Chapter 27

The lines of halogen spotlights came on and he crossed the concrete floor, the low cellar ceiling muting the sound of his footsteps.

On the other side of the small room he stood before a counter lined with his collection of surgical instruments. He surveyed the rack of scalpels before picking one out and examining its blade, eyes narrowing under the bright light glaring down from above.

With a deft movement he released the blade from the metal handle and disposed of it in a flip-lid bin that was spattered with specks of red. Then he lifted a small foil wrapper from a box labelled: Carbon steel. Sterility guaranteed if packet unbroken.

He tore the foil open, lifted out the new blade, fitted it to the handle and replaced the scalpel on the rack.

Shutting his eyes, he breathed in. Unable to escape the airless room, the coppery tang of blood hung heavy around him.

So many to choose from, he thought, opening his eyes and looking at the sheets of paper beside him. Women’s names, addresses, hopes and desires were all listed there. He lifted the top sheet and ran his eyes over the form.

Should he select one of these? After a few moments’ contemplation, he decided against it. None of them felt quite right. He wanted his next job to be really special. Something that would leave the crowds of imbeciles gaping with shock.

Another woman would come along soon. They always did. As he put the forms back his eyes shifted to the collection of human teeth in the test tube. The corners of his mouth twitched with anticipation.
