MONTALVO DROVE WITH THEM up to the front door of the lake cottage.

"Are you coming in?" Eve asked as she got out of the SUV. "I'll make coffee." She made a face. "Or maybe you'd prefer a drink. I'm going to make one for Joe and give it to him while he's in the bath."

Montalvo shook his head. "Not right now. I'm going to go back to my camp and call Miguel and see what's happening with him." He took the steps two at a time. "But first I thought I'd check out the cottage."

"I can do it," Joe said. "Go on."

"It will go quicker for me. You're a bit stiff." Montalvo turned to Eve. "Keys?"

Eve tossed him the keys. "I don't believe Kistle is going to come after us here. He wants to lure us onto his turf."

"Neither do I. But I don't assume anything." He disappeared into the house.

"Neither do I." Joe started up the porch steps. "And it doesn't hurt to be safe, Eve. By all means, put the bastard to work."

"I'm glad you're not objecting to a little help."

"I'm the one who took the hit, let Montalvo take up some of the slack. He wanted to be involved? We're going to let him be involved up to his eyebrows."

Montalvo came out of the cottage and gave the keys back to Eve. "All secure. I'll check outside the house in case Kistle had some extra explosives he wanted to put to use." He ran down the steps. "Call me if you need me. Otherwise I'll be in touch after we all get a few hours' sleep."

"Right." Joe opened the screen door. "But phone me when you get Miguel's report on Okefenokee."

Montalvo didn't answer. He'd already gone around the side of the cottage.

Eve followed Joe into the house. "Okefenokee?"

"Kistle's led us down the garden path at the national forest. He may send us back there. But I'm betting on the swamp." He headed for the bathroom. "I think Chattahoochee was a false trail, a decoy. He was saving the real thing for Okefenokee."

"We'll see as soon as he calls me." She took off her jacket. "Can I get you anything?"

"That drink you promised." He glanced over his shoulder, stiffening. "For God's sake, your arms look like pincushions. Why didn't you tell me you were hurt?"

"I'm not." She glanced at her arms. He was right, both her forearms and wrists were riddled with cuts from the flying rocks. "It's nothing."

"Well, forget the drink and clean them up. All we need is for you to get blood poisoning."

"I can do both. Get into that bath." She went to the sink in the kitchen and got down antiseptic and bandages from the cabinet. Clean up, stick on some Band-Aids, and she'd be fine.

Joe would be fine too, thank God.

Her hand was starting to shake. Probably shock starting to set in. They had been so busy since the blast that she had not fully realized how close Joe had come to death. Now it was hitting full force. She had almost lost him.

She leaned her head against the cabinet. Joe had almost lost his life, and it brought home to her how empty her own life would be without him.

"Okay, Eve?" Joe called from the bathroom.

"Fine. I told you it was nothing." She drew a deep breath and got down a glass and the whiskey bottle from the cabinet. "I'll be right in."

She poured his drink. Stop shaking, dammit. Don't let Joe see how upset you are. She couldn't fall apart when she was the one who had brought them all into this. They had been blundering around, keeping to Kistle's rules, letting him call all the shots, hoping against hope that they could see through the lies.

And Joe had almost died.

It couldn't go on, not like this. Something had to change.

EVE'S CELL RANG AT 4: 35 in the morning.

She didn't look at the ID. She didn't want to know if Kistle had taken another victim to get his cell phone. She knew who it was. So did Joe, who rose up on one elbow to watch her take the call.

"Are you terribly bereaved, Eve?" Kistle asked. "How long had you been with Quinn?"

"A long time. And I'm still with him. You screwed up, Kistle. That blast didn't get any of us."

"No? I suppose it was my mistake. I was so interested in watching you all creep around trying to find me that I waited a little too long to press the detonator. Laura Ann and I found it very entertaining."

"She's still alive?"

"Yes, and very annoying. She stares at me with those big blue eyes and it makes me want to put them out. She's too stupid to know enough to be afraid of me."

"And now you can tell her you've made another mistake and you didn't kill anyone with those explosives." No, she mustn't taunt him with anything connected with Laura Ann. The little girl's position was too precarious. "And perhaps she is scared and doesn't want to show it."

"The little bitch spat in my face."

Eve felt a surge of fierce satisfaction. "Let her go, Kistle, she's more trouble than she's worth."

