Chapter 11—G.T.

I look over to the passenger seat to a fidgety Angel, her hands are in front of her and not one finger has stopped moving since the car left the clubhouse. “You nervous, Angel?”

She looks up, a soft smile graces her lips. “A little.” She swallows and looks out the window. “We’re going to the place where I thought I’d have Mia and where I lost her. Just hard going back.”

A lump forms in my throat, but a slight cough helps it melt away. I want to reach out to her and hold her hand, but with only one arm, that’s not going to happen. “I’m here Angel. We’ll get through this.” I try to reassure her.

I can’t say I’m happy about coming up here and that the anger isn’t there. It is. It’s not burning me like it did at first. Now, it’s more about the fact that I didn’t get to be a part of it. Regret. Even though, I know deep down it’s not my doing, it still doesn’t sit well. If I hadn’t lied, maybe just maybe baby Mia would be here. We could have been a family. I stop the car at the light and rake my hand over my face trying to clear my head.

* * *

Pulling up to the building, Angel gives a small sigh and reaches for the door handle. I follow and move around the car swiftly and wrap my arm around her body. I nuzzle my nose in her neck and pull her tight to me. “It’s okay.” She nods.

I release her waist and grab her hand, making it to the elevator.

I give her hand a gentle squeeze before releasing it for her to unlock the door.

“Casey!” A deep voice calls from my left and I quickly turn putting Angel behind me. A guy in shorts and a fancy shirt walks towards us. Angel goes to talk, but I interrupt.

“Who the fuck are you?” The guy flinches and Angel’s hand falls on my arm and she peeks around my body.

“G.T. calm down. This is Jace.” She whispers.

“And that means shit to me.” My anger spikes. My eyes lock on the guy coming down the hall towards my girl. Dude’s got fucking balls to keep coming; his eyes show a small amount of fear, but not enough.

“He took me to the hospital and stayed with me. He’s a friend of mine.” She rubs my arm up and down sending shocks to my dick. Not the time to be getting hard. And it dawns on me the name Jace is one that Princess said to me. Shit.

“You took care of my girls.” I state as I look him square in the eye. “Appreciate it.” That is the closest to a thank you he’ll ever get, I don’t trust him.

Casey moves around me, “Hey, Jace. This is G.T.”

“I caught that.” His eyes do not waver from mine and I can’t help but feel this is a standoff of some sort. Whatever the fuck it is, I’ll end him.

I grunt. Angel wraps her arms around my waist and leans into me slightly, my body instantly warming from hers and calm flows over me.

“We just came to pick up a few things and get school sorted out. I’m going back home.” Jace’s eyes snap to Casey’s and glare at her, a slight redness creeps up his neck.

“What?” He asks her and I keep to myself for the time being.

“I’m going back home, Jace.”

He balls his fists up like he’s gonna swing and I move Angel fast behind me. The instant I do, Jace blows out a deep breath and unclenches his fists. But his eyes are cold and hard. “A couple days home and you’re gonna throw everything away.” The annoyance is perfectly clear.

“G.T. he won’t hurt me.” She moves to the side of me, but I keep her tight against my body. “Jace. I’m not throwing anything away. I’m gonna finish school, but I’m doing it online. I need to be home.”

“I thought you were starting over. I thought…” He trails off and I fill in the blanks.

“You thought she’d be on your dick. Nope. Not happenin’.”

“G.T.!” Angel scolds, but I ignore it and she growls. “When the two of you are done with your pissing contest, I’ll be inside packing.” She unlocks the door and storms through.

“Stay the fuck away from her or I’ll fucking pound you into the ground. She’s mine.” I clench my fists tight.

“She’s not some property you can claim.” He barks back crossing his arms over his chest. The glint of fear I saw earlier has dissipated and is replaced with defiance.

“She will be my property soon enough and wearing my leather. Stay away.” I glare, turn into the apartment and shut the door in his face. No way this little piss-ant is gonna weasel his way in. I’ll crush him.

Walking into the space, everything around me screams Casey, from the color on the walls to the engine magazines thrown across the table. I make my way down a small hallway and look in the first room. Angel is working on getting clothes put together.

