For the next few weeks, Jim was in seventh heaven. Alice had come back to stay. She had forgiven him. He was getting back into the familiar old groove, and he was happy. They took up the strands of their life as tough nothing had happened between them. The horrible night when he'd screwed his own kid receded into the back of his mind. He no longer thought of it, or mentioned

it. Alice, too, seemed to have forgotten the incident.

The best thing of all was the way Karen was acting. She seemed to have, changed her ways. She was no longer spiteful and hostile toward Alice. She was downright cordial, even pleasant with her. It was a welcome change from the way she'd been acting.

The new-found happiness almost hit a snag one evening. Alice was out on a visit to a friend. Bob was off somewhere, test-driving his old jalopy. He and Karen were alone in the house. It was the first time they'd been completely alone since that night. He had tried to arrange his schedule and Alice's so

He wouldn't be alone with his kid like he'd been before. This evening it had happened.

He was sitting on a couch in the living room watching television. It was early evening. He had on slacks, sports shirt, and slippers. He smoked a cigarette and idly watched the TV screen, while also glancing from lime to time at the evening paper during the commercials.

He looked up and frowned when Karen entered the room. She was wearing a short slip. It was all she had on. Under the fringe of the bottom of her lacy slip, he could see the tiny patch of cunt hair. Her tits pushed out against the top of the tight-fitting slip. The kid was practically naked.

"Oh-oh," he mumbled under his breath.

She flopped onto his lap, wrapped her hands around his neck, and planted a big kiss on his lips. "Hi, Daddy!" She grinned impishly. "Remember me? Your daughter?" She nuzzled her cute ass around on his lap until she felt his limp cock directly under her asshole. She wriggled her ass suggestively.

"Hi, Karen!" He tried keeping his voice nonchalant and casual. "What d'ya want, honey?"

Karen slid her slip up, showing him that she was, indeed, nude. She placed his hand on her tiny triangular mound of pussy hair. She moved his reluctant fingers around and about on her little hairy cunt. She spread her legs wide to allow him finger-fucking room.

"You promised, Daddy, that if I'd be nice to Alice you and I would get together once in a while!"

She held his hand firmly and moved it around on her exposed pussy. She inched around on his lap and tried getting at the fly of his slacks.

"Knock it off!" His face flushed. He tried pushing her from his lap and removing his finger from her tiny pussy. Shaking his head sadly, he mumbled, "I don't know what the hell's getting into you any more."

"I'm hoping you'll be getting into me, Daddy. You promised."

She succeeded in unzipping his fly, and reached in with her small hand, wrapped it around his limp cock and withdrew it.

The feel of her warm fingers had an electrifying effect. His limp cock was beginning to stiffen.

She fondled it with one hand and continued to help him stroke her cunt with the other.

"C'mon up to my bedroom, Daddy," she invited. "We'll have some fun!"

She slid from his lap, continuing to hold his cock and hold his hand to her snatch.

He refused to budge. Instead, he roughly removed her hands from his cock and his other hand. Holding her at arm's length, he, glared. "Damn it, Karen. I said knock it off!"

"But you promised." She frowned. She felt an adult, especially a parent, should always live up to a promise.

"I was drunk that night. I said and did a lot of things I've been sorry about ever since. Now, get it through your thick little head once and for all, I'm not going to do that again! Now get out of here before I lose my temper and give you a spanking!"

She stared dumbly for a few minutes. She couldn't quite fathom him. Here they were alone. No one to interrupt. She was offering herself to him. He was flat refusing her. Being very moralistic, simply because she was his daughter. The last time they'd been together in bed, she'd just about had him convinced that that little fact was unimportant. She was still a girl. A girl with a small, eager cunt. He was a man. A man with a big cock. It would be strictly a physical act. No love. No emotion involved. At the time they'd discussed it, he seemed in complete agreement. She had even promised to be extra nice to Alice if he would live up to his promise to toss a fuck into her occasionally.

Now, he was reneging. He was going back, on his promise. He was using the excuse that was he was cold sober, that he didn't mean what he'd promised. It was disheartening. She'd been looking forward to feeling his big cock in her little cunt again. She had been biding her time for the right moment. Now.

Instead of feeling his wonderful cock in her itchy snatch, all she was getting was the brush-off. With a sob, she turned and fled from the room.

"You'll be sorry, Daddy!"

He watched her leave, then sank onto the couch after zipping his fly. He sighed glumly. Damn that kid. She was driving him up the wall.

He found himself wishing she hadn't entered the twilight zone of life. Those tender teen-age years a girl passes through when she leaves girlhood and enters womanhood. Very frying years for parents and girls both. If only she were more like her brother Bob. He smiled fondly at the thought. Now there was a teen-ager who had plenty of common sense.

Karen's thoughts drifted to her brother, too, but for a different reason. After her rebuff from Daddy and the realization that he wasn't about to do anything to her again, she set her agile mind to work to figure out a scheme whereby she would get back into his good graces again, and he would get back into her cunt.