"I agree. That's why I've been considering dispensing with her."


"See, I believe it would bother you. That's why I have to keep her alive as a carrot to lead you on."

"How do I know she's still alive?"

"I'll let her speak a few words to you later. Now let's go on to Act Two. Okefenokee Swamp. You'll find what you want on one of the lands there."


"That's what they call the islands in the swamp. I'll put a picture of Bonnie's island on the bulletin board of the visitors' bureau."

"Same tune, Kistle. Why should I let you lead me into a trap when you lied before?"


"That won't be enough for Joe or Montalvo."

"Laura Ann?"

She couldn't deny that would draw them on a possible wild-goose chase. "It's not enough. Not after you almost blew us all to kingdom come. Give me some proof that Act Two isn't just going to lead to Act Three if you don't kill us."

He was silent a moment. "This is a two-act play, Eve. I don't have to give you proof, but you'll not find that island barren soil. It was a perfect place to hide a body. And I may decide to hide yours there as well."

"Let me talk to Laura Ann."

"Of course, I promised you, didn't I? Come along, little bitch, speak up."

A few seconds passed and then a wisp of a child's voice. "Hello."

Relief poured through Eve. At least Kistle had told the truth about Laura Ann. "Listen, baby, my name is Eve and we're going to come and get you. But you're with a very bad man and you mustn't make him angry. Try not to talk to him at all."

"He doesn't like that either. Will you tell my mama that I'm sorry? She told me not to get in a car with a stranger, but he told me he was Daddy's friend. I wanted to see my daddy. I thought maybe he wanted to see me too."

"I'll tell her." Her eyes were suddenly stinging. "I'm sure she'll understand. She gave me a message for you. She said to tell you that she loves you and is very proud of you. She'll see you soon."

"Enough." Kistle was back on the phone. "I'll let you talk to her again when you reach the swamp. The clock is ticking, Eve." He hung up.

She slowly pressed the disconnect.

"What did he say?" Joe asked.

"You were right. It's an island in the Okefenokee. We're to check the bulletin board at the visitors' bureau. Laura Ann is still alive." She swung her feet to the floor and got out of bed. "Call Montalvo and tell him, will you? We're going to need all the information Miguel gathered about the swamp."

"What if this is another blind alley?"

"That's what I asked him," she said jerkily as she headed for the bathroom. "He said this was the final act and I wouldn't find barren soil on that island."

"And you believe the son of a bitch?"

"Yes. This time I believe him. I think that island's somebody's burial ground." She closed the bathroom door behind her. Take a shower, get dressed, and use that time to think. She had already decided that they couldn't go blindly into Kistle's traps, that something had to change.

Dear God, and she had known all along what that change had to be. She had just refused to admit it to herself. But she couldn't ignore it any longer.

The clock was ticking.

THE RESIDENCE WAS A PLEASANT little house in Morningside with a wide front porch and pots of ferns hanging from the arches.

"This is crazy, Eve," Joe said harshly. "I know you're desperate, but this isn't going to do anyone any good."

"You're right, I'm desperate. I want insurance." She got out of the SUV. "You almost died at Chattahoochee. I don't want to have to go into that swamp blind." She nodded at Montalvo, who had just pulled up behind them, then she turned and walked up the path to the front door. It was barely six in the morning and the house was still dark. They were probably asleep. Should she wait before she-

The clock is ticking.

She rang the doorbell.

No answer.

She rang it again.

A small, thin man opened the door. His hair was mussed and he wore a red robe. "Yes?"

"I have to see Megan Blair. I'm Eve Duncan. You must be her Uncle Phillip?"

He nodded. "Megan's still sleeping. Can you come back later?"

"No, I have to see her now. Will you wake her?"

He stiffened. "I'm not sure I should. It took her three days to recover from-"

"It's okay, Phillip." Megan was coming down the hall. She wore only a Falcons T-shirt and red furry scuffs, but she was definitely wide awake. "She wouldn't have come at this hour unless it was important."

"Important for her," he said. "Maybe a problem for you." He shrugged. "I'll make some coffee. Go into the sunroom."

Megan nodded and moved down the hall. "Though there's not much sun in the sunroom at six in the morning." She opened the French doors. "Sit down." She curled up on a shabby green-and-white-print cushioned couch. "And I don't think you'd notice anyway."

