In the comparatively short period of time since he unleashed his fiction upon the readers of the Black Library, the talented Mr Dembski-Bowden (that’s ‘bow’ as in the front of a boat, not the thing that fires an arrow) has more than proved his chops with some frankly pant-damaging pieces of writing awesomeness. For the sake of balance, however, and for the entertainment of those who get the reference, I feel this introduction should also include the words HI DAN ABNETT.

Regicide is named after the chess-like game I feature a lot of people playing in 40K. The story’s set on Balhaut, site of the great battle that started the whole Sabbat Worlds Crusade. In revisiting this ground zero origin point, Aaron is also delving into areas that are now increasingly occupying me in the Gaunt books: the Blood Pact, the nature of the enemy, and the nature of the Crusade itself. Although set twenty-five years before the ‘present’ in Gaunt continuity, this story provides a powerful addendum to both the story of Warmaster Slaydo, and the revelations made in the novel Blood Pact.

Dan Abnett
