A Calendar Of Visions

No one knows the countless number of visions that have been received since men were able to think.

In order to give a rough idea of the extraordinary gamut of visions (with visions of Mary predominant in the Christian era), I have prepared a calendar composed solely of those cases I came across during the writing of this book. If investigators collaborated in listing all known visions in the world and the results were compiled at a central research centre, the result would certainly be a work with many more volumes than the Encyclopaedia Britannica.

The following is a very brief resume: Mythology: The Slavic Fates, the Sudenica, who appeared after the birth of a child, frequently showed themselves in threes at midnight.

Borovit, the Slavic wood spirit, appeared as shepherd or wolf. A tall, green 'Water Man', bedecked with aquatic plants, frequently appeared to Croats, Slovenes and White Russians. Csodasiuszarvas, a kind of flying stag, appeared to the ancient Hungarians, surrounded by radiant light. Bodb, Irish goddess of battles, sometimes appeared in the form of a crow.

The Irish Mother Goddess Macha appeared to various heroic figures in hideous guise. If the heroes did not do what Macha wanted, she turned them into beautiful maidens. The Roman god of war, Mars, appeared to Numa Pompilius (715-672 B.C.), second King of Rome.

Valkyries appeared on wild flying horses and intervened in battles. The Celts believed that the hero Finn could turn himself into the stag Mongan by twisting his cape, and appear anywhere he wished in this new transformation. In addition to many other gods, the god Huracan constantly appeared to the Maya and gave them instruction. Angels and archangels often appeared to our ancestors, Adam and Eve, and so did gigantic revolving flying wheels.

c.5,000 B.C. The divine sister Inanna appeared to Enme-Kar, the ruler Uruk, and advised him how to overthrow the city of Aratta.

c.4,000 B.C. Various divinities appeared to Gilgamesh, King of Uruk, and gave him wise counsel.

c.3,500 B.C. The Sumerian gardener Shukallituda saw the goddess Inanna resting in his garden.

c.1,500 B.C. After Manu had survived the Flood on the peak of the Himalayas, the God of the Universe Brahma appeared to him and transmitted the 'Laws of Manu'.

727-722 B.C. Tobias, hero of the apocryphal Book of Tobit, who lived in the time of the Assyrian King Salmanazar, had a vision in Mesopotamia of the Archangel Raphael.

c.500 B.C. Buddha, the Enlightened One, received his wisdom from the 'Universal Spirit' in visions.

204 B.C. Ptolemy IV decided to have all the Egyptian Jews killed. Two radiant angels of terrifying aspect appeared and paralysed the attacking army.

c.287. In the open country two angels watched over the corpse of St. Vicentius of Valencia, Spain.

c.300 Angels, who liberated him from prison, appeared several times to St. Erasmus, Bishop of Antioch.

c.300 The cross of Christ and a dove which promised her the heavenly martyr's crown appeared to St.

Regina in the prison at Alice-St.-Reine, France.

c.303 The devil appeared to St. Juliana of Ismir, Asia Minor, in the form of an angel.

c.303 Christ appeared to St. George of Lydda (now Ludd, near Jaffa, Palestine), when he was in prison, and consoled and fortified him.

c.303 Sts. Cosmas and Damian were saved from the sea at Aegea, Asia Minor, by an angel.

c.303 St. Timothy of Rome was consoled by angels, saw the heavens open and Christ holding out the martyr's crown to him.

c.304 St. Dorothy of Caesarea in Cappadocia had a vision of a golden-haired boy in star-studded raiment with a little basket full of roses and apples.

c.304 When St. Vitus was in prison in Sicily, angels illuminated the darkness of his cell.

c.307 When St. Margaret of Antioch, Asia Minor, was in prison, Satan, the tempter, appeared to her in the guise of an enormous dragon.

c.311 A white dove brought food to St. Katherine of Alexandria, Egypt, in prison and an angel consoled her. Katherine and the Empress saw angels, who applied ointment to their wounds.

c.311 St. Adrian appeared to his wife after his death.

c.312 The body of St. Katherine of Alexandria was carried to Mount Sinai by angels.

c.334 Christ, wearing the remnants of his clothing, appeared at night to St. Martin of Amiens, France.

