Jim smiled fondly at his little group before taking off to go to his lodge meeting. The lodge hail was just down the road a few miles, near the outskirts of the city. Less than a ten-minute drive in his car. He looked forward to these nights out. It gave him a chance to bend the elbow with his friends. They usually had a stag movie, or live show, for the members. This tended to get him all charged up and in the mood for love with Alice when he came home, usually a trifle tipsy.
He was happy to see that Alice and Karen were getting along so well. They were in the kitchen doing the supper dishes. Alice was rinsing. Karen was putting them in the dishwasher.
Bob, after partaking of the hearty meal cooked by Alice, had gone to the garage to tinker with his old jalopy.
Jim sighed inwardly. He was glad that things were back to normal. He'd had fears that what he'd done to his own daughter several weeks ago would have spelled the end of his marriage. Instead it seemed to have brought them all together with a new feeling of understanding. Alice and Karen were hitting it off exceptionally well.
They were chatting amiably and giving with idle talk about things that were happening at school, and in the neighborhood.
"S'long, girls," he called out, heading toward the kitchen door, and then on to the garage. "See you all later." He beamed fondly.
"S'long, dear." Alice nodded and pursed her lips.
"S'long, Daddy. Have fun." Karen cut loose with a smile.
After he left, the girls finished the dishes, then adjourned to the living room to watch TV and to continue their idle chit-chat.
Karen nervously glanced at her watch from time to time. Like Bob, she,
too, had misgivings about her scheme. She wondered if he would have guts enough to go through with it. She wondered how Alice would react if he did. Maybe she'd misjudged her young stepmother. Maybe Alice wasn't all that passionate that she'd take on a callow youth, especially when said youth was her stepson.
The doubts swept through her mind. She felt an urge to call the whole thing off. To go out into the garage and tell Bob to forget it.
Intermingled with her troubled thoughts was the feeling of guilt. Alice had been so nice to her. The young girl had tried so hard to get along with her. In their moments of truthful talk, Alice had mentioned she knew she would never be able to take her mother's place, but she did want Karen to accept her as a friend.
Now, she shuddered while contemplating what she was planning to do to this nice girl who had married her dad. Her inner thoughts were very complex. She resented what Alice had done- mated her dad. To her way of thinking, Alice had supplanted her in his affection. Then there was the physical thing. She still thrilled at the memory of that night. Her little cunt twitched every time she thought of the moment when Daddy had fucked her. She wanted that kind of action-again and again.
She reasoned Daddy was man enough for both of them, her and Alice. It would be an ideal arrangement if only she could work it out. This thought cemented her resolve. She glanced at her watch. Time to make her move. More than an hour had passed since Daddy had left for the lodge. It was time to put the plan into action.
She put the magazine she'd been glancing at-in between watching TV and gabbing with Alice-on the end table, and hopped to her feet.
"Mind if I take a run over to Angie's for a couple of hours'?" she asked.
Alice looked startled. The headstrong young kid seldom asked her permission to do anything. Karen usually just went right ahead and did what she wanted. She felt flattered that her stepdaughter would ask her permission even in so minor a thing. A hope sprang up inside. Maybe Karen was gradually getting around to accepting her. She hoped so.
Smilingly, Alice nodded, and said, "But of course you can go to Angie's. Don't stay out too late. I think I'll go up and take a warm bath," she added.
Karen watched while Alice went up the steps leading to the bedroom area. From past experience she knew exactly what Alice would be doing for the next hour or two, while awaiting the return of Jim. She would soak in the tub. She would sit at her vanity and brush her long, lovely blonde hair. She'd primp and perfume herself and get herself in the mood to accept Daddy's love.
The calculating smile on Karen's pouty lips was pronounced when she left the living room and headed for the garage-and Bob. The thought of Daddy coming home to Alice had washed away Karen's feelings of remorse for what she had in mind.
Perching her elbows on the fender of the old car, she peered down at her brother who was wiping an imaginary speck from the engine.
"All set, Bob?"
He shook his head. "Un-unit I've changed my mind. The more I think about your silly idea, the less I like it. Count me out." He dabbed away a tiny grease spot on the distributor cap.
Karen winced. "But you promised!"
"So, I can change my mind. Now, scram, Sis, I want to take 'er for a ride." Gruffly he eased her aside and reverently lowered the hood.
Karen stared in disbelief. Her spirits sank. "But.., but.., you can't back out now!" she wailed.
"Can't I?" He snickered. "Just watch me." He headed for the door of the old sedan, keys in hand.
She blocked his way. Leveling him with a glare of contempt, she hissed, "Chicken!"
He flushed.