The more she thought over the idea, the more hopeless the task appeared. She thought up one plan after the other, and discarded them as being impractical or unworkable.

Again and again her mind swept back to the night Alice caught Daddy screwing her. Again and again she knew that she would have to come up with a similar trick. To get Daddy to barge into a bedroom and find a man screwing Alice. When, or if, she could arrange such a setup, she felt reasonably sure that Daddy would no longer feel under obligation to be true to Alice. Maybe he would even get so mad at her, he would divorce her. Then he'd turn to Karen for solace and comfort.

These thoughts flowed through her mind as she tried to come up with a workable plot. How to lure Alice to a bedroom. How to get a man into the bedroom with her. How to get Daddy to barge in on them right in the middle of a diddle.

Unfortunately, there was one big flaw in her plan. She didn't know any men. All she knew was a flock of high-school boys. She ran the list of boys she knew through her computer-like mind. She rejected each in turn. There wasn't a single prospect she could think of who'd be suitable for the job of seducing Alice. Not one singe boy who she figured could cope with the voluptuous woman.

Deep in her mind, she figured that if Alice could be conned into a compromising situation with a young man, she would be an easy lay. She had no illusions about Alice s morality. Any girl with a build like hers and a pair of knockers like hers would be a pushover for a guy with a stiff prick. The problem was who, and when.

She was in the garage one evening helping Bob tune up his old jalopy. Both his buddies, who normally worked with him, were off on dates. She agreed to help him. She liked her big brother. He was a handsome hunk of man, and a lot of the girls, including her best friend, Angie, flipped over him;

Seeing him bent over the engine, she had a sudden inspiration.

Bob could be the guy caught in bed with Alice! Why hadn't she thought of it before? The idea zipped through her brain like a prairie fire.

While holding the ignition wires for him, she marshaled her thoughts into an orderly plot.

"Bob," she remarked casually, "you and Alice get along pretty good, don't you?"

He shrugged. "Yeah, she's all right, I guess."

He never had tried to analyze his true feelings about the young girl who'd replaced his mother. Boy-like, he'd accepted it and tried living with it. No real problem. As long as he got three meals a day, a place to sleep, a school to go to, some spending money, and a car to tinker with, he was reasonably happy.

"She's not like our real mom, is she?" Karen asked.

"Hell no. She's just a kid compared to Mom." His voice was wistful. There were times when he missed his real mother more than he'd care to admit.

"She's sure changed Daddy since she married him. He's not the same to us any more, is he?"

"Gee, I don't know. I haven't given it much thought." He tightened the screw holding the breaker points, and stepped away from the side of the car. Wiping his hands on a cloth, he stared hard. "Okay, out with it, Sis. I can tell by these stupid questions your fiendish little mind is cooking something up. What is it?"

She grinned impishly. "Remember a few weeks back? When Alice left Dad?"

"Of course I remember. I didn't hardly eat for a week. Regular meals, that is."

"You know why she left?"

"I'm not sure. Dad mentioned it was because of you and something he did to you." He eyed her curiously. "Exactly why did she leave?" She had rekindled his interest.

Karen recited the whole stow, leaving nothing out. When she finished, he stared at her as though she had two heads, both of them addled.

"I'll be damned! You and Dad? In bed together?" He shook his head in disbelief. "Why did you ever do such a stupid thing?"

"Because I love Daddy!"

Shaking his head, he walked away. "I've heard of weird kids in my time, but you take the prize."

"Wait!" She grabbed his arm and spun him round. "I'm not finished yet."

"There's more!" His handsome face registered disbelief.

"Ever since that night Daddy and Alice have heated me mean. They barely speak to me. They look at me as if I'm some kind of a freak."

"Well, you are!"

"I blame it all on that woman! If she hadn't married Daddy, you and I and him would be living together as a happy family."

"We would?"

"Yes, but thanks to her, I'm in the dog house with Daddy. I want you to help me get out."

"Me?" His voice contained awe. "How can I help you out?"

"By doing the same thing to Alice that Daddy did to me!"

The idea registered. His jaw dropped. His eyes popped wide. "Me, in bed with Alice? Have Dad walk in on us?" He mumbled the words in disbelief.

"Exactly." She eyed him hopefully. "Please, Bob? Do it for me?"

He stomped from the garage, shaking his head in anger. "You stupid kid! You weirdo! I don't know what they're teaching you in school, but whatever it is, it's sure screwy!"

She caught up with him. He was heading toward the back yard. She walked alongside him, eyes pleading.

"Please, Bob. Do it for me? You like Alice. I've seen the way you look at her. I can read your thoughts. You'd like to get into her panties, wouldn't you?"

