Chapter 8

Jase punched the bag with a hard rhythm, his feet dancing, his thoughts swirling. Skin split on his knuckles, so he hit harder. Heavy metal music blasted from a stereo in the corner, and he was the only person in the basement gym. Three downed punching bags flopped over near the door, their leather mangled, their stuffing out. He’d have to buy Kell new equipment if he stayed any longer.

He’d left sweet Brenna in bed at dawn so he could run for a couple of hours before lifting weights and punching the bags. What in the hell had he been thinking to mate her? He’d stupidly thought he’d be able to do her a favor and leave town. Even now, hours later, his blood hummed for her. His fucking cock was ready to play. And something in the center of his chest hurt. Bad.

Blood sprayed as he slammed his hand into the leather.

The music cut off.

He stilled, turning only his head to see Conn leaning against the wall, arms crossed. The expression on his brother’s face reminded him of when Conn had tried to tame wild horses for a brief time. Turned out horses and vampires didn’t belong in the same vicinity.

But now, Conn was measuring how to talk to him.

That pissed him off beyond belief. “Turn the fucking music back on.” He began punching the bag again.

“No. You’re bleeding all over Kell’s gym.”

He stopped and turned. “What do you want?”

“I want to make sure you’re all right.” Conn rubbed his prominent chin. “I mean, after last night.”

Jase blinked. “What do you know about it?”

Conn rolled his eyes. “I can smell her all over you. Don’t be daft.”

“What is this, a slumber party?” Jase snorted, his shoulders tightening. “I don’t need to share, Conn. You’re going soft.”

Temper flashed through Conn’s eyes. Anticipation lit Jase’s spine. Then Conn snuffed out the fire. “I’m not soft, but you need to talk.”

Disappointment tasted like ashes. “I’m fine. We mated, she’ll be cured, I’ll get her skills, and now we have a good treaty with the witches. Simple as that.”

“Mating is never simple.” Conn kicked a barbell. A crease lined between his eyebrows. “Are you really going to leave her?”

The thought was a fist to the gut. His mind rebelled against leaving Brenna. “Of course. That was the plan, wasn’t it?”

“I thought that maybe after last night, you’d—”

“What? Fall in love and be cured? Be able to have a normal life so all of you could relax and stop feeling so fucking guilty?” The words spilled out of him, the venom burning his tongue.


He curled his lip. “Sorry. We fucked, I branded her, and it’s over. Deal with it, brother.”

Conn fixed him with a look that at one time would’ve made him think twice. “Don’t talk about Brenna like that.”

“She’s mine.” Jase lifted his chin, hating himself more than Conn probably did. “I can talk about her any damn way I want.” Even so, he glanced at the doorway, his breath heating. Nobody stood there, so he relaxed and focused back on his brother.

Amusement lifted Conn’s lip. “Who are you looking for?”

Heat filled Jase’s face. “Nobody.”

“Right.” The amusement slid into a full smile. “Keep telling yourself that.” Whistling an Irish tune, Conn sauntered out of the gym.

Asshole. Jase took a deep breath. He should probably check on Brenna. Jogging toward the doorway, he rushed past the elevator to the stairs. Climbing the many stories would be a good way to end his workout.

He arrived at the penthouse sooner than he’d expected. It was quiet, so he strode silently through to peek in the bedroom. The bed was made, and Brenna was nowhere to be seen. Okay. Turning on his heel, he wandered the penthouse, finally coming to a locked door behind the kitchen. He knocked, but there was no answer.

A locked door. Why would Brenna have a locked door? Well, they were mated now, and there would be no locks. Yeah, he was a bastard. A shoulder to the edge shoved open the heavy oak.

The smell of oil paint hit him first. Ah. Her studio. Curiosity propelled him inside. Bright light cascaded in from a wide wall of windows as well as skylights. Several half-finished paintings stood on easels. Rich, full colors exploded on the canvases. Sensual and erotic paintings of silhouettes caught in passion.