7.5.351 At eight in the morning, in broad daylight, a radiant cross appeared to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

c.356 When disciples were burying St. Anthony of Heraklea, Egypt, angels were seen standing round him.

c.356 Peter appeared to St. Servatius of Tongern, Belgium, and handed him a silver key.

30.8.357 St. Cyprian saw God the Father floating above the clouds.

c.398 On several occasions an angel gave St. Onuphrius communion at Goreme, Cappadocia.

452 In Mantua, Italy, Attila, King of the Huns, saw Peter and Paul with drawn swords standing next to St. Leo.

c.458 Peter appeared to St. Leo I, the Pope, at Rome and handed him the pallium (a white woollen papal vestment).

5th cent. When on her deathbed, St. Tharsilla saw Jesus descend and cry: Go back, go back! Jesus comes!

547 The Benedictine monks of Montecassino, Italy, saw St. Benedict carried up to heaven by angels on roads that shone brightly and were covered with carpets. St. Benedict himself saw the soul of St.

Scholastica flying up to heaven as a white dove.

589 Gregory the Great, Saint and Pope, hid in a cave, but was discovered by a pillar of light on which angels ascended and descended.

610 The angels of Allah appeared to Mohammed, the founder of Islam.

627 St. Heraklius, Emperor of Byzantium, saw an angel, who opened the city gates of Jerusalem to him.

c.648 Christ, in the guise of a beggar, appeared thrice to St. Jodokus, St. Josse-sur-Mer, France.

651 Cuthbert, saint of the Anglo-Saxon and Celtic church, saw a great light in the sky one night in Ireland and angels ascending heavenwards, carrying a soul with them.

735 The inscription on the grave of the venerable Bede of the Monastery of Yarrow, England, was found one morning already carved by angelic hands.

c.750 The infant Jesus appeared to St. Alto, Italy, during Mass.

814 Christ appeared to St. Anskar, the great missionary of the north, on the night of Whit-Sunday.

819 St. Cecilia of Rome appeared to Pope Paschalis I, when he was looking for her tomb.

970 St. Othmar appeared to Wolfgang of Regensburg at Einsiedeln, Switzerland.

973 Two angels with chalice and paten appeared to St. Ulric at Augsburg, Germany, when he was dangerously ill. The hand of God raised in blessing and emerging from golden rays became visible to him.

c.981 A wolf appeared to St. Wolfgang while he was praying in church at Regensburg, Germany, and the devil disappeared in a rage.

1008 Churchgoers at Valenciennes, France, saw visions of the Blessed Virgin during a time of pestilence.

c.1020 An angel is supposed to have brought a reliquary to St. Bernhard of Hildesheim, Germany.

August, 1060 Jesus and the Queen of Heaven appeared to St. Albert in the village of Espain, France.

16.1.-17.4.1095 The 'Queen of the Universe' appeared in the clouds to all the inhabitants of the town of Arras, France.

c.l100 St. Anselm of Canterbury, England, saw Mary many times.

1110 The Madonna and angels appeared to St. Bernard of Clairvaux, France.

c.1114 While St. Isidore of Madrid, Spain, was praying, two white oxen, driven by an angel, were seen ploughing.

1117 At Cremona, Italy, a one-year-old baby suddenly spoke and described a very beautiful, nonexistent lady.

1155 When St. Dominic of Spain was baptized, his nurse saw a golden star on the child's brow.

1186 A swan with a chalice out of which the infant Jesus climbed is supposed to have appeared during Mass to St. Hugh of Lincoln, England.

1170-1221 St. Dominic of Spain saw himself face to face with Christ, who had drawn three spears against the evil of the world. Peter and Paul also appeared to him and gave him a staff and a book with his mission to preach. The saint's mother saw a black and white dog, which lit up the whole world with the torch in its mouth. Mary gave St. Dominic a rosary and explained its laws to him.

c.1180 A stag with a blue and red cross on its antlers appeared to Sts. Felix of Valois (1127-1212) and John of Matha.