Eve's gaze went around the small room as she sat down in a rattan chair. As Megan had said, the room was dim and shadowed. "This is nice. Comfortable."

"We like it." She met Eve's gaze. "But you didn't come here to compliment our interior decorating, did you? They haven't caught Kistle yet?"

"No, he's moved out of Clayborne Forest. He's here in this area. You saw the news story about Laura Ann Simmons?"

Megan stiffened. "He's got her?"

"But she's still alive. I talked to her on the phone only a few hours ago. He's using her as bait to draw me into the trap."


"Okefenokee Swamp. He gave me two days, but I've already wasted too much time on a wild-goose chase."

"And why come to me?"

"I think you know."

She nodded slowly. "But I wouldn't be any good to you. Unless he's already killed her."

"You said you hear these voices in places that echo tragedy or high distress. For God's sake, what Laura Ann is feeling must be the highest distress. She must be scared out of her mind." She paused. "And he said I'd find Laura Ann in the same place he'd used as a burial spot. Bonnie must be there."

"He could be lying."

"Yes, but I don't think he is. Not this time." She moistened her lips. "But he'll try to trick us. I know it. We need you."

Megan said nothing. She just looked at her.

"I know what I'm asking. I know what you went through in Bloomburg."

"No, you don't," Megan said curtly. "You don't know anything."

"Maybe not," Eve said. "But I'm asking it anyway. Will you come with us?"

She was silent a moment and then said wearily, "Hell, I was going to tell you no when you came to me."

"You knew I'd come? I didn't know myself until this morning."

Megan's lips twisted. "Oh, I don't have any gift for precognition. But I have a friend, Renata, who can judge cause and effect with wonderful accuracy. I don't have her talent, but it didn't take much analyzing to realize what your next step would be." She added, "And you're lying to yourself if you think you weren't planning this all along. If it hadn't been for Laura Ann and Kistle, you'd still have come to get me to help you find Bonnie. You couldn't help yourself."

Eve stared at her a moment as her words sank home. Dear God, it was true. It had been there beneath the surface and she had not admitted it to herself. "I was fighting it. I didn't want to do it. I know how it will hurt you."

"When you started to believe me about Bobby Joe, it was only a matter of time before you'd want me to find your Bonnie." Megan shook her head. "It's wrong. I shouldn't do it, Eve. Not only for my sake but for yours. You know she must have died horribly. Do you really want me to bring that all back to you?"

"I want to bring her body home."

"Not like this. Find her in any other way. You don't want to know how she died. You don't want to see me going through it with her."

Eve could feel the blood drain from her face at the thought. "No, I don't want that."

"It will happen. I can't control it."

Eve shuddered. "I have to bring her home, Megan."

Megan gazed at her helplessly. "Eve, find another way."

"It's not only Bonnie, it's Laura Ann now. There's no other way for Laura Ann. And Joe was nearly killed when we walked into one of Kistle's traps last night. I can't let that happen again. Come with us, Megan."

"Leave her alone." Phillip Blair stood in the doorway carrying a tray with a carafe and cups. "She helped you before. That's enough."

"You don't understand Mr. Blair," Eve said. "It's an emergency. We need-"

"And what about what she needs?" Phillip asked harshly. "She can't go on like this. This damn Listening isn't her only problem and she can't cope with-"

"I can cope with it." Megan got to her feet. "But I don't want to do it if I can think of any other way. Just give me a minute and let me pull myself together. I'll be back in…" She left the room.

"Don't do this to her," Phillip said to Eve. "You must have seen what finding Bobby Joe did to Megan. When she comes back, I want you to tell her that you've changed your mind. I've heard about your daughter and I'm sorry for you. But she's dead and Megan's alive. I'm not going to let you put her through that hell again."

"I don't want to hurt her. I don't want to hurt anyone. But I don't see how I can-"

"Then work at it, find a solution that doesn't concern-"

"I have to do it, Phillip," Megan said quietly from the doorway. "God knows I don't want to be pulled into this again, but I don't have a choice. Did Eve tell you that Kistle has that little girl we saw on the news?"

Phillip muttered a curse beneath his breath. "Shit."