"You're scared of Alice! And here I thought you were a man. All that talk you've been doing about liking to get into her panties is just bluff!" Her voice was shrill and filled with scorn. "You're not a man-you're a mouse!"
The flush on his face deepened. He didn't enjoy his manhood being questioned, especially by his dumb sister. He knew she would be just the type to blab it around. She'd probably even tell Angie, who, in turn would tell everybody. He'd be the butt of jokes.
He hedged. "It isn't a question of manhood. It's just that the~ whole thing stinks! It's the silliest thing I've ever heard of. What makes you think she'll fall for it? What makes you think Dad won't get mad at me?" He quickly outlined the two strong doubts he'd had ever since she had approached him with her weird scheme.
Karen smiled. She had him again. Her sharp reference to his manhood had done it. She had worked on his pride.
"Right now, Bob," she murmured, glancing at her watch, "Alice is probably in a tub of warm water. In a little while, she'll be in her bedroom at her vanity, brushing her hair. She'll be all nice and clean and smelling good. She'll be almost naked." She conjured up the image she knew would excite her horny brother.
Her logic was seeping through. Bob wet his lips, and his eyes started to fill with lustful glints to match his now lustful thoughts. Many times he'd conjured up just such thoughts about his pretty young stepmother. She was only twenty-two, a scant six years older than him. She was far more beautiful and luscious than any of the girls he ran around with from high school.
He held up his hands. His resistance crumbled. He didn't really want to renege. He felt his cock stirring. All along he knew he'd probably go through with it, despite his misgivings.
"Okay, you've made your point. I'll do it." He shoved his car keys back into his pocket, and headed toward the kitchen door with her.
Karen, suppressing a smile of triumph, issued her final instructions to her willing slave. "Go upstairs to your room, Bob. Clean off all the grease and dirt. Take a quick shower. Wear only a pair of shorts and a sports shirt. Be ready for instant action if you do succeed in seducing her. Play it cool. And don't forget, leave the door open so I can peek in so I'll know when it's time to call Daddy!"
Bob nodded dumbly. He felt like a convicted criminal on the way to his execution. There was one big difference, however. He was a criminal with a hard-on.
Bob tapped on the bedroom door. His knees were wobbly. His hands were shaking. He felt all nervous and jittery. He heard Alice's voice call out to come in.
He eased the door open and stepped into her bedroom. His eyes quickly adjusted to the soft lights. Like Karen had said, Alice was at her vanity brushing her hair. And like Karen had said, Alice was practically naked. She had on a short, blue, see-through nightie. A tiny, lacy garment that barely covered Alice's voluptuousness.
"I… I… er," he gulped and flushed hotly. "Can I come in?" He left the door ajar. Fe knew Karen was lurking right outside.
Alice blushed. She had thought it was Karen. Seeing Bob shocked her. He had never entered her bedroom before. Not while she was alone.
She stopped brushing her hair. She didn't know whether to jump up and run over to the closet for a gown to put on, or to act nonchalant. She decided on the latter. Regaining her composure, she gasped, "Bob!"
He shuffled in nervously, still blushing like a schoolboy, which he was. He ambled over and sat on the edge of the bed and faced her. The sight of nearly nude -Alice had done things to him. It had made him practically tongue-tied, and had caused his prick to harden. The bodice part of the lacy garment barely covered her lush titties. He was getting a complete view of the lush melons in all their large, curvy glory. He could even see the pointy nipples thrusting outward. A wondrous sight for a sixteen-year-old boy to gaze at. He tried not to gaze too much.
Seeing the way he was looking at her embarrassed Alice. She forced a disarming smile.
"I thought it was Karen knocking," she explained.
She wished now, she'd slipped into her robe after the bath. But it hadn't seemed necessary. She liked being in the nude, or practically in the nude. It
excited her. She'd been planning on brushing her hair, then propping up on the bed to watch TV on the set in her room for a while, sip at a few drinks, read a swinger magazine or two, and get herself in the mood for love-Jim's love.
From past experience she knew that he usually came home from his lodge meetings with a big hard-on, a little tipsy and raring for a fuck.
She smiled at Bob. He was such a handsome boy. So like his dad. Just as tall. The same handsome face. He was a chip off the old block. A very handsome chip, and at the moment, a very embarrassed one. She smiled to ~a1lay his embarrassment, turned around on the vanity stool to face him, and casually began brushing her hair again.
"Something I can do for you, Bob?" Her voice was soft and low.
