for the summoning up of the discovery from their unconscious by extraterrestrials. Obviously this is still a speculation, but I am firmly convinced that from time immemorial, namely from the day on which homo sapiens was made intelligent by artificial mutation, knowledge stored in the brains of selected people has been summoned up. Always on X day.

Such impulses, such dreams, have the value of visions for me. Physicists and doctors have their own world, they live daily with their images, their formulae diagrams, X-rays of organs and nerve structures and with the reactions of sick and healthy people. Those are their visual signals, which follow them everywhere. Dialogues and discussions circle round their specific problems - acoustic signals which are always present. The continuing stress of their research work produces a 'psychofeedback'

which they cannot escape. Consequently these men can only have visions (= dreams) from their own world. They call the inspirations ideas, and if they are not afraid of their colleagues they sometimes speak openly of the dreams they have had.

In my view, dreams, as I have proved by certain examples, are released by extraterrestrial impulses.

'Images' programmed in the unconscious are summoned up from it, because the brains were trained for this exceptional case. We know where religious zealots draw their visual and acoustic signals from.

The situation seems clear to me. Extraterrestrial impulses cause the brain to produce visions. The vision itself is not extraterrestrial; it 'reveals' the image desired by the visionary. An Arabic visionary

'sees' Mohammed or his youngest daughter Fatima, a Hindu 'sees' Brahma, Vishnu or Shiva, a Red Indian 'sees' Manitu ... and a Catholic 'sees' Jesus, the Blessed Virgin, angels and saints. Every recipient of a vision reproduces the religious world of ideas familiar to him.

If the news of a Christian vision becomes public and is mysterious and attractive enough, it is accepted by the Church (provided it fits into the traditional system); or it is cast out root and branch, if the visionary rejects the version which is built up by suitable questioning.

At the moment the visionary comes into the sphere of an extraterrestrial impulse field - as I should like to call it - he becomes a medium. He cannot avoid the impulses which reach his brain. The brain begins to produce figures which are only visible to him. Visions may be immaterial or material

(ectoplasmic materializations), but they are always real to the visionary. Even though outside 'courts'

presume to do so, it is impertinent to decide and judge which visions are genuine and which are not. It is not the Blessed Virgin who gives the order to say the Rosary. This order is inspired by the religious trappings with which the Christian visionary's inner He is decorated. That is also where he gets the images of the beautiful ladies, archangels and saints which become the objects of his visions.

What happens in the brains of the numerous child visionaries?

'Something' flashes in the brain (radiated by extraterrestrial impulses). It is repeated. The child feels frightened. He seeks a refuge. A feeling of peace and security comes over him unawares. He 'sees'

mist, fine undulating veils, the air seems to shimmer, somewhere a light shines. These unreal illusory images, in which the child would like to recognize the familiar portraits of Lord Jesus or Mary, suddenly take shape. Finally he sees the familiar figures in the puzzle picture. He enjoys hearing messages of love and peace from them. A feeling of joy overcomes the child, he would like to nestle against them. A hint is necessary.

Children are not specially selected by the extraterrestrials. They do not know which receivers are in the energy field of their impulses. Strictly speaking the fact that children so frequently have visions would be pure chance, were they not ideally prepared for the supernatural by their intensive religious upbringing, by their introverted life concentrated on the figures of the church. The childish brain is full of naive belief, crammed full of Christian images, sayings, stories and hymns. When extraterrestrial energies penetrate into minds thus prepared they produce exclusively religious visions. In other words, children are predisposed by their religious environment. The extraterrestrials do not create the conditions.

In fact, faster than light communications produced oscillations in the sub-or supraconsciousness, and communication with extraterrestrial beings was established. The impulses simply produced graphic

(mute) representations of peace, love and security, which the childish brain then transferred to the figures of the Holy Family.

This takes the following form in the official records of investigations of visions: l I know with absolute certainty that I had a vision.

l I know that the vision disturbed me at first (fear) and then calmed me (love, peace).

l I felt that the vision was strong and powerful; it was greater and more beautiful than anything I ever saw before.

The vision did not actually say anything, but I sensed its wish and desire to spread peace. (If visions took place in time of war, these feelings of the visionary would always become an appeal for peace - an expression of the general subconscious!)

I mean that all men would become one with the vision. (Symbol of the extraterrestrial; we were a unity originally.)

Visionaries do not realize how their visions take place. This realization is deliberately with held from them, because the extraterrestrial impulse field could be destroyed by their defensive reactions. For the visionary faced with the phenomenon, the only alternatives are GOOD and BAD. If it is good, it can only have been a manifestation of God - transformed into figures such as Jesus, Mary, Buddha, Shiva, Mohammed etc. If it is bad the vision can only have been from the devil and he has hundreds of terrifying masks and lots of evil words on his lips. In cases where the religious visionary is still Sceptical about identifying the figures he has seen, the Church takes very good care to see that he is left in no doubt.

