Walter Jon Williams

Walter Jon Williams was born in Minnesota and now lives near Albuquerque, New Mexico. His short fiction has appeared frequently in Asimov’s Science Fiction, as well as in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Lightspeed, Subterranean, and in other markets, and has been gathered in the collections Facets and Frankensteins and Foreign Devils. His novels include Ambassador of Progress, Knight Moves, Hardwired, The Crown Jewels, Voice of the Whirlwind, House of Shards, Days of Atonement, Aristoi, Metropolitan, Rock of Ages, City on Fire, as well as a huge disaster thriller, The Rift, and a Star Wars novel, Destiny’s Way, and three novels in his acclaimed Modern Space Opera epic, “Dread Empire’s Fall,” Dread Empire’s Fall: The Praxis, Dread Empire’s Fall: The Sundering, and Dread Empire’s Fall: Conventions of War. His most recent books are the novels Implied Spaces, This Is Not a Game, Deep State, and The Fourth Wall, the chapbook novella The Boolean Gate, and a new collection, The Green Leopard Plague and Other Stories. He won a long-overdue Nebula Award in 2001 for his story “Daddy’s World,” and took another Nebula in 2004 with his story “The Green Leopard Plague.”

In the sly story that follows, a movie star (Sean Makin, the comically self-absorbed narrator of Walter’s novel The Fourth Wall) becomes involved in an intricate real-life plot that proves to be even more outlandish than that of a Hollywood movie, and more dangerous for everyone involved.
