Lindsey Davis
One Virgin Too Many


M. Didius Falco – the man they love to blame

Helena Justina – a girl with a secret: hoping for a better bathroom

Julia Junilla – a dear little treasure

Nux – a dog, not quite so dear

The Sacred Geese of Juno and the Augurs' Sacred Chickens – protected species

Ma – a down-to-earth commentator

Pa (Geminus) – up to no good as usual

Maia Favonia – Falco's sister; inconveniently widowed

Cloelia (Maia's daughter) – hoping to become a Virgin

Marius (Maia's son) – wanting to stay on at school (a miracle)

Uncle Fabius (the dopey one) – a chicken-fancier, safely in the country

Petronius Longus – Falco's first partner; the one who pulled out

Rubella – awkward tribune of the Fouth Cohort of vigiles

Vespasian – Emperor of Rome; as high as you can get

Titus Caesar – a Romantic Prince

Berenice – a Queen of Hearts

Rutilius Gallicus – poet and ex-consul, on the up (getting Falco down)

Anacrites – Falco's second partner; the one who was pushed

Laelius Numentinus – an eminent chief priest (a wicked old basket)

Laelius Scaurus – a priest by rights (inactive)

Caecilia Paeta – a devoted mother (giving up her little darling)

Gaia Laelia – the next Vestal; a willing sacrifice?

Statilia Laelia – a devoted auntie (nothing wrong with that)

Ariminius Modullus – a devoted husband (wanting a divorce, of course)

Terentia Paulla – a married Virgin; another widow (convenient?)

Meldina – a beautiful part of the scenery (dangerous)

Athene – a reluctant nursemaid (safe with children?)

Ventidius Silanus – an Arval Brother, too dead to contribute

The Master of the Arval Brethren – a gourmet, too devious to comment

D. Camillus Verus – Helena's father; trying to do his best

Julia Justa – her mother; fearing the worst

A. Camillus Aelianus – a temporary scene-of-crime expert

Q. Camillus Justinus – Falco's new partner (permanently off the scene)

The camillus (no relation) – an Arval acolyte; a spotty youth

Constantia – a Virgin; a thriller

Gloccus and Cotta – contractors of distinction (absolutely terrible)