She looks up and sighs. “You didn’t have to be that way with him.”

“Yeah. I did. He wants in your pants and it’s not happenin’” I grind out and lean against the door jam.

“I don’t want him. I’ve always made sure that he knew we were just friends and never gave him any indication of more. My heart is yours G.T., it always has been.” She smiles walking over and gripping my shirt.

My heart constricts. “Damn right your heart’s mine but babe, you need to open your eyes cause that man wants you.” She stops and looks at me then goes back to her clothes.

“He may want me, but I don’t want him.” I nod and walk in the room. “Have a seat.” She says pointing to the edge of the bed.

“You need to talk to the landlord about this place. Get out of the lease. You want me to do it for you?”

“I have a year contract. I’ll have to pay it.”

I crack my knuckles. “I’ll work it out.”

“Don’t hurt the poor guy.” She smirks.

“Me? Never.” I lean on the bed resting on my good arm.

“I need to get a new place first so I can get my stuff there, so give me a month or so.”

“I’ll have the brothers move ya and you’re moving in with me.”

“What? No. We’ve got too much to work out.”

“Yeah. We do. Until lockdown’s done, we stay at the club. When it’s lifted we go to my house. You want a different one; I’ll buy it for ya. But under no circumstances will you be moving anywhere besides with me. We’ll work it out, but I will not go another night without you in my bed and in my arms.”

Angel went to protest, but a screech stopped her words.

“Holy fucking shit!” I spring out of bed and stand in front of Angel. The woman’s voice is smooth like honey and shit if she wasn’t pretty, but nothing like my Angel.

“Bella!” Angel moves so quick I’m not able to catch her and she lunges into Bella’s arms. She’s told me a little about her.

Angel releases Bella, her eyes widen as they make contact with me. “Hey.” I say and sit down on the corner of the bed.

“Well hello, G.T.” Bella’s sultry voice is intoxicating.

“I see you know me.” I smirk.

“Pictures. Casey showed me. But damn you’re so much bigger in person.”

“That’s what they all say.” I smile and Angel huffs rolling her eyes.

“And a dimple to go with it. Shit girl. You have got to take me to the club!” Bella turns grabbing Casey’s shoulders and my spine stiffens, eyes narrowing.

When Casey’s beautiful laugh echoes through the room, I allow myself to relax a bit. It’s been a long time since I’ve heard an actual carefree laugh from her. I love it.

“They’d eat you alive and no offense, but I’m not gonna be the one responsible for feeding you to the wolves.” Casey says coming back to her clothes.

“I don’t want all the wolves, just Buzz. And maybe his brother.”

“That can be arranged.” I move and perch myself at the head of the bed, resting my back on the headboard.

“Oh, I like him.” Bella says looking at Casey. “He’s a man who makes things happen. Love it!”

“Baby, you haven’t seen nothing yet. You come to the club and I promise a wild time.”

Casey clears her throat and glares at me. I hold my hand up in mock surrender giving her a full smile. “Not me babe.”

“Yeah. Right.” She mumbles going back to the closet. I am not letting that pass.

“Angel!” I yell sternly and she stops in her tracks and turns putting her hand on her hip. “There is no one but you, got it?” She nods her head, but she doesn’t believe it as she huffs back into the closet, and I know I’ll have to make her believe it.


I lay in bed reliving the conversation about us moving in together. I know it will happen again someday, but there is no way I will put myself in a position to rely on him. Not yet. Moving in with him is just not an option. He is going to fight me and it’s one thing that I’ll have to stay solid on. For both of us.

He has yet to fully understand and feel everything he needs to about Mia and what I did to him. When his feelings about Mia blow, I need to make sure I have a place that is mine. But I need to go home. Not just because of the lockdown and the club, but for me.

Would I feel different if Mia were here with me? Maybe. But she’s not and everything changed in the blink of an eye. Life shattered so fast and relying on G.T. to rebuild it, won’t happen. I can do this myself.

But I need to do it in Sumner, not here. Considering how my grades have slipped these past few weeks and I’m hanging on by a thread, online classes at home would be better. Maybe G.T. and I can work through everything and come out stronger on the other end. A woman can hope.