2.8.1218 The Blessed Virgin appeared to St. Peter Nolasco at Barcelona, Spain, and persuaded him to found the Order of our Lady of Ransom to rescue captives from the Moors.

1219 The 'Queen of Heaven', accompanied by two beautiful maidens, appeared to Dean Reginald of Orleans.

c.1221 Mary and the infant Jesus appeared to St. Anthony of Padua, Italy.

7.10.1224 Our first ancestor, Adam, and seven very beautiful maidens appeared above Schloss Bardenbourg to the wife of Theobald, Count of Luxembourg.

September 1224 Jesus conferred the five wounds he received at the crucifixion (the stigmata) on St.

Francis of Assisi at Monte La Verna, Italy.

c.1225 Ludwig of Thuringen, husband of Elisabeth of Thuringen, Germany, saw Christ crucified lying in his bed.

22.12.1226 The Son of God appeared on several occasions to St. Aegidius of Assisi, Italy.

c.1228 While St. Elizabeth of Thuringen, Germany, was praying, an angel adorned her with jewellery and gleaming light.

c.1232 The Virgin Mary appeared several times to Hermann Joseph, Hoven-in-der-Eifel, Germany, during his night watches.

c.1250 An angel gave communion to St. Bonaventure of Pisa, Italy.

1263 During Mass in the church of St. Christina of Bolsena, Italy, a drop from the chalice is reputed to have appeared to a German priest as blood on the cloth covering the host.

c.1277 A star appeared above the altar to St. Nicholas of Tolentino, Italy; he also saw angels round the altar.

c.1288 Christ often appeared to St. Angela of Foligno, Italy, and showed her his wounds.

c.1299 Jesus frequently appeared to St. Gertrude of Helfta, Germany, in the Convent of Helfta.

c.1315 The Madonna appeared to St. Birgitta of Sweden when she was only a child.

1320 When St. Rock of Piacenza, Italy, was sick of the plague, he was healed by an angel

1328 The Mother of Grace appeared to St. Andrew Corsini on the day he celebrated his first Mass. In a later vision Mary is supposed to have warned him of his imminent death. No date When St.

Aegidius of St. Gilles, France, was praying before the altar, an angel brought him a piece of paper confirming the forgiveness of his sins.

c.l362 Christ gave St. Katherine of Siena a wedding-ring while she was praying.

18.8.1370 The stigmata of our Lord appeared on the body of St. Katherine, after a visionary experience.

3.10.1399 Christ, accompanied by Dominic and Francis, appeared to the ailing St. Vincent Ferrer at Avignon, France, and stroked his cheeks.

c.1413 The Blessed Virgin and her son appeared to St. Lidwina at Schiedam, Holland.

c.1424 Joan of Arc, from Domremy, France, saw the Archangel Michael and other saints.

26.5.1432 Gianetta di Pietro Vacchi saw Mary promising peace at Caravaggio, Italy.

1438 A 'wonderful' lady was seen above the roofs of Bologna, Italy, by the inhabitants.

c.1440 The monogram of Christ (IHS) is reputed to have appeared above the head of St. Bernardine of Siena while he was preaching a sermon.

2.3.1440 During the last 23 years of her life, St. Frances of Rome constantly saw an angel by her side.

1449 Mary appeared to a woman at Anderlect, Belgium, and desired to be venerated as 'Dame de grace'.

c.1450 While St. Didacus, a Spanish laybrother, was praying in ecstasy, angels did all the cooking for him in the monastery kitchen.

1463 St. Katherine of Bologna, Italy, saw the 'Lord sitting on a gleaming throne'.

3.5.1491 While the smith Dieter Schore was riding to market in Niedermorschweier, Alsace, Mary appeared to him in a white mantle and veil, holding an icicle in one hand and three ears of corn in the other.

10.8.1519 The Blessed Virgin was seen by the worker Jean de la Baume when she suddenly appeared standing above the hills of Mont Vardaille, France.

1521 When Martin Luther was translating the Bible on the Wartburg near Eisenach, Germany, he had a vision of the devil on the wall of his turret room; he banished it by throwing an inkpot at it.

