

"Not yet," Cupie said. "Drive into town; I got an idea that might buy us a little breathing room."

"Where do you want to go?" Vittorio asked.

"The police station."

"I want to get out of here," Barbara said.

"Of course you do, sweetheart," Cupie replied, "And I think I can make your trip a little bit safer. Don't park out front, Vittorio; make it about a block away."

Vittorio found a parking spot, and Cupie walked down the street to the police station. As before, he was sent to the rear office of the captain, who was sitting at his desk reading a girlie magazine.

"Buenos dias, senor," the captain said, immediately recognizing a man who had promised him a five-thousand-dollar reward.

"And to you, captain," Cupie said, taking a seat.

"We are looking for your shooting lady very hard," the captain said. "We have covered all the airports and border crossings."

"That's what I came about," Cupie said. "I want to withdraw the charges against the lady."

The captain's face fell. "But, senor, this is not so easy, you know. Much paper has been, how you say, pressed?"


"Many man-hours have been expended in the search."

Yeah, sure, Cupie thought. "I'm aware of that, captain, and my client is very grateful for your cooperation." Cupie reached into an inside pocket and came out with twenty one-hundred-dollar bills. "He has asked me to personally deliver to you this expression of his gratitude." He laid the money on the desk. The captain made a motion with his hand, and it disappeared. "Even though the woman was not captured."

"But she shot you, senor," the captain said, his voice trembling with outrage. "Surely, you cannot let such an insult pass."

"My client has made my honor whole," Cupie said, "and the lady and I have settled our differences."

"So, you know where she is?"

"She should be in New York by now, I think. Her husband sent a private aircraft for her, and I put her aboard it very early this morning."

"Senor," the captain said, "I hesitate to mention this, but I have had reports of two gringos in a Toyota SUV who caused a serious accident outside Acapulco yesterday. I wonder if you are aware of this?"

Cupie put on his most innocent face. "No, I have not heard of it," he said. "My partner is not a gringo but an Apache Indian. He and I are driving a Toyota, but it is a sedan, not an SUV. I do hope the occupants of this car were not injured."

The captain shrugged. "Only their pride," he said. "They are police officers, you see."

"Ah, any person would be very foolish who would cause an accident to police officers. Having been a policeman, myself, for thirty years, I can understand their displeasure. If you have a description of the two men, I would be happy to keep an eye out for them. Now that our work is done, my friend and I plan to spend a couple of days on the beach."

"I'm afraid I do not have a description, other than that they are gringos," the captain said. He stood up and offered his hand. "But this is not your problem, senor; we are perfectly capable of finding them without your assistance."

Cupie stood up and shook the hand. "I am very sure you will do so, captain. Thank you again for your assistance, and I hope that we may meet again on some more pleasant occasion."

"Vaya con Dios," the captain said.

Cupie strolled back to the car and got in. "I think," he said, "that I may have gotten the dogs called off. I gave the captain two grand and asked him to end the search for our lady friend."

"You think that will work?" Barbara asked from the rear seat.

"Let's give the captain an hour to give some orders and then make a run at the airport," Cupie said. "We've still got plan B, Tijuana, in reserve."

"I'm hungry," Barbara said.

"Do you think you can eat lying down?" Cupie asked.

"Find me some food, and find me a place where I can eat without being seen," she commanded.


"Let's look for a taco stand," Vittorio said.