Bob gulped. The rear view he'd been getting of her and the reflection of her in the vanity mirror had been awe-inspiring. Now, with her turned around and facing him, his eyes bugged and his mind boggled. God, she was beautiful. And so voluptuous. She had her thighs pressed together. The tiny garment barely covered her snatch. He could almost see her cunt hairs through the filmy cloth. He got a good view of the wide expanse of her lovely, creamy, pinkish-white thighs and legs.
"Something you can do for me?" he repeated the words inanely. He could feel his prick bouncing hard against the shorts he had on. His bone-hard cock was pushing the cloth outward, causing a tent-like appearance in his crotch area. He squirmed around, trying to hide the bulge.
If she noticed his hard-on, she gave no sign of it. She continued to smile and brush her hair and act nonchalant.
"I mean," she said, "you're here. You want to talk about something?"
He edged to his feet, heart pounding, face flushed. He began losing his nerve. He knew now he shouldn't have come here in the first place. Damn that Karen!
"I… did want to talk with you, Alice," he mumbled, tearing his glance from her loveliness, "but it can wait. I didn't know you'd be getting ready for bed. I can come back some other time.". He eased toward the partially opened bedroom door.
"No!" Alice's voice was sharp. She motioned for him to come back. To sit on the bed again.
Dazedly he did.
"It's all right, Bob. You can sit there. We'll talk. I wasn't really getting ready for bed. I just had a bath. I was going to watch TV and read for a while. I have plenty of time to talk with you. Now, tell me what it's all about." She smiled reassuringly while continuing to brush her hair to cover her own embarrassment.
"It's about girls!" he blurted.
"Girls!" She laughed. "Now that's a subject on which I should be an expert. I'm one myself as you can plainly see." She impishly thrust out her titties.
"It's about one girl in particular," explained Bob. The shack of seeing his stepmother practically nude was beginning to wear off. He had been rehearsing what to say ever since Karen had conned him into this stupid deal.
"Oh? She's special?"
"Yep. I have a date with her Saturday night."
"She's older than.me," explained Bob haltingly, trying to remember the stow he'd dreamed up to tell Alice. "She's almost eighteen. She's a senior. She's a pretty blonde-just like you." The words tumbled forth more easily now that the shock of seeing all her nudity was receding. He warmed up to his task.
"So what if she's older?" Alice frowned. Her big, baby-blue eyes grew wide. Her pretty face flushed at the compliment.
"She's quite experienced, too. The -word's around that she knows all about
sex." He stared deep into Alice's eyes. "I'm kinda scared-I mean her knowing so much, and me being so young."
"From what I've heard" Alice said, chuckling knowingly, "you're quite a knowledgeable guy yourself, Bob. About girls, I mean."
He shook his head. 'That's the problem, Alice. I'm not. Despite what you've heard, and despite my bragging about it, I don't know a darned thing about girls. Only what I read in the biology books!" he blurted.
"I'll be darned." Alice suppressed a smile. It just
went to show how wrong a person could be. She had him pegged all wrong. If any boy would be an expert on girls, and know all about them in and out, she would've judged that boy to be her stepson, Bob. "You mean you're a virgin as far as girls are concerned?"
"A virgin?" He frowned.
"Wrong word!" She chuckled. "What I mean, Bob, is-didn't you ever have a sexual experience with a girl?"
He blushed. "Hell no! I've never even kissed a girl!" he lied with a straight face.
"Hmmm." She was shocked. "Why are you telling me all this?"
Again he hopped to his feet. "I guess I shouldn't have come to you, Alice." His voice was filled with apology. "I was thinking of talking things over with Dad. But every time I tried to get around to the subject, I'd get so embarrassed. I couldn't talk to him. He'd think I was stupid. I… I just didn't feel comfortable trying to talk about sex with him!"
"I see." Alice pursed her 11ps. "But why me?"
"You're my mother! My stepmother. You're a girl. A married woman. I thought maybe we could talk about my problem, but I guess it's a mistake, too." He sighed, and again headed toward the door.
"No, wait!" Again she halted his flight. She was flattered that he'd called her his mother. She wanted to help him. She could understand how embarrassed he would be trying to talk about such things with his Dad. "Sit down! We'll talk." She smiled benignly.
He flopped on the bed. "You promise not to tell Dad I came here to talk with you? He'd think I was pretty dumb. I don't want him to think I'm that stupid!"
"I promise. Mum's the word. This little talk will be just between us. Now exactly what is it you want to know about girls?"
He sighed inwardly. She was swallowing his stow hook, line, and sinker. She really believed him.
"I was thinking," he muttered, staring intently at her, "this girl I'm going with Saturday might want me to go the limit with her."
"Well, gee, I wouldn't know how to begin. Like I mean, I know girls are different than boys, but I've never actually seen a nude girl in my whole life. Suppose this girl takes her clothes off?" he asked, pretending shock.