1550-1561 The Blessed Virgin repeatedly appeared to Sebastian Baraddas at Lisbon, Portugal, and urged him.to join the Jesuit Order.

c.1564 Jesus and Peter appeared to St. Theresa of Avila, Spain.

16 cent. The miraculous image of Adlwang, Diocese of Linz, Austria, was torn down and buried by Protestants. It was only rediscovered when mysterious rays of light shone from beneath an ants' nest in the church. It is said that the ants could not be driven out until the image was set up again in its rightful place.

c.1571 Jesus Christ appeared to Anna of St. Bartholomew at Avila, Spain, and urged her to fight against the unfaithful.

1582-1591 The chronicler of the Capuchin Order, Zacharias Boverius, recorded that over many years

30 brothers, who were named by name, had seen members of the Holy Family at different times in different places.

30.10.1593 A gigantic motionless eagle with 'gleaming feathers' appeared above Zittau, Germany.

Rays shot at the bird from all sides, but were powerless against it. An hour later, the apparition vanished.

1594 Mary is reputed to have appeared to Indians who wanted to leave the new faith in Quito, Ecuador, and kept them in the Church by saving them from famine.

1596 The Capuchin Abrosius of Ziron related that he saw the 'fortunate Mother of our Lord' several times in 1580. She commanded him to honour all orders, but to join the Capuchin Order.

1600 When the Araucani stormed the town of Conception, Chile, a miraculous image of the Madonna is supposed to have left the chapel and appeared in a tree, from which it pelted the Indians with clods of earth and put them to flight.

10.9.1602 Christ appeared to Marina of Escobar in the form of a seraph from whose wounds rays were emitted.

6.4.1604 Father Jakob Rem, Ingolstadt, Germany, saw Mary floating above the ground.

1605 The Jesuit Peter d'Anasco was pressed against the breast of a vision of Mary.

1609/10 An image of Mary and the infant Jesus became famous at Chiavari, Italy, owing to two miraculous visions. 'Miraculous events' took place.

15.12.1631 The 'Queen of Heaven' appeared above a corn field near Naples to several Jesuits, to whom she announced the imminent eruption of Vesuvius.

3.11.1637 Mary and the infant Jesus appeared to Frere Fiacre, Paris, in his cell.

1640 Jesus Christ appeared to the Jesuit Brun-Brun, who was awaiting execution in an Ethiopian prison, and told him to have courage.

1654 When he was out hunting, the farmer Dietrich Muufahrt of Aldenhoven near Aachen found in the branches of a tree a miraculous image which he and two friends revered with a miserere every night. It always produced a wonderful light. Today the pilgrimage church stands on the spot.

1647 The Blessed Virgin appeared to a farm girl and a lay-brother in Buenos Aires, Argentine, and ordered them to exhort everyone to do penance.

8.11.1660 A bloody sword that was visible to everybody appeared in the sky at Gorlitz, Silesia.

1671 Marguerite Marie Alacocque, France, had already had visions of Mary in her worldly life; after she entered the Salesian Order she had more visions of Christ.

1679 Wonderful luminous apparitions repeatedly appeared over the pilgrimage church at Albendorf, Germany.

c.l682 Our Lord, with his body pierced with wounds, showed himself to Veronica Giulani at Mercatello, Italy.

1696 The bishop of Quito, Ecuador, had a miraculous cure when he was dangerously ill. The miraculous image of Guapulo had been brought for an evening procession. When the Gloria was sung, Mary appeared as Queen of Heaven.

21.9.1823 Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon religion, had a vision of an angel who disappeared on a shaft of light going up to heaven. Subsequent visions led Smith to a secret place where he found the gold tablets that he translated. That was how the Mormon Bible originated.

1835 In Trinitapoli, Italy, Mary told the six-year-old Joseph Maria Leone, who had fallen into a ditch, to be a good boy and stop playing with his naughty friends.

28.1,1840 In Paris, the nun Justine Bisqueyburu saw Mary with her flaming heart pierced by a sword and wearing a white robe and a blue mantle.