Rolling over to my side, I watch the slight rise and fall of G.T.’s bare chest, the sheet barely covering his lower body. I want to lick every single tattoo on this man’s body. From the tribal to the Ravage Club symbols lining his arms and chest. But I won’t wake him. He needs to heal and get his arm moving again. I slide out of bed quietly and head to the bathroom.

After finishing, I throw on a t-shirt and shorts and head to the kitchen. I need coffee. I wait for it to brew and grab my phone turning it on. It beeps instantly and I swipe the screen. A text from Jace pops up. I need to talk to you, please come to my place.

I reply. What’s going on?

The response is immediate. Come over please, I really need to talk to you.

I sigh. He’s been a really good friend since I’ve been here and helping me with Mia. I really do not want to fight.

I’ll be there in a couple minutes.

:) He replies.

I quietly go to the bedroom and put on some jeans and a bra to go with my t-shirt. G.T. is soundly snoring on the bed. Just the sight of him makes me smile.

I quickly scroll a note telling him where I am and leave it on the counter, then head out the door locking it behind me. The short walk to Jace’s apartment does nothing to ease my tension. I want him to be happy for me and not upset.

I quietly knock on the door and it flies open quickly startling me. He must have been waiting.

“Hey.” He smiles.

“Hey. What’s going on?” I question looking up into his eyes, they have a bit of a spark in them and I’m not sure what it means.

“Come on in.”

I step through the doorway and the click of the door sends chills up my spine. I’ve never been in his place before. He’s always come to mine and I never thought twice about it. His apartment is simple with the bare minimum of furniture. The kitchen is laced with pizza boxes and beer bottles, sort of reminding me of the club.

I stop in the living room. “Jace, what’s so important that I needed to come right over. I don’t want to fight with you.”

“I don’t want to either. I was just shocked when you said you were leaving.” He motions to the couch. “Please sit.” I do.

For some reason, I feel like I need to justify myself. “This is the best thing for me. I’ll finish school and I’ll work at the shop. It’ll help me work through all the emotions of losing Mia.”

“You can work through them here. You can’t just leave because of him.” His body language changes before my eyes. His body stiffens and his hands clutch his knees as if he’s trying to keep them in place. A chill runs up my spine, and I know me coming up here was not a good idea. Something is not right.

“I’m not leaving just because of G.T. I’m doing it for me. My family is there.” I begin to judge my distance to the door.

“How do you know what you need?” He barks and the hairs on my arms stand to attention. In all the time that I’ve spent with him, not once has he ever talked to me this way. I need to get out of here. Now.

I slowly rise from the couch and without looking away from Jace, I begin to back to the door. “Jace, you’ve been great and helped me so much. I’ll keep in touch with you. I promise.”

“You need to stop moving towards the door.” His eyes turn menacing, my heart pumps so fast it may just explode from my body. My chest constricts as fear washes through me.

“I’m going to leave, Jace. I’ll talk to you soon.” My feet move soundly to the door I reach back and turn the knob and nothing happens. Jace stands up from the couch and prowls towards me. Sweat begins to bead on my head, panic setting in.

“You’ll have to pull the lock on the top of the door and you’ll need two hands for it.” He smirks, but it’s not a comforting one.

His hands grip my shoulders quickly and I jump. “Why are you doing this?” I ask, my breathing labored the tightness in my chest constricting into pain.

“I spent weeks holding you when you lost that baby. Before that, months trying to show you what a great pair we’d make. Then suddenly one phone call with a trip home and you’re leaving? I can’t have that Casey. We are meant to be together.”

I breathe in deep, a feeling of dread laces me; this is not going to end well. My first response is to try to run, but I stop myself knowing he would be able to out run me and not only that, I can’t run inside his apartment, there is no way out and I need out. Thinking quickly to what Harlow would do, I lift my knee hard making contact with his nuts.

He grunts and releases me grabbing his junk and backing away. I quickly spin looking for the lock blocking the door. Jace’s hard body crushes me against the door as I reach up for the lock. I whimper at the impact, but begin elbowing him with everything I have, hitting him in the side of his body. I back up but he wraps his arm around my body pulling me to the couch, throwing me onto it.