"Then you'll know it's time for your next move."
The conversation was intriguing. She found herself staring at the front of his shorts. She noticed the bulge. Her mind raced. Lewd thoughts began to enter her mind. Bob was so handsome. So like his dad.
"That's just it. My next move. The sight of her with no clothes on might shock me too much. I might be too petrified to move. It might cause me to run away from her. Then I'd really be embarrassed. She's just the type who'd blurt it out all over the school. Then my reputation would be ruined."
"I see."
Alice noticed his bulge growing larger. She felt a moistness in her crotch area. She spread her legs a bit to allow air to circulate around her pussy. This movement caused Bob to stare harder and blush more deeply.
"What can I do to help you, dear," she murmured, letting her legs slide apart a bit more.
"The reason I came here,"~ muttered Bob, building up his stow, "is to see if maybe you might-" He broke off and flushed hotly~ "Aw, it's no sense asking you, Alice. You'd tell Dad and he'd get mad at me!"
"If I promise not to say a word, will you at least tell me what you were going to ask me to do?"
"I was going to ask if I could see you naked!" he blurted.
A tight smile crept to her pretty, round face. She'd kind of thought he was leading up to this.
"I mean," added Bob hastily, "you being my stepmother and all. You being so young and pretty. You being a blonde just like the girl I've mentioned. I was thinking maybe if I took a good look at what a nude blonde girl really looks like, I won't be so shocked Saturday night!" He smiled wanly. "You're not mad at me? You won't tell Dad?"
She sucked in a deep breath. "Of course, I'm not mad. I understand the torment you're going through. I was a teen-ager myself a couple years ago. And believe me, I won't tell your dad."
She slowly rose to her feet. She stepped toward the bed and paused within a few feet of it.
Ever so slowly, she raised her nightie. She noticed the look of awe in his face when his eyes ogled her golden-haired cunt. She slid the garment up over her lush tits. Again she noticed the awed look in his eyes at the sight of her enormous pink melons.
She tossed the lacy garment onto the vanity stool. She stood before her stepson, naked. Her lush, pinkish-white body gleamed and rippled with each movement. She was proud of her body. She pirouetted. before him. She gave him good views, front, side, and rear. She held her breasts with her hands and eased them forward.
"Does the girl you're going with Saturday look like me?" she murmured.
"Hell no!" blurted Bob, his eyes bugging wide. He was almost in a state of shock. Real shock this time. He hadn't dreamed Alice would do it. He'd been expecting her to slap him in the face, to order him from the room. Perhaps Karen had been right about her.
He knew he had been right about Alice. The girl was the loveliest thing he'd ever gawked at. She was far more exciting than the scrawny kids at school. He'd ogled quite a few cunts lately, and he knew that without a doubt, this luscious item he was staring at was the most glamorous, most wonderful girl he'd ever seen.
Alice smiled impishly as she pirouetted before her stepson. She knew she shouldn't be doing this, but Jim wouldn't be back for a couple of hours. She had sworn herself to secrecy, and Bob definitely wouldn't say anything about this.
Besides, she was genuinely flattered that Bob thought enough of her to come to her in his hour of need. That's what parents were for. She was his stepmother. Young enough to be his sister, but still old enough to give him guidance.
She had always gotten along well with this handsome boy. He was so unlike his sister. Many's the time she'd caught him in the act of stating at her. She was aware of what effect her voluptuousness was having on this adolescent. Her
own feelings toward him had been rather mixed. She liked him. Their relationship had always been casual, yet friendly. He had remained a bit aloof because she wasn't his real mother.
Now, here he was, in a bind and turning to her. She felt flattered. She knew Jim would want her to help him in his predicament. Deep inside she wanted to help the boy. Smiling, she eased forward.
"Does the sight of me in the nude shock you, Bob?" she whispered.
"I…I… er.." He gulped and backed away. He was almost petrified. He hadn't dreamed she'd undress before him. He'd figured she'd toss him out on his ass. To see her now, in all her naked glory, was a sight to behold. The most beautiful sight he'd ever seen. He hadn't been exactly lying about not knowing too much about girls. He had fucked a few of them, but never before had he had one completely nude. He usually shoved his dick into girls in the back seat of. a car at the drive-in theaters, or at some remote parking area. Until now, he had never been in a girl's bedroom like this.
Alice moved forward. Reaching down, she grabbed his hand and placed it on one of her huge, solid tits.
"Feel me, Bob. Feel me all over."
The feel of her lush breasts turned him on. His cock soared outward against his shorts. His face flushed, he murmured, "Gee, I don't know, Alice. Maybe I should leave. Dad'll clobber me if he ever finds out I was here doing this." He continued to stroke and fondle her immense tits. He tweaked at the erect nipples.