The woman was incredibly talented.

He reached for a sketchbook on a battered table and flipped open the first page. His face stared back at him, so much pain in his eyes he stepped back. When had she sketched him? Considering his face bore the ever-present scar, it had been within the last couple of days. His hands shook when he flipped the top closed. She’d seen him. The real him.

God. He had to get out of there.

His phone buzzed, and he absently pressed it to his ear. “What?”

“It’s Conn. We have a report of demons being in Dublin. Somehow they got word of the contractual mating.”

The world stopped. Jase’s head snapped up and his heart clutched. “They’re after me?”

“No. Our contacts confirm they’re after Brenna.”

Terror rippled through him so quickly he swayed. Where the hell was Brenna?

Brenna tucked her packages under one arm and skirted a mom with three toddlers. “Thanks for coming shopping today.”

Deb nodded, her gaze on the huge Christmas tree set in the middle of a mall. “Are you kidding? I wanted to hear all about the crazy, fanged sex you had last night.”

Brenna forced a laugh. The sex had been more emotional than crazy, but it had been wild. “I have to admit, my ass really hurts.”

“The branding?” Deb asked.

“It’s a marking.” And yes, her butt burned like she’d been branded with a cattle prod. Though the K marking was truly stunning—and perfectly placed on her left buttock.

“Same thing.” Deb set down her many shopping bags and stretched her neck. “Are you thinking forever now with the vampire?”

Brenna shrugged. Well, maybe. It could work out, right? “No. I’m not thinking forever.”

“Liar. I know you. No way would you have slept with him without some emotion, and now, you’re probably thinking you’re in love with him.” Deb shook her head.

“I’m not in love. But he’s got a sweet side. Deep down, he’s so hurt—”

“Stop.” Deb held out a hand. “Please don’t tell me you’re going to save him. That you’re going to be the one woman to get through his hard shell and make him whole.” The words were snarky, but the concern in her eyes was genuine.

Brenna swallowed. “I don’t know.”

Deb groaned. “I knew this would happen. Didn’t I say this would happen?”

“Yes.” Brenna wrinkled her nose. “You warned me.”

“Okay.” Deb frowned and glanced around. “By the way, how did you get loose without Coven Nine security all over you?”

Now that was a good friend. One who made her point and then changed the subject so Brenna didn’t cry. “Well, the CRAP group has been taken out of the picture, and Brenna’s Warriors are no longer a threat since I’ve mated. I’m free.”

Deb hopped once. “That’s wonderful. Those stodgy bodyguards were no fun.” She glanced at her watch and frowned. “But I have to go pick up the boys at practice. Do you want to come?”

“Nope.” Freedom rushed through Brenna like a warm breeze. No more bodyguards. At least for a while. “I need to finish shopping today.”

“Okay.” After giving her a quick hug, Deb sprinted out of the mall.

There was a time when Brenna had energy. Maybe now that she’d mated Jase, she’d get her spunk back. With a sigh, she turned to finish her shopping. Store after store, she added to her purchases.

Finally, she headed to the center of the mall.

She felt him before she saw him. Slowly turning, she faced Jase, who stood looking at her with pure relief. Heat slammed into her face. “Hi. What are you doing here?”

He took her arm, his gaze sweeping the area. The relief turned to absolute concentration. “You left without bodyguards.”

Well, that was romantic. “So?” She tried to tug free, and his hold tightened.

“So?” He lowered his face, his focus suddenly on her. “You don’t go anywhere without protection. Got it?”

Her breath caught at the fury in his words. Then her temper sprang to life. “I believe I explained I don’t take orders from anybody. Got it?”

He stilled, though tension all but vibrated around him. “Let’s go. We’ll discuss this at your penthouse.”

“No.” She yanked free. Who the blazes did he think he was? “I’m not done shopping.”

The hard smack to her ass shocked the hell out of her. Her mouth dropped open.

A couple of women passed, and one giggled to the other, “Somebody’s been reading Fifty Shades.”