Why do the visionary figures so often want to have a pilgrimage church built on the site where they appear? There may be two reasons. The visionary was once very happy at the scene of the vision and experienced the most wonderful moments of his life there. Confused by the sensation, he manages to give such a wonderful description of what he saw that everybody who would like to share in the promises and future miracles wants to erect a church. And no Church refuses buildings offered by those with money to burn.

It is a wonderful experience for the visionary. He keeps on returning to the place where he was so happy ... like lovers who always seek out their own bench in the park to recapture their former bliss.

Hypothetically we can assume that the extraterrestrial contact partners had picked out the place as particularly favourable and wanted to make sure that mutual contact was possible there. Is that why visions appear exclusively in places where there is no interference? It would not occur to anyone to set up radio-astronomic aerials in terrain occupied by heavy industry.

* * *

I am going to be the advocate of my own devil.

Why must or should visions have anything at all to do with extraterrestrial beings? Are not visions purely the figments of psychopathic imaginations? Are not even genuine (photographed) visions caused by unknown powers of the human brain? So why bring in extraterrestrial super beings?

As soon as contact exists between visionary and vision, every vision spontaneously announces that it is


In the Christian vocabulary it goes like this.

'I am the mother of the universe.'

'I am the queen of heaven (Cosmos).'

'I am the immaculate conception.' (High-flown description of the original artificial mutation?)

The visionary describes transmitted groups of symbols in the words at his disposal, using analogous images.

The claim made by visions to be of extraterrestrial origin would not be sufficient by itself. For example, when an angel appears to the eighteen-year-old Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon Religion, and says he knows the secret place where tablets with the history of mankind are hidden, and if it then turns out that the tablets are found exactly at the spot described, this means to me that extraterrestrial beings have given Joseph Smith information that could only be known to them.

(Because they prepared the hiding place on our planet thousands of years ago!) What was later made out of the vision phenomenon (it was Jesus!), belongs to the fairy-tale factory in which religions are manufactured. 'Belief, not disbelief, is what is dangerous in our society'. [27]

However much these interesting details may arouse our interest, we must not lose sight of a central phenomenon, the solar miracle! Whether at San Damiano, Fatima or Heroldsbach, tens of thousands observed - and put it on record - a gigantic flying wheel with spokes, revolving furiously in the sky.

Sometimes this wheel slowed down its revolutions; it moved in front of the sun and past it. Who is not reminded of the grandiose space-station in the film 2001 by such descriptions? Space-stations are like gigantic wheels which turn slowly on a central axis. This creates in the external rooms round their

'equator' the artificial gravity that is necessary for interstellar journeys. In the centre, at the hub of the wheel, are the energy stations from which the propulsive forces are led to the actual 'wheel' down spoke like communication shafts.

Is that also a possible explanation of solar miracles? I do not think it is out of the question. The tens of thousands who witnessed the phenomena are no fools and their descriptions of what they saw tally to such an extent that some 'object' must have existed for them to see.

Space journeys over interstellar distances last for thousands of years, according to our terrestrial chronology. I consider it plausible that extraterrestrial brains akin to ours order 'visionaries' through apparitions to lead large groups of people to a place named by them on a day and at an hour also named by them. At this point of time X the space-station, travelling somewhere among the stars, uses its concentrated energy to transmit the picture of the station. Result: tens of thousands of receivers on our planet see a gigantic gleaming wheel, flashing all colours of the rainbow, that sails majestically past the sun. Then why is this phenomenon not visible from all places illuminated by the sun? Well, the extraterrestrials, by fixing the specific place and specific time, had also chosen the angle from which their signals would be perceivable (via visions).

The question remains why the extraterrestrials started such a manoeuvre. To me it is conceivable that they wanted to give a clear sign. 'Here we are: we live in a great space-station and you puny men must understand that your intelligence originates from us who are capable of staging such a spectacle.'

We earthworms crippled by our upbringing do not realize this, but turn the message into a religious miracle. I'll wear sackcloth and ashes if I'm wrong, but I can't see miracles in physical events.

Genuine visions have been vitally concerned in opening up the consciousness of mankind. All founders of religions, who went among men inspired by these phenomena, announced that it was not they themselves who were speaking, but that 'that which is in me and above me' was speaking through them De facto they often told mankind about new things which were far above the state of knowledge and experience of their time.

But, thank heaven, founders of religions and adepts were not the only recipients of visions. There are also the great brains which got their ideas from contacts with extraterrestrial beings. We talk of geniuses. They are the chosen few, those ripe for contact, who are able to convert extraterrestrial impulses into thought molecules. The scientifically trained and investigating brain, which grasps symbols and transforms them into knowledge, does not talk about visions. At some point in the biographies of the great men in human history moments occur in which visions, illuminations or inspirations caused the great turning point or the decisive earth-shattering realization (the idea). The justification of the visions of great men is their contribution to mankind.

Religions, especially their founders, use visions like 'crumbs which fall from their masters' table'

(Matthew, 15:27). The visions that are useless from the religious point of view, the visions and illuminations which great men get from the supernatural, are the ones which bring progress.

They are the ones I believe in.
