Daniel Abraham

Daniel Abraham lives with his family in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he is Director of Technical Support at a local Internet service provider. Starting off his career in short fiction, he made sales to Asimov’s Science Fiction, SCI FICTION, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Realms of Fantasy, The Infinite Matrix, Vanishing Acts, The Silver Web, Bones of the World, The Dark, Wild Cards, and elsewhere, some of which appeared in his first collection, Leviathan Wept and Other Stories. Turning to novels, he made several sales in rapid succession, including the books of The Long Price Quartet, which consists of A Shadow in Summer, A Betrayal in Winter, An Autumn War, and The Price of Spring. He’s also written The Dagger and the Coin series, which consists of The Dragon’s Path, The King’s Blood, and The Tyrant’s Law. He also wrote Hunter’s Run, a collaborative novel with George R. R. Martin and Gardner Dozois, as M. L. N. Hanover, wrote the four-volume paranormal romance series Black Sun’s Daughter, and with Ty Franck, writing as James S. A. Corey, the space-opera Expanse novels, consisting (so far) of Leviathan Wakes, Caliban’s War, and Abaddon’s Gate.

In the worst of bad neighborhoods, where life is cheap and usually it’s everyone for himself, it’s good to find a friend whom you can count on—and sometimes they’re to be found in the most unexpected of places …