He flushed. She had been reading his mind. Many's the time he looked at his stepmother with those very thoughts tumbling through his mind. Alice was a very pretty young blonde. A voluptuous one. Karen had probed his inner thoughts. She had guessed rightly that he had often given thought to how nice it would be to crawl into bed with all that lush, blonde loveliness.

"Knock it off, Sis!" he muttered gruffly. "I don't even want to talk about it any more. You've flipped. Now, get out of here. Stop bugging me. I'm not about to fall for your silly scheme."

A tight smile came to her lips. She knew she had him hanging on the ropes.

Backing him against a tree, she played her trump card. "I don't think Daddy would mind too much if it happened," she whispered, her voice low and mysterious.


"When me and bun were together that night," she lied, "he kinda mentioned it would be nice if we could do things like that often. He also kinda hinted," she added, "that it would be nice if you and Alice sort of got together like me and him were doing! So there!"

"He said that?" He shook his head in disbelief.

"Yep," lied Karen without batting an eye.

"You're kidding?" His voice contained a measure of doubt.

"Un-unh. I think Dad would like it if we could all sort of get together. That way, you and I wouldn't be running around with all sorts of different boys and girls. It would be purely physical. No regrets. Why not give it a try, Bob?" she whispered.

He wilted under her girlish guile. He was trapped by her web of lies, but didn't know it. She had planted the seed of lust in him. She had held out the possibility of him getting a crack at Alice's crack, a deep inner desire he'd entertained ever since Dad had trotted her home and announced he had married her.

"Gee, I don't know." He was still dubious, but under the influence of a

girl temptress. A beautiful girl temptress; even though she was his own sister.

Seeing she had him on the ropes, she whispered, "What've you got to lose? If the plan goes through, you wind up in bed with Alice. If it backfires, no problem. You can just say you were kidding. Maybe Dad and Alice'll be mad at me again, but so what? They're both already mad at me."

"What did you have in mind?"

"I was thinking, tomorrow night. Wednesday. Dad'll be going to his lodge meeting. I'll tell Alice I'm going over to see Angie for a couple hours.

That'll leave you and her alone in the house."


"She usually goes to her bedroom to take a bath, and read in bed while Dad's at his meeting. Right?"

"I guess so."

"Well, I was thinking, tomorrow night, after she takes her bath and hops into bed, you can go to her bedroom for a long talk."

"Me? Go to her bedroom?" He frowned.

"Sure. After all, she's your stepmother. Anyway, you'll think up an excuse for being there. Like you want to have a long talk with her about the boys and girls bit. Mention that you can't discuss such things with Dad, but thought maybe you and her could talk about such things."

"'And?" His interest mounted.

"Take it from there. Pretend you don't know anything at all about girls. Pretend you've never had one. Tell her you've never even seen a girl naked. That it might help if she stripped and showed you exactly what a girl looked like nude."

"Wow!" His interest perked up. "You think she'd fall for that line?"

"She will if you use your head. Tease her with your cock!"


She plunged on. She'd gone too far to back out now. "Unless I've completely misjudged her, she'll be only too glad to take you to bed. In the meantime, I'll be peeking into the room to see how you're doing. You leave the door open a crack. When I see things are going according to plan, I'll get on the phone, call Dad at the lodge, and tell him to get home immediately. That something's happening. I won't tell him what, but when he gets here, you should just about be getting into Alice.

"Karen!" Again he gave with. the anguished moan. He shook his head. "No! I won't do it! I can't do it. Not to Dad. The whole damned thing's silly." Being a bit more mature than his kid sister, he could see the whole stupid idea was filled with flaws. It would never work. It was too far out. Too crazy.

"Chicken!" she taunted.

He flushed. "I'm not chicken. It's just too damned silly. How do you think up such stupid Things?"

"Alice caught Dad in bed with me."


"It's only right he should catch her in bed with a man. You."

"But-" -

"You'd like that, wouldn't you, Bob?" she purred. "You and Alice. And I think she's a real blonde. You never had a real blonde, have you?" she teased.

The image she was conjuring up sent shivers through him. His resolve wilted.

"But doing that to Dad?"

"He won't mind, believe me," she insisted. "It'll get him off the hook for what he did to me. You'll be doing him a favor."

"I will? You sure he won't get mad? Maybe punch me in the mouth?"

"Hell no. It'll work out, believe me. You say you're not chicken. Okay, why not give it a try? The most that can happen is she might get mad at you and order you to leave. If she does that, she won't even mention it to Dad. You have nothing to lose," she added temptingly, "and if it does go through, you'll get Alice." She lowered her voice to a suggestive whisper. "Just think, Bob, all that lush blonde beauty…" Her voice trailed off.

He was hooked. He nodded. "Okay, I'll give it a try, but if it backfires, so help me, I'll never speak to you again!"

He walked off in a daze, his thoughts jumbled. She stared after him, a taut smile on her pouty mouth. Like him, she had plenty of misgivings about the scheme.
