After their meal, which was eaten by candlelight, Howie, his daughter, and Mike got back into the jeep. The streets seemed quieter than before. Maybe because the moon was tucked away behind the clouds. He’d always noticed that people were louder when the moon was full. He was glad it wasn’t full that night.

They drove through Malibu, to Thousand Oaks, and then up through Bakersfield. The farther they drove from Malibu, the fewer choppers were in the distance. Howie drove near Interstate 5, where he saw nothing but normal vehicles. A couple of roadblocks were up, but if you knew the area they were easy to avoid. Didn’t do your research before coming here, did you bastards? Howie thought.

“They didn’t quarantine up here,” Mike said. “Why would they just do Malibu?”

Howie didn’t respond. He was busy trying to find a way back onto the interstate. When he came across an entrance that was blocked by signs indicating the onramp was being repaired, he ignored them and drove up. He didn’t see any damage anywhere.

“Where you going?” Mike asked.

“Up through Nipton and into Las Vegas. And then as far away from here as I can get.”

“I don’t know anyone in Vegas. Do you?”

“No. But I have a brother in Seattle. Maybe we’ll go out there after and figure out what the hell is going on.”

The city disappeared behind them a short while later, and they were on I-15, heading through the desert near Joshua Tree National Park. The dunes and rock formations were interspersed with patches of forest, and he stopped outside one at a gas station. People were getting gas and snacks like they would on any normal day. Howie watched them and felt sorry for them. In a moment of fear that was coming, when they heard a pounding on the door, they would comprehend they were helpless to stop it. And it would terrify them.

They walked around and stretched their legs, and Howie realized he didn’t have any money to pay for gas.

“What’re we gonna do?” Mike said. “It’s pay first.”

Just behind them, a man pulled up in a silver BMW and got out. He swiped his card and put the nozzle into the tank, then went around to the side of his car to check for scratches while the tank filled. Howie looked to Mike.

“We have to do it,” Howie said.

“Beat up some innocent guy and take his wallet?”


“I’m not doing that.”

Howie thought of his daughter. “We need to get over the state line. We’re in trouble, Mike.”

“Let me handle it.”

Mike walked over to the man, “Hey, you’re not going to believe this, but both of us forgot our wallets. I promise you we will send down a check if you could help us out right now and fill up our tank. We’re in really-”

“Fuck off, asshole,” the man said as he came around the car and finished his exterior check. As he passed Howie, he grimaced.

As soon as he was turned around, Howie wrapped his arm around the man’s throat. He took him down to the ground as Mike grabbed his legs.

Howie reached into the man’s pants and took out his wallet. He flung it to Mike. “Fill up the fucking tank!”

The man was struggling, and Howie had to get on top of him to hold him down. He got hit in the face twice before he got his knees around the guy’s ribs and was able to hold his arms down at the elbows.

“Get the fuck off me!”

“Sorry. We need to do this.”

The man was grunting and writhing around like a wild boar. Mike filled the tank, glancing into the gas station to see if anyone was seeing this.

“It’s full,” Mike said as he climbed in.

“Don’t follow us.”

Howie got up and jumped into the jeep. The man in the rearview ran to his car. He reached into his glove compartment and came out with a pistol.


He grabbed Jessica’s head and pushed her down to the floor of the jeep as the first shot nearly shattered their windshield. He slammed on the gas and peeled away as the pop of gunfire went off behind them.

The man and his pistol chased them only a dozen feet or so as Howie sped down the dark highway.