His eyes are feral and nothing like the Jace I know, or knew. I move quickly, roll off the couch and get up to my feet to move away from him. Being on the third floor, a window escape is barely an option, but I will if I have to.

I search around for something hard to grab, but see nothing. He lunges for me and I move quickly out of the way, but my hair does not move with me as quickly. He grabs it pulling it tight to him. His grip is so tight and tears spring to my eyes.

I move my arms trying to hit him in any way that I can, but he wraps his arm around my entire body trapping them tight.

“You are mine, Casey. Not some stupidass biker that doesn’t give two shits about you. You’re coming with me.”

“No. I’m not yours! I’m going back to my apartment, Jace. Let me go.” I struggle again to get out of his grasp.

The laugh that escapes his lips is laced with evil rage. His body is wound so tight, I need to get out of here and come up with something, quick. I stomp hard on his foot with my heel using every bit of power I can muster. His grip loosens enough and I elbow him hard in the ribs. He lets go and I quickly move away.

“Casey, I don’t want to hurt you, but you’re leaving me no choice.” He growls and comes at me, but not with as much force as before and I’m able to side step him but stumble over one of his side tables. A small ceramic coaster falls to the ground smashing into a bunch of pieces. Thinking quick, I grab a shard of it that has a very sharp edge. Just as Jace comes at me I swing slashing him across the face.

I stumble up quickly; reach the door and a hand grips my arm hard. Without thinking, I swing the shard as hard as I can, landing it in his chest. With every bit of muscle I have, I turn and kick him in the stomach sending him stumbling back. I drop the shard and unlock the door throwing it open.

I run out the door fumbling for my keys, so I have them out and ready. I unlock the door as I keep looking back behind me to make sure he’s not following and thank God he’s not. I throw open the door, lock it and run into the bedroom faster than I ever thought I could run before. “G.T!” I scream with the last bit of wind I can muster out of my body. He jumps up out of bed and looks around quickly.

I throw myself into his arms, tears stream down my face. “What the fuck is wrong, Angel?” His arm holds me tight.

“Jace. He sent me a text and I went to see him. He…”

He pulls me away from the comfort I desperately need. “He what, Angel?” His voice is now menacing sending a shiver down my spine.

“He… told me that I was his and he was gonna take me away. He…” I lifted up the arms on my shirt showing him huge red marks that no doubt will be huge bruises tomorrow and my hands covered in blood. He moves quickly almost knocking me to the floor.

“Where the fuck is he?” He asks as he opens his bag. He reaches in and pulls out his gun, cocking it using his bum arm, even though he’s not supposed to.

“His apartment. Please don’t leave me!” I beg him.

He turns, looking me in the eye. “Angel. I need to take care of this. Are you hurt anywhere else?” His hand traces my bruises and I shake my head no. “He won’t hurt you again.” He hands me the gun. “He comes in here. You shoot. Don’t reason. Don’t ask questions. You fucking shoot him, Angel.” I nod. “I’ll be back.”

G.T. throws clothes on fast and leaves the room grabbing another gun and cocking it ready. I climb into my closet and shut the door. I fall as far as I can into the back corner and clutch the gun in my hand and wait.


I grab Angel’s cell off the counter as I walk past, dialing as I move.

“What’s up, Casey?” Cruz answers on the second ring.

“It’s G.T. Get up here now. Bring all the brothers.”

“On it. Details?”

“Guy that helped when Mia died tried to kidnap Casey. Going into his apartment now. Make it fast.”

“Got it.”

I place the cell in my pocket and move the gun to my good hand. I slip on my boots, open the door slowly and look all around the hallway, not seeing anything or anyone. I move to the door the asshole came out of earlier and try the handle first, it’s locked. I should pick it and make this clean, but fuck it. Standing in front of the door with my gun up, I kick in the door and it buckles at the top. Fucker must have some type of bar up there. I keep kicking until the door splits and enter looking quickly around.