8.5.1840 Jean-Baptist Vianney, the Cure of Ars, and Mme Etienne Durie, saw a vision of Mary in his room. The Madonna was in a white dress dotted with golden roses; her brow was encircled with a crown of stars and diamonds flashed from her hands.

8.9.1840 The nun Justine Bisqueyburu had a further vision at Blangy, Seine-Inferieure, France. It appeared to her in a green scapula.

10.1.1842 Alphonse Ratisbonne, a former Jew, saw the Virgin Mary in a side chapel of the church of St. Andreas delle Fratte in Rome. She looked exactly as she did on the medal he had been wearing for some time.

14.8.1842 The nun Maria-Stanislaus frequently saw the Blessed Virgin in the 'Classroom of the Poor'

in the Convent of the Visitation at Celles, near Tournai, Belgium.

19.9.1846 The Madonna appeared to the children Maximin Giraud (11) and Melanic Calvat (15) at La Salette, Isere, France. She wore a gleaming white robe and held a conversation with them.

12.5.1848 On the morning and afternoon of the same day, the farm labourer Stichmayer of Obermauerbach, Bavaria, saw Mary in the meadows. She wore a pink dress, with a white veil and a gold crown. She sat there motionless and wept.

23.6.1848 Eleven citizens of the village of Montessee, near Lourdes, France, had repeated visions of Mary.

17.6.1849 Three shepherdesses had several visions of Mary at Dolina, near Poggersdorf-Gurk, Karnten, Austria.

19.5.1853 Veronica Nucci of Ceretto in Tuscany, Italy, had frequent visions of the Madonna in a blue robe decorated with flowers and wearing a gold crown.

22.7.1856 Marie-Frederike de Bray saw Mary as Queen of the Angels after a miraculous cure at Assisi, Italy.

11.2.1858 St. Bernadette Soubirous had several visions of the Blessed Virgin at Lourdes, France, when she called herself the 'Immaculate Conception'.

1860 At Green Bay, U.S.A., Mary appeared to Adele Brisse in a white robe with a yellow belt.

6.9.1860 After experiencing several visions of Our Saviour, the mystically gifted Pauline Perie saw the Madonna in the church at Francoules, France. She looked very young, wore a dress dotted with stars and a gold crown, and carried small white flowers in her hand.

1863 Mary, as Queen of the Angels, showed the Reverend L.E. Gestae, founder of the monastery of N. D. du Refuge, Anglet, France, how devils destroyed the world.

13.1.1866 Magdalena Kade, 30, of Philippsdorf, Bohemia, Czechoslovakia, was on her deathbed, when Mary appeared to her and cured her.

15.4.1868 In Bois d'Haine, Belgium, the blessed mystic and stigmatic Luise Lateau had visions of Jesus, Mary, angels and saints.

2.12.1870 Mary appeared to the wounded General de Sonis, former commander of the papal Zouaves, on the battlefield near Potay-Loigny, France, and consoled him.

1871 During a vision of Mary, Maria Kalb was shown a cave in the Inntal near Locherboden, Innsbruck, Austria.

17.1.1871 At Pontmain, France, seven children saw the Blessed Virgin in a dark blue robe with pale gold stars, a black veil, gold crown and broad sleeves 'like a lawyer's'.

4.8.1871 Marie-Frangoise Decotterd, who had been ailing since her youth, experienced two visions of Mary in her sickroom at Chapelles, near Lausanne, Switzerland.

15.8.1871 After several visions of Mary, Barbara Conrad, 9, was suddenly healed of her illness at Walschbronn, France.

25.8.1871 Mary in a white robe and gold crown of stars appeared to Therese Schaffer, who was dangerously ill, at St. Louis, U.S.A.

5.12.1871 In Paris Sister Therese Emmanuel de la Merede Dieu had a revelation of a future Marianist host which the Virgin would follow as recruiting officer.

7.7.1872 Clementine G., saw the Virgin for a whole hour in the church at L'Hopital, France. She wore a golden robe, had a ball in her hand and was surrounded by German and French soldiers.