Brenna closed her mouth, rage shaking her arms. A blue tinge of fire cascaded on her skin to be quickly snuffed out. They were in public. But had she almost created fire?

Jase jerked his head toward a bench. “Choose. Either we go now, or I flip you over my knee and beat your ass. Then we’ll go.”

Oh. He. Did. Not. More blue cascaded along her wrists, but she couldn’t hold the plasma. “I’d blow you up if I could.”

He grabbed her arm and tugged. “The bench it is.”

“No.” She dug in her heels. Panic constricted her airway. “I’ll go.” Then she’d teach him a lesson about bossing her around. Somehow.

“Good.” He changed directions and headed for the main exit.

She could either step in line or fall on her head. “How did you find me?”

“You left word at headquarters you’d be shopping, but you didn’t say at which mall.” Jase scanned the area, keeping her close. “We have squads heading to each one. I arrived here first.”

“I didn’t think I needed to leave my location.” The danger had been eliminated for her. A blast of energy smacked her between the eyes. She faltered. “What was that?”

Jase swore and stopped cold. “Demons.”

Fear blasted into her solar plexus. “There are no demons in Ireland. We keep them out.”

“They got in.” His jaw clenched, and he tapped an ear communicator. “Conn? I’m at the west end of the Farside Mall. They’re here.” He propelled them both into motion and toward the stairwell. “An exit to the north leads to outside parking. Backup is five minutes away.”

She tucked her packages against her ribs, fighting to keep up. “You studied the mall schematics?”

“On the way here.”

They reached the top of the stairs, and he stopped. His head lifted, his eyes going flat. “They’re up here, too.”

She yanked a gun from her handbag and tossed her packages toward the wall. Normal witches had a decent defense against the demons’ mind attacks because of the plasma balls, but she was useless in a fight right now. “I can’t create fire.”

“I know,” he said grimly, surveying the area. “What’s over there?” He pointed to a construction area blocked off by signs and strung tape.

“New stores moving in—they’re remodeling the area.”

“Good.” Taking her hand, he pulled her past the signs and under the tape. “We’ll lead them away from humans at least.” Then he tapped his ear. “Conn? We’re on the second level in the east wing. I sense three of them—maybe four.”

The oxygen in the air swelled, adding weight. Brenna struggled forward, her mind fuzzy. “They’re not attacking yet, but my head is beginning to hurt.”

He edged them along the roughly plastered wall. “Have you ever felt a demon attack?”

“No.” Her lungs heated, while the plaster scratched her hand.

“They’ll shoot horrific images into your mind, and then it’ll feel like a scalding blade is cutting your brain. The wound is not real, and you can push through the pain.” He drew a gun from his waistband and dodged into one of the empty stores.

She followed, sweeping her gun behind them. “Can you push through the attack?”

“Yes. After five years of torture, I can shield. Somewhat.”

Her ears rang. Adrenaline flooded her system. Rough walls and subfloor made up the octagonal room. Construction plastic hung from the ceiling, while toolboxes and flooring materials were scattered throughout. The smell of plaster dust tickled her nose, and she bit back a sneeze.

Jase pointed to a framed hole in the wall that would probably lead to dressing rooms. “Go in there and don’t come out until I get you.”

She shook her head. “You can’t fight three of them alone. I have a gun, and I know how to shoot.”

He whirled on her so quickly she stepped back, her ankle colliding with a stack of tiles. She would’ve fallen had he not grabbed her arm. His jaw firmed, his muscles undulated, and his eyes flattened to death. “Obey me.”

Her entire body tightened with awareness. With real fear. The vampire had morphed from man to killer within seconds. The hard face, she could handle. But the dead eyes? They broke her heart—while every instinct in her body screamed for her to run. Away. From. Him. So she nodded, and the second he released her, she scrambled toward the dressing rooms. But she stopped at the doorway, turned, and settled her stance.

The look he gave her chilled her bones.

Then the demons entered the room.
