Samantha’s plane landed at Dobbins Air Force Base, and she waited until it had come to a complete stop before unbuckling herself. She glanced at Jessica. The young girl was sitting in shock, staring out the window. She had asked where her father was twice, and no one told her.

As they stepped off the plane, Sam put her arm around the girl’s shoulders and shuttled her over to an awaiting jeep. They rode in silence, but Jessica didn’t remove Samantha’s arm. In fact, she placed her head on Sam’s ribs, and Sam kept her arm over her, as if she could shield her from what they both knew was coming.

When the jeep stopped in front of Samantha’s home, she debated for an instant. Olsen had given orders for the child to be taken into protective custody. But she knew what that meant-a night at a military base and then into state care. That wasn’t what Sam had promised Harold.

Without so much as a peep from the driver, Samantha helped the young girl out of the jeep, and they walked inside the house. The house was immaculately clean.