The room is empty. “Hey asshole!” I yell. Looking around, the room is in disarray. A table is knocked over and blood is all over the carpet. She showed me that she wasn’t bleeding, so I’m glad it’s the fuckers blood that’s spilled. Pride surges through me at her strength.

I scope the room and listen, but hear nothing. I move without making a sound through the apartment checking every room. Nothing except blood trails from the living room, bedroom to the bathroom. Fucker is gone. But how the hell did he get out and put that fucking bar in place? I need to hurry. The cops have probably already been called, but we are lucky that none of the nosy ass neighbors have come running in.

I run to the windows. The one in the bedroom has a fire escape staring at me. I look down seeing nothing. If the fucker went out like this, he’s gone. “Shit!”

I look around quickly for items that are of use. On his desk sits a laptop, I grab it. Looking through the drawers, there are several flash drives and CDs and I swipe them too putting them in my pockets. A couple of spiral notebooks sit there and I grab them too, setting all of this on the kitchen counter. I open and shut all his drawers quickly and look through his closet. Nothing stands out.

The kitchen is the same, nothing flashing at me. Needing to get the fuck out of here, I gather all the shit and make my way back to Angel’s. I slip into the door and lock it behind me, sitting all the goods on the counter top.

I head to the bedroom. “Angel?” I ask when I don’t see her anywhere. The closet door slowly opens and a gun is pointed at me.

My eyes land on hers, relief fills hers and she lowers the gun. “Are you okay?” She asks walking out.

“Fine. He was gone.”

Her eyes widen and a gasp leaves her beautiful lips. “What do you mean? I stabbed him in the chest!”

“You stabbed him?” She rushes into my arms and I hold her tight, kissing the top of her head. She nods. “I’m gonna need you to tell me exactly what happened. Start to finish.”

She breathes in deep and everything spills out of her in a rush. My body is humming with murderous rage. My jaw is sore from clenching it so damn tight, but I welcome the pain. I’d do anything right now to take Angel away. I rub up and down her back trying to soothe her. But a huge part of me is pissed at her for fucking leaving this apartment in the first place. But I tap that down for the moment.

We sit on the bed and she crawls into my lap where I hold her. The sounds of sirens fill the air and her body stiffens. “I’m so sorry, baby.” I try reassuring her. “The cops are here. I expected it. You are going to stay locked in this apartment and not go out. You are not going to talk to him until I talk to the brothers. Alright?” She nods slowly. “I need to know everything you know about him, family, friends and work. And if you know where he could have gone?”

“No. His family is from here and his father owns Blankenship Enterprises. That’s where he works. He has friends named Alex, Jared, Ella and Joey. He studies business like me. Other than that, I have no idea.” Her body stiffens and her breathing picks up. “Bella. We have to get Bella here now. He’ll hurt her. He knows how much she means to me. He’ll hurt her!” She tries to get out of my grasp, but I hold her tight.

“Calm down. Call her and tell her to come over.” I hand her the phone. Her hand shakes, but she’s able to call.

When the roar of bikes rattles the walls, she immediately stands.

“You called them?” She asks looking out the window, no doubt seeing the bikes and the cops, one big happy fucking family.

“Hell yeah. Shit’s about to get messy babe. I will find him, I promise you that.” I kiss her rough on the lips and head out to the door, her soft footsteps following me.

I slip my boots on not bothering to tie them and open the door. “I’ve gotta go out and get them. Stay here. Do not open this door. Not even for the cops.”

“Okay.” She clutches on to the gun that she hasn’t let go of since I gave it to her.

“Lock this.” She nods and I rush out to meet my brothers who made excellent time.

Walking out into the sunlight, I blink my eyes adjusting them. I pass several cops who eye me suspiciously, but I head right to my brothers. Pops, Becs, Cruz, Dagger, Zed, Rhys, Tug and Princess get off their bikes moving towards me. “What are you doing here?” I bark at Princess quiet enough for only her and the small group before me to hear.

“Relax. I came to settle Casey. Not get involved in this shit. What apartment?” I give her the number and watch our large black cage pull up behind them, Buzz and Breaker piling out.