Eve let out her breath in a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Megan. I was afraid you'd-"

"Wait a minute." Megan held up her hand. "I just want you to know I'm going into that swamp to get Laura Ann Simmons out and that's all. If I hear any other voices, I may or may not tell you about them. I'm the one who is going to be in control. This isn't for you or your Bonnie." She wearily shook her head. "Because I have a feeling that me finding your daughter would be the worst possible thing for you." She got to her feet. "I'll get dressed and pack a bag." She turned to Phillip. "The little girl is alive, Phillip. I have to try to help keep her that way."

"Okay, okay. I know you're caught." He scowled. "Take a cup of coffee into your room and drink it while you're packing." He set the tray on the glass coffee table. "I'll pack my bag and meet you in the hall in ten minutes."

"You're not going, Phillip," Megan said. "I have to go into the swamp and I won't let you go with me."

"Then I'll check into a hotel and wait until you come out." He glanced at Eve. "And you'd better take care of her. I don't want her hurt again." He strode out of the room.

"I'll take my own car and drive down with Phillip," Megan said as she rose to her feet. "He's obviously going with us. There's no use arguing with him. Phillip can be very stubborn."

"He cares for you," Eve said. "And he's not at all pleased with me. Who can blame him?" She rose to her feet. "Joe is waiting in the car and Montalvo is coming too. We'll wait outside for you." She hesitated. "I should tell you that Joe may not be… friendly. He was with me years ago when we were dealing with those psychics. He won't believe you can help."

"Smart man." Megan poured her coffee and carried it out of the sunroom. "I don't know whether I believe I can help either."

PHILLIP MET MEGAN IN THE hall and took her duffel. "I don't suppose I can talk you out of this."

"I wish you could." She opened the door. "I was all set to turn her down if she came knocking on my door. My heart ached for her, but I know it will be a mistake for all of us. But I can't turn away from Laura Ann. I wasn't able to help Bobby Joe, but I have a chance of saving her." She braced herself as she saw the man sitting beside Eve Duncan in the SUV. "Get in the car, Phillip. I'll be right with you. I have to talk to Joe Quinn."

Quinn's gaze was cool and his face without expression as he watched her walking toward them.

"Joe," Eve said. "This is Dr. Megan Blair."

Quinn inclined his head. "I'm not going to pretend that I want you to come along," he said curtly. "Or that I think you can offer any help. And since you'll probably end up either dead or getting in our way, I'd suggest you change your mind and go back to reading tea leaves."

"I told you what to expect, Megan." Eve grimaced. "I just didn't expect Joe to be quite so rude. I apologize."

"I don't care if he's rude." She stared him in the eye. "But if we have to put up with each other, I wanted to lay all the cards on the table before we start out. I don't want to go with you. I have to do it. I don't give a damn what you think of me. I'd probably think the same thing if I were in your shoes. Voices and the dead reliving their last moments? It's nuts. But it's true and I have to live with it. And now you have to live with it too. All you have to do is take me into that swamp and pay attention to what I say. It's up to you if you act on it. Then you bring me out and you never have to see me again."

Joe's smiled sardonically. "Not quite all. I understand you have a habit of dramatically casting yourself down in a faint. I'll probably have to carry you out on my back."

"No," Megan said sharply. "You don't touch me. No matter what happens in that swamp, none of you touches me." She turned to Eve. "That's a deal-breaker, Eve."

Eve nodded. "I understand." She made a face. "No, I don't understand, but I'll go along with whatever you say. I owe you."

"Yes, you do." Megan turned and started toward her car, where Phillip waited. "I'll get Phillip settled in a hotel at Waycross, Georgia. That's on the outskirts of the Okefenokee. He usually likes to stay at Best Westerns. If I can't book him there, I'll call and let you know. It should take us about five hours to get down there. Where do we go from there?"

"The visitors' bureau. Kistle said he would let me talk to Laura Ann again when we reached the swamp, but that will be later. He said he'd fasten a photo on the bulletin board in the visitors' bureau. We'll meet Montalvo's friend, Miguel, there. He should have some information for us about the swamp."

"We could use it." Megan got into her car. "I've never been tempted to go sightseeing in a swamp. Snakes and alligators don't appeal to me."

JOE WATCHED MEGAN BACK OUT of the driveway. "She's smart. She didn't try to persuade me that she was something she's not. I can see how the contrast between her and those other crooks we ran into would tip the scales for you."