Heat waves engulfed Alice. Lewd thoughts chased away her common sense. The feel of his warm hands on her tits turned her on. She noticed the bulge in the front of his shorts. Reaching down, she unzipped him. Reaching in, she pulled his cock out. She gasped. It was huge! A replica of his dad's. Maybe not quite as chubby, but every inch as long. She eased forward and gently stoked his cock with her warm hands.
"Maybe if I kinda make love to you, Bob, like that girl probably will Saturday night, it'll help."
She unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside. Next, she unhooked his shorts, let them fall down his legs to the floor. With his prick still in her hand, she stepped back a pace to admire the view. Her eyes lit up.
"You've got a nice cock, Bob," she whispered.
"Is it as big as Dad's?"
She giggled. "Almost!"
Acting almost on impulse, she dropped to her knees and peered up at him, her hands on his hips. "This girl you're going with Saturday night, might do something like this to you, Bob. If she does, don't be shocked." Having made her point, she took his cock into her mouth, and eagerly and expertly sucked it.
Bob stared down in awe at his cock-sucking stepmother. This was wild. It was beyond his wildest dreams. He watched in amazement while his big cock slid in and out of Alice's mouth. He noticed the way her cheeks billowed in and out with every suck of his cock. He felt her soft fingers toying with his asshole and balls. He was so hot he almost came.
He wondered if Karen was watching from out in the hallway. He had been skeptical of her dizzy idea from the first. Now here he was, shoving his big cock in and out of his pretty stepmother's mouth.
Staring down past her fucking face, he eyed her pulsating pussy. She was squatting down before him, knees spread wide. This gave him a good view of her cunt. He stared at the golden-haired pussy. He watched the slit pulsate enticingly with every movement of her body as she sucked.
The sight of her exposed pussy turned him on. He reached down, placed a hand on her forehead, and peered deep into her lustful eyes.
"How 'bout showing me how to fuck," he whispered.
Alice hesitated for a moment, then nodded. She was too hot to back away now. She wanted to feel that big cock in her. She wanted to help this boy
become a man. He was family. Her own stepson. They had sworn each other to secrecy. Jim would never find out. She wouldn't tell him. Neither would Bob. This would be their little secret.
Uncoupling her lovely mouth from his lovely cock, she slid upward along his nakedness and melted into his embrace. She kissed him tenderly.
"Yes, yes," she breathed, "I'll teach you how to fuck. I'll teach you everything."
She kissed him again and again. She rubbed her huge tits against his hairless chest. She eased back onto the bed. She eased onto her back. Spreading her legs apart and lifting her knees, she guided him into a kneeling position between her legs.
Bob went along with it. He could no longer resist, even if he had wanted to. Common sense had long fled. He was a man of lust and passion. The sight of his lovely stepmother sucking his big cock had turned him on beyond the point of no return. The sight of her spread out before him in the conventional fucking position was the final straw. He was putty in her hands. He felt her hands on his buttocks, urging him forward. He felt her hand on his cock, guiding it toward her cunt. He stared deep into her baby-blue eyes, now filled with lewd glints.
"Now?" he asked, feeling his cockhead at her
"Now!" she whimpered, pulling him to her and forcing his big cock into her eager cunt. "Now! You big-cocked bastard!"
He slid his cock all the way in.
Alice had made good on her promise to teach him.
Karen, from her vantage point in the hallway, had been watching developments with untold joy. All doubts about her plan succeeding began to recede with every minute Bob was alone with Alice.
She hadn't misjudged her stepmother. Alice was reacting just about like she had figured she would. Despite her protestations of being a square, and her humble mouthings about the sanctity of marriage, Alice was reacting like a normal girl. A nympho. Karen had figured all along that a girl who looked like Alice couldn't really be a shy, modest maiden like Alice pretended to be.
She had figured all along that Alice, if given the opportunity, and figuring she wouldn't be caught, would be a pushover for any man. Her theory was true. Now to put the rest of her plan into operation!
Shortly after Alice began sucking Bob's big prick, Karen pulled away from her vantage point outside the bedroom door. She would like to have seen the balance of the act, but knew this wouldn't work out. Bob was only human. She had to carry out the plan. She zipped downstairs, picked up the phone and dialed the number of the lodge. Without much delay, she got Daddy on the phone.
Keeping her voice from~ showing too much excitement, she said, "Daddy! Come home quick! Something's happening!" She hung up to avoid his questions.
She then went outside to await his arrival. It would be in a few minutes. The lodge wasn't far away.