1873 Soon after nocturnal visions of Mary on several occasions, two little girls died near Michelsberg in Rixheim, near Muhlhausen, France.

10.3.1873 Mary, in a blue robe and white veil, appeared to Catherina Filljung near St. Avoid, France.

17.3.1873 Many persons of all ages had numerous visions over a lengthy period at Wittelsheim, Alsace.

14.4.1873 Several people, but especially Joseph Hoffert, of Walbach, Alsace, France, had visions of Mary, 'Our dear lady on the Rhine'. She urged them to pray and do penance.

7.6.1873 During work in the vineyard at Saint-Bauzille de la Sylvie, Montpellier, France, Mary appeared to August Arnauld and asked him to set up a statue of Mary in the vineyard and organize a procession.

19.2.1876 Estelle Faguette, Pellevoisin, Indres, France, who was dangerously ill, had 15 visions of Mary.

3.7.1876 Three children and some adults experienced visions of numerous angels and a dove above the infant Jesus.

27.6.1877 Four females of different ages in Dietrichswalde, near Allenstein, East Prussia (now Poland) had 160 visions of Mary over a lengthy period. Sometimes she was floating, sometimes sitting, but always surrounded by a radiant cloud and accompanied by angels.

21.8.1879 Cnoc Mhuire, Ireland. 15 visionaries of various ages saw Mary wearing a white dress and a crown. Her hands were raised in prayer and she was silent. On her right was St. Joseph, on her left St.

John the Evangelist, as well as an altar with a sacrificial lamb on it.

2.1.1882 In the hospital at Lyons, France, Anne-Marie Coste saw Mary on a cloud in a magnificent dress and precious diadem. She carried the infant Jesus in her arms, holding a globe with a broken cross.

1884 Maria Lordeau of St. Columbin, France, had several classic visions of Mary at the age of nine.

29.11.1886 Marie-Louise Nerbolliers, 27, had a vision of the Madonna at Diemoz, France.

22.3.1888 Two virgins, aged over 30, had a vision of Mary first as Picta and later as Our Lady of Sorrows in a cave at Castelpetroso, Italy.

8.5.1890 Mary, in a cloud of light, with a long veil held by angels, hands folded and silent, appeared to the children Alfred and Marie Caileaux at Signy, France.

1893 Berthe Petit saw Christ crucified, with Mary and John, during Christmas Mass at Enghien, Belgium. Some years later she saw the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, pierced by a sword.

1895 'Our Dear Lady with the Infant Jesus' appeared to the ailing Krishnannesti Sankaranarayanam,

12, at Vellangany, India.

18.3.1896 50 schoolchildren at Tilly-sur-SeulIes, Bayeux, France, had visions of Mary with angels and saints.

1906 A ball flashing white light and floating above the ground appeared to Professor Charles Richet, Nobel Prize Winner.

1906 During breaks in the classroom of the Jesuit College San Gabriel at Quito, Ecuador, teachers and pupils saw the image of the suffering Madonna open and shut her eyes several times and change her expression.

12.9.1914 A voice told the farmer's wife Eudokia Andrianova at Potschinki that a black icon was hidden at Kolomenskoye, near Moscow. The icon was found there.

13.5.1917 After an unexpected flash of lightning, three shepherd children of Fatima, Portugal, saw Mary in a gleaming white robe, with a brilliant crown of roses, floating above an oaktree.

22.5.1918 Three children had 65 visions of Mary at Muzillac, near Vannes, France.

8.12.1921 Anna-Maria Goebel had numerous visions of Our Saviour at Bickendorf, near Trier, Germany.

10.12.1925 Mary, on a shining cloud with the infant Jesus, appeared to Sister Lucie at Couvent de Tuy, Spain.

July 1926 At Marlemont, France, Maria P, 6, twice saw Mary weeping. Maria P was so moved that she tried to wipe the tears from the floor.

2.3.1928 At Ferdrupt, Vosges, France, children had a vision of the Blessed Virgin, in white (without mantle!), but with rays shooting from her hands.

8.4.1930 Sister Amalia, co-foundress of the Institute of Missionaries of Christ Crucified, had several visions of Mary at Campinas, Brazil.