“I’m going up.” Princess says, gives Cruz a kiss and leaves.

“What’s going on son?” Pops asks.

“Let’s go upstairs. We’ll talk there, too many eyes.” The guys look around, they’ve drawn an impressive amount of attention, eyes are solely focused on all of us including the cops. They nod and we turn to go in the building.

“G.T.!” is screamed across the parking lot and only one other woman knows I’m here. I turn quickly to see Bella running towards us.

“Who the fuck it is that?” Dagger chokes out.

“Bella, Angel’s friend.”

“Holy shit.” He growls and I can see why. Not only is she pretty fucking hot, her tight shorts and tank top leave little to the imagination.

Bella slows and takes in all the guys staring at her. “Come on.” I say breaking the spell.

She shakes her head. “What’s going on?” She asks coming up to me. “And these must be the brothers.” She waves her hands at the guys who grin.

“Yes. Brothers. Get in the apartment and I’ll tell you all what’s going on.” Some of the guys take the stairs while others ride the elevator. I put the key in the door and open it wide. I’m met with two guns pointed at my face. “Fuck girls. It’s just us.” Princess puts hers down and Casey launches in my arm. I pull her tight to me.

“Casey, what the hell is going on here? Why all the cops?” Bella asks stepping around us.

“Oh my God Bella!” She yells and throws herself at her. As the guys pile in, she hugs each and everyone one of them taking more time than needed to hug Becs and Tug. Becs I can handle. Tug needs to keep his fucking hands off my girl.

I pull her tight. “Give me the gun, babe.” I say quietly and for the first time since I gave it to her, she releases it to me. I retell the entire story and gasps from Bella continue to roll out of her mouth. Apparently, she didn’t see this coming either.

“We need to find him. Now.” I growl staring at my brothers.

Pops starts barking orders. “Buzz get on that laptop of yours and start searching. He couldn’t have gone too far. Dagger, Rhys, Tug and Becs make sure everything’s ready to go. The rest of us stay here with the girls.” Everyone leaves quickly to start their tasks.

Angel looks a bit shaken up still, but her color is coming back to her face along with some serious black and blue marks she’s going to be facing. The marks send fury through me and all I want to do is find the fucker and end him. And I will end him.

“What am I supposed to do?” Bella asks from the couch.

“When Buzz gets done, he’s gonna take you back to your place. You need to appear as if everything is just fine. If the cops pull you aside, you say you saw nothing and you heard nothing. You stick to that shit no matter what. You need to pack enough to be gone for two weeks.”

“No. I can’t leave for two weeks.” She begins to argue, but Angel cuts in.

“Bella. I’m sorry, but this is how it is. I need the guys to protect you right now. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with Jace, but he knows how much you mean to me. He will come after you. You’re coming with us.”

Her face lights up. “Like to the clubhouse?” Angel nods. “I’m in.” Bella smiles and Angel tries returning it, but to no avail.

“Here ya go.” Buzz hands me some sheets of paper. “Everything on Jace Andrew Blankenship. Down to his last time using his credit card. According to this, it was about thirty minutes ago about an hour away.”

I walk over to Angel. “I’ve gotta go with the guys right now.” I hand her back the gun. “He comes here, you shoot. Breaker will stay here with you and Buzz will be back soon.” I look at the three girls. “You all do what they say, got it?” I make sure to linger on Princess, who concedes.

“Yeah.” I hear in unison.

“Baby. It’s gonna be okay. I’m gonna take care of this so he won’t do this again. Alright?”

“Be careful.” She says quietly. I pull her up from the couch and crash my lips to hers, partially for me and partially to let every bit of feeling I have for this woman pour through. I love her plain and simple.

“Always.” I look at Princess. “Take care of my girl.”

“You got it.” She grins and cocks her gun.

I nod to Pops knowing my sister will protect Casey with everything she has.

“Let’s go.” He says and we all file out. Unfortunately, I can’t fucking ride yet, so I’m stuck in the damn cage with Tug. Not exactly the best place for me, but my adrenaline is pumping so fucking hard, I don’t think about it. I focus on finding the fucker and ending him. For good.