"You mean blind me?" Eve shook her head. "As you said, she's smart. I didn't lie to her about what she'd have to face in that swamp. Neither did you. She'd have to be crazy to go along with us just to run a con."

"So maybe she's a little nuts." Joe started the car. "And neither you nor she can expect me to listen to her when we get into that swamp."

"You don't have to listen to her. But I will, Joe." She looked straight ahead. "I'll be listening very closely."

A TALL YOUNG MAN DRESSED in khakis and boots straightened away from the wall of the Best Western when Megan and Phillip drew up to the registration area. His dark, Hispanic good looks reminded Megan vaguely of Antonio Banderas. His hands were bandaged, but his smile was bright. "You must be Megan Blair. I'm Miguel Vicente. Montalvo called and told me to meet you all here." He grimaced as he looked down at his bandages. "And since Montalvo says you have trouble with the civility of shaking hands, we'll get along fine. I'm having problems in that area right now myself." He looked at Phillip. "How do you do, sir? It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Blair."

"Phillip." Her uncle got out of the car. "I'll check in, Megan. I imagine you're going to want to discuss matters without me being in the way,"

"You're never in the way, Phillip," Megan said.

He gave her a glance over his shoulder. "Then why aren't I going with you into that swamp?" He didn't wait for an answer but went into the hotel.

Miguel gave a low whistle. "Do I detect a hint of indignation?"

Megan got out of the car. "He's very protective."

"And so he should be. After the time I've spent in the Okefenokee, I'd say you're going to need it." He smiled. "But don't worry. Since Eve wants you there I will guard you." He tilted his head. "Or maybe you should guard me. Can you keep the swamp devils away? Montalvo says you have very peculiar ways."

"Sorry, you're on your own," Megan said. "I have enough trouble warding off my own devils. I thought you were going to meet us at the visitors' bureau."

"You seem to have changed the scenario. Montalvo told me to check the bulletin board and bring anything I found here." He raised his head as a car drove into the parking lot. "There's Montalvo now."

And it was followed by the SUV driven by Eve and Joe Quinn, Megan noticed.

"You're tensing," Miguel said softly. "If you're this on edge with the people on your side, what will you be when Kistle appears on the scene?"

"Not everyone is on my side," Megan said. "Joe Quinn would just as soon I drowned in that swamp, and Montalvo doesn't care about anyone but Eve."

"How perceptive of you. But he does care about me, so perhaps he might spare a little concern for you." He turned and strolled over to Montalvo's car as he drew up beside them. "Here I am, Colonel. I'm brimming with information and eager to give it up." He nodded to Eve as she got out of her car. "Montalvo told me that you'd brought in help from the twilight zone. I approve. She's quite wonderful. I may be in love."

"You said that about Jane," Eve said.

"But she deserted me."

"Who can blame her?" Quinn said. "She has a good head on her shoulders. What kind of information?"

"There's a coffee shop inside the hotel." Miguel turned and headed for the front entrance. "I need a table to spread out my map."

"Did you stop by the visitors' bureau?" Montalvo called after him.

"Of course." He disappeared into the hotel.

Eve fell into step with Megan. "Miguel isn't as shallow as he seems. You can trust him."

"I hope I won't have to trust him," Megan said. They were a strange and diverse group, she thought uneasily. And the vibrations between them were far from friendly. The only person she could trust was Eve, but she didn't know how far. Not because of any lack of honor but because in the end there was only one thing of utmost importance to her. Bonnie overshadowed everything else. "How did Miguel hurt his hands?"

"One of Montalvo's enemies nailed him to a cross."

"God in heaven." She looked at Montalvo. "I'm not sure I'd want to be on your list of friends."

"I don't blame you," Montalvo said. "But Miguel has no sense of caution. It didn't make any difference to him at all. Let's get inside and see what he has for us."

"I have to go see my uncle before I join you." Megan turned to Joe Quinn. "He's not going to be happy staying here twiddling his thumbs."


"So I love him and don't want him unhappy. There's no way I want to take him into the swamp, but I want you to find him a job that will be safe but make him feel he's helping."

"Safe? Then let him stay here."

It was the kind of cooperation she would have expected from him. "Okay, safer."

He shrugged. "He can stay at the boat launch and be on hand to call in the police and direct them if we phone him. Will he be satisfied with that?"

"Probably not. But it's better than nothing." She went into the hotel to find Phillip.