22.6.1931 At Ezquioga, Spain, many people of all ages (including unbelievers) had a vision of Mary as immaculate, as Our Lady of Sorrows, accompanied by angels and saints.

29.11.1932 At Beauraing, Belgium, the five Degeimbre children saw Mary in a white dress and veil, with a gold crown and often a golden heart.

15.1.1933 The 'Mother of Heaven' showed herself to the twelve-year-old Mariette Beco at Banneux, Belgium.

16.7.1933 Children at Crollon, near Mont-St.-Michel, France, saw Mary dressed in white, with a crown of roses.

4.8.1933 Mrs. Nieke von den Dijk, ailing mother of 13 children, had many visions of Mary at Onkerzeele, Belgium. On 28.12., she saw a greenish-red revolving sun.

2.10.1933 Jules de Vuyst, 40, saw Mary surrounded by light in his room at Herzele, Belgium.

22.10.1933 At Olsene, Flanders, Belgium, Mary dressed in blue with a wreath of stars appeared to Maurice Vandembroeck.

11.4.1936 Emelda and Adeline Pietcquin of Ham-sur-Sambre, Belgium, saw Mary surrounded by angels in a clear blue sky.

1.11.1937 At Heede, Emsland, Germany, four girls aged between 12 and 14 saw Mary in a cemetery, with the infant Jesus and a gold crown.

15.8.1938 At Bochum, Germany, Ursula Hibbeln frequently saw Mary as the 'snow-white lily of the most holy Trinity'.

15.9.1938 'A young lady', magnificently clad in blue, appeared to the farmer's wife Jeanne-Louise Ramonet of Kerizinen, Brittany.

9.12.1939 For a long time the villagers of Kerrytown, Co. Donegal, Ireland, saw the shining figure of Mary above the cliffs.

13.5.1940 The 'Queen of the Rosary' appeared to Barbel Ruess, 16, at Pfaffenhofen, Germany. Six years later she had more visions.

19.6.1940 Therese Coat of Bodennou, near Brest, France, saw Mary and child in dark clouds.

18.6.1940 Mme Jeanette Tochet saw Mary in all the variations of her holy personality at Ortoncourt.

1943 Mr. and Mrs. Debord, Paris, saw the Pieta watching her child.

8.12.1943 The villagers of Grinkalnes, Lithuania, saw the Virgin one evening in a crown of rays above the church.

13.5.1944 Adele Roncalli had 8 visions of Mary at Bonate, near Bergamo, Italy. She wore a white dress, white cloak and precious diadem.

27.5.1945 Several visions of the Madonna as Our Lady of Sorrows were seen first by Marcelina Barossa, 10, then adults, too.

11.6.1946 Adults and children saw Mary, crowned with stars, in a cloud at Pasman, Dalmatia.

22.8.1946 For several years adults and children saw visions of Mary, angels and saints at Espis, near Mossac, France. The visions could be relied on to appear on the 13th of the month.

10.10.1946 At Vilar-Chao, the sick girl Amelia Nahiridade had visions of Mary in the presence of thousands of spectators.

12.4.1947 The Adventist Bruno Cornacchiola, 34, and his three children had several visions of Mary in the grotto of Tre-Fontane, Near Rome. She wore a white dress, a pink belt, green veil, and had a little book in her hand.

27.6.1947 The Madonna appeared to the children Anton and Bertus van der Velden at Vorstenbosch, Holland, in a sky-blue dress and golden crown of lilies.

2.7.1946 Mary appeared to Clara Laslone in her house at St. Emmerich-Berg, Hungary, and showed her a healing spring for the sick.

4.7.1947 At Tannhausen, Germany, Mrs. T. Paula, 48, saw Mary on various occasions in a wreath of gleaming white roses.

16.11.1947 Mary as 'Rosa Mystica' appeared to the nurse Pierina Gilli in the street and later in the church of the Convents of the Sisters of Mercy at Montichiari, Italy.

26.12.1947 Mary appeared to the girls Therese Le Cam, Annik and Monique Goasguen from Pleskop, near Vannes, France, as the Immaculate Conception.

19.5.1948 Mary appeared first to four children, then to many inhabitants in a cave at Marta, near Viterbo, Italy.

12.9.1948 Mary often appeared to the novice Teresita at Iipa, Philippines. She wore a white dress, crown of roses, with hands first folded, then outspread.

11.11.1948 Men of Aspang, Austria, saw a cloud stop above the Konigsberg, become lighter and split open. From it floated Mary in a blue mantle, with a gold crown, and holding the rosary.

7.12.1948 Louis Merrier, father of a family and a Communist, and eleven other men, saw a silent Madonna at Liart in the Ardennes, France.

18.12.1948 A brief vision of Mary was had by Mme Lucie Man-teau, 23, of St. Jean-aux-Bois, France.

1.5.1949 During the Civil War, Christians at Zo-se, Shanghai, saw Our Lady of Sorrows above the church while Mass was being celebrated.

12.5.1949 Senta Ross saw Mary in a long white dress, gold crown and whitish-yellow rosary, at Fehrbach, near Pirma-sens, Germany.

July 1949 A statue of Mary in the cathedral at Lublin, Poland, wept bloody tears for two whole days.

9.10.1949 First four, then seven, little girls and later up to 300 adults in Heroldsbach-Thurn, Bavaria, had many visions of Mary, mostly as queen with ample blue mantle and gold crown.

14.3.1950 Pina Mallia, 12, saw Mary in a white robe with sparkling diadem at Casalicchio, Italy.

7.5.1950 At Casalicchio and Acquaviva, Italy, thousands claimed to have seen a cloud parting and in it a bright star and a shining sun, which revolved and radiated every conceivable colour.

11.9.1950 Mary appeared to the schoolgirl Mary Ellen, 15, on a cloud at Denver, U.S.A. Wrapped in a veil, she wept and crossed her arms over her breast. 30.10.1950 According to an express communication from Cardinal Tedeschini, Pope Pius XII several times saw a rotating sun, like the solar miracle of Fatima, in the Vatican Gardens.

Autumn, 1951 The 'Virgin of the Poor' appeared to Luigia Nova, 39, at Arluno, near Milan, Italy.

19.8.1951 Mary and the infant Jesus appeared to three workers in a chalk works at Dugny, France.

She wore a white robe and a blue mantle.

1.7.1952 At Rodalben, Germany, in the presence of some 60 people, Anneliese Wafzig, 26, received a drawing in blood of heart, chalice and host on a white linen cloth during a vision.

10.7.1952 Rosette Colmet, 7, saw Mary at Gerpinnes, Belgium. She wore a white dress decorated with red and blue hearts.

Early 1953 O. Lavoisier, 10, and later 50 adults, saw Mary in a cave at Hydrequent, near Calais, France. Blue robe, white veil.

August 1953 Galileo Sacrestani, a 49-year-old cook, had several visions of the Madonna on Monte Senario, near Bivigliano, Italy.

19.7.1954 Two evangelical housemaids frequently saw Mary a halo of flashing rays at Pingsdorf, Germany.

Autumn 1954 At Eisenberg, Germany, Anna Lex, 6, saw Mary floating in a gleaming sphere.

1.7.1958 The forester Matousch Laschut, 42, affirms that from 1st July to August 1958, he saw Jesus seven times at Tur-zovka, Czechoslovakia. Our Saviour was always in an equilateral triangle full of roses. Turzovka became a place of pilgrimage.

18.6.1961 At Carabandal, Spain, four little girls had visions of the Archangel Michael and the Virgin over a period of weeks. Solar miracle.

29.9.1961 Mrs. Rosa Quattrini of San Damiano, Italy, had visions of the 'Queen of the Universe' and various figures in the Holy Family.

2.4.1968 In the Cairo suburb of Zeitun, on several consecutive evenings, an apparition consisting of a very bright light appeared above the domes of the Coptic Church. Believers identified it as the Blessed Virgin.

12.4.1974 An 'otherworldly' face appeared on a chalice cloth to all the congregation in the church of Castalnaud-en-Guers, France.
